Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Digimon's Story ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Oh, wow!" Ombremon exclaimed. They had driven for at least an hour until Beelzemon came to a stop near a huge village. All the houses looked like log cabins that were put together by some white sticky stuff. It was kinda like glue, but way tougher. One thing that kinda creeped her out was that no one was around. Not a soul in sight.

"Beelzemon?" She called out as he rolled Behemoth into one of the houses.


"Why is this place deserted? I mean, where is everyone?" She asked, but was answered with silence.

"Beelzemon?" Sighing heavily, Beelzemon quickly made up a lie and walked out of the shed.

"I found it like this. No one was here when I came across it, so I decided to use it as a place to stay when I needed it. C'mon, it's late. We should get some rest." Ombremon stared at him.

"What! I'm tired, lets go!" He gave her a glare then turned around and walked into one of the cabins. Ombremon looked around her and shivered. Something told her that it wasn't just "found" this way.

"Damnit woman! Are ya goin' to stay out there all night or not? If ya are tell me so I can close the door." Ombremon growled.

"I'm comin'! Jeez, you need to lean some patients before someone gets offended! You're so rude." She muttered the last part under her breath as she walked into the house. Beelzemon closed the door behind her and walked over to a bed. There were at least 5 of them. All in one room.

"Guess they never heard of the word privacy." Ombremon mumbled. Beelzemon smirked.

"Not like you have much to remove. That top barley covers your chest." He yawned. Ombremon blushed at that.

"Yes, I've noticed that, but it shouldn't really bother you. Seeing how the first thing you did, when we met, was stare at my breasts. You would have started to drool if I hadn't said anything. You're lucky I didn't stuff a grenade up your ass." She sat down on the next bed and faced him. Beelzemon, who was yawning the whole time, started to cough and gag. Ombremon laughed. He growled at her as he turned beet red.

"I wasn't staring!" He barked. Ombremon slowly calmed down and smirked.

"Oh, but of course not! You decided to give an innocent glance, but you must have lost track of time while doing so." Beelzemon's growl became lower, as if threatening her to stop while she was ahead.

"Shut up girl!"

"Why? Because I'm right and your wrong? Yes, I bet that's it. You hate to admit that I, a female, am right and you aren't. Do not deny things love. It will only make the situation worse." She was pushing her luck.

'Did she just call me love?' Beelzemon thought as he gritted his teeth. 'She's so annoying in champion form! What happened to her quiet, helpful self? She has no idea what she's messin' with!'

"C'mon. Out with it!"

"I'm warning you..." He whispered dangerously. Ombremon raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, threatening me now huh? What will you do? Stare at me some more?"

"THATS IT!!" Beelzemon lunged off his bed and pounced Ombremon, pinning her down on her own bed. He smirked.

"Hey! What's the big idea!! Get off!" She squeaked, struggling beneath him, but he had her pinned everywhere. His hands held her wrists firmly above her head and had her legs trapped tightly between his. Even his tail had managed to get a hold of hers!

"Why should I? What would you do? Hmmm? You're helpless."

"That's what you think! I'll give you one warning. Get off now or face my wrath!" She stopped wiggling around and grinned up at him with an evil glint in her eye. He knew he should have gotten off of her right then and there, but he was a bit curious of what she might do, so he asked, "What? Wink at me? Or purr? Is that your-mmuf!!!" Ombremon caught him by surprise when she leaned up and locked lips with his own. He quickly jerked away and turned his head to spit. She laughed.

"Tooooold you!! Now, get off before I cause you some REAL damage" Ombremon moved her knee a little until it was pressing against his weak spot. Beelzemon was more than gladly to removed himself. She propped herself up on her elbows and watched the handsome biker digimon sit back down. She could have sworn she saw him blushing, but she couldn't tell because of his helmet.

"Well, I'm going to sleep now." She yawned. Beelzemon watched her pull off her shoes to revel, as he had thought, human feet. After those were out of the way, Ombremon slipped out of her bandoleer and tossed her cap across the room. She waved him goodnight before slipping under the covers of the surprisingly soft bed. Only when he was positive that she was sound asleep did Beelzemon stalk back over. He watched her sleep silently, remembering the last time he had seen her sleep. So peaceful and innocent. He growled inwardly.

'Can't believe she did that!!' All kinds of emotions spun around like a tornado in that one kiss! 'Hell, it wasn't really a kiss, it was just something to get me off of her.' Sighing deeply, Beelzemon turned and walked outside into the darkness. He needed to destroy something. At least that would set his mind straight.


Catsuramon watched in the shadows as Beelzemon drove away. He was sent by Zhuqiaomon to see WHY Beelzemon hadn't destroyed the tamers and their digimon yet.

"What has he been up to!?" He whispered. Then he remembered the cabin that the demon digimon had walked out from.

"Maybe I should go inside and look around a bit. I might find something useful that may answer our questions."

A little hesitant, the bulldog-like digimon walked quietly into the silent dark house, not really knowing what he might find.