Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Story ❯ The Meeting of 2 Species ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Will you believe me that TOEI animations owns Digimon? Yeah,I now it's difficult but is true…

As I said, digimon is owned by TOEI, but there are some characters in this story I made, so don't steal them…

This story will involve romantic relationshios be it humans, digimons or crossed, but IT WILL NOT involve any lemons.

A New Story Chapter 1- The Meeting Of 2 Species

"What a day!" Said a man about 15 years old just after entering his house. "Mom!…Dad!… I'm home!" He said louder than before but to no avail as no answer seemed to come… He then glanced at a note on the table, he grabbed it and read:


Your father and I had to go to the hospital to solve an emergency that arised, aparently they gave the wrong medication to a patient and he's having trouble…

Anyway, we'll be back by 6-7 PM, Take care…


He then walked to his room as of nothing happened, it was a common room, at least for him, he dropped his backpack making a loud noise as it hit the floor, it didn't seem heavy for him, but not for anyone else…

He then went to his desk in which his computer where, he had goteen it for Christmas a month and a half ago, along with a Digimon game for it, as he turned the switch on he picked up his phone…

Which was her phone… Why did she had to move away…again… he thought, "Oh, yeah" he then dialed it… … … … …

"Hello" came from the other side.

"Hi Mrs. Lightfellow, is Chris there?" he said back.

"Oh, it's you Alan, yes, she's here, wait a moment". A couple of second of silence soon followed after her last words…

"Hi" he heard Chris, she was his best friend, not only they shared a lot of things in common, they both liked Digimon, which was rare where they both lived…

"Hi" he said back as his computer finished loading up, "What's up?" he asked.

"Not much" She responded quickly, "Just here training my Kitsunemon, you?" She then asked.

"Same here, I just came home, and I just turned on my computer" he said…

"Are you going to play" she asked with a tone of happiness in her voice, while he didn't know why she sounded happy.

"Yes, I finally named my Digimon" he asked with some pride in his voice.

"Really? Still can't believe you crossed 2 different species…I mean, I have about 6 months playing this game and nothing like that has happened…" Some silence came.

"Yeah, but it's weird, not even the official web page has info about it…" he said back...

"Maybe it's some kind of big secret they don't want to reveal…" she responded.

"Maybe…" was all that was heard…

"So, how did you named it?", she asked, she wanted to know since she heard of that digimon.

"Reilmon" he answered with pride again…

"A combination of names? That's not fun at all" She said a little sad hoping for a more creative name…

"Yeah, but it suits him, he is like a combination of both Digimons and, even though he looks like her, he displays a combination of colors and his attack is also a combination!" He said.

"His attack is a combination of both?" she asked with a little of disbelief, but since she had seen that Digimon she believed on her friend.

"Yes, it's practically the same attack of her but engulfed in exploding flames, the name is the same just add Flaming at the name…" he responded back.

"I must be pretty powerful" she said, he didn't know she was a little jealous since she has been training her Kitsunemon for a lot more time but her attack wasn't very powerful…

"Yeah, he can easily delete an Ultimate in a couple of attacks even though he is a Rookie…" he responded filled with pride now.

"My Kitsunemon still has trouble deleting them, I guess she just need more practice" she said, for the duration of this conversation they were hearing battle noises coming from each other computers, both then knew they were training their Digimon…

"This gets easier with time…" Alan said… "What the?!" he asked/screamed.

"What happened?" she asked somewhat worried.

"My cmputer screen is flashing, I can't see anything happening there!" he said more worried than her.

"Maybe your Digimon is going to evolve or something…" she said…

"Agh! The light is getting a lot more brighter!" he said scared now, on the other side of the phone was Chris, she was worried and scared, Huh? What is this feeling, I had it somewhere else, it was just before…, "Maybe you should go away from it, I have a bad feeling…" Chris said worried about what she just felt…

"Ok, I'm gonna…Huh!?…What is going on?!!" he scram.

"What, what is happening?" she now truly knew the definition of the words true fear.

