Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Story ❯ Truths Realized ( Chapter 4 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Will you believe me that TOEI animations owns Digimon? Yeah, I know it's difficult but is true…

Alan, Chris and Reilmon characters were created by me, so don't steal them, especially Reilmon.

This story will involve romantic relationships, be it 2 humans, 2 digimons or crossed, but IT WILL NOT involve any lemons.

Kitsunemon is property of Talismon2k1. I'm just borrowing it.

A New Story Chapter 4 - Truths Realized

"Well, I finally came back" Alan said standing just outside the apartment....

"Reilmon, can you disappear like Renamon?" he asked at his digimon.

"Sure, why?" she responded with another question Alan already was expecting.

"Could you appear when I call you, I'd rather explain them thing by thing, it would be less of a shock..." he said.

"Ok, just remember I'm a whisper away" she said in a seductive way, and as soon as she finished, she vanished into thin air.

Ok, here we go... Alan the opened the door, his mother, Lucia, was in the living room...

"Where the hell where you, young man?!?!" she said a voice that a child would recognize it means trouble.

"Will you believe me if I said in some sort of Digital World?" Alan said back.

"No" said Lucia firmly.

"Thought so, but here is the proof... Reilmon" he said quietly, her mother's face gave him a strange look, and just a second later Reilmon appeared.

"Good morning, mrs... er..." Reilmon never heard of her name or last name, so she didn't knew how to adress her.

"Langel, Lucia Langel" whispered Alan into Reilmon's ear.

"Goor morning, mrs. Langel" said Reilmon as politely as she could while bowing, Lucia was still a little shocked, while she knew a little about digimon bacause of her son, she didn't knew they existed.

"You...You're a digimon, right?" Lucia asked still a little fidgety.

"That would be correct" said Reilmon trying to show even more respect than she had already.

"Why did you never told me they existed?" asked Lucia at her son.

Wow! She is taking it better than I thought, I thought it would have been worse than how Chris took it...

"I didn't knew either, that's where I was, in the Digital World, I was actually sucked by my computer into the Digital World, where I met Reilmon, I came back about at 2 AM today through Chris' computer, she let me and Reilmon spend the night and her house, and then we came here" said Alan telling the truth, purposely skipping the part of his romantic relationship.

Lucia still couldn't grasp all of this, while she was happy that her son was safe and sound, she was scared to death because of his leaving, and having a digimon in front of her didn't helped either.

"Well, I won't scold, since it was some sort of accident, but still, what are you going to do with..." she gestured at Reilmon.

"Reilmon" said Alan.

"What are you going to do with Reilmon?" asked Lucia, both Alan and Reilmon just stood there in silence.

"I suppose you don't know, right? asked Lucia, both only nodded.

"It's okay, she can stay if she doesn't cause any trouble" she said while walking away.

"Thanks" said Alan, his mother barely hearing it.

This was WAY better than I hoped for, I thought they were going to die from a heart attack or kill me... I guess life can be good from time to time...

"You don't mind staying at my world until we find a way to send you back?" he asked.

"I'd rather spend the rest of my life here with you than alone in my world" she said smilling at that comment, Alan couldn't help but to smile too, they gave each other a small peck, but careful as to not to be discovered by Alan's mother. They entered Alan's room.

Ah! I missed this place, everything is just like when I left... The boy was finally at home, and not only did he had his family and friends back, he had his own digimon and girlfriend now, this small trip gave him one of the most powerful sensations of the world, but it wouldn't be all. He had things to do he didn't even knew about, but will soon.


Wonder how did it go? a girl in a classroom thought, Reilmon worries me more though, how would she keep a low profile in this world, well, she's half Renamon, so she must be as agile as a Renamon, but still... Her thoughts were then interrupted by a voice.

"Chris?" said the teacher...

"Chris!" she practically yelled, making Chris snap awake from her thoughts.

"Yes?" said Chris.

"Could you tell me the answer to the next question?" the teacher said.

Damn! I gotta pay more attention...


Alan and Reilmon were still on Alan's room just talking, the clock then hit 3 PM, by that time Chris should have already got home, so he decided to pay her a little visit.

