Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Digimon's Story ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ombremon had been walking for miles now. At some point in time she had de-digivolved back to her rookie self. She was amazed that her temper had gotten her that far. Skadumon was so mad at Beelzemon that she hadn't even noticed a digimon following her. She glanced over her shoulder to see a purple crab with rust colored spots on him. Skadumon turned completely around and stared at the digimon.

"Excuse me, but who are you and why are you following me?" The crab-like digimon just stared at her then grinned

"I Carmon. You die. Me get stronger!" (A/N: Ok,ok! I dun' know how he talks. Heck I dunno if he talks at all. I just picked out a random rookie) Skadumon paled. Why was it always her that got into trouble?!

"Aheh, can we take a rain check on that?" Crabmon growled and lashed at her.

"EEK! I take that as a no! AAAHHH!!!!!" Skadumon turned and ran with the crab hot on her tail. LITTERLY!

"JERK! Leave my tail alone!" She gave him and good SMACK with it, sending him back a bit.

"Ha ha! Not so tough now, huh? GAAHH!!" Crabmon quickly started to gain up on her snapping its claws and everything, almost got her to he hadn't tripped over a rock.

"Ahahaha, stupid! Should have been watchin' where you were goin-aaaAAAHHHH!!!!!" Skadumon was to busy scolding Crabmon to notice the deep pit ahead of her! It was at least a mile deep!

"WHOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!" Her screams echoed off the dirt walls as she fell further into the dark hole.

"ACK! OOF! UGH! AHH! ICK! ARGH!" She gave a grunt every time she crashed into the rocks that stuck out of the wall. Then she slammed to the bottom with a loud thud.

"Ooooohhhuuuughhhooooo..........."Skadumon groaned softly and rolled over onto her back. There was nothing that could describe the agony that was tearing at her at that moment.

"God.....oh...how...ugh...I hurt!!!" She whispered as tears spilled from her closed eyes. She tried to block out the pain, but it was unbearable.

"I gotta.....ugh...relax......" Taking a deep breath, which was also painful, Skadumon exhaled slowly. He body slowly but gradually relaxed, easing the pain while doing so.

"Now, if I could only get some feeling back in my arms......."


Beelzemon stood in the middle of nowhere with another storm picking up. He had long since forgotten about Skadumon, or so he thought. He was surround by Chrysalimon, but didn't give a damn. Jeri's face kept appearing before him with sorrow filled eyes. Beelzemon growled then turned to the small digimon.

"What are you lookin' at?! Huh?!" He turned to Jeri's face and shouted," What? What do you WANT?!"

Suddenly all the Chrysalimon jumped him, little blue electric bolts shot out here and there as they sucked the life out of him. Instead of fighting back, Beelzemon just stood there, freely giving his power away, hoping that he would die from it. He didn't deserve to live anymore.

"Take it! I don't want it no more!" He shouted as he fell to his knees. It wasn't long and the little spider like creatures had swarmed over him, engulfing and covering him completely


"One... little baby step at a.....a time...." Skadumon had been climbing the wall slowly. Once she was able to move again, Skadumon had immediately begun to climb. She really didn't want to stay down there. It was dark, damp and down right spooky.

"Almost.....there...." She lied to herself. The drop was pretty deep. She would be lucky if she got out of there in less than an hour! If she wasn't in such bad shape she probably would be out of there in less than thirty minutes. Skadumon sighed. She looked around to see what next to grab. She saw a small pointy rock about three feet above her.

"Ugh......this is so hard! If I could...only....digivolve!"


Renamon looked up and sniffed the air. 'Hmmm.......' She spotted something red floating in the air. Reaching up, Renamon caught it and examined it.

"Impmon........Rika!" Rika jogged over to her yellow haired friend.

"Yeah? What is it?" Rika notices the red cloth.

"Will you help me find him?" Renamon asked. Rika nodded.

"Hey guys! Me and Renamon need to leave for a few minutes." Everyone gasped and stared at Rika as if she had grown a tail.

"Are you nuts?! Rika the arc will be here any second and now you want to leave?" Takato shouted through the howling wind.

"I promise I'll be back! This is important!" She shouted back and before anyone else could protest, Renamon picked up her tamer and took off.

"That girl is crazy....." Kenta said. (A/N: Ok so maybe I'm making this go a little to fast, but the story is centered on Impmon and Skadumon!)


"He's close."

"Why are you carrying me?" Rika asked while looking around.

"Don't take it the wrong way Rika, but you have short legs and it would only cause us to take up more time." She smiled down at her bad attitude tamer. Rika laughed.

"Well, guess that is a good reason. Not about my legs being short, but the time we would waste.......huh? Hey, is that him?" Rika pointed in the direction of a purple object laying face down in the dirt. Rika jumped down and ran toward it.

"It is! Impmon!" Renamon shouted. Impmon groaned and looked up to see Renamon and Rika coming toward him. He quickly got up, wincing a few times.

"Whadda ya want fox face?" He asked in his rude tone, as usual.

"We've come to take you back to the real world with us." Renamon explained.

