Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Digimon's Story ❯ Final-Chapter 17 ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Behemoth quit following me! I swear, go back to Beelzemon! You belong to him, not me!" Skadumon hadn't realized she was being followed until she had turned around. She didn't know motorcycles could be so quiet! Skadumon spun around and started to point at her stalker.

"Damnit! Leave me alone already! Can't you tell I want some time to myself?!" She balled her hands into a tight fist and shook it at Behemoth.

"I'm warning you! I will not hesitate to blow you to smithereens!" Behemoth just sat there clearly not shaken by her threat. Skadumon huffed and placed her hands on her hips.

"Oh, I get it! You think I'm not much of a threat cause I'm a rookie! Is that it? Well think again pal! I can digivolve to Champion and mega if I wanted to!" Still it sat there, not moving an inch. She sighed and gave up. Behemoth and Beelzemon were one in the same. Stubborn and very stupid. She turned around and started her walk again.

"Great. There's a pink blob eating the city and I'm stuck with a possessed motorcycle! What next?" Then Skadumon was shot in the shoulder from behind. She screamed and turned around. There was this BIG green thing right behind her! Skadumon held her shoulder and backed up slowly.

"I just had to open my mouth....." It was about to shoot at her again when Behemoth drove over in front of her. She didn't waste one second and hopped on.

"Ya remember when I said not to drive so fast?" She looked at the monster who was towering over them both, "Well I changed my mind! Drive like as fast as you can!!!" Skadumon gripped a handle bar tightly as her other arm laid limply at her side. Behemoth just sat there as the green giant powered up a blast. Skadumon was becoming frantic.

"What's wrong?! Don't tell me you ran out of gas or somethin'!!!" Just as the thing threw the blast, Behemoth burned rubber, and she meant BURNED rubber. It took off, doing a wheely for a few seconds and sped off, leaving skid marks behind.

"WOOO!! YEAH!!" Skadumon grinned at how much distance Behemoth had covered in just twenty seconds! She turned her head and saw the D-Reaper again. She couldn't see anything else except that! It was so large and it seemed to be a bit closer then before. They drove into what was left of the city. They were passing up some TV's, showing the news and things like that, when something caught her eye on one of them. Even at the speed they were going, Skadumon could have sworn that she saw Beelzemon!

"Behemoth! Stop!!" She was ignored. Skadumon growled.

"Damnit! Stop you piece of crap! If you don't I'll jump off!!" Skadumon got into position for the leap when Behemoth came to an abrupt halt, causing Skadumon to fly off and land smack dab in a thorny bush.

"GAAAHHH!!!! OW! OW! OW!" She jumped out and started to jerk out all the thorns from her body. She glared at Behemoth.

"You stupid piece junk!" She stomp over and gave Behemoth and good kick. Skadumon howled in pain. She grasped her foot and hopped around. She limped back over to the TVs and looked at each one until she found one that showed a pink globe that was placed between two tall buildings. Thats when she saw something inside it. Skadumon looked a bit harder. It WAS Beelzemon! He was pressed against the inside wall!

"Oh jeez! Oh jeez! Behemoth! We gotta save Beelzemon!"


"Damnit! Let go of me!" Beelzemon twisted and turned against the fat and slender cords that held him tightly against the wall. One minute he was on the outside, blowing a hole into the brain of the D-Reaper, trying to get to Jeri when these cord-like things shot out and wrapped themselves around him, pulling him in. Now he was trying desperately to free himself so he could save both Jeri and Calumon!

Beelzemon was about to give up hope when he felt something hit the bubble, causing it to shake. He looked around, trying to find what it was. He felt another impact next to him this time. He squinted his eyes as he tried to make a out a figure on top of a building. It took him a few minutes to see who it was. It was Ombremon and Behemoth!

"OMBREMON!" He shouted.


Ombremon raised her hands again, bringing another three grenades up. She made a circular motion with her finger and the grenades formed a circle in front of her. Then she flung her hands forward and the grenades began spinning as they sailed into the bubble causing it to shake again, but still not enough to crack it.

"Damnit! What's wrong with this picture Behemoth? At this rate I won't have anymore ammo left!" Ombremon was about to lift some more when she saw Beelzemon slide out from the bubble.

"BEELZEMON!" Beelzemon flew over to the building, only to be tackled by Ombremon. He started to choke.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're alright!!! I'm-" She stopped in mid sentence and quickly got up, blushing. Beelzemon took a few deep breaths then turned to look up at Ombremon. He propped himself up on an elbow and smirked.

"Don't say it..."

"I knew you couldn't resist me. I don't blame ya. I mean who wouldn't? I'm a handsome mega with a kick ass motorcycle!" He got a hard kick in the stomach as a reply.