"Mom, I'm going to Chris' house" yelled Alan.

"Ok, take care" Lucia said back as her son exited the house with his digimon following.

While the trip for Alan wasn't the best possible, since they lived a 'little' far away, Reilmon was just jumping through the trees, by the time they reached they destination Alan was totally winded up, but Reilmon was like nothing.

"Do humans tire that easily?" asked Reilmon a little disappointed at the sight.

"Most...do" said Alan, while he had good physical condition, it was not that good.

"But hey... Some digimons aren't...that fast..." he managed to say.

"Point taken...." she said, before they stood right outside of Chris' apartment door.

Alan then knocked on the door, but the response didn't cam from the inside, but from the stairs, "Coming!" said a girl who sounded like she was running, "I'm sorry, I...Oh, it's you" she said, "What's that supposed to mean?" said Alan a little annoyed, "Nothing at all, do you need something, or did you parents threw you out?" she couldn't help but to laugh at that last remark, "No, my mother took the news rather well, actually, she doesn't mind Reilmon staying at our house!" he said happy, "I guess you were lucky, anyway, why are you here?" she asked not remembering his promise, "You don't remember, do you? he asked, "...Oh that, I do now" she said smiling, "...Do you prefer me to tell you out here or in?" he asked, "Let's go in" she said while she opened and the 3 got in.

"So what's the story?" she asked anxious, Alan was about to speak but was outrunned by Reilmon.

"He's my boyfriend" she said like nothing, but wasn't expecting this kind of answer.

"WHAT!?!?" yelled Chris.

"I think she took it rather well" whispered Alan into Reilmon's ear.

"Just like you heard, she's my girlfriend" said Alan now.

"But she isn't even human and you are not a digimon" she said still shocked.

"We don't care about that" said both in unison.

"Love is a feeling you have for someone you want to spend the most time possibe with, it doesn't neccesarily has to be to the same species" said Alan somewhat anoyed from that last remark, Chris did not wanted to know where did he heard that.

"So that's pretty much" said Alan.

"Ok, sorry I asked" apologized Chris.

"Don't worry" said Reilmon.

"Yeah, it's ok" said Alan.

"Well, since you are here, can I challenge you to a battle of digimon?" asked Chris forgetting the whole 'trip' of Alan.

"Need I remind you that Reilmon was the digimon that I was training?" said Alan.

"Oh, yeah..." said Chris a little sad.

"Well, could you at least stay a while, it's kinda lonely here sometimes"she asked.

"Sure, I don't see why not" said Alan.

"Thanks" Chris answered back.

They spent some time talking about Alan's trip to the Digital World, and after a while they ate something, they just didn't expected that Reilmon would love the food of the Real World, after they finished, they entered Chris room where she turned on her computer, And now you work, damn piece of metal... and as Alan expected she started to play with the Digimon game they both liked.

Her digimon soon appeared on the screen.

"That's a Kitsunemon, right?" asked Reilmon.

"Yes" said both Chris and Alan at the same time.

A battle soon ensued, with no trouble at all Kitsunemon deleted and downloaded the enemy, and just like a past event in the life of Alan another ray of light appeared.

"Oh no, here we go again..." said Alan a couple of seconds before they were sucked in...


Time later Reilmon awoke, while she didn't opened her eyes, she could tell she was hugging her partner, but her back was against the wall. She finally opened her eyes, she could see easily in the dark, and was able to make up a figure, at first seeing that only made her stand up with an incredible speed and to stand in a fighting pose.

"Wow, calm down, I'm not going to hurt ya" said the mysterious voice, upon closer inspection she recognized a dark purple digimon, with long pointy ears facing to the back of it's head, and with some wing-looking things pointing to the sides of it's head, and with some kind of braces on it's arms, she recognized the digimon as a Kitsunemon.

"Are you Chris' digimon?" asked Reilmon.

"It would appear so" he said back.

"Sorry for that, I just didn't knew you weren't evil" apologized Reilmon.

"No problem" said Kitsunemon. They both spent some time talking before Alan and Chris woke up.

"Uhh...Reilmon??" said Alan a little groggily.

"I'm here" she said while grabing his hand.

