Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A Past Adventure ❯ End Game Pt.13, Life Isn't Fair ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Crest: *Is tied to a chair while the Kaiser is typing away at her story* Shimatta Ken! Leave my story alone!!!
Kaiser: NO the evil must be ridden from this story!
Crest: KEN!!!!! I'm sorry I killed you, but I HAD too!!
Rini: Shouldn't we like help her?
Heero: She got herself into this let her get herself out of it.
Crest: Ke-en!!!! If you don't untie me I will....I will.. I will take away your Sam hair coloring kit!!!!!!
Kaiser: You wouldn't dare.
Crest: *Smiles* Wanna bet, spandex boy?
Kaiser: FINE! But you cant kill me again.
Crest: *Fingers Crossed* Okay I promise.
Kaiser: Good. *Smiles, and walks away from computer with a disk in his hand*
Crest: * Gets up and goes to her computer and screams* WHERES MY FLOPPY DISK WITH MY STORY ON IT!!!! KEN!!!!!! *Does her version of the Xena War Cry (Tm) and runs off to fine Ken*
Kaiser: *Smiles and hides in a closet*

A/N: Yes say it!!! I killed Kenny!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Well anyways last chapter peeps and then its the epilogue! This Chapter is for Firebird, Sylvyr Elf, Kawaii Mimi-chan, Ken's luver, Emu (Where ever you may be), and FairyOfGoldenRadiance! This is to you guys for being with me from the start!!!!! Ja Ne!


Previously on A Past Adventure-

"Insect." He muttered under his breath.
"I'm such a failure." Sam said as he tightened his grip on the swing.
"Yeah, we even failed to stop Ken's younger-self from getting hurt. Some Digidestined we are." Yolei said as she walked out of the room with her head down, and Hawkmon perched on her shoulder.
"Don't worry Ryo I'm sure you'll find him!"
"But he hurt me Sam!! And its all your fault! Because you couldn't protect me!"
"Let my sister go!! You mail opener face!" Taichi shouted as he stepped forward ready to attack.
"Look Out!!!!" He heard Sam holler as the sound of pounding feet were heard.
Chibi Ken looked down at the ground. "But mama papa I'm still here."
"Great, just what we need." The brownish haired boy said as he rolled his eyes and headed towards the lights.
"Myotismon!" Everyone gasped.
Chibi Ken screamed so loud that you could hear it in this world and the next, but then it stopped all you could hear was silence and then.


Davis was smacking at the dark mist that was making it hard to see.

"Is everyone alright?" Came the voice of one Tk Takashi.

"Yeah, but we need to get rid of this stupid mist stuff!" The leader of the second generation Digidestined hollered to everyone.

That's when it happened Davis fell to his knees holding on hand over his heart and the other on the ground to stable his balance.

The boy screamed as he felt like something was ripped from his body, his heart beat went wild, as a magenta colored light flew from Davis making him gasp for breath.

~Some where in limbo a small blue and magenta colored thread snapped, turned to dust, and floated away into the night.~

The reddish brown headed boy slowly stood, he felt like something was missing, but he couldn't place his finger on it. Right now all he was worried about was destroying Myotismon and saving his friends.

"Guys DNA Digivolve its the only way we stand a chance!" Cody hollered as his digimon de-digivolved .

The others followed in suit, soon all their digimon where in their Ultimate form, except Davis who was trying not to scream in frustration. (A/N: Useless fact time! When they DNA Digivolve that's what it is an ultimate form! ^_^)

'Come on Ken where are you? We need you!' Davis said as he watched his friends fight against the evil virus digimon.


Ryo was running as fast as he could he was almost at the park when he tripped over something, getting up slowly he turned to see what it was, and to his surprise there on the ground laid a green catapiller.

The 10 year old boys eyes widened as he realized who the bug was. "Oh My God, Wormmon!"

Wormmon's eyes slowly opened, as he looked for the owner of the voice, he felt warm arms wrap around him and pick him up.

"Wormmon what happened to you!" Ryo asked again as he cradled the little virus.

"Ryo is Worm-chan alright?" Vmon asked as he pulled on his friends shorts leg.

"Ryo?!" Wormmon asked surprised as he remembered what was going on.

"I have to get to the others! There in trouble!" Cried the frantic rookie.

"Whoa calm down Wormmon, calm down." The light brown headed boy said trying to sooth his old friend.

"But..KEN-CHAN IS IN TROUBLE!!!" The little catapiller said as he jumped out of Ryo's arms and started running the rest of the way to the park.

