Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Story ❯ Digital Plains ( Chapter 5 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Alan: Hey, guess what, I own Digimon! AHAHAHAHA!

Lawyer: No you don't and if you don't stop saying that, we will sue you...

Alan: Damn he's right, ok, TOEI owns Digimon...*Mumbling* For now *Mumbling*

Lawyer: What did you say?


Lawyer: That's what I thought...

Alan, Chris and Reilmon characters were created by me, so don't steal them, especially Reilmon.

This story will involve romantic relationships, be it 2 humans, 2 digimons or crossed, but IT WILL NOT involve any lemons.

Kitsunemon is property of Talismon2k1.

A New Story Chapter 5 - Digital Plains

"Soon, I will conquer the Digital World and destroy the human world, ahahahaha" said a shadow digimon on top of a cliff watching Alan and Kitsunemon picking some fruit.

"But for now, I'll let you live" it said before banishing into thin air...


"Hey, we are back" said a blond haired boy with the last inch of his hair dyed in black, his hair reached his mouth, aka Alan.

"And we brought some food" said coldly a shadowy digimon, aka Kitsunemon.

"Finally, I was getting hungry" said a blonde girl, known as Chris.

"Yeah, me too" came from a fire-colored furred fox type digimon, otherwise known as Reilmon.

"Ok, then, let's eat" said Alan.


The 4 finished eating and started to head out, it was still morning, so a long walk would follow, and fights were common too...

"Reilmon, watch out, he's behind you!" yelled Alan at his digimon.

Reilmon quickly turned around in time to jump away, avoiding the Fire Rocket from the Flamedramon that was attacking them, Kitsunemon was already busy dealing with a Greymon on the other side with Chris' help.

"Damn, I was careless" said Reilmon when another Fire Rocket scratched, or burned more likely, her right arm, she then jumped a landed a kick on Flamedramon's head sending him flying away at least 4 or 5 meters.

"Hahahaha" said Flamedramon as he got up, "You really are powerful, now I see what he meant" he said.

"He? So you work for another digimon, right? Who is that you are speaking of?" Alan asked him.

"Hahaha, I can't tell you, if I do that I would only be deleted" Flamedramon said back.

"You are going to be deleted anyway!" yelled Reilmon in the sky, while Flamedramon was distracted by Alan, Reilmon used the opportunity to jump up high and started to store energy, by the time she finished saying that, she finished storing energy, she quickly yelled "Flaming Fox Leaf Arrowhead" as she released the flaming leaves at her enemy, they all found they mark as Flamedramon was sent flying away on an explosion.

"Ugh, you are strong, but that's not enough to delete me" he said as he stood up.

"....Looks like you are stronger than I thought, but your attacks won't hurt me" said Reilmon giving a small smile.

"Oh yeah! Eat this, Fire Rocket!!" he said while waving his punches as the fireballs appeared.

"Kyohenkio" she yelled imitating her mother technique, she quickly traded places with Flamedramon, he was so confused, when he turned around he saw his own Fire Rockets going straight at him, but it was too late, his own attack had got him and was starting to break up in pieces.

"Ugh... Damn, I'm sorry master, but I... Couldn't..." he said with his last breath as he finally broke up, Reilmon then absorbed his data.

"That's one down, we should help Kitsunemon" Alan said at Reilmon.

"No need for that" said Chris with Kitsunemon at her side, both were walking towards them.

"We already got the other one" said Kitsunemon.

"Then I guess we should be going, it's just afternoon, so we can keep going some more.


Even through it was evening, it was cold, colder than the previous nights, as one would expect Alan and Reilmon were already snuggled to share their warmness. But Chris wasn't with Kitsunemon, while he hadn't noticed, Chris was cold too, but she didn't wanted to bother him, just a cold wind blew by making her shiver.

"Do you want me to stay closer to you, the little fur I have can help keep you warm?" said Kitsunemon at Chris.

