Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Game to Finish ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )
Disclaimer: Despite the fact that I repeated it a million times, I don't want to repeat it again.
I've repeated this a million times as well, so I guess I won't need to repeat this. But I'll repeat that the original tamers thoughts will be in bold while the others thoughts will be in their crest color.
Chapter 13: What do you mean???
Ken: Ran sure is a cool inventor! She got a really smart mind too! She got T.K and Angemon to finish Devimon off. Now I just wonder what's in her mind…
T.K: Ran told us a plan that might be able to defeat Devimon. Now she's saying something about my power of Hope. All I wonder is… how's Matt and the others?
"What do you mean by: `Your power of Hope'?" asked T.K.
Instead of giving an answer, I just continued saying: `Your power of Hope' over and over and over again.
Note: Chun is Suzie's Cantonese name. I just used it because it is easier to remember.
"She looks as if she's gone mad or something," whispered Davis to Henry. Too bad for Davis, Henry's busy thinking about what I kept saying. Chun is just staring a Henry.
~If she's talking like that, it means that it is a riddle. All I wonder is about what she said: `T.K's power of Hope'. Maybe… maybe… it's because of T.K being responsible on destroying Devimon! I get it now! ~ (Henry)
"I… understand now," said Henry.
"Good, now I can stop saying that!" I exclaimed, surprising the others. Chun started yelling with delight.
"She kept saying: `your power of Hope' is because of T.K being the `Responsible One' destroying Devimon. So, that's why she said: `Only T.K can blast this thing open'," explained Henry.
"He's right," said T.K after a while of thinking.
"Okay T.D, just blast that cage open," said Davis.
Summoning all of his strength, T.K blasted the cage door open and then collapsed. Everyone rushed to get him and… being the one closest to him, I did the first thing in my mind.
"Healing Hand," I whispered, kneeling down and touching T.K's hand.
Then, T.K got up as if nothing happened. But then again, I felt that something might come to attack us.
~Hope that it won't be them… ~ (Me)
Well after that, all of our doubles, both human and digimon, came from behind the mountain. Each one of them grinning, a very evil grin. Oh, Chun doesn't have an evil side. She's just too carefree/happy-go-lucky. Tai, Joe and their digimon evil side weren't created.
"Whoa! Who are you?" said Davis.
"We? We are your evil side," answered Davis double.
For clothes, instead of what they (the good side) usually wear in the digital world, the bad side wore the totally opposite color of what the good side wore.
I quickly got my hands into my pocket, and left it there. My double started attacking me with a high swing-kick. I ducked easily, and, after grabbing my double's leg, threw it (it's a robot) off the mountain. I just said: "Have a nice landing!" Then, I went off to help the others.
First, I looked around. Henry doesn't have any problems and he just managed to throw his double off-course. Ken and Davis don't have any problems at all. They seem to be playing some kind of rough `tag', and both the double have been thrown off-course twice. Sam, Kenny, Kenta and Kazu don't have any problems too, except the part when Sam almost tripped and fell down to the bottom of the mountain. The only ones in trouble are only Kari and T.K. I went over to help Kari while Henry went over to help T.K. And the digimon defeated their doubles a long time ago. They didn't help because they need time to recover.
=====================At Gennai's house…===========================
"I'm getting really bored here!" shouted Takato. They just got the parents to leave the digital world.
Yolei just shrugged. The she realized that she have a pack of cards in her pocket.
She took it out saying: "Lets' play `Black Jack'."
"Sorry Yolei. I don't know how to play it," said Cody with a shrug.
"Don't worry. I can teach you," said Ryo, smiling.
"Gee Ryo. Since when did you get so kind?" asked Rika, mockingly. Ryo just ignored that comment.
"Thank you," said Cody silently to Ryo.
=====================Back with the others…==========================
Kari's double is about to attempt a chop-kick. I tapped it on the shoulder saying: "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"
"Oh… someone like you?" it asked, grinning.
"Uh-huh. Someone like me," I replied, getting into a ready-to-punch position. Then, I just delivered it.
"Humph. That'll teach you to mess with us tamers."
T.K's double is about to deliver a punch. Henry, coping me, said: "Why don't you pick on someone your size?"
"Oh-no…" it said, grinning. "I did rather pick on her," it continued, pointing to me.
Henry did no attempt to stop it, but said: "Hey, go on! She'll chop you into pieces."
"Fine," said T.K's double and then moved towards me.
"I warned you!" shouted Henry.
I was just healing Kari when Kari shouted: "Ran! Look out!"
I turned just in time to block and then I did a 3-60 swing-kick to knock it off the cliff. Davis, Ken, Sam, Kenny, Chun, T.K, Henry and Kari watched in surprise.
"Wow Ran. That's the first time I saw you doing that!" commented Sam and Kenny together.
I just shrugged, saying: " Practice makes prefect."
Then, we moved on to the digital world's ocean.
Phew! Now chapter 13 is finished!!! What do you think? Questions and comments can be sent to digimon_lover@hotmail.com
Oh! And by the way… can anyone e-mail me, telling me who defeated MetalSeadramon and Machinedramon. Thanks a lot.