Digimon Fan Fiction / Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction / X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ Blindness & Anarchy ❯ Blindness & Anarchy 04 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
SEMI-SERIOUS NOTE - Are you sensing troubled characters? Sure you are! We all have problems, right? Enjoy their insecurities!


written by K-chan

"Ya know, the view's kinda nice here," he said, holding a pair of chopsticks in mid-air. The night scene of Tokyo Bay was breath taking sitting right on the harbor. He'd lived in the city for almost forever and just never realized the small things, like the serenity of that moment, before. He had been to absorbed in his work than anything, but at other times, he worried over his sister.

He looked down at the cup of lo mein and twirled the chopsticks in them, feeling helpless to do anything for his sister. He lost his appetite, the more he thought about her.



He was just that.

And so many times, he was rescued by her... from being bullied when they were children to arguments with their father. That day when he found his creative calling to become an artist and make a living from it, their father had forbade it, believing it was a 'gypsy's life' -- a life unclear and unpredictable, and definitely not becoming of a male Tachikawa. It had been the same lecture that befell his sister when she set her path on becoming an actress, but their father had not pressured her.

A double standard.

Life was unfair.

Life was hell.

But no matter how unfair, no matter how damned that hell would be for him... he still had Mimi, the only person to ever understand who Daisuke Tachikawa was.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?" his companion leaned over to him and smiled.

"Oh. Yeah," he chuckled and looked up. "Guess I'm full!" he lied and put the remaining food down, "but just enough for dessert."

Hikari giggled at the young man as he searched through the takeout bag for the fortune cookies that he considered as dessert. She turned her eyes away from him and tilted her head back to see the city skyline across the waters. It was truly a beautiful sight, much more attractive than it would be in the daytime, but beneath that heavenly beauty was a world of sins.

She raised her vision to the night sky and slowly drifted down as if she was following the hopeless fall of a once glorious angel. Wings torn and broken, never to be mended again. The light of the angel fading into the barren land; his life ebbing away to allow survival for others. An honorable sacrifice? Or mere stupidity?

And a city of opportunities grew from the wings of his downfall...

Only to have foolish mortals follow the same path...

And her brother was one of them.

"Here!" she heard Daisuke voice and looked down at the fortune cookie in his hand. "Don't look so glum," he smiled, "I'm not that selfish to eat yours too." She laughed and accepted it, turning her focus back on the skyline, as the two finished their dinner in silent companionship.

The water sprayed noisily from the shower head against the tiled bath floor, like a curse of a single, dreary cloud raining on a sunny day. Beneath the unfortunate drizzle would be the soul that was cursed to live forever in darkness and silence. Only the splattering sound of the water onto the tiles resonated in the small room, perfect for the young woman to sprawl herself freely.

Still clothed, she laid in dead stillness, only to blink the water droplets from her hazy eyes. The light source on the ceiling blurred in her vision like the sun that threatened to blind her, but she was safe... in the haven of her empty home, lying on the floor of her bath to let the water wash away her sadness...

To purify her soul...

Or perhaps fill the emptiness.

An emptiness conceived from one's existence.

In a single lifetime, that emptiness would disappear and be replaced by sensations of happiness, love, anger, disappointment, loathing, lust, everything that made a person feel... alive! To live, a purpose for every person in the world.

But then, being imperfect, being human, one lose sight of that original goal and fall...

Fall off the path and be consume by the burdens of life until that soul becomes empty once more.

Remember that ballerina, so poised and refined? Her simple, white bodysuit with the frills of tutu around her waist. Her dark hair twisted tightly in a neat bun, clipped back by white feathers. Her posture balanced on one leg like a dignified crane of pure innocence.

"I remember..."

The ballerina spread her arms across the air, like wings finding their reason to exist for the first time.

"'Flight of the Snow Crane'..."

Yes, it was a dance recital from her childhood. A promising one that would showcase her natural grace and set herself for a future where dreams and passions became one...

But her passion wasn't enough.

A weakness that broke her wings.

And she fell.

The bathroom screen door slid open, letting the gust of air rush in. Another woman stepped into the bathing area, gasping at the heart-wretching sight, and pity filled the room. She turned off the shower in silence and knelt down to the blinking woman finding some security in her steady breathing. "What are you doing to yourself?" she whispered to her fallen friend, brushing a hand across her forehead, "Tell me... Jun..."