Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ *~DiGiTaL iNsAnItY~* ❯ Duel Monster wannabe Lucemon SM! It’s Time to Duel! ( Chapter 17 )
"Duel Monster wannabe Lucemon SM! It's Time to Duel!"
Okay in the last episode the gang went up against the oh so ugly looking Lucemon FM but pretty much failed… then Kouichi went and saved them all…by dieing… kinda… O_o;; Yeah….and he was Naked…. (*Gets a rather strange smile on his face*) …oh just get on with the next episode already!
JUNPEI: - WOW! Takuya and Kouji have become one!
BOKOMON: - Yeah we've already covered that chocolate boy!
SUSANOOMON: - Ready to fight lucemon or are ya scared out of your little insane mind…
LUCEMON FM: - Ha! Not really Susanoomon I'm just thinking what a good bitch you'd make after I defeat you and make you my bitch slave…
SALAMON: - HEY! You keep your hands off him you Myotismon wannabe; He's my bitch DAMNIT!
LUCEMON FM: - Make me little dog thing
SALAMON: - Why you little… (*Starts trying to head for Lucemon FM but the other digimon are holding her back*)… Lemmie at him! Lemmie at him! PUUUUUUUUUPPY POOOOOOOOOOOWER!!!!
Bokomon just slaps her over the head and she shuts up and pouts.
SALAMON: - But I wanted to kill the demon angel thing…
SUSANOOMON: - Oh well better get this start….
Lucemon FM then starts pummelling into him.
TOMOKI: - Oh owie! That looks like it could hurt!
IZUMI: - He's sure not doing well…
JUNPEI: - Well what do you expect… we've been on a losing streak for a while now…
LUCEMON FM: - Ah! Your boring me…time for my favourite attack… HIKARI…(*Throws a ball of light down which hits Susanoomon*)… to YAMI… (*Throws a ball of darkness down making Susanoomon be trapped in that…roulette…thing*) Hahahahahaha! Now this is way fun!
IZUMI: - Oh well they're doomed… if they die I want Kouji's bandana…
JUNPEI: - No way I want that…
TOMOKI: - Can I have Takuya Onii-Chan's hat…?
IZUMI AND JUNPEI: - (*Shrugs*) sure… (*Continues to fight over Kouji's bandana*)
Inside Susanoomon….
TAKUYA: - Well this just sucks ass…we're naked in a digimon and we're losing the battle… on the bright side this is kinda like digimon tamers…
KOUJI: - Yeah (*Pauses then freaks out*) Why won't this thing WORK DAMNIT! Oh Kouichi sacrificed himself for nothing…poor Kouichi-Chan
KOUICHI:- (*In Flashback*) … Kouji…you must promise me you'll see my mother once you return to the real world…
KOUJI: - (*Sniff*) I promised Kouichi and I'll make sure our insane mother is safe from evil demon angels like Lucemon…
LOWEMON: - (*In Flashback*) Well this is it my friends and brother… I don't think I'll be bothering you from now on unless I come back to haunt you all…
TAKUYA: - We promise your strange and sudden sacrifice won't go to waste Kouichi… even though I hated you…really hated you…
KOUJI: - Wow! I didn't know you hated my brother that much…
TAKUYA: - Ah `tis true I hated him more than I hated my aunt Sammie's random skunk Soup…
KOUJI: - ……
TAKUYA: - It's half one in the morning…the author is writing this…. That explains the last line I said ^_^;;
The Roulette thing explodes and Lucemon FM Laughs…
LUCEMON FM: - Whahahahahaha! Look at me…laughing insanely… I'm so great…I destroyed some chosen children; I did what no other digimon has done before I…
JUNPEI: - (*Points up above him where Kouji and Takuya are suspended in the air with the spirits around them… and they're naked… but that's nothing new *lol*) Er…don't celebrate yet Angel demon Myotismon thing…
LUCEMON FM: - What the…? I thought for sure I'd killed them (*Pouts*) Great now I have to try again…once I stop guaping at the random nakedness…
IZUMI: - O_o;; Oh what IS the point of nakedness if you don't get to SEE anything of true importance…
TOMOKI: - (*Looks innocent*) And what would that be?
