Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Story ❯ Sorrows ( Chapter 6 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Lawyer: You will pay for that, but I'll let you go this time...

Alan: Yeah, yeah, whatever you say...

Lawyer: Do I need to remind you that TOEI owns Digimon?

Alan: Reilmon, you know what to do?

Reilmon: Sure, Flaming Fox...

Lawyer: Ahhh!! *Runs away*

*Play Final Fantasy Victory theme*

Congratulations! You won!

Alan, Chris and Reilmon characters were created by me, so don't steal them, especially Reilmon.

This story will involve romantic relationships, be it 2 humans, 2 digimons or crossed, but IT WILL NOT involve any lemons.

Kitsunemon is property of Talismon2k1.

A New Story Chapter 6 - Sorrows

"So, are we ready to go in?" asked Alan at the rest of the group.

"We are ready" said the rest at one voice. They started to head to the temple.

Once inside they saw two GIANT large doors. As they were about to open it...

"Hold right there!" yelled a digimon out of nowhere.

"Not again!" said Alan as the digimon materialized. An Omnimon soon appeared from the shadows.

"Omnimon!!" said Chris in surprise, she had seen one, but never thought about fighting one.

"Well, there is no avoiding for this" said Kitsunemon as he cracked his knuckles.

"Let's go" said Reilmon and as soon as she finished saying that, she was already right behind Omnimon. "Blazing Kick!" she yelled as her leg engulfed in flames she jumped and kicked Omnimon's head sending him a meter or two away.

"Ha, that's nothing... Trascendent Sword!" he then yelled as he slashed Reilmon knocking her back, but the second slash didn't reached her. "Supreme Cannon!" he then yelled facing Kitsunemon as he shoot a giant energy blast from his Garurumon hand, Kitsunemon was able to dodge it.

"Oh yeah...Inferno Crystal!" it was Kitsunemon's turn to attack as he stomped the floor creating the small violet colored crystal and he shoot them at Omnimon. The small explosion did little to none damage. Kitsunemon only stared in awe.

"Hahahaha! Your pathetic attack can't hurt me!" He then jumped and slashed Kitsunemon sending him flying away, Reilmon was already as high as the ceiling allowed her, she charged energy before releasing it "Flaming Fox Leaf Arrowhead" the blue crystal leaves engulfed in flames were soon flying towards Omnimon, he received the attack straight on thinking it would be like Reilmon but it wasn't. This attack hurt him as he was sent flying away from the big explosion the leaves made...

"Damn... I'm gonna end this now...Double Shot!" he made a loud yell as he punched the land with his Garurumon hand and a straight line of ice went against Kitsunemon, he received the attack in not the best way as he was off-guard, Omnimon then punched the land with his WarGreymon hand and a line of fire appeared, melting the ice and hitting Kitsunemon, who was pretty wasted up by now.

"Ugh... Damn...He is too powerful" he said.

"Kitsunemon!" yelled Chris as she hugged him, about at the same time, the small necklace on Kitsunemon's neck started to radiate a violet light, he got up and Chris stepped back.

Kitsunemon could fell a strange but powerful energy building inside him, he decided to release it in one final attack for now... "INFERNO CRYSTAL!!!!" he yelled louder than any other time. He stomped the floor with incredible power and thousands of crystal materialized, instead of the usual flame, these were practically fireballs, he waved his hands to the front as if saying Go! and the crystals headed towards Omnimon, he made the same mistake as earlier, he thought he could withstand the attack with no problem, but this wasn't the same, this attack was far stronger than his common one.

Omnimon was deleted in seconds as the explosions went off.

"Ugh... I can't stand up" Kitsunemon barely managed to say that.

"Kitsunemon, are you okay?" asked Alan even though the answer was obvious, he used way too much energy on this last attack, it wasn't enough to delete himself, but he couldn't stand up at all.

"I don't think so, I feel very weak" he managed to say back.

"You go on ahead, I will wait with Kitsunemon here" said Chris, Alan only said an Ok back as they headed into the large doors.

"Good luck" was all that Kitsunemon managed to say before fainting...


