Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Digimon's Story ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Awake!" Ombremon breathed deeply and stretched.

"Ugh...Oh, jeez! I fell asleep again! Sorry 'bout that Fluffy. Huh? GAAHHH!" Ombremon sat up quickly and glanced around. First thing she noticed was that she wasn't in her bed anymore. Second thing was she wasn't in the house anymore either. Instead she found herself lying in a giant birdcage...hanging fifty feet in the air!!

"What hell is going on here?!! WHERE AM I?! FLUFFY!!!" She screamed, grasping the bars.

"Thought I told you to not call me that!" Ombremon looked down and saw the totem pole dog. She shrugged and smiled.

"Hey, you answered to the call didn't ya? Where am I? How did I get here? WHERES BEELZEMON!!!" Catsuramon cringed at the high pitched scream.

"Stop yelling! You're in the tower of the great Zhuqiaomon and I brought you here. I cast a spell over you to keep you asleep. It was easier to get you here without you putting up a fight. As for Beelzemon, he's fighting the humans as we speak." Ombremon raised an eyebrow.

"WHY would he be fighting those twerps? They didn't do anything bad at least that's what I thought. They only came here to save a friend."

"Thats where you are wrong my dear." Boomed a voice out of nowhere. Ombremon looked around her franticly.

"W-who said that?" She gasped in surprise when a big, and she meant BIG, red fire bird popped his head up to the cage. He peaked into the cage and smirked.

"Well, looked who decided to wake up. Have a nice slumber young one?" He boomed again.

"The names Ombremon, and being forced to sleep longer then wanted is not my idea of "nice"! Who are you?" She got up and dusted herself off. She then noticed the rip in her pants.

"Ok who's the wise guy?! Fluffy..."

"Stop calling me that!!" Ombremon rolled her eyes and looked at the big bird.

"Sorry, you were saying?"

"My name is Zhuqiaomon. I am one of the four digimon gods. I am the south and you were the one who almost caused the death of every digimon here!"

"WHAT!? I did nothing!! How could you blame some such a thing on me you overgrown vulture!" She yelled, offended.

"How dare you speak to him that way!!" Catsuramon shouted from below.

"Shut up!" She growled.

"What?! Why you-!!!"

"ENOUGH!!!" The walls literally shook from Zhuqiaomon voice.

"Catsuramon! Go find Beelzemon and make sure he finishes the job!"

"But Sire-"

"You DARE argue with me?!!"

"No! Of course not!" He bowed and dashed out of the tower.

"What do you mean that I almost killed everyone? And why is Beelzemon attacking those children?"

"Did he ever tell you about a deal he made?" The big firebird asked, turning his attention back on her. Ombremon shrugged.

"He told me he made a deal, but he didn't tell me what the deal WAS. What was it that he traded power for?" Zhuqiaomon chuckled.

"Oh, won't this be fun. Catsuramon made a deal with your Beelzemon-"

"WAIT!! Where the heck do you people keep getting the idea that Beelzemon and me are together? We're just friends! Stop referring us as couples!"

"Alright, alright! Maybe it weren't hurt too much now. Impmon was granted power to digivolve into his mega form, but if he wanted to keep it, he had to annihilate those pesky kids and their digimon pets. That is why he is attacking them. He'll kill them all and all of our worries will be over with!"

"Heh, you must be playing with my head. Beelzemon wouldn't be that desperate. If he wanted power, all he had to do was find it on his own, like I did!" She argued. He laughed.

"Oh, you think I'm lying now don't you?"

"Yes! Of a matter of fact, I DO!!" She crossed her arms and shot him a death glare.

"I will prove it to you then. Let me search for a moment."


"Awe, there he is! Now watch." Zhuqiaomon waved his wing and a small screen popped up in front of her. It had waves going up and down on it like a flag in the wind. What she saw horrified her. Beelzemon WAS after them. A lion type digimon had grabbed his arm and was saying something, but the was no sound, so she didn't know what they were saying. What ever he said must have made Beelzemon mad or something because he had quickly whipped around and stabbed his hand right through him!!

"BEELZEMON!!!" She screamed.


