Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ *~DiGiTaL iNsAnItY~* ❯ I am Flamon! I can travel through time and probably through someone's Underpants! ( Chapter 2 )
"I am Flamon! And I can travel through time and probably through someone's underpants"
NARRATOR: - In the last episode we found out that Junpei could eat his weight in Candy apples, that Duskmon is Kouji's brother and that all 5 fighters are no match for him...
...we also found out that Kouji looks sexy in novelty cowboy hats ^_^
Now after losing to Duskmon Takuya leaves the group in a huff...
KOUJI - (*shouting as Takuya leaves*) Well FINE! See if I care Takuya you can go to hell for all I care!
TAKUYA - (*as he disappears behind a bush*) Whatever!
It all goes silent and all that can be heard is the wind....
KOUJI - (*suddenly panicking*) ARG! Takuya come back!!!!!
As he runs to catch up with him Izumi grabs his shirt to stop him.
IZUMI - Oooooooooh no! This is your punishment for not telling us Duskmon was your brother sooner!
KOUJI - (*sulks*) Awwwwww man Kouichi spoils everything for me! This is JUST like the time he stole my Barbie and chopped its head off...
JUNPEI - ...Barbie?
KOUJI - Luckily he never got hold of my action man...
JUNEPI - Well at least you had some masculine toys
KOUJI - Well Barbie DID need a husband
IZUMI - What about Ken?
KOUJI - He slept with my teddy bear, Barbie wasn't happy so burned his things...and thanks to that I got 2 weeks worth of therapy!
JUNEPI - (*rolls eyes*) Geez! I wonder why?
KOUJI - Kouichi is still having therapy for the time he set our phone on fire!
IZUMI - (*letting go of Kouji and stepping back nervously with the others*) Er.... K?
Meanwhile Takuya is on a trailmon heading for home...
TAKUYA - (*to himself*)
Pah! Stupid Kouji! Thinks he's so great with his long hair, mysterious lonewolf attitude and that sexy sexy butt of his and... (*goes all daydreamy*)... and...that sexy butt...
DARK TRAILMON - You know talking to ones self is the first sign of madness!
TAKUYA: - Quite you...I'm trying to have yaoi fantasies!
DARK TRAILMON - Oh whatever...we're back in the real world now!
TAKUYA - That was quick (*shrugs*) Whatever...
Takuya gets off the train but as he does he suddenly changes from a human into a strange little creature, he looks up and notices that the trailmon in the station look a lot larger than usual...
FLAMON - Huh? That's strange! Everything seems a lot taller than I remember it! (*He looks into his digivice and sees his reflection in it...with that he throws the digivice in shock and scuffles away*) ARG! There's a gremlin in my digivice! (*He then stops panicking and picks up his digivice again, he looks at his reflection and sighs*) Great! How can I go home like this? Oh well...
Flamon picks himself up off the floor and leaves the station.
Meanwhile not far from the train station...
THERAPIST - So Kouichi how are you today?
KOUICHI - (*laid on a couch across from the therapist*) Same as last week jerk!
THERAPIST - Tut! Tut! How can a sweet child like you be so evil?
KOUICHI - Cos I just can!
THERAPIST - Now that really isn't an answer is it! Tell me your inner most feelings Kouichi...
KOUICHI - I don't really have the time to answer stupid questions like that. Anyway I started a fire in the car park, which I really should keep an eye on...
The therapist looks puzzled so stands up and looks out the window...then his face changes to utter horror!
THERAPIST - (*screams*) ARG! My Porsche!
With that the therapist runs out of the door in a panic. Kouichi just yawns and gets up off the couch.
KOUICHI - Guess I'll just be going home now!
With that he leaves the therapist building...as he does he notices Kouji walk past in the way of the train station.
KOUICHI - (*to himself*) I wonder where little Mr. Bandana is off to? (*Shrugs*) Guess I'll follow him ....
So Kouichi follows his brother close behind....
Meanwhile Flamon is stood outside the window to his home...
FLAMON - No WAY! T....T...that's..me?
Yes, for inside the house is Takuya with his brother Shinya and mother (*who's on the phone*)
TAKUYA'S MOTHER - (*speaking into phone*) Yes! Well that husband of mine BETTER hurry up home or I'll pack up the kids and move to Spain!
SHINYA - Tell him I'll disown him if he doesn't bring lots of presents for my birthday!
FLAMON - WOW! I must of gone back in time... cool!
