Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ *~DiGiTaL iNsAnItY~* ❯ Between Evil Corrupted Angels and Random Homicidal Tick Type Insects! ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Just a Quick Note: Some of the end of this refers to things that happened in the episode 22 parody so I advise you to read that one first if you haven't :p

"Between Evil Corrupted Angels and Random Homicidal Tick Type Insects!"

In the last episode Susanoomon actually beat Lucemon FM…but only for him to turn into a bigger badder Yami version of himself, lucemon SM, then the kids are defeated by him and this little fetal bug thing…
…Oh who cares! It's the last episode and I'M FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!
(*Runs out of the door like a lunatic…then gets run over by a truck as he crosses the road*)
…Oh should of seen that coming -_-;;

So we ended the last episode with all the Digimon Hybrid getting their Digimon hybrid bootays kicked by Lucemon SM who just fired some random dark attack at them! Hehehehehe!

The group them land on the floor, de-spirit evolve and get those funky data rings around them.

TAKUYA: - Argh! Damn…it…

Suddenly a bunch of random shadows appear and turns out it's Bokomon and the "Family"

BOKOMON: - ARGH! What happened here!?!

KOUJI: - We lost…what's it look like…

Bokomon then slaps Takuya around the head.

TAKUYA: - OW! What was that for? Are you trying to make my headache worse?

BOKOMON: - Yes! *Slaps him again* and that's for leaving us behind and making us get here by ourselves…

PATAMON: - Pah! You need the exercise…

BOKOMON: - Don't talk to your elders like that!!!!

Just then the elevator falls right in front of them squishing Bokomon in the process.

TAKUYA: - Ha! And that's for being major pains in our ass…*No reply from bokomon*… erm…. Bokomon…B…bokomon *Pokes him with a stick*…Oh dear… well never mind…

BOKOMON: - ACK! I'm alive! Just get me out from under here!!!!

TAKUYA: - (*As the other digimon pulls Bokomon out from under the elevator*) Pah! Well I'm going back up there, that stupid yami lucemon ain't gonna get the best of Takuya Eugene Kanbara…*Everyone sniggers*…What?

JUNPEI: - Your middle name is…"Eugene"? XD

TAKUYA: - Yeah…so? It was my Grandmother's suggestion…

JUNPEI: - Yeah…. Fair enough….EUGENE!

Everyone falls about laughing…except kouji who has his kawaii serious face on. Then takuya gets all pouty faced.

TAKUYA: - FINE! Be like that…now instead of bravely and stupidly going back to fight Yami lucemon I'll just go over here by the elevator and SULK!

IZUMI: - fine by us EUGENE!

TAKUYA: - (*crouches by the elevator*) You're all so evil…

KOUJI: - Oh come on guys that's enough…this is no time to joke about his middle name…

JUNPEI: Awwwwww…. So cute he's sticking up for his boyfriend…

IZUMI: - Imagine this "Mr. Kouji Takuya Eugene Kanbara" Hehehehehe!

KOUJI: - You guys are heartless and terrifying… (*Walks off leaving the others confused*)

JUNPEI: - Heartless I get but…terrifying…?

TAKUYA: - (*Crying now cos the plot calls for it*) Whaaaaaaaa! Life is so dull and dark, so evil and…er…evil, we can't even defeat one little corrupted angel….

PATAMON: - (*Holding up a piece of rope with a noose tied on the end*) Here you can have this… I was gonna use it for myself but I think you need it more than me…'tis a cruel little world and we're all gonna die anyway…

BOKOMON: - (*Slaps Patamon over the head*) Stop trying to drive the chosen children to suicide…

PATAMON: - >_< ARGH! SOMEONE has to kill themselves in this show before it ends!!!

?? - Takuya….

TAKUYA: - Wha? Who's talking?

Takuya turns around to see Agnimon stood behind him. All the other human hybrids are also stood about.

TAKUYA: - Wha? How? When? (*Pauses*) Oh great! I've gone insane…just what I need…

KOUJI: - Erm…I think we all have… oh well would of happened sooner or later anyway…

TOMOKI: - YAY! Cute teddy bear! (*Huggles Chakmon for random reasons of cuteness*)

CHAKMON: - (*Pushes tomoki off him*) Hands off the fur kid!