"NOOOO!!!! LEOMON!!" Juri cried out as her partner's body slowly deleting

"Heh, poor guy. NOT!" Beelzemon laughed as he took in the data, making him all the more powerful.

"No.....Leomon....BEELZEMON! HOW COULD YOU?!!" Takato shouted.

"Heh, get over it short stuff! So, who's next?" Smirked Beelzemon.

Juri fell to her knees and began to sob.

"L-Leomon.... First my mother.... and now you!!..." She cried harder making Takato even that more pissed off.

"Beelzemon...you have killed for the last time!!!" He bit out as he tried to keep his anger under control. Beelzemon laughed.

"OoOOoooo, I'm shaking in my boots." He shook and laughed some more. Takato growled.


Ombremon watched Beelzemon laugh. Watched the boy with goggles order something to the red dinosaur. Watched the little girl, who was the tamer of Beelzemon's victim, cry her heart out. Watched the dino digimon matrix digivolve into his ultimate form. She was watching the whole thing play before her, but wasn't really paying attention at the same time.

"Beelzemon...why..." She whispered. Zhuqiaomon laughed again.

"He's doing better than I had thought! It won't be long now." Suddenly Takato shouted an order for War Growlmon to digivolve again.

"Beelzemon...stupid bastard...how could you?" Tears started to fill her eyes. She watched War Growlmon digivolve into his mega form. Megidramon. She was the friend of a murderer. 'That poor girl.' She thought angrily. 'I have to get out of here before Beelzemon kills everyone else!! I gotta stop him!' Ombremon growled and turned away from the screen and glared at Zhuqiaomon.

"This is all YOUR fault!!" She screamed. Zhuqiaomon smirked and waved his wing, making the screen disappear.

"Well, my dear, it's a little to late now. Besides, he chose to get that power, not you. Just sit back and relax. If he does destroy them then you'll see him again. If he fails, well...you can think up the rest." Then he left. Ombremon could careless about Beelzemon now. He could die and it wouldn't effect her. It was the children that got to her. Ombremon walked over the cage bars and grasped them.

"Hang on guys! I'm coming!" She started to pull at the bars, hoping they would bend. No such luck.

"Maybe not...."


"Get off me you overgrown lizard?!" Beelzemon shouted as Megidramon tackled him to the ground and tried to bite his head off. Suddenly that monkey, who kidnapped Calumon, appeared beside him. He started talking junk to him, but Beelzemon didn't give a damn and grabbed the monkey's head. He squeezed until he exploded into data.

"There we go!!" Beelzemon smirked and sucked in the all red stuff. Becoming stronger, the mega, clad in black leather, kicked the other mega off of him. He quickly got up, and seeing the chance, knocked him out. (A/N: Sorry guys. I haven't seen much when these guys fought, but I was able to get some good info off my lil' sis. She knows more about the levels and names than I do.)

"Heh, there. Now to finish you off." He pulled out his Berenjenas and pointed them at Megidramon and shouted, "DOUBLE IMPACT!!!"

"NO!!" Takato screamed and ran to his digimon ignoring the bullets flying toward them both.

"C'mon boy...I know you can hear me...Please wake up! It can't end like this! It just can't!!" That's when Takato's D-arc started to glow. The boy held it to his face and looked at it, still ignoring of the danger headed their way.

"Ta-Takato?" Takato looked to see Guilmon looking over his shoulder. He had de-digivolved back to his rookie form!


"TAKATO!!!" Kazu screamed.

"LOOK OUT!!!" Rika yelled.

Guilmon and Takato looked at the glowing D-arc and then at each other. They nodded as if they were the only ones there. Beelzemon looked on in pure shock as the two started to glow

"What the?!!"

"Guilmon biomerge to..." Everyone watched as a tall knight digimon blocked the blows from Beelzemon's guns with his silver shield.

"Gallantmon!" He said.

"No way!!!" Beelzemon gasped.


Ombremon had been trying her best to bend the bars to the cage for sometime now. She even tried her energy waves on it, but only succeeded with only bending them about an inch. Ombremon started to take deep breaths. She had lost lots of strength in just a few waves. She then felt that warm sensation go through her again. She opened her eyes and looked around. She was short again! And was dressed in her jeans with the one rip and her long T-shirt!

