Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Digimon's Story ❯ Chapter 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Meanwhile in the real world, Impmon had separated from the group and started a search for his tamers. He went to their house, but couldn't find them. No one. He was about to leave when he decided to look in the twins bedroom just to make sure. There on a table, he saw a note of some kind with a drawing of him and a some writing on it. Impmon walked over and picked it up. The letter was framed.

"Damn, if I only knew how to read! I got to get someone to read this!" Impmon quickly ran out of the house and into the streets trying to get someone to read the note to him. Everyone he asked looked at him and ran away screaming. He growled.

"Oh sure, NOW you humans decide to runaway! On other days I wouldn't mind you becoming frightened of me, but right now I need HELP!! Jeez, stupid humans." Impmon shook a fist at them.

"Maybe I could help." Impmon stiffened and turned around to face a tall man dressed in blue.

"Ah maybe can. I need you to read this for me." Impmon turned the picture around so the man could see it. He studied it for moment.

"Hmm....the ones who wrote this are visiting their grandmother." (A/N: I can't remember where the house is or directions he gave for that matter, so I'll just skip that part.) The helpful man told him to take the subway and gave the directions to go in once he gets off. Impmon was off like I shot.


Skadumon coughed and sneezed as she climbed out of the hole that she had once went through to get to the digital world. She brushed some dirt out of her hair and looked around. She was back!

"I'm BACK! WOOOHOOO!!" Skadumon jumped around and ran out of the little shine only to stop dead in her tracks. There was a HUGE red blob engulfing the city!

"W-what's going on?! Huh?" She turned around and saw a beat up motorcycle sitting there. She gasped.

"B-Behemoth? Is-is that you?" She didn't really expect to be answered. It was a hunk of metal on wheels for crying out loud! Skadumon almost fell back when the thing rolled over to her. It was ALIVE?!!

Skadumon backed up a little. There was no telling what else it could do besides move on its own. She just wanted to be careful. Behemoth rolled up to her side. Was it wanting her to get on?

"Y-you want me to get on?" She asked not quite sure. Instead of the word yes she got a low rumble.

"I take that as a yeah." Still hesitant, Skadumon climb up onto the seat and, with some difficulty, gripped the handle bars.

"Um...hate to break it to ya....but I can't DRIIIIIIIVEEEEE!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Behemoth didn't really give Skadumon a chance to finish. Even as battered as it was, Behemoth was still able to drive with good speed and control. Skadumon, on the other hand, was holding onto the handle bars for dear life.

"BEHEMOTH!!! SLOW DOWN!!! I DON'T HAVE A DRIVER'S LICENSE!!!!!" Behemoth rode off into the city as Skadumon screamed about getting pulled over and about receiving a tickets from cops.


Impmon sat on top of a roof and sighed. He was never going to find Ai and Mako! He looked down at the picture.

"Hey its Impmon!" Impmon's ears perked up. He knew that voice! He looked to the side and saw two children a little girl and a little boy and a brown dog. Impmon smiled a bit. He couldn't believe his eyes!!

"Hey guys....long time no see, eh?"

"Yeah..." Ai said. They stood there for a few moments.


"We've missed you a lot Impmon." Impmon walked into the den and sat down on the couch. Ai and Mako brought in some food and drinks. Impmon didn't know what to say.

"Awe, c'mon guys. You don't have to do this." Then he went completely silent when Ai and Mako came back in holding a big brown teddy bear. It was the one he saw them fight over a couple weeks back. They were having a tug-a-war with it and ended up ripping its left arm off. What really caught his eye was that the arm was stitched back together!

"We had mommy sew Teddy back together."

"We're really sorry that we fought all the time. Thats probably the reason why you left, huh?" Mako asked.

"Well, we promise that we won't EVER fight again. Can you ever forgive us?" Ai begged. Impmon turned his head away so they wouldn't see the tears. He nodded. The twins cheered.


"WHOA!!! BEHEMOTH!!! EEEEK!!" Skadumon ducked just in time as a tree branch whipped by.