"No, it's okay, thanks for asking" she said back as another wind blew...

"Ok, maybe yes, I just can't stand this cold anymore" sh said again as she got closer to Kitsunemon, he hugged her to share his warmness with her, she didn't cared if he was hugging her or not, she wasn't cold anymore, and that's all that mattered for her. "Thanks" she said at her digimon.

"No problem" Kitsunemon said.

Luckily for all of them, no other digimon wanting to fight showed up, so the rest of the walk was mostly quiet, the cold air only got worse, Alan and Reilmon had no problems, since energy from her Flaming Fox Leaf Arrowhead radiated inside her, making her even more warm, it wasn't the same for Kitsunemon and Chris, Chris was hugging, or squezing would be a more correct term, Kitsunemon didn't mind though, actually, he liked it, but he felt sorry, since he didn't had as much fur as Reilmon, he couldn't keep Chris as warm as Alan seemed...

"We should start a fire and spend here the night" said Alan still hugginh Reilmon.

"Ye-yeah, I, I think th-that wo-would be go-good" Chirs barely managed to say, the weather was practically freezing for no apparent reason, since they were in the middle of the summer, well, at least on the real world it was summer...

"I'm sorry that my fur isn't as warm as Reilmon's" apologized Kitsunemon at Chris.

"Yo-you have not-nothing to apolo-gize for" said Chris back at her digimon.

"Yeah, it's not your fault the weather got so cold in a couple of hours" said Reilmon at Kitsunemon. By this time Alan was finally able to lit a fire with some branches that were scattered around the flood, in less than a second Chris was already sitting by the fire with Kitsunemon holding her from behind to keep her warm.

Alan and Reilmon soon followed, while they weren't tired it was getting late, so they decided to rest for the next day. Reilmon was fast asleep with her head resting on Alan's lap, and Chris was being hold by Kitsunemon, she was already sleep too. Kitsunemon and Alan spent some time talking...

"So you really like Reilmon, huh?" asked Kitsunemon, he already knew the answer but wanted to hear it to see if it was really true.

"Yes, I don't how it happened, but I don't care, I'm just happy to have her with me" he said while scratching behind Reilmon's ear, he didn't knew, but she REALLY liked when someone scratched there, she was really enjoying her sleep.

"I think I know how you feel, during these past days, I think I developed something for Chris, I just don't want to tell her, I don't want to..."

"Freak her out" finished Alan, "I know, she can't really seem to understand what Reilmon and I have, but I don't blame her,, I find it strange myself too from time to time..." he said.

"Well, I'm going to sleep, I suggest you do the same" said Kitsunemon while he stroked Chris' hari with his hand.

"Yeah...Good night" he said as he yawned and he laid back, still with Reilmon.

"Good night" said Kitsunemon as he too laid back still embracing Chris, odds were that the fire will extinguish in the middle of the night, and he didn't wanted her to feel the cold night.


"Master, reports are that Flamedramon and Greymon were deleted" said a digimon.

"Hmph, pathetic digimons, deleted by some digimon that paired with humans..." said another one.

"Shall we send Black War Greymon" said the first digimon.

"Yes" responded the other back...


Day soon came again, both Reilmon and Alan were already up but Chris was still asleep, and since Kitsunemon didn't wanted to wake her up, he stayed there.

"Getting tired?" Alan smirked as he said that at Kitsunemon, who was still holding Chris.

"Not really... You know, I'll just carry her" he said while he got up slowly as to not to disturb her sleep.

"Then let's go" said Alan as he got next to Reilmon.

Moments later Chris finally woke up...

"Umm... What's going on?" she said groggily.

"Good morning" said Kitsunemon as he looked down at her.

"Huh?" she said again, she had not notice they were walking.

"We were already up so we decided to continue walking and I carried you" he said, he was still carrying her, she blushed a little at his kindness. He is really caring, I wonder if Alan and Reilmon are like that?? Wait, my mind is going somewhere else, I better not think about it, she was lost in her thoughts, she then remembered she was still being carried by Kitsunemon.