TAKUYA - (* as the phone rings*) Ack! This thing is making noises! (*Text pops up on screen*) Huh? Do you want to start the game...yes or no? Hummm...yeah why not!
OMPHANIMON - (*in phone*) Whahahahahaha! You've now become my bitch Takuya Kanbara!
TAKUYA - Wha? How do you know my name? And what do you mean by bitch?
FLAMON - Heh? Maybe I should stop myself from going on this damn adventure and I won't turn into this little gremlin digimon in the future! (*Thinks*) but then again...how can I possibly deprive myself of ... (*goes daydreamy*)...Kouji!
Takuya suddenly runs out of the door...so Flamon decides to follow!
Meanwhile Kouichi is still following Kouji... when suddenly his phone rings so he answers it.
KOUICHI - You've reached Kouichi's flaming hot date line... how may I help you?
CHERUBIMON - (*Through phone*) Do you like scary movies, Whahahahahaha!
KOUICHI - (*Not looking at all interested*) Nah! To boring!
As he says that he watches the Grim reaper cut someone's head off with his scythe... blood flies everywhere but kouichi's expression doesn't change.
CHERUIBIMON - Oh...er...okay then I guess you'll do fine for my master plan...
KOUICHI - (*yawns*) Whatever!
CHERUIBIMON - Just go to the train station... follow that kid with the bandana... he's going the same way as you...then catch the dark trailmon...
KOUICHI - Sure! Fine!
With that he hangs up and continues to follow Kouji.
Back with Flamon he's following Takuya down the street, as they do they pass that guy and his son playing football...
MAN: - "Wanna get a McDonalds after this son?"
BOY: - "YEAH!!!! Me like Ronald Macdonald, he does funny things on the Internet!"
MAN: - O_o;;
Then the mans phone rings so he answers it as he watches Takuya run by.
MAN: - "Hello? (*Pauses*) "YES YES! I know he was supposed to be back to you at 4 but you NEVER let me see him...(*pauses*) ...well sue my ass I don't care..."
Suddenly the man watches the football roll past him and past takuya. Takuya catches up with it and it stops in the middle of the road.
TAKUYA: - (*Playing with the football*) "I'm the greatest! I'm the best! I have a stick for a wife! I'm DAVID BECKHAM YEAH!!!!!"
FLAMON - (*watching Takuya*)
Gee! I never realized I was such a jerk
Just then the truck comes down the road and Takuya just stands there watching it.
Oh damn!
Flamon pushes takuya out of the way just in time...but ends up getting run over by the truck himself.
FLAMON - (*squished on the road*) Eugh! I'm gonna feel this tomorrow!
TAKUYA - (*To the truck driver*) Hey! What time is it?
TRUCK MAN - I dunno I can't tell the time... (*Sulks*) I'm time illiterate!
TAKUYA - Whatever!
Takuya runs off down the road. Flamon quickly picks himself up off the floor and follows.
On the train takuya and Flamon sit down to catch their breath then notice a whole bunch of mobiles going off. They then spot...
...him! The love of their life!!!!
His long black hair, that adorable bandana, the...um...attitude? It's Kouji!!!!
Kouji is looking at his mobile then turns around as he can feel takuya undressing him with his eyes. (*Sniggers*)
Takuya's phones goes off to so luckily that breaks the awkward moment :p but not so luckily is that now the evil phone wants takuya to go somewhere else again in speedy Gonzales time!
TAKUYA: - (*reads*)
AGH! Get your bitch fine ass to the 6pm subway at Shibuya station!...Bitch fine ass?
Takuya looks around and spots that it's 5:54pm on some guys watch (*hey! It could be wrong*)
TAKUYA: - (*standing up and shouting at the top of his voice*)
The train arrives and Takuya and Flamon get off and Takuya looks around.
So where is this Subway thingy? (*As he wonders he sees Kouji past by in slow motion who then disappears into the crowd*) Damn! He's pretty fine!
Takuya runs and eventually sees kouji getting into a lift.
He's not getting away!
He runs towards the lift and dives in as the doors close. As they close Kouichi runs up to them but just misses.
KOUICHI: - Damn! I'm always upstaged, (*Gets out his lighter*) that's it I'm setting fire to the lifts (*Looks at the lift display showing what level the lift is on*)Or I could just go down the stairs Whahahahaha! Can't get away that easily twin brother... Whahahahaha!
As Kouichi runs off laughing evilly to himself Flamon jumps in front of the lift and tries to get it open.