AGNIMON: - You all have to pull yourselves together and become one and …other stuff… bleh I ain't good at motivational speaking…


Suddenly the 3 rookie angels glow to reveal their mega forms…

CHERUBIMON: - Yes you must save both worlds and save my wardrobe of expensive dresses…

SERAPHIMON: - I'd rather we all die….

OPHANIMON: - So will you play the game my Bitches!?!

TAKUYA: - Yeah! Yeah! We'll play it… but just cos we have nothing better to do…Now we all must become one…

Random remarks of "Do I really have to become one with her/him/that random alien thing" can be heard from the others.

TAKUYA: - Ah don't worry it's just for a little while…

EVERYONE: - Oh okay… (*Holds up their digivices*) ANCIENT SPIRIT EVOLUTION!!!!!

And they all turn into Susanoomon. Inside they're all stood facing outwards in a circle…
…and they're all naked YAY!

TAKUYA: - Awwwwww man! How come I don't get to stand naked next to kouji…

KOUJI: - Oh I have a feeling I'll be describing this to my therapist when I get back home… -_-;;


JUNPEI: - Er…whatever… O_o;;

So they all go after Lucemon SM and they fight and fight and fight then the kids see lucemon Larva in the black orb thing sitting back and watching his soaps. So susanoomon flies into the black orb thing…blah blah blah…

KOUJI: - What the bloody hell is that thing…?


LUCEMON LARVA: - I ain't a tick…I am the powerful, fearful LUCEMON LARVA…HA! (*Does the best pose it can for being a tick*) DAMNIT! I AIN'T A TICK!!!!

TAKUYA: - Sure look like one to me…Lets get this over with already!

With that Susanoomon punches Lucemon Lava right in the middle of it's pathetic fetal bug like forehead causing the black orb to explode…now in the digital world Lucemon SM is left defenceless and orbless… HA!

SUSANOOMON: - Time to end your reign of pathetic terror… (*Slices Lucemon SM with that big sword of light Lucemon SM cracks up and all the data returns to the digital world.*)

SUSANOOMON: - DAMN! I am just that GOOD!

BOKOMON: - YAY! Our world is saved!

PATAMON: - Pah! Don't be all excited too fast…

BOKOMON: - Huh why…?

LUCEMON LARVA: - You can never defeat me ARRRRRGH!

Lucemon Larva attempts to attack Susanoomon but doesn't really do very good since he really doesn't have any well-developed limbs yet…
…for a tick.

LUCEMON LARVA: - ARGH! For the last time I AIN'T A TICK!!!!

With that sunsanoomon ejects the kids from him and they watch as each of the human hybrids come out of Susanoomon and take a swing at Lucemon Larva.

LUCEMON LARVA: - ARGH! I can't believe I've just been beaten! Oh well I'll just come back next season just like Myotismon did and try again…

TAKUYA: - HA! Jokes on you, this is the last EVER season of digimon (*Pulls a face at lucemon Larva*)

LUCEMON LARVA: - Oh…………. Crap….

With that he explodes as the others cheer.

IZUMI: - Finally the Myotismon fanboy is gone!


TAKUYA: - (*Turning to Agnimon*) Hey thanks for the help guys…you really got us out of a few tough spots and it was great to work beside you…y'know the usual you have to say at the end…

AGNIMON: - Nah we should be thanking you… you saved our world…

TAKUYA: - No no no WE should be thanking YOU

AGNIMON: - No honestly we should be thanking you

TAKUYA: - No we should …. (*Kouji puts his hand over Takuya's mouth*)

KOUJI: - We except your thankyou…..^_^;;

Suddenly all the digicode from their digivices goes and flies back to the digital world restoring it.

TOMOKI: - Now how are we gonna get back home…?

JUNPEI: - Good question…

FAIRYMON: - Oh that's easy… (*All the human hybrids throw the kids into the portal Lucemon had opened.*) …bye bye now…

BOKOMON: - (*As the kids disappear into the portal*) Thanks for all your help but….DON'T YOU EVER COME BACK HERE AGAIN YOU WEIRD FREAKY MISFITS! YA HERE ME! DON'T COME BAAAAAAAAAACK!