"Why are you doing this?" said a digimon, Alan and Reilmon heard it.

"Humans are worth nothing, they only contaminate us, they must be destroyed, as you two if you continue to interfere" said another digimon.

"I guess we have no choice, we might be worn out but it's the best we can do" and with those last words, 2 yells were heard...

"Rock Breaker!" and "Fox Leaf Arrowhead!"

Some chrashing and a explosion were soon heard.

"Sound as if someone is fighting" said alan at Reilmon, other than voices only footsteps echoed through the large hall.

"Yes, we must hurry" said Reilmon still running alongsides Alan.

"You never understand, you can't possibly hurt me, Fox Leaf Arrowhead!" yelled the mysterious digimo as another explosion was soon heard, Alan and Reilmon came into sight.

"Those two!?!?" said Alan in disbelief.

"What's so important about a Renamon and a Guilmon" asked Reilmon at Alan.

"Those 2 are your fathers Reilmon" he said, he was answered with a couple of surprised eyes coming from Reilmon.

Renamon and Guilmon turned as so did the other digimon.

"Hmph, you finally came sister?" said the mysterious digimon.

"Sister!?" yelled both Alan and Reilmon.

"Reilmon! You are here, quickly you must run away, your sister wants to destroy everything related to humans, he will also delete him if you don... Ahhhh!" where the last words that came from Guilmon as he broke up into data.

"Your sister Guiremon will delete you, run! Ahh!" Renamon soon followed Guilmon.

Reilmon abosorbed their data, saying "I'm sorry, mother and father" she said as she turned towards Guiremon, "Why did you do this, they were our parents!" she yelled at her sister.

"They knew far too much, thay had to be deleted..." she said clodly.

Reilmon only kneeled down and started to cry, "But why?! Why?! Why?!!!" she yelled at Guiremon.

"I already told you" Guiremon said as coldly as last time, as if she didn't cared abut that.

Alan kneeled besides her and hugged her trying to comfort her.

"And now I will delete you two" she said as she stepped into the light, unlike Reilmon, she beared no resemblance to their parents, she was grey instead of her yellow fur and the gloves were Red, other than that, the white fur stayed like that. "Get re..." she was cut off as a stream of light came fro where Reilmon and Alan stood once.

By the time the light subsided Alan nor Reilmon where there, another digimon replaced them.

"I Kenshimon, will destroy you, as my father and mother wanted it, even though you are my sister, there is no price for what you've done!!" she yelled.

She was much like Sakuyamon, but with changes. Instead of the yellow armor was a fire colored one, the gloves and boots stayed the same, except for the black triangles running forth and back downwards. Her hair was blond colored and the last part which was whiter was deep black like Alan's hair. Instead of a rod, she had two swords, one on the back facing right, and the other on the waist facing left, like Leomon's saber but in the opposite direction.

Guiremon also evolved, but on her own, unlike Kenshimon which were Alan and Reilmon jogressed. She was also like Sakuyamon, but the gloves and boots red and the armor was a mixture of yellow and gray.

Kenshimon quickly got her swords out, which she held facing back. Guiremon had her staff already out. She lost not time as the battle oficially started...

"Dragon Helix!" she yelled as small fox ghosts appeared, heading towards Kenshimon. She gracefully dodged them while slashing them, the ghost vanished as quickly as they appeared.

"Now it's my turn... Spincut!" Kenshimon yelled as she started running towards Guiremon. When she was close enough she jumped making a spinning in a circle motion while she turned her right sword facing front, she landed with her right sword, Guiremon stepped away, but her left arm was still caught by the sword.

"Arg!" she yelled as she thrusted her staff onto Kensimon, which bloked it with a sword. Kenshimon then jumped away.

Guiremon was already running towards her. She jumped and landed yelling "Fox Drive" as a sphere formed of spirits materialez encasing Kenshimon, when it dissipated, Kenshimon was still standing, only a little bruised.

They continued exchanging blows, until Kenshimon felt redy to end this...

"Vajra Mandala!" said Kenshimon as she landed and thrusted a sword into the floor near Guiremon, a small wave shoot out from there paralyzing Guiremon on it's track.