FLAMON - ARG! Open Damnit! I need to keep an eye on the past!!!
The doors suddenly spring open so Flamon jumps through them...only for the doors to close on his tail.
FLAMON - (*His eyes watering in pain*) This is the LAST time I go back in...time! Junpei can do it next time...
With that he manages to pull his tail loose of the doors and slide down the cables of the lift...burning his hands as he does.
Meanwhile Kouichi is bombing down the stairs trying to get to the level his brother was heading to... but suddenly he trips over his own feet and falls down the stairs landing head first into ...
...a manure heap!
KOUICHI - (*pulling his head out of the compost heap*) What the...? Who in the HELL keeps a manure heap in a railway station?
With that Kouichi looks suspiciously at the man stood by a cart, which on the side reads, "Hank's discount Manure"
HANK - (*Looks at Kouichi nervously*) What kid? I've been banned selling this everywhere else in Japan... this train station is the only place I haven't been booted out from...
KOUICHI - Geez! I wonder why? (*Suddenly realizes something*) Damn! I need to catch up with my twin brother!
With that Kouichi begins to run again...only to trip up and once again land head first into yet another pile of manure.
KOUICHI - (*Looking up*) This is defiantly one of those days! (*Gets out lighter once again*) That's it! I'm gonna burn this stuff!!!
HANK - (*Shouting*) Ack! Kid NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
..............LONG PAUSE...............
KOUICHI - (*Covered in burns and looking pretty dazed...as do the people around him*) Oh, now I know not to try and light a fire using exploding manure...
Kouichi then collapses in a heap on the floor.
Back in the Lift...
KOUJI - (*Sniffs the air*) Huh? That's a strange smell...smells like...burning manure...
FLAMON - (*Who has somehow gotten inside the lift now*) Pah! Ain't me... (*Sniffs himself*)...oh wait!...It could be me...
Suddenly the lift begins to speed up and Takuya looks out the window.
BANG!!!! The lift slams to a stop and the door opens, Kouji is pretty much unscaved, Takuya is sat on the floor rubbing his head and Flamon has landed in an awkward position on his neck.
TAKUYA - (*still rubbing his head*) Owie! Owie! That's gonna bruise tomorrow!
FLAMON - (*sarcastically*) Oooooooooooh! A bruise...I'll be lucky if I can WALK!
Kouji ignore Takuya's whining and runs out of the lift, takuya just watches him leave.
TAKUYA: - (*Sigh*) Such a sexy butt!
FLAMON - (*sigh*) Tell me about it!
Suddenly all the trailmon begin to leave as Takuya just stands there.
FLAMON - That's it!!!! Kouji is WAY to important to miss out on...I shouldn't deprive myself of that! ...oh and then there's all that saving the digital world stuff... So Takuya go! Go and get your guy!
With that Flamon pushes Takuya. Takuya just looks around looking confused... but then runs off and catches one of the trailmon while Flamon catches the dark trailmon.
DARK TRAILMON - So did you like your little time travel adventure that I sent you on?
FLAMON - It sucked complete ass!
DARK TRAILMON - (*sigh*) That's what they all say!
The Dark Trailmon soon arrives in the digital world and as Flamon steps off he suddenly grows taller and becomes Agnimon.
AGNIMON - (*Looks at his reflection in his digivice*) All RIGHT! Agnimon's back and now nothing can get in my way!!!!! YEAH!
Agnimon steps forward... but directly in front of him is a rake which, when he steps on it, flips up and hits him on the face.
AGNIMON - (*Grumbles*)
TAKUYA - The author is too lazy to do episodes 23 through to (*counts on his fingers*)… 30…
KOUJI - So just does episode 31…
TOMOKI - Awwwwwww… but I kicked some fire ass in episode 25…
IZUMI - …ack! Stop your whining Tomoki (*Hits him over the head with a frying pan, Tomoki falls to the floor unconscious*)
JUNPEI - (*As he and the others look down at Tomoki*) Heh! 'bout time someone did that!
TAKUYA - Next time on Digimon Frontier "Gonna wash those Trailmon wagons!!!" Keep watching!
TOMOKI - (*Sitting up rubbing his head*) Wha…what happened?
Takuya just whips out a frying pan and hits him over the head knocking him unconscious again.
So what did you think? Disappointed that there were no actual underpants in the story? Or are you just shaking your head in pure disgust at how I made cute widdle Kouichi-Kun fall head first into that manure heap :p Hehehehehe! (*sneaks off*)