Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Game to Finish ❯ Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )
Disclaimer: Despite the fact that I repeated it a million times, I don't want to repeat it again.
I've repeated this a million times as well, so I guess I won't need to repeat this. But I'll repeat that the original tamers thoughts will be in bold while the others thoughts will be in their crest color.
Chapter 14: … Whatever…
Kari: We didn't know what was happening at Infinity Mountain just now. All of a sudden, doubles of us came and attacked. Thanks to the `Kung-Fu King' (Henry), `Kung-Fu Queen' (Ran), `Kung-Fu Prince' (Kenny) and `Kung-Fu Princess' (Sam) we're safe and now we're heading to the digital world's ocean.
Tai: We were saved just now by T.K and the others. Now we're in Ran's plane (I don't know how she got it) and on the way to the digital world's ocean. Just what's happening here…
"Wow! Cool plane you got here!" commented both Joe and Tai together.
"Thanks. I invented it," I replied, my eyes glued on the keyboard.
"Ran, digital world's ocean detected," sounded the computer.
I was silent for a moment, and then said: "Stop the plane. Let it continue to float up here and take out my gadgets."
Then, a long suit was taken out together with a backpack, a helmet, a pair of shoe and some kind of protection thingy (if you watch `Totally Spies®' on the `Disney Channel®' then you'll know what I mean). I then put it all on and typed something on the keyboard. Then, I jumped off the plane. The others, except for Sam, were taken back when I did that.
"Is… she nuts?" said Kari.
"I… don't know…" were the only words that came out from Kenny but Sam and Terriermon were laughing.
"Why are YOU laughing?" demanded the digimon together. Even her MarineAngemon asked her that.
"You'll see…" she managed to choke out between her laughter.
Then, as if on cue, I flew up with the backpack, which has some kind of jet in it.
"See what I mean??" asked Sam between her laughter.
"Uh-huh…" was all that escaped the others. Chun was laughing, nervously at first.
"Sorry if I scared you…" I shouted.
"You scared us stiff no doubt…" said T.K.
"Sorry! I'll go round and check where Matt, Izzy, Gabumon and Tentomon are. When I do, I'll come back and get someone to help me," I shouted back. With that, I zoomed off.
"Wow," commented Ken.
"Yea, she's more like a leader than a member to me," continued Davis.
=====================At Gennai's house…===========================
"Black Jack!" shouted Cody. "I won again!"
"Good job Cody!" congratulated Takato.
"Now you're as good as me!" continued Ryo.
"As if you're good," mumbled Rika.
"Rika, don't be so bad," joked Yolei.
"No fair! Deal again!" shouted Gennai, who had just joined them.
=====================Back with me…===============================
~Oh shit! Any longer and I'm toast. I'm going to be late for my cheerleading practice. ~ (Me)
Just after I thought about that, I heard someone calling me.
"Hey! Ran!!!" shouted Matt and Izzy, who isn't into his computer-geek-mode (sorry to say that!).
I looked around, only to find me being attacked by…
"AHH!!! IT'S MACHINEDRAMON!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" I shouted out loud.
Then in the plane, Kari thought she heard my scream.
"Huh? Did you guys hear that?" asked Kari.
"Hear what?" asked T.K.
Kari thought about it for a moment and then said: "Sounds like Ran."
"How can you hear her when she's so far away?" asked Tai.
Then, they all heard my scream.
"Okay Kari, now I trust you…" mumbled Sam.
When they listened closely, they managed to hear what I was shouting about.
"What? Machinedramon? But, how?" said Tai, Joe, Sora, Mimi, Kari, T.K and their digimon together.
"Ha-ha! Giga Cannon!" attacked Machinedramon.
He ALMOST got my leg. I managed to duck and got into the plane before he attacked again.
"Computer, activate the `digimon attack protector' now!" I shouted as soon as I got in.
"Activated before you went down, Ran," said the computer.
"Thank you," I said breathlessly.
"What now?" asked Terriermon (Ran's).
"Nothing now," I replied.
"You mean…" started Tai.
"We have to sit here and watch Machinedramon go nuts? Yes," I replied. "For now."
"You mean that you have a plan?" asked Henry.
"Yep," I said, and then, turning to the computer, I said: "Have you got ready the copies of the gadgets?"
"All done Ran," replied the computer.
"A job well done computer!" I congratulated. "Could you please take them out?"
The computer then took the gadgets out. I tossed one copy to T.K, one to Sam and one more to Tai. They then put it all on and then, crossing our fingers, we jumped off and the `jet-packed backpack' activated.
"C'mon! Let's go!" shouted Tai.
"Wait just a sec Tai," started Sam.
"Do you know the way?" continued T.K as I was throwing a strange glance at him (Tai).
"Oh yea! I don't!" shouted Tai as if nothing happened.
~O.K… I am toast! I am already late for that stinking cheerleading practice… ~ (Me).
All of us, well, as quick as lightning, went to the place where Izzy, Matt and their digimon were, well, trapped. Then, we all went back to the plane. In the plane, Izzy went, err… TOTALLY NUTS BECAUSE OF ALL OF THE TECHNOLOGY I HAVE IN THE PLANE!!!
Turning to Tai, I asked: "You and Agumon all set to fight Machinedramon?"
"You bet!" was all they replied.
"Errmm… Agumon, won't it be easier if you warp-digivolve in here first?" I asked.
"Yea, I suppose…"
"Then what are you waiting for, DO IT NOW!!!"
Tai took out a card, I found Culumon in my backpack (although I don't know when he got there), and Tai slashed the card, making Agumon warp-digivolve.
P/S: The original digidestined (the season 1 and 2 cast) digimon don't digivolve into their mega levels like the way the tamers digimon do.
Then, Wargreymon jumped off the plane, obviously going to delete Machinedramon. After a few seconds, Machinedramon got deleted and then, it was Metalseadramon's turn to attack.
OOOOOKKKKK!!!!! WHERE ARE THE COMMENTS? WHERE ARE THE QUESTIONS? I AM SOOOO SICK AND TIRED OF WAITING FOR THESE THINGS TO COME!!!! Hah~ just kidding!!! You can send your emails to me at digimon_lover@hotmail.com