"Um, you can put me down" said Chris blushing a little again.

"If you say so" said Kitsunemon, he then lowered and Chris got off from his arms, she then stood up.

"I'm pretty sure something is going on between those two" whispered Reilmon into Alan's ear.

"One-sided yes, I don't know the other" he whispered back...

They continued walking for some more time, they were suddenly stopped...

"TERRA DESTROYER!!" a loud yell was heard across the plains as a giant energy ball came flying direclty at the four, Reilmon teleported with Alan away and Kitsunemon quickly grabed and carried Chris while he jumped away.

"Who is there? Show yourself!" yelled Alan.

"Very well" said a dark digimon as he came into sight.

"Black War Greymon" said Chris.

"Black Tornado!" yelled Black War Greymon wasting no time to complete his mission, he found no target as he spun into thin air.

"Inferno Crystal!" yelled Kitsunemon as he stomped the floor with his right leg and lots of violet crystals materialized from the earth and hovered around him, then all of them were sent flying against Black War Greymon. They found their mark but didn't do much damage.

"Blazing Kick!" yelled Reilmon as she appeared right next to Black War Greymon and her right leg was suddenly engulfed in flames, she quickly delivered the kick onto BWG waist. He was sent flying away a meter or 2, but it didn't left much damage.

"Damn! He's too powerful!" said Kitsunemon avoiding the Dragon Crusher from BWG, he quickly stood in a fighting pose, "Eclipse Punch!" he yelled, it was a move just like Renamon but slightly different, since Kitsunemon was also the product of 2 different digimons, he was more powerful, his attack landed on BWG jaw making him kneel from the pain. Kitsunemon also shook his hand from the pain he received because of BWG's hard skull.

Reilmon was ready to deliver another kick behind him but he quickly turned around and landed a straight punch on her which sent her flying away in the direction of Alan and Chris, Alan jumped like a goalkeeper and catched her in the air taking most of the impulse away but enough to send him sliding on the ground with Reilmon in arms, they got up, well Reilmon got up easily, but it was painful for Alan.

"I'm okay, don't worry about me" said Alan as he saw Reilmon's concerned face, she then went back to the fight, BWG received an Inferno Crystal from Kitsunemon off-guard so he was now hurt pretty bad.

BWG stood about 10 meters away from Reilmon and Kitsunemon, "Kyohenkio", as she traded places with BWG, he was confused in his place, "NOW!" she yelled at Kitsunemon.

"Flaming Fox..."


"Leaf Arrowhead!"


Yelled both at the same time, making both attacks hit near the same time delivering one deadly and final blow at BWG who was deleted almost instantly...

"That's one more, wonder what is happening?" asked Alan at seeminlgy no one, it was still afternoon and they weren't really tired so they continued to walk a little more...

"What is that place?" asked Alan as he pointed a temple not too far away.

"I don't know" said back Reilmon.

"Me neither, I've never seen or heard of that place..." said Kitsunemon.

"I have a bad feeling about that place, maybe we should rest before we go in" said Chris a little worried.

"Yeah, besides I 'm sure Reilmon and Kitsunemon are a little hurt from the fight before" said Alan as he started a fire.

Night quickly came and they spent the night not far away of the mysterious temple...

You know, each chapter keeps getting bigger and bigger, but I think next chapter won't be bigger...

Let's just say I have decided who will be the mastermind behind this...

Anyway, as usual, please R+R.

Again, Reilmon, Alan and Chris characters are made by me, so don't steal them, if you want to use any, mail me.

Kitsunemon is property of Talismon2k1.

"Flaming Fox Leaf Arrowhead" yelled Kitsunemon as she attacked a lawyer from TOEI. "There, anything else?"

"Not really, thanks, that's one problem less for now..." said Alan as Reilmon then faded away and he walked away...

Alan - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com