TAKUYA: - Ha! Yeah, like we'd want to :p

The kids then completely vanish. The digimon all-just stand around for a while, being really quiet….

BOKOMON: - So…what now?

BLITZMON: - YAY! Lookie! Lowemon is trying to melt Chakmon with his lighter…


They all go and watch leaving the smaller digimon on their own.

PATAMON: - Whahahahaha! Finally! The humans have left!

SALAMON: - Now we can put our plan into action!

BOKOMON: - Huh? What plan?

PATAMON, SALAMON AND LOPMON: - (*All looking insanely evil*) To take over the digital world! WAHAHAHAHAHA!

BOKOMON: - (*Turns to where the portal had been*) ARGH! COME BACK! WE NEED YOUR HELP AGAIN! COME BAAAAAAACK!!!! (*Looks sad*) Oh…fiddlesticks….(*Looks around to see they're still pretty much floating in the middle of space…*) …how are we gonna get back now…?


Meanwhile…. In the portal Kouji's digivice beeps and Lowemon's image appears on it.

LOWEMON: - Kouji! Kouichi is still alive!

All the others around Kouji curse randomly behind him.

CHAKMON: - (*Off screen*) Lowemon, can I take this lighter out of my mouth, it's burning me!

LOWEMON: - Go to him Kouji and fulfil your koukouish dreams…. (*Image disappears*)

KOUJI: - Eeee! Did you hear that? My Kouichi-Chan is still alive!!!!

TAKUYA: - (*Crosses his arms and pouts*) Humph! Stupid Kouichi, he can't even die right….

KOUJI: - Are you gonna be in a bad mood all the way home now?

TAKUYA: - (*Turns away from Kouji*) I'm not talking to you….

KOUJI: - Well fine then…



TRAIN ANNOUNCER: - Shibuya! Shibuya! This is Shibuya station! Please get your asses off the train before we boot you off and send our rabid guard dogs after you….
…have a nice day…

At Shibuya Station the lift opens and smoke pours out to reveal the five kids looking slightly dazed.

TOMOKI: - ARGH! The light of the real world hurts bad…

JUNPEI: - Oooooh! I smell a hotdog stand….

Junpei is about to run off when Takuya stops him.

TAKUYA: - No first we must find Kouichi…

JUNPEI: - Awwwwww…. (*Pouts*)…why do I have to sacrifice a good meal for that homicidal maniac…

TAKUYA: - Cos it's important to Kouji… (*Points to the stairs*) …he went that a way…

Takuya runs off with the others following close behind… as they run down the stairs they all suddenly trip up and…
…land in a pile of Hank's discount manure at the bottom…the police officers just look up at the kids now stuck head first in it.

POLICE OFFICER ONE: - We really gotta get Hank banned from here…maybe then kids wouldn't land head first into his… products…

HANK: - Ya can't ban meh from `ere… I ain't gots no where else to go… and what about meh cow Daisy…

DAISY: - Moooooooooo!

Just then all the kids pull themselves out of the manure. Kouji calmly brushes himself off before suddenly grabbing Police Officer two by her clothes.


POLICE OFFICER TWO: - (*Not looking impressed*) If you mean the boy who exploded some explosive manure here then he's at the hospital…

KOUJI: - (*Turns to the others*) Everyone! To the Hospital, stat!

He runs off…only to trip and land head first into another pile of manure…

HANK: - (*As a not very pleased kouji pulls his head from the manure pile*) That's Daisy's favourite pile, ain't that right Daisy?

DAISY: - Moooooooooooooooo!


Meanwhile…in the hospital….


Everyone in the hospital panics as, indeed, Kerry weaver is killing everyone with her walking stick…
…in the trauma room random doctors and nurses are stood around kouichi who's looking rather dead.

DOCTOR: - CLEAR! *Zaps kouichi with the defibulator thingy*

NURSE: - He's still in Vtac…

DOCTOR: - What in the HELL does that mean woman…?

NURSE: - I dunno…. They say it like on every episode on E.R…

MALE NURSE: - (*Looking rather happy as he hold up some random plastic toy for all to see*) Lookie! I got a random plastic toy in me coco pops…wheeeeeeeeeeeee!

