Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Digimon's Story ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Beelzemon just watched in amazement as Ombremon stood there smirking. She had changed a lot. She looked more human in champion form that's for sure

"You think you can still beat me?" Greymon growled as he got back to his feet. Ombremon kept smirking as if there was some kind of secret that only she knew.

"I never said I wanted to fight. But yeah, I can beat you. Even more, I would probably kill you, but I will give you one chance. Walk away and we can simply forget about this whole incident." Greymon growled and charged at her.


"Fine, if that's the way you want it, then so be it." She calmly lifted her free hand (yes, hand!) and aimed it on the stupid digimon. (A/N: No offense to those who like Greymon!)

"ENERGY WAVE!!" This time, seeing how she had digivolved and was stronger than before, Greymon wasn't able to get out of the way in time and was suddenly being rammed into another cliff, but like before, he easily jumped back out.

"Such a persistent reptile." She said to herself. Then she saw something in the corner of her eye. Someone in black was sitting on a black motorcycle watching her. "Who-?" Ombremon didn't have time to finish when Greymon grabbed her and slammed her into the ground, creating a huge crater.

"UGH! Damn...had my guard down...not something I want to do twice." Pulling herself, Ombremon lunged herself at Greymon, tackling him to the ground hard, which clearly surprised Beelzemon. Greymon was at least ten times her size!

'I need to finish this now!' She thought as she jumped up high into the air. She had a perfect way to instantly kill him, but he had to at least sit up for it to happen. She grinned when he did just that. He sat up quicker than she had thought. Suddenly before he knew what happened, Ombremon came down with a spin and gave Greymon a massive tail whip to the head, causing a sickening crack to fill the still air.


Beelzemon cringed as he heard the breaking of Greymon's neck. He watched his body disintegrated into data and was a bit surprised that Ombremon didn't absorb it. She just simply watched it disappear before turning around. It wasn't long and she had spotted him again.

'Wonder if she'll even remember me...' He thought to himself as she walked over in a way that would have put in some kind of trance if she didn't have a look that said "move and I'll kick your sorry ass". So he didn't, instead just sat back on his motorcycle and waited with a smirk. Ok so he moved, not like it was going to kill anybody.

"Who are you?" She called out.

'So much for remembering....' Beelzemon watched her come around to the side. He simply looked her over without really knowing it. She was dangerously beautiful. Well, in a rough, mean kinda way. She wore black and white tennis shoes, her baggy jeans that covered the shoelaces and had rips in both knees this time, a bandoleer around her waist that held grenades and a few daggers.

Going up past her exposed flat belly, she wore a black sports bra that looked a little too tight if he did say so himself. His eyes lingered there for a moment before continuing his way up. She had a spiked choker clipped around her slender neck like the one on her left wrist. Full red lips pulled into a sneer, a pointed little nose, narrowed green eyes, slender blue eyebrows, long blue hair and a black cap turned backwards.

That was just the human side. She still had that feline appearance. Her tail was longer than before and was fully white just like her ears that poked out from the cap. He saw something glisten in the sun and noticed that she had to two blue studs in both ears. Instead of paws she actually had human hands, but they had pointed nails, kinda like claws. Her eyes still had slits to them, which was probably the only thing that reminded him of Skadumon.

"Are you goin' to answer my question or are you going to check me out all day?" Beelzemon felt his cheeks become warm and he silently thanked God that she couldn't see it because of his helmet.

"Well? Who are you?" She asked clearly annoyed now. Beelzemon got off his bike and walked over to her. He was mad now. She had come into the digital world when he had pacifically told her not to! She almost died, too!

"I told ya not to come here, but ya did it anyways!" He growled. Ombremon backed up a few steps.

"Damnit! I don't even know you! So how could you tell me not to come here?"

"I'm Beelzemon, the mega form of Impmon! Thats how I know you and if you don't believe me then here's my bandana," He pointed to his left arm. She looked at it and her eyes widened.

"I-Impmon?" She looked at him full in the face. He shook his head.

"Not anymore."


It wasn't the red bandana that told her who he was. Anybody could have something like that and pretend to be Impmon! She would have called him a liar if it hadn't been his accent.

Ombremon didn't know what shocked her more. The thought that Impmon had digivolved and she didn't even recognize him or that she was falling for the guy right then and there.

He was tall and quite attractive, but what disappointed her were his eyes. Neither of the three was green. She thought Impmon's eyes were such a lovely color, but picturing him with red eyes just didn't seem right.

"W-what happened to you?" She asked. Beelzemon laughed and spread out his arms, letting he get a good look at him from head to toe

"Isn't it obvious? I digivolved! And I gotta say it feels down right good! No one can stand in my way. Everyone will pay for ignoring me and swatting me away like I was some kind of fly!" Ombremon shook her head and pushed her ocean blue hair over her shoulder.

"What I want to know is HOW did you do it? How did you digivolve?" He shrugged, whipping his metal-like tail against a rock, batting it over the horizon.

"Lets just say...that I made a deal with someone. Thats all you really need to know. It's really none of your business." He said flatly.

"You're right. Its not," She smiled and looked behind him, "Did you get that when you evolved?"

Beelzemon looked behind him and saw Behemoth.

"Oh, that was gift someone gave me. Its name is Behemoth." She gave him a dumb look.

"What?" He asked.

"Your motorcycle has...a name?"

"Yeah....got a problem with it?"

"Ugh....never mind....forget I even asked." She shook her head. They just stood there for minutes when everything suddenly went dark

"Gahh! What happened?" She shrieked. Beelzemon smirked.

"Dun' be such a scaredy cat!" He laughed but stopped abruptly when she gave him a stern look.

"Eh....we should get going. What just happened is normal here. Instead of the sun setting like in the real world, it immediately becomes dark." He explained. She nodded. When he swung a leg over his bike and noticed that she hadn't moved he asked, "Well, are ya going to stand there like a tree or are you going to come with me?" She looked at him as if she wasn't quite sure.

"C'mon! I ain't gunna bite! Get over here so we can leave already!" He said annoyed. He really didn't want the Sovereign to catch him with her. There was a village that he could take her to. He had destroyed all the digimon there and had used what was left of the place as his hide-away.

"Well, alright." She whispered still not to sure. He helped her on behind him and started Behemoth up.

"Hang on." He said. Ombremon wrapped her arms around his waist tightly and pressed her cheek against his back causing him to blush again. He cursed to himself for acting in such away and he slowly recovered. Not wanting to waste anymore time, he quickly sped off, not really giving Ombremon any warning when he did so.