"I don't know…I just can't move… I try but my body doesn't respond!" he said…

What is going on there? Chris thought, only to be interrupted by a loud scream, What was that?? Alan!!, she then quickly yelled into the receiver "Alan!!" but no response came…"Alan! Answer me!! Alan!!" But silence was just heard, not even the computer sound was heard, everything was silence… Whatever happened there? Wait, what if he was just playing me a joke? Yeah, that must have been what happened. He'll probably call later to apologize…


"Oww…" came from a man in the middle of a plain

"Are you allright?" came from a voice the man knew somewhat, That voice.. I think I know it…That's right, it sounds a lot like Reilmon…

"Yeah, I'm okay" he said while he stood up, he then turned but did not expected what he was about to see…

He saw a figure that looked like a Fox, like Renamon to be exact, but different, this was not your normal white/yellow furred Renamon, this has a color more close to fire instead of yellow, the white fur was intact, but on the purple colored gloves there were black triangles of black across them, the sybols on it's legs were black, instead of the common gray.

Everything was silence for a couple of MILIseconds, just for it to be broke by a loud scream from the boy.

"What's wrong?" said the fire-color furred Fox Digimon.

"You…You… you are a Digimon?" he asked shocked.

"Yes, you called me Reilmon so assume that is my name" Reilmon answered as serious as ever.

"You are Reilmon, the Reilmon I trained, but how? And where is this? He was still shocked.

"I do not know how, but this is the Digital World" Reilmon asnwered.

Digital Wolrd?? That means the ray of light that shoot out of my computer transported me here… "Wow! I can't wait to tell this to Chris!" he shifted from shocked to happy.

"Chris?" Reilmon asked.

"Yeah, she's my best friend, I should present you to her…" He said just before his voice became worried… "But how am I going to go back?" he asked.

"I do not know, I was created not long ago, I do not know much things, yet… I don't even know your name…" Reilmon said.

"Alan" he responded quickly.

"Huh?" Reilmon was confused.

"Alan, my name is Alan" he said.

"I believe I heard that some times ago, but I'm not sure…" Reilmon still sounded confused…

Alan didn't know, but time passed a lot faster in this world in comparison to his world, so by this time it was already night, just as a cold wind passed by he realized that…

"Brrr! It's cold in here! Huh? It's night already!" he couldn't believe this, since by the time he got "sucked in" it was 5 PM and it looked like 9-10 PM now…

"You can come to where I live, if you want?" Reilmon asked.

"Thanks, I don't think I would have been able to sleep out here, it's too cold and a Digimon might come…" he said.


A lot of questions passed through Alan's mind, about how to go back, what about his friends and family, but there was one that got his attention… I wonder what sex Reilmon is, I knew of Renamon which was female and Guilmon that was male, but Reilmon??

As Alan finished his thoughts he decided to speak "Reilmon, what are you?" he said, not knowing his words made no sense as they weren't complete, he was answered by a strange look.

"Huh?" Reilmon asked somewhat confused.

"Male or female, what are you?" he asked.

"Female, why?" she then asked back as she became curious.

"No reason, it's just that I didn't know"… Who would have thought…Alan was then interrupted...

"This is my house" she said, Alan just looked confused This is her house?? "Is something wrong" Reilmon asked.

"No, nothing, but I will probably get cold in there too" he said pointing at a cave which was Reilmon's house.

"Well, I don't" she said.

"Yes, but you are completely covered in fur" he said as he waved his hand up and down at her.

"Oh!" was all she said back.

"Well, let's go anyway, it might be a little warmer than here" he said.

Reilmon couldn't help but feel a little of guilt, I did not realice humans didn't have fur, I can't help but feel guilty for that, maybe I can… But what if he sees it another way, no, I don't think that would happen…

"You can sleep next to me, my fur can keep you warm" If she blushed or not was impossible for Alan to tell since her fur was already red-looking.

Well, now I don't have to care about feeling cold… "Thanks" he answered…

They spent a couple of minutes talking before they both drifted to sleep, this was Alan's first night in the Digital World but it would not be his last…

Oh well, that didn't came so bad, it was a better than I thought, and took less time than I thought it would take me…

Anyway, I hoped this was good, please R&R. As any other writer I like to improve my writing, so if you have any constructive criticism mail me, BUT DO NOT FLAME me as I will not bother to read them…

Alan - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com