Izumi just hits Tomoki over the head and the boy falls unconscious. Takuya and Kouji then fuse back into Susanoomon.
SUSANOOMON: - Heh! Lets get this over with already… (*Takes out that big sword… laser cannon thing whether it is and cuts through the dark area plus Lucemon FM*)
LUCEMON FM: - Owwwww! Hey that hurts freak (*Digicode starts showing around him*) Oh great now you've made all my digicode show… I really hate you now… well at least my hair is still in tact…
SUSANOOMON: - Er…yeah whatever! (*Holds up his hands and the two D-Scanners appear in them*) Now in honour to kouichi I'll do a useless Digicode scan scene… for you are a really bad little demon angel with no life now I will scan your code and it will go into my two D-Scanners…DIGICODE SCAN!
LUCEMON FM: - (*Struggles to get into a pose*) I…must…get…into…a …heroic pose…(*Gets into one where he's knelt on one knee and holding his arms up in the air*)…best…death…ever…
Then vanishes. His digiegg flies up into the sky the explodes Whahahahahahahaha!
Susanoomon separates back into Kouji and Takuya and they're all happy!
KOUJI: - More us…
BOKOMON: - YAY! Finally lucemon is gone and we can be so happy happy happy!
NEEMON: - (*To Bokomon*) Will you marry me?
BOKOMON: - Yes! I will! (*Both hug*)
PATAMON: - (*Rolls eyes*) Oh please…
NARRATOR: - And so Lucemon was defeated and this narrator was free from the grips of Toei FOREVER!!!! WHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!
KOUJI: - Actually… it's not over yet, that dark digiegg we've not noticed before now has grown a lot!
NARRATOR: - DAMNIT! WHY CAN'T LUCEMON DIE AND DO US ALL A FAVOR!!!! (*Sulks*) I'll be in my trailer…
Suddenly the egg hatches to reveal Lucemon….
TOMOKI: - (*Points and screams*) DUEL MONSTER MODE!!!!!
AUTHOR: - Ah, it's Satan mode but close enough!
TOMOKI: - Now where did I put my Duelling deck (*Pulls it out of his trouser pocket and holds up a card*) GO! SUPER DARK MAGICIAN!
KOUJI: - Super…dark magician…?
TOMOKI: - (*As Super Dark Magician appears before him*) Yeah…he's like the dark Magician only…super!
KOUJI: - (*Rolls eyes*) Riiiiight….
Lucemon SM swipes once at Super dark magician and it explodes. A small counter beside Tomoki goes from 2000 to 0.
TAKUYA: - You…don't do well in Duel Monster tournaments at home, do you?
TOMOKI: - Well…no, but I have all five pieces of exodia in my deck…
Kouji looks at Tomoki's deck over his shoulder.
KOUJI: - Those aren't the exodia cards tomoki…(*Takes one card out of the deck*)…and this isn't even a duel monster card…it's just some random woman in a bikini….
TOMOKI: - It's my fan made Duel monster card…I make them for the other kids at school and they give my candy in return! Some of them aren't even wearing bikini's Hehehehehehe!
KOUJI: -_-;;
JUNPEI: - I'll give you a chocolate bar for the one Kouji is holding…
Junpei gives Tomoki a chocolate bar then he takes the card from kouji's hand.
JUNEPI: - I'll just be taking that…
KOUJI: - Like I want to keep it! I'd rather see takuya in a bikini…
TAKUYA: - YAY! TAKOUJI! (*Hugs Kouji really hard*)
KOUJI: - The author just made me say that to make up for the lack of Takouji recently…
TAKUYA: - (*Rather happy*) Eeee! I don't care its still takouji!
KOUJI: - (*Gasps*) Okay Takuya…I can't breathe now…. And your crushing areas I never even knew existed…
TAKUYA: - (*Not listening*) Kouji loves me…ladala…
LUCEMON SM: -Okay are you guys done yet!?! I'm on a VERY tight schedule here, I gotta get this black orb thing I'm holding to the real world and take it over and such…
JUNPEI: - (*Holding up his card*) Pah! I think this fan made duel monster card of an almost naked woman is more important than you taking over our world buddy!
Suddenly the random woman appears and blows a kiss to lucemon Satan Mode.
LUCEMON SM: - (*Screams and flies off to the portal leading to the real world*) ARGH!
