Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Digimon Fairytale ❯ Make it happen Davis ( Chapter 8 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
It was already dark in the real world, and Izzy had reported that the situation in the Digital-World was growing far worse. Luckily, Tai and his gang were able to enter the Digital-World on free time, and began to do battle with all the Bakemon that covered the Digital-world, but as long as Hope and Light continued to remain down, the Bakemon would never stop coming.
For each one Tai or any other group member destroyed, there were always two more waiting to take it's place. “We can't keep up like this much longer. Find the others… NOW…!” Ken said as he read Tai's latest email.
Yolei never felt so scared and helpless in her life. For the first time ever, she realized how much Kari and TK's crests… not to mention Davis' super fighting spirit were needed so badly. “There's only one place left we haven't checked.” Yolei said. “In that locked room at the library.”
She grabbed Ken's arm and began to pull him along. “But Yolei… the school's bound to be closed by now!” Ken said to her.
“I don't care…” snapped Yolei. “We've got to get to the bottom of this somehow.”
Davis was pacing round his open cell in the dungeon still trying to figure out how to bring himself to full power. As it was explained to him; one who possess vast amounts of courage, and one who believed in the story would be able to set things right…
Davis had the courage; believing strongly in saving his friends, but still… “How am I supposed to believe in a story?” he asked allowed, “GAAH… I never liked reading my video-game manuals that much.”
“Sounds like someone's lacking inspiration.” said a voice from the door. Davis looked up and saw Angewomon standing out in the corridors with a broom. Obviously she had been ordered by that evil Baron to sweep the whole castle like the slave she was.
“What do you mean?” Davis asked her.
Angewomon explained to Davis that he was lacking inspiration, meaning he had nothing to think about to help him come up with ideas. “You do play video games, but those only give you very little things to work with.” She said to him, “Don't you have anything else that really gets you thinking.”
Davis shook his head, “Nah… I never had much of a knack for writing.” he said. “All I'd ever come up with were kiddy stories where I'd be the knight and Kari the princess… yadda-yadda… blah-blah-blah… pretty corny huh?”
Angewomon had to admit, “Yes, it is… and I wouldn't be surprised that you'd think that way about Kari and yourself… but that is a great idea.”
Davis felt confused. “What? Get real!” he said. “Those stories are just baby-talk, and fantasies that won't come true.”
Angewomon shook her head, “Wrong Davis…”
She explained to him that it didn't matter what a story was like, as long as it made sense and that if it had a great plotting. In Davis' case, it would be an adventure where he'd risk his life to save the girl of his dreams… “Davis… I think you're inspiration is closer than you think it is.” replied Angewomon. “I doesn't matter what other people may think. If you think it's good enough for you… then you can't give up.”
Davis began to realize that she was right, but before he had a chance to thank her or anything, Angewomon's chains began to shock her again. She cried and screamed in pain, and then she vanished into thin air, obviously being punished by the Baron for consulting with a prisoner.
“Angewomon…!” Davis cried. “STOP IT!” he called loudly. “LEAVE HER ALONE…!”
Angewomon looked as though she was going to explode in a ball of fire. “UGH…! BURNING IT HURTS!” she screamed.
Davis' anger was boiling inside of him. This was Kari's Digimon being hurt, and Davis began to think how bad Kari would feel if Angewomon was destroyed in a world where she couldn't reconfigured. Ideas began to soar through his mind the more he though about Kari… “I SAID… LEAVE… HER… ALONE…!” he roared as his powers began to flare up brighter than ever before, and he managed to break the chains off of her.
Angewomon gasped in relief and in shock that Davis was able to actually set her free. “Davis… you did It.” she cried. “You believed in your own stories.”
Davis looked down at his hands and thought deeply, “I did…?” he asked, and then he realized. “I did!” He finally discovered that no matter how much he would try and hide it, his friends were his inspiration… especially Kari, who by far inspired him the most.
He now discovered his full power. “I'm ready…” he told Angewomon who offered him a fast ride up to the throne room. “I'm going to end this story the right way.”
