Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Digimon's Story ❯ Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Me go zoom! Me faster than bullet!" Varjomon laughed as she sped up hills and dodged boulders and other digimon. She turned around and began to skate backwards. She put her chin in her hand and her elbow in her other hand and ponder. Something occurred to her. How does she stop? She turned around and mouthed "Uh-oh" as she entered a thick forest. She dodged as many trees as she could. Varjomon wiped her forehead then grinned over her shoulder.

"HA! Me not use you guys as bwakes! I hurt for while if me did!" She turned around and gasped when she saw a HUGE oak coming up fast. She gulped with wide eyes.

"'Dis not good..." She covered her face with her gloved hands and screamed. There was loud crash as the young mega rammed into the tree. (A/N: Ever seen George of the Jungle? *snickers*) Varjomon grunted and pulled herself out of the tree. She shook her head and looked around. Everything was whirling as little birdies flew before her eyes. She shook her head again and waited for her vision to clear.

Varjomon winced as she pulled out some splinters. She looked up and growled at the imprint in the big tree, which was kind of leaning now.

"Stupid twee! 'Dat hurt!" She whined. She clapped her hands again and a blue electrical ball appeared between them. She smirked.

"Take this you meanie! Bubble!" She tossed it at the tree and, instead of it destroying the tree when it hit; it engulfed it and disappeared. (A/N: Kinda like the D-Reaper, but it reappears somewhere else. D-Reaper deletes it.)


Somewhere in another dimension.

"Damn you Kakarrot!" Vegeta shouted as he threw a punch at his saiyan rival.

"C'mon Vegeta! Can I go now? I've been sparing for the last five hours! I'm hungry!" Goku whined as he easily blocked the punch. Suddenly a huge tree appeared out of nowhere and fell right on top of the Sayain Prince. Goku blinked and watched Vegeta's hand twitch as the rest of his body was buried beneath the tree. There were a few muffled curses that could be heard.

"Wow, that just fell right out the sky didn't it Vegeta?" Goku laughed.

"No shit Kakarrot! Now get me out!!" The prince barked, but Goku had taken the opportunity to fly home to eat.


Varjomon grinned and fixed her goggles before taking off again. She placed a hand over her eyes to shield the sun when she came out into the clearing.

"Where oh where has Beelzmon gone?" It wasn't long and she saw the battle up ahead. There were six kids and all but two had their digimon. Then she saw Beelzemon and a silver armored digimon fighting up ahead.


"BEEEEEEELZMOOOOON!!!!!" Beelzemon shoved Gallantmon away and turned to see who called his name. He saw a little human girl speeding right at him!!

"Who the-?!! GAAAHHH!! Hey! Stop! SLOW DOWN!!" He screamed as he dashed away with her right behind him.

"You been bad Beelzmon! You pay! Me make you road kill!" Varjomon laughed evilly and chased him about.

"Who the hell are you?! And stop chasing me!!!" He shouted then jumped out of the way, almost getting run over by the manic girl. He quickly ran over to pick up his gun and aimed it at her. Varjomon skidded to a halt with the heel of her roller blades. She turned and said something, causing the flames on the sides to turn blue. She pushed her goggled back up on her forehead

"Me Varjomon! You murderer!" She pointed an accusing finger at him.

"Still don't know who you are! Guess I'll kill you anyways-"

"You kill me, you kill Ombremon and Skadumon!" She said in a sing-song voice, grinning. Beelzemon lowered his gun and stared at Varjomon suspiciously.

"How do you know those names? What's a human girl doing out here without a digimon anyways?" Varjomon pressed her hands to her mouth and giggled.

"You silly! Me not human! Me digimon! I know names cause me mega form of Ombremon and Skadumon!" Beelzemon nearly dropped his gun. Everyone else just stared in shock.


"Who is that? She looks like a little girl!" Rika whispered to Renamon. She shrugged.

"No, she's a digimon alright. A very strong one at that."

"Did she just say the name Skadumon?" Henry asked. Kazu nodded along with everyone else.

"Thats the name of the digimon we met in park a few days huh?" Kenta asked.

"Hey, see if she has any data on her!" Rika said. Henry pulled at his digivice and pointed it at the small girl. A round screen popped up.

"Varjomon. Mega level. Special attacks are Bubble and........Boom Boom?"


Gallantmon looked dumbfounded. He was just in the middle of a fight when that girl interrupted. Now it seems like she's knows Beelzemon and is trying to stop him from fighting.

"You expect me to believe that you're a mega? Ya look like a human! And you're so....small!" Beelzemon said. Varjomon took that as an insult.

"Me is mega form! Me small, yes yes, but I very strong!" Beelzemon started to laugh.

"Stop laugh!" She growled, her anger showing. She formed another electrical ball and tossed it at Beelzemon, catching his gun, causing it to disappear. He immediately stopped laughing and looked at his hand with huge eyes. 'Did she just do that?!'

"Me can do same to Beelzmon! Me make you disappear completely!" She said forming another blue bubble. Beelzemon shook his hands.

"No no! I'd like to stay here thank you." He backed up slowly, trying to get to his other gun. Apparently she didn't notice. Her eyes became big and round with tears.

"You murder! You kill innocent lifes! Me make you disappear for punishment, but me dun' want you go!" She lowered the ball a little. Beelzemon stopped.