"You're such an asshole ya know that?" Beelzemon got up and rubbed a his stomach.

"Yeah, but that's what make me so irresistible!" He struck a pose. Ombremon rolled her eyes.

"So what were you doin' in there????"

"I was tryin' to save....." Beelzemon trailed off and screamed.

"JERI!! OH GOD!!" He jumped off the building and flew toward the bubble. Ombremon ran to the edge and watched. Beelzemon started to pound on the core of the D-Reaper, screaming something about saving Jeri. That's when he backed up and lifted a fist.

"What is he doin' now???" Ombremon asked herself.

"FIST OF THE BEAST KING!!!!!!" Ombremon watched as a lion shaped head blasted itself at the D-reaper's core and shook it. When the smoke cleared a nice hole had been formed and was slowly regenerating back. Ombremon watched closely as Beelzemon reached in and started yelling in the bubble, but she couldn't hear it. Thats when the hole came back together completely. Beelzemon started pounding on it like a wild man screaming and cursing. She saw Gallantmon fly over. 'Wasn't he being followed by some....?!"



"YES! BUT LOOK OUT!!!!!!!" She screamed.

"Wha......AAAHHHH!!!" Beelzemon turned slightly and at least thirty (A/N: Can't remember) little sharp tiles seared right though his body. Ombremon watched in horror as he plummeted toward the D-reaper.

"BEELZEMON!!!! NO!!!" She screamed. Just when she thought Beelzemon was a goner when he fell through the D-Reaper, a red dragon-like plane shot out with a battered and bruised Impmon on its back. It flew up to Sakuyamon and she took him. Ombremon almost cried with joy that he was still alive. She may seem to hate the guy, but deep down she really cared for him.

Sakuyamon must have noticed Ombremon, seeing how she was jumping around, and floated over to her. She landed near her and watched with a sweatdrop.

"Um....who are you??" Rika's and Renamon's voices coming out as one. Ombremon stopped her dance and blushed deeply.

"The names Ombremon you are.....?"

"That's not important now. You're a digimon. Can I trust you to keep Impmon safe?"

"O-Om-bremon........?" Impmon lifted his head with great effort to stare at her though one eye. Ombremon smiled and nodded. She took Impmon gently and carefully in her arms and positioned him like she would a baby. Sakuyamon nodded her thanks and flew off to help the others. Ombremon walked carefully over to Behemoth and mounted it.

"Alright, Behemoth, lets jump off these buildings nice and easy ok?" Impmon eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"WHAT?! Jump?!! How can you jump off a building nice and easy, huh?!!" Ombremon laughed.

"Just kiddin'!" Ombremon grasped onto a handle bar and held Impmon a little tighter for the fear that he might fall out of her arms. Behemoth sped off, not to fast at first, but gradually picking up speed. The rode through a door and down a ramp that led into a parking garage. (A/N: Whatever you call it.) Soon they had exited the building and were on the road, speeding away as fast they could.

"Where are we going?" Impmon finally asked, making himself a little more comfortable in Ombremon's warm arm. She grinned, not taking her eyes off the road.

"We're goin' to grandmothers house......," Impmon stared at her. She laughed.

"I met your tamers not to long ago......that's where we're goin'," He looked surprised. He didn't know if she was sad or not. After all, she had a tamer too, but he was lucky enough to have a second shot at being a good partner.


"Yeah.....they seemed......nice.....nothin' at all at what you had described them to be," She said. The "nice" part took an almost unnoticeable sad note. Impmon looked at his beat up hands, full of shame. Ombremon sensed the change in Impmon's attitude and grinned.

"Hey, don't sweat if you think I'm all sad and jealous cause you got your tamers back! I'm happy that you have them again. Sure, you may be the lucky one....to have tamers that would forgive and forget, but still! You should be happy!"

"Oh, believe me, I am," He whispered. She looked up again. They drove into the driveway and they both saw Ai and Mako come running out.

"IMPMON!" They squeaked in unison.

"H-Hey guys......." He whispered as Ai held him to her. Ombremon smiled a little and began to walk away.

"HEY! Where ya goin'?" She heard Impmon's weak voice, but she kept on walking. Impmon felt so rotten inside. Once they couldn't see Ombremon anymore, Mako spoke softly.

"We should get going. The train will be in the subway soon." Ai nodded and Impmon reluctantly

agreed as well. Impmon allowed his tamers to help him out of the neighborhood and down to the dark and creepy subway.


Ombremon had de-digivolved and was sitting on a bench. Skadumon looked up at the sky and stared at the white moon. (A/N: remember when Impmon is ridin' home on the train? Its night time)'So beautiful' she thought. She let out a shriek when something bumped into the bench. She looked over and groaned.