Up in the throne room, both Ex-Veemon and Pegasusmon were shackled and chained to the walls, and TK was locked in a cage hanging from the ceiling, unable to reach his weapons, or break free.
All the guards and the executioner were all gathered around to witness their master ready to take the Princess, Kari, as his wife immediately. The Baron was laughingly deeply as he moved near his throne and was ready to crown Kari, replacing her silver tiara with a mighty golden crown and claim her as his wife… thus sealing his power over the land.
Kari was unable to move or go anywhere, and the crown was only just centimeters from her head when, “Freeze…!” called a voice. Everyone turned and saw Davis standing along side Angewomon at the entrance to the throne room.
“Davis…! Angewomon!” cried Kari.
“Hey, way to go Davis…” added TK.
The Baron however was not impressed, as he turned and starred gruesomely and said, “Don't be a fool, boy! You've lost!”
Davis stepped forward, “Look… I still don't know what this is all about, and I don't know who you are.” He sneered. “But even if this is a story or not, if it's fight you're looking for, you're messin' with the wrong dude… because when it comes to battles that concern peoples lives… I NEVER LOSE!”
“Kill him…!” ordered the Baron. The Executioner growled and moved forward to attack, but Davis blasted him right in the heart with a power-zap, and the executioner was digitized.
“He did it…” Pegasusmon muttered in amazement. “He took out the Baron's most powerful henchmen.”
All the guards were angered by this and tried to gang-up on Davis, but with his powers, Davis digitized them all in only a few shots. Soon, the room was nearly empty.
“Alright, Davis…” cried Ex-Veemon.
Davis smiled at the others, “Is it over…?” he asked.
Kari smiled but then, “Davis, watch out!”
Davis turned just in time as the Baron cast a barrier that pinned Davis to the walls. “Ha, ha, ah, ah, ah…! The story isn't over unless all the characters die. Heh, heh, heh… and I'm still here.”
Davis just lay there, stuck to the wall unable to move or defend himself. “Davis no!” cried Kari. “Come on, man! You can't quit on us now!” added TK.
The Baron approached Davis slowly with the executioner's mace in his hand, plotting to kill Davis. “You should read the story, boy… unless you know how it ends.” he hissed. “Heh, heh, heh…!”
Davis looked through the barrier at Kari and finding more inspiration helping him to believe, “But this isn't just a story…” he said to the snickering Baron. “This is my story… and when it's my story…”
His body suddenly began to glow with a mystical light as the barrier around his ceased, and the Baron was shocked. “When it's my story… I can change the ending.” Davis said.
The Baron was backing away from Davis as he tried to blast him with all his own powers, but Davis had finally unleashed his full and true magic, and the Baron's powers were useless. “No…!”
Davis had the Baron trapped as the man fell down into his throne and Davis poised his finger at him like a gun. “You… are… outta' here!”
“No…” cried the Baron and Davis fired right at the Baron's body causing him to slowly digitize. “AAA-AAAAAH…!” He was gone, and all the prisoners were set free. Also, the spell cast over the land had lifted…
The people in the towns got all their goods, and money back, the forests no longer thrived with man-eating monsters. Once again, peace was regained.
Davis shared a hug with the girls and high-fives with the guys. Kari even pecked Dais' cheek. “Davis you did It.” she said to him.
“It's all over…” added Angewomon.
Suddenly, the world around the friends began to go dark as the world around them disappeared, and they all seemed to plummet into the blackness.
Somehow, Yolei and Ken managed to get in the school, and into the library. Now they were both readying themselves to rush into the locked door and hopefully break it down. “Okay… ready Ken…”
Ken nodded, “On three!”
“THREE!” they both yelled, and they rushed for the door, and just as they neared it and braced for impact the door flew wide open causing them both and the other five to collide into each other and pile in a mess on the floor… CRASH!
“Glad… to see… you guys…” Yolei mumbled from the bottom of the pile, but no one answered her.