IZUMI: - Guess he's shy of almost naked girls…
TAKUYA: - That's it! We have to teach that Yami Lucemon who's boss… now we must believe in the heart of our digivices!!! ARGH!!! (*Holds up his D-Scanner as if something amazing will happen… only resulting in a few random annoyed coughs from the others*)
KOUJI: - Right… and while your doing that, we'll spirit evolve…
TAKUYA: - Heh! Right! (*Looks serious*) It's time to DUEL! (*Everyone else just groans and falls over anime style*)
They all spirit evolve and fly off after Lucemon SM and eventually they all find themselves in the train station where they first started their adventure YAY!
AUTHOR: - Shut up you or you'll be getting' some of `dis…
BLITZMON: - (*Looks confused*) Some of…what?
AUTHOR: - (*cries*) I don't know…
BLITZMON: - Riiiiiight (*Whipsers to the others*) I'm so glad the next episode is the last one…
ARDHAMON: - (*Points up above them*) Look at that! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's…
FAIRYMON: - …the ceiling
ARDHAMON: - ^_^;; I knew that…
CHAKMON: - Look there goes Yami Lucemon lets kick his ass guys… for our friends…
BEOWULFMON: - …for my brother…
BLITZMON: - …for random people everywhere…
FAIRYMON: - …For our world…
ARDHAMON - …and for Pizza pies! Yummmie!
ARDHAMON: - (*Sulks*) Why does the author pick on ME when she's insane…
AUTHOR: - Cos your so darn easy too pick on…
ARDHAMON: - (*Sighs*) Whatever…lets just go…
So they all fly off after lucemon SM and fire random attacks at him which don't work cos whatever they blow off grows back.
Everyone looks at him.
BLITZMON: - Well kouichi isn't here…. Someone had to say it…
Unknown to them a strange little fetal bug thing is watching them in the black orb Lucemon SM is holding.
LUCEMON LARVA: - Whahahahaha! Those children try so hard and get so far…but in the end…it doesn't even matter…(*Looks smug with it's self cos it just used Linkin Park Lyrics… :p*whacks Lucemon larva over it's fetal bug like head*) Owie that hurt! Anyway as I was saying those kids have no chance in stopping me the TRUE evil mastermind…. For I am the evil LUCEMON LARVA!!!! Whahahaha! Now Satan Mode! BLAST THEM!!!! BLAST THEM GOOD so I can laugh and gloat a lot about killing them! WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
So lucemon SM turns around and blasts the kids with some random dark attack making the kids fall to the ground….
TAKUYA: - Well the next episode is the last for both Frontier and the whole digimon series…
JUNPEI: - Hey? Do you think the producers will let us take the props since they're not using them anymore?
IZUMI: - I don't care if they will or won't I'm taking these with me… *Tries to shove patamon, Salamon and lopmon in a small bag as they try to struggle for freedom*
TAKUYA: - Anyway in the next episode we fight Yami Lucemon and it's little fetal bug like…thing…and that's pretty much it…
KOUJI: - (*Bursts out crying*) What about my Kouichi-Chan!?! (*Grabs Takuya by the shirt*) Will he live? WILL HE!?!
TAKUYA: - Hell I don't know… all I know is what the producers give me scribbled on the back of beer mats from the bar they go to every night…
JUNPEI: - (*Snatching the beer mat off Takuya*) Ahhhh, so that's why there's a phone number on the back of here… (*Reads it off*)…"If you want a good time call 555-IAMASEXYANIMEKITTYPLEASESTROKEMY FUR…" Erm…I gotta go (*Runs off to the nearest pay phone*)
TAKUYA: - Whatever… next time on Digimon Frontier it's "Between Evil Corrupted Angels and Random Homicidal Tick Type Insects!" Make sure you catch this thrilling final episode!
KOUJI: -_-;; Thrilling…I wouldn't call it that…
TAKUYA: - Oh just shut up and kiss me…(*Jumps on top of Kouji knocking him over…the others just stand around and watch*)
JUNPEI: - (*To Izumi*) Bet you two chocolate bars they can last without air for five minutes…
IZUMI: - Your on!
Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! `tis two in the morning and I'm all giddy…Heheehhehehehe!