Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Digimon Fairytale ❯ Trapped! ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Davis spent his evening at home, playing video games. Jun thought it was crazy how he could just sit there like that instead of go and find a steady girlfriend. “Honestly squirt, I just don't get you.”
Davis looked gruesomely at his sister and said, “Whatever… like I could care any less about finding a girl.”
Jun put her hands on her hips, “Really? Not even that girl… what's her name… Carry? I'll bet she would like you if you learned to clean up your act a little.”
“Her name's Kari!” Davis snapped, “And I have tried to change, but she doesn't care.”
Jun decided to just leave and let her brother be miserable.
As Davis continued to play his game, he really felt upset. It just wasn't fair. He was the bravest, and most unstoppable of the Digi-Destined. He never quit when hope seemed lost, it was his words, and his strength that helped everyone beat Maylomyotismon, and still he was treated as if he was someone else's doormat.
No popularity. No recognition. He still couldn't even impress Kari as she always took TK's side in arguments and rooted him on during gym classes. Who could blame her, he couldn't even make-up a decent story for class… but that was all due to a lack of inspiration.
Even all his great adventures in the Digital-World were all old news; everyone had heard of it before and knew how it went. They needed something new; something that involved more than just battles and excitement.
“Like maybe even a rescue story?” he thought to himself. He had at times before tried to think of one of those old fashioned stories where he was a brave night and rescued Princess Kari from the clutches of evil… but that all had to be scrapped. Even Kari didn't like that idea when he blurted it out loud during the battles with Ken.
Davis' Nintendo guy lost his last life, and he got a “Game Over.” He let his control fall and his head fall in shame. “I'm worthless.”
The next day…
Kari looked a little sleepy as if she had been up all night. When TK asked, “What's wrong?”
“I'm just worried about Davis.” she said. “I began to wonder why he can't write stories well or find inspiration, and… well… maybe it's because of me.”
TK was confused, “You?”
Kari nodded, “Maybe I have been a little hard on him, you know, teasing him a lot, and after all he did for us way back then.”
She gazed over at Davis who was tapping his pencil with one hand, tapping his head with the other and queer look of writers-block on his face as he started down at his empty sheet of paper.
TK didn't think so, “I think he's just trying to crave for attention.” He said, “Like the time he thought that Veemon Digivolving to Champion would impress you and Gatomon.”
Kari giggled slightly, but her mind was then back on Davis and what she could do for him. Sadly, she couldn't think of anything, until it was during a reading session in the book-club that she got an idea.
“Maybe… I can help Davis study, alone.”
“What you mean… like a study date?” asked TK.
Kari explained that at least she and Davis would be alone together so maybe he'd cheer up a bit, and she'd try and help him after all the times he helped her and others in graver situations. “Think of it as some sort of repayment.”
TK had a feeling it was a good idea, “Just as long as Davis doesn't try and mess it up.” he thought silently.
However, as the book-club began to break up, the two boy volunteers asked Kari and TK if they could help out with something in one of the back rooms. Kari and TK agreed, unaware they were walking straight into a trap.
As they walked into the dark room the door behind them slammed shut and was locked tight. Kari and TK both gasped and then candles were lit and they saw two Bakemon appear. “Now, children of Hope and Light, we have you in our grasp.” said one of them.
Kari felt frightened, but TK stepped forward. “What do you two want with us?” he demanded to know. “Answer me!”
The two Bakemon sniggered, and then the second Bakemon hovered towards them holding a simple white-book that had no title. “We want the Digital-World.” He told them, “But capturing it is impossible with Hope and Light always blocking out evil forces!”
The other Bakemon nodded, and hissed, “So our only option is rid you two from both worlds so that you might never again block us out.”
The second Bakemon opened the book wide and a bright light began to flash and Kari and TK began to feel funny as they could feel themselves being sucked into the book. The Bakemon then shut the book tight and laughed wickedly. “They are gone.”
“Yes… they are.” said the other Bakemon, “You are certain that nothing can ever get them out of there.”
The first Bakemon snickered, “There is however one way, but I doubt that they can do it. Even their precious hope and light won't save them from the horrors that await them.”
TK woke up to the feeling of something tapping its cold nose against him. TK realized it was a horse, and not just any horse. “Pegasusmon?”
“Fancy meeting you here TK.” his friend said to him, “So they got you too.”
TK was confused and as he tried to get up he felt like he was carrying an elephant on his back, and no wonder, he was wearing a full suit of gold armor, a shield on his left arm and a sword sheathed on his back.
He also looked around and realized that he and Pegasusmon were standing in the wilderness of a forest. “Where am I…?” he wondered.
Kari woke up and rubbed her head. “Oh! What hit me?” she said. Then as she got up, she realized she was wearing a blue gown, a pink sparkly tulle scarf, and a silver Tiara on her head.
“Huh?” she gasped, she ran to the nearest door, but it wouldn't open. There was also another door at the other end of the room, and when she ran out, she realized that she was up in the tallest tower of a huge castle. “Oh, no… please don't tell me.” she said softly, and then she called out over the miles around. “HELP! PLEASE HELP ME!”