"Phew. Huh? AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! TAIN!!!!!!" Behemoth picked up speed and flew over the railroad crossing, narrowly missing the on coming train.

"Jeez! What are you? A stunt devil?! You can do those kid of tricks on your own time! Right now you have a passenger! ME!!!"


Impmon was eating a banana with his tamers siting on the other side of the table. Suddenly a news broadcast popped up, showing the D-Reaper and the other digimon. Impmon gasped.

"What is it Impmon?" Ai asked concerned. Impmon dropped the banana and stared at his tamers.

"Its the others! I gotta help 'em!" Impmon ran out of the house followed by the twins.

"Impmon! Wait!" Shouted Mako. Impmon stopped and turned. Mako handed him a blue toy gun.

"Its my favorite. I want you to take it for luck." Impmon smirked.

"Sure thing kid. I bet I could blast some D-Reaper butt with this!" Ai walked over to him and whispered, "Just want you to know that we love you." Then she bent down and kissed his cheek, causing him to blush. He backed away, holding his cheek.

"Awe, jeez. Don't get mushy on me! I still got a reputation to keep ya know!" He waved bye to them and ran off.

"I need to help them! But I don't think I'll be much help. I mean I'm a short purple imp with a toy gun! What could I do?" Suddenly, without realizing it, he had taken his mega form! He was quite surprised that he could do such a thing on his own.

"No time to figure it out!" He stared at the glowing toy gun and watched as it took form into a larger, more destructive gun. He gave a pleased grin.

"Thanks Mako! This will REALLY come in handy now!" Beelzemon growled slightly and large ebony feathered wings shot out from his back. He gave a three running steps and took to the sky with a powerful downward stroke.


Behemoth slowed to a stop in front of a house. Skadumon looked around.

"Why did you stop here Behemoth?" She whispered, still eyeing the large house.

"Who's there?" Skadumon saw a small brown haired girl walk out onto the porch, followed by a small brown haired boy. They looked the same!


"Who are you?" The girl eyed Skadumon suspiciously. The little boy ran out in front of his sister and shouted with a silly grin, "She's a digimon!!" The girl rolled her eyes.

"I KNOW she's a digimon. I'm not BLIND!" Skadumon just thought of something. Maybe Behemoth was riding around, searching for Beelzemon! She also remembered Impmon telling her that he had TWO tamers. That WOULD explain why it stopped here. Maybe the two children knew something about him. She jumped off the bike and took a few steps toward the twins.

"Um....excuse me.....do any of you know a guy named.....Beelzemon?" They just stared at her with blank faces.

"How about Impmon? Do you know him?" That time she got a reaction. The two kids blinked in surprise.

"How do you know Impmon?" The girl asked.

"We've bumped into each other a few times. Do you know where he is?"

"Yeah, he just left." The boy said.

"Left?! Where?" The pointed in the direction of the D-Reaper

"He went to help those other digimon and their tamers."

"Oh jeez! Uh... thanks for the info!" Skadumon lunged herself back onto Behemoth.

"WAIT! You didn't tell us who you are!" Skadumon smiled at the children.

"Its Skadumon. Who are you?"

"I'm Ai and this is my twin brother Mako!"

"Are you his tamers?"

"Yup! Thats us!"

"Didn't he run away from you two?"

"He did, but he came back. We promised him that we wouldn't fight over him or anything else as long as he promised to stay with us." Ai grinned then pointed to the motorcycle.

"Who's is that?"

"Oh this is Behemoth, Beelzemon's property. I'm going to return it to him. Oh, and thanks again guys! You were a great help!"

"No problem! Drive carefully!" Mako said. Skadumon nodded and waved.

"Yeah right. See ya! Alright Behemoth, lets move! But, not so FAAAAAST!!!!! GAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

"Whoa! Look at 'em go!" Mako said in awe. Ai put a hand over her eyes and watched them.

"Now that's fast!"


Beelzemon smirked and flew right up to the others where they were fighting these bird face digimon that had red cords on their back which led to the big blob.

"Oh, great it's Beelzemon!" Rapidmon said, "Come to get us while our backs are turned?!"

