Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Digimon's Story ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Humph! There's nothing here!" He snarled after five minutes of searching. He was heading toward the door, thinking up an excuse to tell Zhuqiaomon when he stepped on something soft. Catsuramon looked down and saw a black cap, now flat from him stepping on it. He bet down and sniffed it.

"Hmmm....Someone else is here...," He said suspiciously. He turned back around and stared to sniff around, hopping to find other things that had the same scent. He did find a few other things. Between two beds he found a belt of some kind with small weapons attached to it. He also found a pair of shoes. He was about to look some more when there was a shuffling on the bed next the items. Then he heard a feminine voice muffle, "Mmmm.....Beelzemon......"

Catsuramon looked up and over the bed to see a female digimon facing him. She was asleep.

"So, this is what he has been up to all this time?!!" He growled, causing Ombremon the stir and open her eyes slowly.

"Beelzemon...is that you?" She asked, her vision not adapted to the darkness yet. When it did, her eyes met with a blue dog digimon. He kinda looked like an animal off of a totem pole.


Ombremon narrowed her eyes and pressed the sheets tightly around her body and said in a stern voice, "Hey, you're not Beelzemon! Who are you?

"What are you doing here?" Growled Catsuramon, ignoring her question.

"Watch it pal, try anything with me and I'll blast you to hell, ya got me!?" She quickly sat up and went to grab a grenade to prove her point when she gasped. 'Oh no! Where's my belt?!!' Then she remembered taking it off and dropping it on the floor! Ombremon glanced at the digimon hoping to God that he didn't find it. Unfortunately to her dismay, Catsuramon lifted the belt up high enough for to see it.

"Looking for this?" He asked with a smirk. Ombremon glared at him.

"Who are you?" She hissed.

"I am Catsuramon and I am here to find a digimon by the name of Beelzemon. I'm sure you know him, seeing how you our sleeping in a house that he just left!"

"What are you saying? That I know him?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yes! He has a job to do that's very important, but instead he goes off and finds someone to mate with!"

Ombremon tensed. Some weirdo had just barged in while she had been asleep only to scare the heck out of her when she woke up. Then he took her only good weapons, and was now accusing that Beelzemon had been sleeping with her! Her face grew warm.

"Listen here Fido, I have NO idea where you got such an absurd thing about me and Beelzemon being together, and I really don't want to know either, but you are DEAD wrong about us. We're just friends and always WILL be friends!"

"Well, I really don't give a damn about what your relationships are. All I want to know is where he is!"

"Sorry Butch, but you know as much as I do. Guess he left while I was asleep."

"Stop calling me such names!"

"What? Like Spot?"


"Oh ok. Can I call ya Spike then?"


"What about Rolly?"


"Hooooow 'booouuuut...Rocco?"




Ombremon snapped her fingers and shouted, "I go it! Fluffy! That's such a cute name!!"

"NOOO!!! Of all the names to call me, NOT FLUFFY!!!" Catsuramon screamed.

"Ok, ok! Jeez, dun' have a cow! So, what do you want with Beelzemon anyways?"

"That's none of your business. And if he doesn't come back soon, I will have to kidnap you when I leave."

"Ohhhhh...why me?" She asked yawning.

"Because, if he doesn't do what he is suppose to do then I will have to take you hostage until he agrees to do so."

"Oh, now I get what you're saying! But you do know that I won't go without a fight right?" She eyed him with a smirk.

"Yes, I know. You females aren't the same these days. All of you are becoming more dangerous and rough by the day." He sighed. Ombremon laughed.

"'Cause we dun' like being pushed around anymore! Besides, I thought most of you guys, like Beelzemon, would want a tough digi girl!" Catsuramon shook his head and went over to the door to start his pacing.


An hour had gone by and Catsuramon was still pacing the floor, grumbling to himself. 'Where the hell is he?!!' He thought angrily. He glanced over at the bed to see that Ombremon had fallen asleep again.

'If I'm going to take her, I'd better do it now before she wakes up. I don't think I'll be able to win a fight against her. She's different from the other digimon I've fought. Better do this quickly!' Catsuramon crept silently over to the blue haired digimon and quickly chanted a spell, keeping Ombremon asleep until he chants a wake spell.

"Now to find something to write a note on..."


"Ombremon! I'm home!!" Beelzemon shouted with a smirk as he walked into the room, but his smirk faded into a frown as he looked around.

"Ombremon?" Something wasn't right. It was way to quiet and Ombremon wasn't in either of the beds. He walked into each room thinking she might be looking around, but she wasn't in either of them. Beelzemon stomped back outside and sneered as he quickly searched the other houses. Nope.

"Where the hell is she?!" Beelzemon walked back in the house, the sound in his footfalls showing his bad mood. He was about to call out when he stepped on something. He looked down and saw the cap that Ombremon had worn that night. He picked it up and examined it.

"I doubt she would leave this behind, but I don't see her shoes or that belt anywhere!" Sighing, Beelzemon sat down in a nearby chair and ponder over everything he said and did last night. Had he done something to make her angry? Had she found out what kind of deal he had made? He shook his head at that.

"No, there's no way she could have found out." He was fiddling with Ombremon's cap, thinking up reasons for her disappearance, when something fell out of it. He watched it land on the floor with a light thud. It was a blue cloth of some kind. He picked it up and rubbed it between his fingers. It was made of jean.

"Where would you...find....this kind of...material?" Then something clicked inside, "This is part of Ombremon's pants!!! Such a huge piece. Its like she ripped it off, starting at the knee. Why would she want to walk around like that?" He looked at the cloth some more, then he turned it over and saw writing on it.

"Eh? What's this?"


Note On Cloth:

Beelzemon I'm sure by the time you find and read this, I would have already taken your beloved mate with me to keep prisoner. If you do not finish your job soon, then you can say farewell to her. Zhuqiaomon is growing tired of waiting. As am I. You're putting the digital world in danger by your laziness!! Kill those who threaten our world immediately and your precious mate will live to see you and another day.


Beelzemon blinked. Beloved? Mate?!! He blushed. He sniffed the cloth and spelt another scent besides Ombremon's.

"Catsuramon. Damn you!" He quickly tossed the cloth away and crushed the cap in his iron grip as rage flowed through him. He had just been threaten by the person who gave him power!! Why did he even care? The thought that he cared for Ombremon's safety really shocked him. He didn't care for anyone! Still, the thought of her getting hurt by that bumbling idiotic poodle really sent him over the edge. He quickly walked outside.

"Damn love bonds. Gotta hate 'em." Then a scary thought came to him. What if Catsuramon or Zhuqiaomon tell her about the deal he made to get power? He doubted she would ever talk to him again if she ever knew! He sighed inwardly. Why couldn't she have just stayed in the real world like he had told her to do?

"Alright, you win Catsuramon. For now. I'll do what I need to do, but if I find her hurt in anyway..." He spat the threat into the still air as he mounted his bike. He centered his anger on his next targets.

"Alright, you digi losers. Ready or not, here I come!!!"