DOCTOR: - (*Shaking his head in disbelief*) Oh you just can't get the staff these days….

Kouji and the others quickly make their way down the hallway of the hospital, dodging random chairs and walking sticks that are flying about as the E.R staff fight for their lives against the insane Kerry Weaver. They then burst through the doors of the trauma room…

KOUJI: - KOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUIIIIIIIIIICHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!! *He runs to his brothers side and looks at his dead looking face* Argh! Kouichi, it's me…your brother…I came back to see you my wonderful lovely insane brother…please…you can't be dead….(*Tears fall from his face*) …kouichi…

A tear falls on koucihi's forehead and something happens as Kouichi's eyes chance.

KOUICHI: - Kou….kouji…

KOUJI: - Wheeeeeeeeeee! Your alive!

KOUICHI: - Peh! I wasn't even dead! I was just playing dead so I could get shocked by the defibulator thingy…. (*Looks at the doctor who is stood in pure shock beside him*)… HEY! Did I TELL you to stop shocking me!?!

KOUJI: - (*Hugs Kouichi as tight as he can*) I'm just glad you're alive…

KOUICHI: - Ooooooh! This is better than the defibulator….

The kids digivices turn back to their phones…but that ain't important….

IZUMI: - Oh well…this is then end… (*Everyone is silent and fidgeting awkwardly as the koukou brothers hug each other*)…I'm gonna go find some random cute doctor to flirt with…

JUNPEI: - I'm gonna go find the cafeteria…

TOMOKI: - (*With a huge innocent smile on his face*) I'm gonna go to the morgue and talk to dead people!

With that all three walk off…Takuya just watches them leave then looks at the happy twin brother far gone in kawaii koukou land…

TAKUYA: - (*Pouts and sighs*) I'll go too… no point to stay around here…

As Takuya turns to leave the room Kouji calls for him.

KOUJI: - Takuya come over here for a moment….(*Takuya walks over to the twins*)… since I love both of you I thought it would be cool if I dated both of you…then we can all be happy…

KOUICHI: - Fine by me!

TAKUYA: - Me too! ^_^

Then they all hug…. Awwwwwwwwww……

KOUJI, KOUICHI AND TAKUYA: - And we all lived happily ever after….

DOCTOR: - (*Still looking confused*) Where did I put my prozac…?


TAKUYA: - (*Voice Over as he is shown celebrating his little brother's birthday*)
I finally got to celebrate my little brother's birthday…my dad was late, he came home drunk and he didn't bring a gift…
…my mum says she's moving us to Spain next week..
…sucks ey?

IZUMI: - (*Voice over as she prepares pasta for her friends*) I made pasta for everyone at school and they were all my friends…
…then they all got food poisoning -_-;;

JUNPEI: - (*Voice over as he walks home in the rain with friends*) All the guys at school now really like to hang about with me and they let me borrow their umbrellas and everything…
…but I swear they all have crushes on me now…

KOUJI: - (*Voice over as he gives the flowers to his step-mother*) I can finally call my step mother just mother…I gave her the flowers and she loved them…
…then I kicked my dad in the groin for lying to me about my real mother and keeping Kouichi a secret from me…bastard!

KOUICHI: - (*Voice over as he introduces Kouji to their mother*) My mother was really happy to see Kouji and quit her sugar addiction cos of it…
…I'm still burning things and I'm still seeing the therapist…
…yesterday I set his office on fire (*Gets happy stars in his eyes as he giggles insanely*)…hehehehe!

TOMOKI: - (*Voice over as he plays football with two of those freak kids*) Whee! I have friends now… but Teppei and Katsuharu still stick my head down the toilet at school they say it's what friends do…
…so I did it to the class hamster cos we're friends…
…the school caretakers are still looking for it in the pipes of the school to this day…some say it mutated into a mutant hamster and roams the school at night…

ALL 6 KIDS: - We all met by chance and turned each other insane…we hope you have enjoyed Digital Insanity…

KOUICHI: - Now time to set Toei on fire! Heheehehe! (*Runs off with his lighter in hand*)

ALL THE OTHERS: - (*As they run off after him*) ARGH! NO!!!


So that's it…the end… you may all be released to roam free once more! Whahahahaha! …ah, it's not that funny …(*walks off*)