"Cross... Slash!" yelled Kenshimon, her sword were facing backwards, she slashed her right sword into the air in a "\" shape to quickly make her left one slash like this "/" making a cross in the air, both energy waves combined creating a huge X of energy heading directly towards Guiremon ending it all.

In a matter of seconds Guiremon was gone forever. Kenshimon splited up into Alan and Reilmon who appeared on the floor, Reilmon started to cry again because of the last events...

"Why did all of this had to happen?!" she yelled and asked at Alan. He was nowhere near close to possibly answer that.

"I don't know, I believe fate has it's own ways to do things" he said as he hugged her onto him to comfort her. She quickly passed away, he guessed it was because of the energy she used, Chris soon appeared carrying Kitsunemon.

"You are heavy you know?" she asked at her digimon.

"I'm sorry it's not my fault" he said, he was still a little worn out, they both turned and saw Alan hugging Reilmon as she was sleeping. They got closer.

"What happened?" asked Chris at Alan.

"Let's just say things are ok for now, but we should get out of here" he said as he carried Reilmon.


They were outside, a portal like the one that got Alan back into his world was there, as if waiting, the 4 got in, Reilmon still in Alan's arms and Kitsunemon being carried by Chris.


The 4 appeared in Alan's house, why there they didn't knew, they stepped out into the living room where Alan's mother and father were.

"You are finally back, huh?" asked Lucia at her son.

"Yes, sorry to worry you" he said back still holding Reilmon. She woke up at that point.

"Huh? What happened? Where are we?" she asked at Alan still a litle tired and sleepy.

"Don't worry. We are in my house, everything is fine" he said as he moved his hand across her forehead.

Until now they hadn't notice Kitsunemon.

"Chris, let's just say it was some sort of crazy adventure.

"Yeah" said Kisunemon as he got off from Chris and stood up.

Both Lucia and Hugo turned and saw Kitsunemon who was badly bruised. They had already seen Reilmon, so this time they weren't scared.

"You too Chris?" asked Hugo at her.

"Yes, I was dragged along with Alan and I met him" she said playfuly punching Kitsunemon's shoulder, who was one of the most damaged parts, he yelped in pain. "Sorry" she said.

"Mom, Dad, there is another thing I must say to you. I'd like you to meet my girlfriend" he said.

"Who? Chris?" asked her mom since he didn't said who.

"No, Reilmon" he said back, his mom and dad hanging with their mouths open.

"What!?" asked her mom.

"Believe me, you will get used, it's normal once you think about it, love is only a feeling you express for those you really care, so even if they are different species it's the same feeling." said Chris.

Lucia and hugo couldn't really understand it, but didn't had any objections, and they were far more comprehensive than Chris.

"I guess you are right" said hugo at Chris.

"Well, I should go, my parents must be worried too, and Kitsuenmon won't be easy to explain..." said Chris as she walked towards the door. Kitsunemon followed her.

"Good bye" said Kitsunemon, he was answered with a wave of hands from everyone inside.

"Well, I'm going to bed, I'm pretty tired" said Alan an Reilmon only nodded as if saying Me too they entered Alan's room.

"That kid" was all that Lucia said.


Inside Reilmon wrapped around Alan as they covered under the blankets it was just another cold night i Alan's world. And the Digital World was safe for now. But how long with it last??

Alan and Reilmon quickly drifted to sleep hugging each other, their love being shared as their warmness was too.

*Sniff* Oh well, I think it was pretty good... I might make a sequel for this story, but for now, who knows...

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Let's just say this was a great jump in my writer career.

Reilmon: Please R+R for my Tamer, he really worked hard on this story, and I' sure you won't lose much time by typing in a few comments.

Well, that's it. The end of "A New Story" reached. Keep looking for I might decide to release a sequel to this...

Again, don't, repeat, do not steal Reilmon, if you want to use it ask me for permission.

Kitsunemon is property of Talismon2k1.

Alan - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com

Well, good bye, it was nice writing this. *Sigh*