"Jeez Behemoth! Quit sneakin' up on me like that will ya?!" The thing just sat there quietly.

"What. Do. You. WANT?!!! I already rescued your "master"! I even returned the jerk to his tamers. I'm not your freakin' slave!! Now go away!!!!" It still sat there. Her eyes swelled up with tears. Not from Behemon's attitude, but from the fact that all her pain was coming back to her.

"I hate this.......I hate me, I hate being weak, I hate life itself. Oh Behemoth, what's the point of living anymore? I have no one to care for me. Impmon probably can't stand me, I know Beelzemon can't. Matt's not much of a caring person. At least Impmon was lucky enough to have a second chance......GOD! I should just die now!!! At least I won't have to live with all this blasted misery!!" She cursed to the sky as hot tears slid down her cheeks.

There was a rumble that shook Skadumon to her senses. She looked over her shoulder and watched the threat to the whole world slowly sink down beyond the treetops. She smiled a little. They had did it. Those humans and their digimon had saved the world.

Skadumon looked at Behemoth and wiped away her tears. She got up from the bench and began walking away when some something glowed behind her. Skadumon spun around just in time to see poor Behemoth slip through a hole.

"Behemoth!!!" But she was too late. The little digimon sighed sadly before realizing where the bike might have gone. It may have just slipped into another portal to the digital world.

"Well, guess I'll be seeing you there, but right now I've got something more important to do!"


"We did it!!! I can't believe it man!!!" Kazu shouted with happiness. There had all gathered around in the park to celebrate. Jeri smiled widely at everyone. She turned and nearly began to cry with happiness when she saw a certain purple demon leaning against a tree.

"It's Impmon!" Kenta informed everyone.

"Hey, hey Impmon!" Terriermon grinned, "What brings you here. Did you come to see meeeee?" Impmon rolled his eyes and pushed off the tree.

"In your dreams bunny boy. I just came to show yous guys my new tamers. Ai and Mako." He moved so everyone could see the small children.

"Awe, they're so cute!" Rika said. Impmon smirked and was about to say something else when...


"Wha-OOF!" Impmon turned only to be tackled to the ground. He looked up and was quite shocked to see Skadumon sitting over him with tears in her eyes.

"Er....Skadumon? What are you doin' here?" He asked in disbelief, propping himself up on his elbows.

"I'm so sorry Impmon!! I didn't mean what I said back in the digital world! I really didn't! I was mad and I couldn't think straight. Will you ever forgive me???" She cried into his bandana. Finding the courage to lift his friend's chin to meet his gaze, he smirked and said, "Why you apologizin' to me? I'm the one who was bein' the jerk. You had every right to angry wit me. But, yeah if it make's ya feel better, I forgive ya."

"Oh, Impmon!!" She through her arms around him and kissed him. Smack dabbed on the lips, right in front of everyone. Impmon, not caring what anyone said, wouldn't let the opportunity pass again and his wrapped his arms around her waist. They stayed that way for a minute until they realized that they had to breathe.

Everyone cooed over the cute ness, causing the two digimon to blush. Impmon got up and rubbed the back of his head while Skadumon stood at his side, still embarrassed.

"Um...Jeri?" Impmon stepped forward and stared at the girl he had caused so much pain. She looked at him with those big brown eyes.


"Can you ever forgive me for all that I've caused? I'll understand if ya don't. I mean I-"

"I forgive you Impmon."


"I said I forgive you. Sure, I've lost a good friend by your actions, but you were just sad and lonely inside that's all. So we can be friends now." Impmon stood there stunned with big eyes. Skadumon giggled and started to shake him. Suddenly both began to glow.

"Huh? Wh-whats going on???" The all began to shrink in size. When the glowing disappeared, all the digimon had turned to their In-Training stages. Yaamon hopped around and bumped into Litenmon. Litenmon was a small, pure white ball with brown slitted eyes. She had stubby legs and arms. Even a tiny tail that poked out in the back.

"Nonononon-Yaamon?" Yaamon bounced over to her and smirked. Henry held his digimon and looked over at his dad.

"Dad? What's going on?!"

"I-I'm sorry Henry. It was the only way. I had to do it or else everyone in the whole world would have suffered against the D-Reaper. I thought that I if I could get Terriermon to spin the opposite way in a certain spot it would send the D-Reaper back where it came from. But in doing so, it would send your digimon back to the digital world. I'm so sorry. I truly am." Everyone cried for their best friends as a gate opened to the digital world.

Litenmon floated up with the others, knowing she was going somewhere and wouldn't visit the real world for a long time.

"Bye....Bye....," She whispered as the gate closed.