"You made deal with bad guys! You stupid!" She cried. Beelzemon stared in shock. 'It IS her! It is Ombremon!' He thought. Suddenly Gallantmon stepped forward.

"Miss, please leave here! Its dangerous for a little digimon like yourself." The two voices said combined. Varjomon turned and glared at the armored digimon.

"Me can fight! I little, but me can fight! You mean! You think me can't fight cause of size!" She flared, her bubble enlarging greatly.

"But you must leave! Its to dangerous for you! You can get hurt!" He said. Varjomon bowed her head and clenched her fist, crushing the ball. Beelzemon glared at Gallantmon.

"Me dun want hurt you. I leave now." She said and turned to Beelzemon.

"You come! Yes yes!" Varjomon skated over to the leather dressed biker and reached up to take his hand with her smaller one. Beelzemon growled, but went with her. Everyone was silent for a few passing seconds.

"What just happened?" Rika said. Renamon shrugged again.


"So you're really Skadumon, huh?" Beelzemon asked looking at the happy little digimon. She was humming to herself as she skated beside him.

"Yep yep! Me mega! Me strong! Other digimon would think I weak cause of size and age. Me win easier 'dat way." She said in the cute voice that made him hold back a smile.

"Why you not tell?" She asked, her happy mood fading into something serious.

"Tell what?" He replied, clearly not knowing what she was talking about. Varjomon glared up at him.

"You not tell what deal was! Why you not tell me?" A hurt expression formed on her face, making him cringe.

"I...uh...well.......I don't know really. I wish I had."

Varjomon looked at him. He was angry at himself now. She grinned and hugged his leg, stopping him in mid-step. Beelzemon glanced down at her. He still felt rotten inside. For lying to her AGAIN and that he killed innocent lives for no damn reason. Not to mention all the pain he had probably caused that girl named Jeri. He sighed.

"What are you doing?" He asked a little annoyed.

"Me hug you! Me make Beelzmon fell better!" She said cheerily. Beelzemon shook his head.

"First of all, I'll never feel the same again and second," He pried her off his leg and held her up so that he look her straight in the eyes, "Its Beelzemon. Not Beelzmon. I have another E in there." He placed her back on the ground and kept walking.

They walked for a few minutes when the glowing started again. She de-digivolved into Ombremon.

"I'm one whacked digimon! Can't even control my evolutions!" She wailed. Beelzemon looked at her.

"What are you staring at, you filthy bastard!" She snapped and continued to walk. Beelzemon quickly caught up with her and smiled nervously.

"Aheh, sorry 'bout the secret. I didn't mean to keep it from you." He got a low growl as a reply. He sighed. It was going to take more than just an apology to get her to forgive him.

"I can't believe you Beelzemon! Of all the deals to make!! Asshole. What's wrong with you?! You would rather KILL and destroy for power? You make me sick!" She spat. She stopped and glared at him. Beelzemon was becoming more guilty by the minute.

"I said I was sorry! Can't you leave it at that?" He shot back.

"No I won't leave it at that! You lied to me AGAIN! You destroyed those villagers and took their home for your own and then you make up another lie about you finding it like that! To make it worse, you kept something important from me!"

"Ombremon! Please listen to me! I can explain." He begged trying to get her to calm down.

"Oh, hell no! Why should I listen to you?! So you can lie some more? You know what happens when you lie? Hmmm?" Beelzemon stared at her, so she continued, "When you lie, it breaks down on that trust we have between us. So far almost half of that trust is gone!" She backed up a little, tears clouding her vision and her cheeks red from rage.

"I never wanted you to be my friend in the first place!! Tell me something, have you ever lied to someone? Hmmm? Like Matt?" Beelzemon could feel his own anger rising. He forgot about explaining himself. She'd probably think it would be another lie anyways.

"I tried to keep my promises, about being the best for Matt . Thats as close of a lie as I ever came to. Its NOTHING compared to a lie that you make up and use to get your way!"

"Ya know. I should have destroyed you when I had the chance the first time we met! We wouldn't be having this conversation right now I if had!"

"I guess you should have! At least it would have been better then seeing your ugly hide again!" Beelzemon was about ready to slap her, that's how angry he was. He probably would have blown her head off if he had his guns. He didn't know what was stopping him from killing her though.

"TWICE, I was kind enough to spare your worthless life!" Ombremon kept going.

"Yeah well, it seems like I'm dead. Seeing you makes me think I'm in hell. And taking me out of me battle against Gallantmon was NOT a second time. I was winning for your info!"

"You know what? I don't have to put up with this! Screw you and screw this world! I'm outta here!" She flipped him off and stomped away, still fuming. Beelzemon didn't know what to make of this. He was letting someone who had saved him walk away.

"Good riddance!" Getting sick of watching her, he turned and went in his own direction, thinking of his previous battle, the killing of Leomon and the pain he had caused Jeri and all the others. Beelzemon sighed.

He was beginning to regret everything he did. Ever since her walked out on his tamers, everything was going the his way. He was as free as a bird, doing whatever he pleased. From sleeping in the tree tops to stealing, to scaring the humans. Ever since he met Skadumon though, things seemed to go upside down. He blamed her and only her.