"What is this place?" he asked again, his sight wasn't adjusted to the dark yet, so he couldn't see very well.

"A cave, which I presume it's Kitsunemon's" she said.

"Give me a minute, I'll start a fire" said Kitsunemon just before he gathered some logs and lit fire on them by crashing his claws like flints above them.

The fire lighted the cave, making it possible for Alan to see.

"You are a Kitsunemon, right?" he asked not remembering Reilmon's past words.

"Yes" he simply said and quickly added, "And you are...?" he asked now.

"Alan" he said back.

A couple of minutes went through before Chris woke up, she could only stare in awe at Kitsunemon, she had seen him, but only through a monitor, not in person nor she thought that would happen, one question still passed through her mind.

"Yes, I'm your digimon" he said answering her unasked question, Chris' face shifted to a happy one, in a matter of seconds she was up and running towards him.

Kitsunemon didn't expected that, so he was caught surprised by her hug.

"Woah! Easy there!" he said while setting her down.

"I'm sory, it's just that I'm so happy, I finally have my digimon" she said way too happy, thruth be told, she had been jealous of Alan, since he now had a digimon, who also was his girlfrined, she didn't liked that much, but she accepted it, sort of...

"But, did we really appeared here?" asked Alan curiously.

"Not quite, you 3 where outside lying in the grass, I saw you while a was about to get some food, and I decided to bring you to my 'home', that, and I had this feeling that I was destined to meet you Chris, and since I saw Reilmon and Alan snuggled together, I decided to leave them like that" he said, while he didn't knew why they were like that, he didn't really needed to know but was about to discover, he turned to the couple he didn't knew existed and saw Reilmon's tail wrapped around Alan's waist, his eyes just gave a strange look.

"Let's just say they are really close friends" said Chris, Kitsunemon only gave her a strange look.

"You know..." said Chris while making some sort of gesture with her hand.

"Oh!" was all Kitsunemon said.

"Kind of weird isn't it?" said Chris, while she didn't knew, Reilmon's eyes twitched a little but decided not to do anything at all.

"Not really" said Kitsunemon.

"I have seen different digimons as couples, so I don't think a digimon with a human is no different either" he said, Chris could only think on how did he knew that, she thought Kitsunemon did nothing while she didn't ordered him anything, but was now proven wrong.

"Thanks" said Reilmon, Kitsunemon already knew why she said that.

"Don't mention it" he said back trying to act polite even through it didn't suited him.

"I'll go get some food" said Kitsunemon.

"I'll go with you" added Alan.

"You wait here, ok?" said both at the same time, Chris and Reilmon only nodded as they exited the cave. Damn bokken, it just suddenly disappears...


Both Alan and Kitsunemon where outside gathering food while Chris and Reilmon stood inside the cave, they decided to spend the time talking...

"So, you really are in love with Alan?" asked Chris at Reilmon.

"Yes" she responded quietly.

"And are you sure that love is the real feeling, not just a caring side coming up, like with your parents?" asked Chris again not knowing that Reilmon never met her parents.

"I never met them, by the time I started training Alan was already there, while I couldn't see him in front of me, I knew he cared for me, and sodid I for him, and I assume that caring feeling grow into something else" she said try to explain it as better as she could.

"And you don't care or have any trouble that he is not of your same species?" she asked again.

"No, as Kitsunemon and Alan said, love is a feeling you have for someone, he or she doesn't necessarily have to be of your same species" she said now a little anoyed, she had asked that question at least 5 or more times...

"Ok, sorry for asking" she apologized...

"Don't worry" Reilmon said back


"You sure you don't want me to do this, I can by myself?" asked a shadowy figure know as Kitsunemon.

"No, thanks, I can by myself too, even if it's a little harder for me" said Alan trying to reach a fruit while sitting on a brach of a tree.

"If you say so" said Kitsunemon just before he continued to gather some more.


"Soon, very soon my plan will be completed, and the world of the humans will disappear" came from a shadow creature standing on a ledge not too far away watching a Kitsunemon and a boy walking into a cave...

"But for now, I'll let you live" said the creature laughing and started to walk away......

...Not much to say here...

Alan - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com