Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Story ❯ Life In The Digital World ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Will you believe me that TOEI animations owns Digimon? Yeah,I now it's difficult but is true…

Alan and Reilmon characters were created by me, so don't steal them.

This story will involve romantic relationships, be it 2 humans, 2 digimons or crossed, but IT WILL NOT involve any lemons.

A New Story Chapter 2 - Life In The Digital World

"Yaaawn" was the only thing that came from a man's voice inside a dark cave as he woke up, he couldn't remember very well the events of the last day, he soon remembered he was transported to the Digital World where he met Reilmon and then went to sleep…

The boy then turned around, already used to seeing in the dark and with a little of light that got into the back of the cave he was able to see Reilmon, he just didn't expected that his mouth would touch her muzzle, he quickly moved his head away from hers for 2 reasons, while he had previously kissed a girl he had not a digital fox, so it was strange for him, and because she was still sleeping and did not wanted to wake her up.

The boy got up as quietly and slowly as he could as to not to wake her. What am I going to do now? I don't think I can go back through the same way I came, and Reilmon doesn't know how either. Alan was a little worried and happy, while he couldn't get back to his house for now, he had his own Digimon with him right now.

He turned around to see Reilmon in her sleep, They say that when someone's sleeping it brings up their cutest side, maybe it is true… While he did not know why he thought that he didn't care, since he couldn't do anything until Reilmon wakes up, he decided to just sit here thinking, occasionally his sight would shift from a wall of the cave to Reilmon. Reilmon then woke up...

"Good morning. Slept well?" asked Alan.

"Good morning, and yes" was her response. They both stayed eye-locked for a couple of seconds until they were interrupted by a sound that came from Alan's stomach, he got a little embarazed after that, I forgot I haven't eat anything since I came here. I wonder what does Reilmon ate?, his thoughts were interrupted by Reilmon's voice.

"Hungry?" she asked already knowing the answer, Alan just nodded.

"What do you eat here?" he asked.

"There is a tree that grows fruit out of the cave, I usually eat 1 or 2 of those whenever I'm hungry, follow me" she said, kind of sounding like an order, Alan did as she said.

Outside Alan looked around searching through the unknown world that was this, at least unknown to him but he couldn't say the same about Reilmon. This looks so much like Earth but different in almost everyway, the grass feels a little different and there is no single cloud in the sky, yet it rains like if there were hundreds of them above… He continued on hia thoughts until he heard Reilmon shouting

"Hey! Heads up!" Alan then turned around a lifted his arms just in time to catch a fruit that was sent flying by Reilmon's arm.

"Thanks!" he yelled while running towards his Digimon.

"What were you thinking about?" asked Reilmon by the time he got close enough.

"Nothing special" he asnwered quietly. He then lifted his right arm whih held the 'digital' fruit of this world to his mouth, he then tasted it, Sweet was the only thing he thought.

"How was it?" asked the digital fox.

"Sweet, maybe very sweet, but I like it!" he answered not worried about finding food that he could eat with no problems at all…

They spent the next half hour eating and talking, they didn't know anything about each other, even less about their worlds so they spent this tame to discuss those differences.

By this time, Alan didn't care about his world, he was happy at the moment in this Digital World alongsides his Digimon, Reilmon.


"Alan, we're home!" came from a woman voice inside an appartment but no response came.

"He must have gone out" another voice said but now from a man. "He must've…" His words were silence as the apartment door crased open, a young girl about 14 years old with shoulder-length blonde hair appeared.

"Hi Chris" said the woman.

"Hi aunt Lucia, uncle Hugo" said Chris back, not that they were her uncles actually, but she used to call every friend's fathers like that.

"Is Alan here?" asked Chris.

"No, we thought he was with you" said Lucia back.

"Why, is there any problem?" asked Hugo.

"No, I think no, it's just that we were talking a while ago and he suddenly hanged up on me after playing some kind of joke or something like that…" she answered.

"Joke?" asked Hugo again.

"Yeah, he was saying his computer was kinda shooting some sort of white light and then he just hanged up" she answered again.

Lucia entered Alan's room but everything was normal, even his computer was off, she got back to the living room where both Hugo and Chris where.

"Everything seems normal, and his computer off, so he must have gone out" said Lucia interrupting them both.

"Umm… Well, thanks anyway, I'll try to contact him later, bye" she said while she made her way to the front door.

"Take care" said both parents in unison as the door closed.

Chris was making her way towards her house, What was he thinking? He scared me to death… I wish we went to the same school, that way I could see him tomorrow… She thought whil her anger was rising up. He better not do that again… Oh well, I can confront him tomorrow…


Back in the Digital World, Alan and Reilmon were still talking, altough time passed fast, it was still evening there…

"It's not so bad here once you think about it, while yes, I miss my family and friends, I think that having your own Digimon partner compensates it…" said Alan.