"Great! Just great! I'm a rookie again!" She sighed in frustration. Skadumon huddled up in the middle of the silver cage and sulked.

"I bet this is all my fault! If I hadn't let Impmon leave in the first place, this probably wouldn't have happened!" She wiped her eyes and sniffed. 'It IS all my fault!' She cried to herself.


Calumon looked up from deep inside the hole he was desperately trying to climb out of. The triangle began to glow red.

"Hmmm....someone needs help I guess. Like me!! Oh, how I wish I could get outta here! It's like this thing goes on forever." The little white ball sighed and continued his climbing.


"Huh? Not again!" Skadumon cried out as she warped digivolved into mega form. (A/N: I doubt she can do that without a tamer, but what the heck! Its my story so nyah! ^_^ Be glad I haven't made anyone go OOC! ^_~)

Varjomon blinked her big blue eyes cutely. Instead of growing like most digimon did, she had grown shorter and younger. She looked exactly like a three-year-old girl! She was dressed in blue jean shorts and a big black T-shirt that came to her knees. Instead of another cap she had those kinds of goggles that airplane flyers used in the old days. Varjomon still had her brown hair except it was pulled back in a messy braid with blue ribbons.

The cute little mega looked around and stared at the slightly bent bars. She tilted her head and grinned.

"Escape! Escape!" She squealed. She stood up and stared hard at the bars not knowing that she possessed great powers in her mega form. The thick silver bars started to bend in all sorts of directions. Then two bars bent to the right and two bent to the left, leaving a big gap for her to escape through. Varjomon crawled over to the hole and looked down.

"OOOooOOoooOO...me high up up! Ground far down!" She said in her childish voice, using her childish vocabulary.

"I probly go SLPAT, if me jumped." She looked at the readers and grinned, "But I won't know if me don't jump!" She laughed and dived out of the cage, doing all kinds of flips and other gymnastics, showing how much fun she was having. (A/N: Weird isn't she?) When the time came, Varjomon paused her free fall, only inches from the ground. She moved her body so she could lower herself onto her knees. Varjomon blinked and rubbed her eyes.

"'Dat was fun! Me want to do again, but I find Beelzmon first!" She got up and tried to walk, but only fell down again. (A/N: Yes I spelt his name like that for a reason. C'mon she's 3 years old! I want her to act her age!)

"Awe, nuts. Me gotta find Beelzmon badly! I know where he is, but me can't walk!!" Then an idea struck her.

"Rollerblaze!" She tapped her heels on the ground. Once. Twice. Her shoes then shape shifted into black roller blades with blue flames painted on each side and four blue wheels. Varjomon pushed herself into a standing position, wobbling a bit. She seemed to have more balance and control in her skates than she ever did in her shoes.

She rolled around in a circle, then started to jump around, testing how sturdy the wheels were. Quite perfect. She smiled.

"Yay!! I got roller blaze! Now..." She clapped her hands and black biker gloves with spiked knuckles appeared on them. Varjomon reached up and stretched the black goggles over her eyes. She took a few seconds to adjust them until they were comfortable to wear. She smirked and looked down at her roller blades.

"Turbo on!" As if hearing her, the skates powered up until the blue painted flames glowed red. Varjomon was about to dash off when she felt some rumbling and heard behind her, "Where do you think YOU'RE going!" She glanced over her shoulder and smiled at Zhuqiaomon.

"Hi, Mr. Turkey! I go save humans. Me find Beelzmon and teach him to never make bad deals wit' guys like you. You bad influence on lil' digimon like me!" She shook the no-no finger at the red feathered creature.

"WHAT?! How dare you say such a thing to me!! And you won't be going anywhere! You here me?!!"

"How can me NOT hear you? You big and loud. Me could probly here you far, far away!!" She giggled, not knowing that it was pissing the digimon off. He was about to say something else when she beat him to it.

"Well, I be going now. Me would love to tat', but I go now. I save humans! Buh bye Mr. Turkey!" She gave him a cute little wave and pushed with one foot, sending her yards away in a matter a seconds.

"WEEEEEE!!! Dis' fun!" She laughed and began to skate toward the battlefield at an amazing rate.