Digimon Fan Fiction / Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction / X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ Blindness & Anarchy ❯ Blindness & Anarchy 02 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
SEMI-SERIOUS NOTE - Usual dislaimer, which you can click to the first chapter to read. And I'll add that the lengths to these chapters will vary because I'll write when I feel like (in one sit) and post whatever I have up.

I won't explain myself, the story is just weird.


written by K-chan

Mimi laid in bed, staring up at the pink ceiling. The color was beginning to sicken her now, but after all, her girlish days of pink were finally over, at least that was what she realized years ago but she had been too lazy to do anything about a room make-over. Tomorrow, she would start her long overdue project, but what color now? Blue? No. Never blue. That would only remind her of him all the more, but would it be so bad? It wouldn't have before, but now was another matter.

Takeru Takaishi. He was three years younger than her, but age didn't make a difference to her when love was all that matter. Actually, at first it bothered her, but he pursued her with his whole heart and won her over with one of pure servitude, from breakfast in bed to a romantic bath in the evening. He was the perfect man, answering to her every need, and he respected her as a woman with a career while he, himself, devoted his time as a journalist for an international newspaper.

Five years was it? Had it been that long that they've been together? Did commitment ever occur to him? Ever to her? For being together that long, they should've been married.

But he liked apples, not oranges.

He didn't like oranges, but he accepted them because she liked them. Really though, the difference in fruit preference was not the problem of their relationship. That would be stupid. Well, she was stupid for falling back on it as a reason to get angry at him sometimes. Yeah, apple pie her butt. Why didn't they ever have orange pie? Of course, the name sounded weird, but it was just as good. Just last week, she made the most delicious orange pie! Takeru had refused to touch it, only because it had oranges, but Daisuke enjoyed it all the same. Her brother wasn't a picky eater.

With a sigh, she climbed off her bed and reached for her robe. There was no way she would get any sleep, so what was the best thing to do?

Make orange pie.

'Obsession' was too strong of a word, but it described her strange attachment to the fruit. In essence, she was quite similar to it. The tough skin that protected the core of the fruit, where its weakness of sweet sentimentality nestled itself, and everyone around her seemed to want that weakness, prying with their fingers or slicing with a sharp knife into her to get the most of who she was. They want to consume, drain her for all that she's worth until nothing was left but the remains of an outer shell... broken.

She did the same... digging her fingers deep into the orange skin and ripped it away to reveal the tender flesh with the juice bleeding onto her delicate hands. She stared at her hand with the sticky liquid dripping down to her wrist, soiling the clean robe she wore.

Her brown eyes glazed over until blind fury consumed her. She grabbed the knife laying to the side and began to cut the partially peeled orange into slices, which was not the correct way to create her orange pie but her mind was no longer concentrating on that goal.




The tears wouldn't stop. She was too angry; she just wanted him to pay for what he had done to her: ruin her innocent belief in true love. He left her standing in the rain with that one word, and now he was back telling her how miserable he was without her, how he finally understood what she meant to him. No, it was over! She had started her life anew, leaving behind the past of a tarnished, foolish girl who loved him completely.

"IT'S OVER!" she slapped him, tearing away from him, but he grabbed her by the wrists, forcing her to look at him. She shut her eyes, cutting off the tears, but he still held her there with him. "It's over... over..." she mumbled continuously, but he didn't care what her mouth said. Her body was speaking for itself, tensing under his grasp, and appeared eager for him to touch her, take her within his arms, and he did.

She was trapped against the counter with him in her way -- no way out of the predicament. She shuddered in anger, but as much as she wanted to hate him, she couldn't. Her first love... He WAS her first love. Not anymore. He had no right to come back and expect open arms to continue what they had.

Friends... They could've been friends, but every gesture had blurted out his intentions. His arms were teasingly weaving around her waist as she tried to struggle free, not wanting to lose herself in the memories and feelings of such intimacy again.

"Stop it!" she demanded, pushing her hands against his chest, as he buried his head into her luscious, long hair, inhaling her seductive fragrance that drove him wild. After a while, he realized she had loosen up and limped against him as if all her strength had drained from her body. He felt the wetness of her eyes seeped into his shirt and pulled back to see the lifeless face of his former lover. "Why?" she uttered, "Why are you doing this to me?"

The tears would never stop.

And he kissed her.

A long, deep kiss that would make all couples die with envy. A kiss of longing, burning with endless passion that only forbidden lovers could share. And that single kiss sealed their fates forever.

"PERFECT!" Gennai sighed happily, getting up from his seat, as the two performers slowly pulled apart from the kissing scene. "Mimi, you were great! An excellent performance today! You too, Yamato!" The man was too ecstatic at finally getting somewhere. Mimi seemed to be back to normal, showing them why she was one of the best, and Yamato was indescribable. It was like a perfect casting in bringing out the essences and intensity of the characters, and the man could go to the corner and bawl his eyes out at how euphoric he was. If rehearsals continued as it did, then they would be the talk of the city for years to come.

However the reactions around the stage varied, but all were speechless and deeply moved by the scene. The most notable expression was Taichi's wistful face. He was staring at the pair on stage, but his deep, chocolate eyes appeared to be looking through them. He broke away when someone tapped his shoulders. He looked over and saw his sister holding a cell phone to him, "Miss Catherine." He briefly panicked before stalking to a private area with the phone.