"And what if I don't want to go back?! Huh?" Rika smiled and walked over to the grumpy digi and tied his battered bandana around his neck. Impmon was clearly shocked. What was he suppose to do? Sure he wanted to go back. He would do anything to get back, but what about Skadumon? He had no choice. This was his only chance. Skadumon wouldn't want to go back if he did. What was the point?

"Well, maybe if you asked nicely....." He muttered.


Skadumon's blistered and dirty paw shot out of the hole and slapped it onto the ground.(A/N: I can't think of the right word to described it. So I'll just say ground for now) Giving the last of her energy, she pulled and dragged herself out. Skadumon, exhausted and hurting all over, rolled over onto her back and sighed heavily.

"I hate this place! Nothing ever goes right for me. Meeting Impmon was a mistake I'll have to live with for the rest of my life! I was a fool to come here! I should have known he was up to trouble. Man, I gotta find a way back to the real world or I'll die from all this abuse!" The little digi cat-girl slowly got to her feet. She almost feel down when a wave a dizziness hit her like a ton of bricks.

"W-whoa!" Skadumon stumbled a little, but was able to regain her balance. Looking over her shoulder, Skadumon shuddered. She didn't want to fall back in there again. If the fall didn't kill her the second time around the years would. She wouldn't be able to go through all that climbing again! Not if her life depended on it! She would rather roll over and die, just to end her misery! As if listening, a huge gust of wind rammed right into her, pushing her back.

"Gahhh!! W-wha-o-o-OOOO!!!! NOT AGAIN!!!!" She screamed, falling back down with her arms flailing.

"THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!!! AAAAHHH!!!!!" Skadumon quickly thought back to all the ugly and sad scenes she had to witness and had withstand over the past days. She began to glow and shape shift into her champion form.

"YAH!" Ombremon shot her tail upward and wrapped itself around a rock not to far from the top. (A/N: Yes she can stretch her tail about five yards, but it takes a great deal of concentration and energy!) Ombremon crossed her arms and grinned as she dangled there.

"So that's how you digivolve." Ombremon outstretched her razor sharp nails/claws and stab the wall with them.

"Got....to get...rrr...out....before....nugh....I run...out...ugh..of...TIME!" She began he climb once again, trying to go as fast as she could because she could de-digivolve any minute. Just as she had her grip at the top, she had returned to rookie form. Skadumon pulled herself out of the hole once more and sighed.

"Again.....why me...?"


"There they are!!!" Everybody looked in the direction that Kazu was pointing in. Not only did they see Rika and Kyubimon, but also Ryo and Cyberdramon. When they had all jumped into the arc, Takato, along with the rest of the gang, gasped in clear surprise at who they saw in Rika's arms.

"Impmon....Why did you bring him?!" Takato growled.

"Cause I wanted to! Got a problem with it?" Rika growled back. Takato instantly backed off. He knew if he fought against Rika it would mean instant death, on his part.

"No no! I just wanted to know that's all." He waved his hands in front of his face as if to shield himself from the hot tempered girl.

"Good." She said.


Skadumon stumbled forward. She was never going to get out the digital world! She looked up at the earth above her

"I'm going to be stuck here forever!" Just when she thought all hope was lost, a bright glowing animal flew over her.

"What the....another digimon?"

"Yes. What you see before you is a Digignome." (A/N: That how you spell it?) Skadumon nearly died when a voice boomed in from nowhere. She turned around and saw a huge blue dragon with a white mustache and a beard. He had a blue horn sticking out of some kind of helmet and had chains wrapped all around him. He floated over to her on clouds. Skadumon almost fell down. He was so BIG!

"Jeez, why can't you guys just leave me alone! Can't I die in peace?!" She screeched. Azulongmon laughed.

"My, my. Aren't we a fiery one today."

"Yeah well, lets see what YOUR mood is like after you've been chased and almost killed by a couple of digimon, get kidnapped by a dog, get locked up in a cage, find out that the person you really like is killer, fall in a pit TWICE, and then find out that you're stuck in an unknown world that you don't want to be in!!!" She stomped her foot and let out a scream of anguish.

"Awe, its alright my dear." Azulongmon said softly. Skadumon glared at him. She didn't care if he was trying to soothe her or not. She just wanted to be left ALONE!!

"Did you hear ANYTHING I said?! I didn't make that crap up! I've had a horrible day alright! I'm always having a rotten day! Hell, I don't even remember a day when everything went right!!"

"You want to leave do you?"

"No, I want to stay here for the rest of my life......"She said sarcastically. He laughed again.

"Well, this is how you'll get back. This here Digignome will take you back to the real world. If that's what you want. I think its best that you do go. It isn't safe here anymore."

"Safe? You mean there are safe places around here?" She said sarcastically again. Azulongmon nodded to the glowing digimon. It flew over and grabbed Skadumon by the back of her shirt.

"Dah hey! PUT ME DOWN!" Skadumon growled then looked down and saw that she was at least hundred feet in the air! She brought her knees up and cried out, "DON'T PUT ME DOWN!!"

"Be careful! Oh, and please return this to its rightful owner!!!" The eastern guardian shouted and shot something after them.