"Shut up. I have no need to kill you. I came here to help!" Beelzemon pointed the once toy gun at the enemies and powered up.

"CORONA BLASTER!!" A bright pink beam shot out of the gun and slammed into all the creatures, deleting them until there was nothing left. No one knew what shocked them more, that Beelzemon had destroyed all of the evil digimon they had been fighting, in one single blast or that he was helping them! Beelzemon flew down toward the tamers followed by their digimon.

"Wow......who would have guessed that Beelzemon would join our side!" Rapidmon said. Beelzemon shrugged.

"Never said I was on YOUR side. Just wanted to lend a hand cause I knew my tamers were counting on me."

"Yeah right! You came to help because you knew it was the right thing to do!" Beelzemon rolled his eyes. Thats when they all heard something. Screaming? Beelzemon turned around and saw something in the distance. It was coming straight toward them at a rapid speed and just when the object could have ran Beelzemon over, it stopped.

Beelzemon blinked a few times. Was he seeing things? There stood his battered motorcycle Behemoth! To think he thought it was destroyed when he was battling Gallantmon! What really knocked Beelzemon off his feet was the person who was riding Behemoth.

"Hey look! Its Skadumon!" Takato said happily. It was her alright. Shaking and a bit roughed up, it was still her.

"Didn't really think you would muster up the courage to ride my bike." Beelzemon walked over to her. Skadumon peeled her hands from the handle bars and breathed deeply.

"Shows how much you know! Behemoth came to me. It would have started to follow me if I didn't go with it." Beelzemon looked at Behemoth and put on a smart-ass smirk.

"Weren't you being a little bit desperate there Behemoth?" He got a rumble in response.

"Yeah, that's what I thought" Skadumon shot him a death glare then slowly slid off the seat. It was then that she almost fell down from dizziness. She stumbled around tripping a few times as if she were drunk or something. Beelzemon reached down to steady her only to be slapped clear across the face when whipped around. He quickly backed off and rubbed his cheek. She growled at him.

"Don't touch me Beelzemon!" Beelzemon stared at her for a moment then walked past her and started to check out the damage on his bike. The others looked at Skadumon, then Beelzemon, then back to Skadumon.

"Um......do you guys......know each other?" Rika asked. Skadumon pointed her thumb over her shoulder and smiled.

"I saved his butt a couple of times if that's what you're asking." Everyone heard some clinking and clonking as Beelzemon did some adjustments on Behemoth.

"Yeah right." He lied. Skadumon glanced over her shoulder.

"Shut up! You know I saved you when you were in Impmon form AND when you were fighting Gallantmon!" Beelzemon slammed something shut and growled.

"I wasn't gunna lose to Gallantmon! You just had to come along and interrupt me!" Skadumon rolled her eyes and turned back to the others.

"Don't you just love it when people deny things?"

"I ain't denyin' notin'!"

"Liar." Skadumon gave a small wave to everyone. Yes, even Beelzemon got one.

"I guess I should be going. Nothing much for me to do here. I can't fight that....thing that's destroying the city."

"The D-Reaper"


"Thats what it is. The D-Reaper," Beelzemon repeated, "I advise you to stay away from the thing unless you want to be wiped out from existence."

"I may look four, but I'm not an idiot. I know danger when I see it."

"Just thought I'd warn ya! Sheesh!"

"Its nice to know that you care for my safety Beelzemon." She smirked.

"I never said I cared!"

"Whaaaaatever......" Skadumon turned and walked away.

"I change my mind. I hope she DOES runs into the D-Reaper. The world would be better off without her."

Beelzemon paused for a second then glanced over his shoulder making sure the others weren't watching him. He bent down, put a hand on the side of his mouth, like you would do if you wanted only one person to hear what you were saying, and whispered to Behemoth, "Follow her and don't let anything happen to her got it?" Behemoth rolled back and forth a little, as if it was nodding and took off like a rocket.

"What got into Behemoth?" Beelzemon shrugged.

"Beats me. Must have gotten a few screws knocked out of 'em."