"I wouldn't know about it, I never actually met my parents nor do I have any friends, save for you" said Reilmon back a little sad.

Poor her, she never met her parents, yet I did, but I only saw them through my computer screen and I don't know them well, I guess I shouldn't bring this up…

Alan's thought were interupted and he heard large footsteps coming close, both Alan and Reilmon got up to see a Yashamon running towards them, while Alan has ordered Reilmon to delete a Digimon while playing this was totally different, he was in the batle too now…

While Reilmon's speed and power were the result of being the child of 2 different digimons, her defense was not the best, so she had to be careful not to distract while in battle, she possesed the mentality of a Renamon, and since Renamon are warrior digimons, they had a big knowledge on digimon and their attacks, and since she was half Renamon, she knew well about Yashamons.

The battle continued for a couple of minutes, Alan was only there watching it, as Yashamon was getting weaker over time but Reilmon was like if the fight just started, at some point of the battle, Yashamon charged towards Alan, he was shocked at the sight but was ready to jump away if an attack came but he did not had to, as Reilmon came from nowhere and kicked Yashamon away, she then jumped away and curled up storing power for one final blow, when she felt she had enough, she unleashed her attack, which consisted on Renamon's Fox Leaf Arrowhead combined with Guilmon's Fireball, the result being...

"Flaming Fox Leaf Arrowhead" shouted the fire-furred digital fox high in the air, just at the same time Yashamon threw one of his bokkens to Reilmon.

Both attacks found their mark, the leaves exploding as they hit Yashamon deleting him in seconds, and the bokken hitting Reilmon in her stomach which sent her flying away.

Seeing this, in a quick reflex, Alan shouted "Reilmon!" as he ran as fast as possible trying to catch her, he succeded as Reilmon went flying down right into his arms, but he wasn't ready enough as he fell into the ground with Reilmon in his hands.

He straightened up, but still sitting, as Reilmon came to senses, Reilmon tilted her head to see Alan's eyes, no one could explain what happened next, but as they were eye-locked they leaned forward and for the second time, they kissed, but unlike the first, this was not an accident, they both accepted it gladly, they kissed for minutes but it ended so fast it seemed it only lasted a couple of seconds.

"What was that for?" Reilmon asked, she blushed at the same time, but Alan couldn't tell.

"I…I…I don't know, but you did that too" he attempted to shift this conversation to her.

"I don't know too, I just…felt like it…" she said a little fidgety…

This is kind of weird, ok, she's female, that's good, but she is not human, still, I believe love could manifest itself in the strangest ways possible… But could this work???

He didn't knew Reilmon was thinking pretty much the same, I never felt love before, neither from my parents or any friend, but I can feel it with him, but he is a different specie that mine, I don't think that could work, but still…

"I…" Both spoke at the same time.

"You first…" they both said…

"I…I believe this feeling I have could be love, I never felt it with anybody, but you are different Alan, with you I get his fuzzy feeling inside of me when I see you" she said rather nervous.

"I have felt it, but not like this, mine was more like a caring feeling for those who are important to me, yet, being with you also makes me feel like that" he also said nervous…

They both stared at each other for a couple of seconds, "Shall we make it official?" offered Alan.

"Huh?" was all Reilmon said.

"Umm… Nevermind…" he still couldn't believe he asked that, but he thought he would had to repeat it.

"No, please tell me" Reilmon pleaded in some kind of way.

"Would you be my…um…girlfriend?" he asked nervous, while Reilmon didn't know the exact meaning of the expression, he knew of it a little…

"Yes, but only if I can be yours too" She said happy.

"Of course" he answered back happy, too.

By the time this conversation finished it was night again, they stood up and went walking back to Reilmon's house both held in hands.

When they were ready to sleep, Reilmon wrapped her hands and tail around Alan's body and Alan wrapped his hands around her.

"I love you Reilmon" said Alan.

"I love you too, Alan" answered reilmon, they gave each other a small kiss just before they both drifted into sleep.

This was the second night of Alan's 'journey' into the Digital World, not only could this be some kind of huge adventure for Alan, he now finally understood the meaning of the words "True Love".

I think this story is getting along rather good, lets just say that ideas pile up after a writer's block of almost 2 months… Anyway, until next time…

Anyway, I hoped this was good, please R&R. As any other writer I like to improve my writing, so if you have any constructive criticism mail me, BUT DO NOT FLAME me as I will not bother to read them…

Alan - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com