Picking up his own Digimon the ten year old ran after the little bug.


ShadowMyotismon laughed as he watched the pathetic attempts of the second generation of Digidestined try to attack him. "Come now my dears. Just give me that little brat so I can take what is mine, and over throw that stupid Daemon and then take over this world!" The mist was now gone thanks to Shakkuomon.

"So you wish to over throw me, do you?" A husky voice asked as the Mega Virus digimon appeared.

"N-no...I was just trying to.." The shadow virus type Digimon stopped as he saw what was in Deamons arms, Chibi-Ken.

"Trying to sweet talk me into not destroying you. Well truth be told Myotismon I don't have a use for you anymore, say hello to Dragomon for me." With that Deamon charged up and sent his 'Deadly Inferno' attack towards Myotismon; who didn't even have a chance to scream before he was gulped in black flames.

The second generation of Digidestined watched in horror and relief when they saw ShadowMyotismon disappear.

But what people didn't see was that after ShadowMyotismon disappeared the dome that was over the first generation Digidestined disappeared as well.

Kari Gasped as she looked at the bundle in Daemons arms. " Hey you let Chibi-Ken go!" The girl hollered as she stepped forward towards the digimon.

"As you wish." Was all the Virus Digimon said before he dropped the little eight year old to the ground, and he would have hit too if it wasn't for the quick actions of Taichi.

"Now Digidestined, I believe it is time for payback! And this time I will not be the one that goes away!" Daemon said as his eyes flash red and he opened his hand to reveal the Dark Spore, the robe wearing digimon started some weird chanting.

"No." Davis muttered, then it hit him, the pain, his bond with Ken was broken because he......died. "NO!" Davis hollered as he ran forward only to be held back by TK.

"Davis calm down!" The sandy blonde said as he used all his strength to keep the leader from doing something stupid.

"Let me go TK!" Davis said as he struggled more, no body cared that he had gotten Tk's name right all that mattered was calming Davis down.

Take that back one person did notice, Yamato gasped as he heard his little brothers nickname. The 12 year old blonde blinked and rubbed his eyes. 'No way that cant be him!'

"Davis please just be calm, because if you die then what will the rest of us do hmmm? Let this circus freak reject rule the world because you were stupid enough to go nuts because Ke..n is gone!" Yolei hollered as tears came down her cheeks.

Kari put a hand on her best friends shoulder. "Will get him back Davis. I mean the Dark Spore is what Ken needs to live right?" When she saw the boy calm done and nod she continued.

"Then all we have to do is get the Dark Spore back and put it back in his body." The younger teen said as she saw that he nodded sadly.

Tk got off his friend, and looked over at Taichi, who was still holding onto Chibi-Ken.

"Wormmon wait up!" A new voice hollered as it followed a green rookie catapiller into the battle field.

Everyone's attention was now turned to the new person, even Daemon's.

"Ken-Chan!" Wormmon hollered as he jumped up onto his partners stomach.

Ignoring the stares of the people around him the ten year old ran straight for Chibi-Ken.

Daemon smirked at the kid but continued to chant ignoring the Digidestined. 'Let them have their fun because they cant stop me' was all he thought.

Ryo quickly took the little eight year old from the older boy who backed away to his friends.

"Hey who do you think you are!" Davis asked as he came up to the boy. "Get away from him!"

But Ryo just ignored him, he stared at Chibi-Ken. "Come on buddy you need to wake up!" The light haired boy said as he shook his friend. "Kenny-boy come on wake up its not time to sleep. You have to get up." Ryo shakenly took his hand and was about to check for a pulse when Davis grabbed his hand.

"Who are you and what do you think your doing to Chibi-Ken!" The reddish brown haired teen hissed.

"Davis nows not the ti-" Cody was cut off by Davis.

"We don't even know who he is for all we know he could be an enemy!" The goggle-headed boy retorted but was surprised when a voice stopped Davis's questioning.

"Ryo-Chan would never hurt Ken-Chan ever. And who are you and how do we know you wont hurt Kenny-Chan?" A blue rookie Digimon said as he jumped down in front of Davis's feet.

"A-another Veemon?" Davis asked surprised as he looked down at the Digimon.

"Guys introductions later!" Yolei hollered as she watched as Daemon glow a dark red color.

"Now is the time Digidestined! Your lives end here and the worlds light along with it!!" Daemon said as his eyes flashed red and a attack started to form in his other hand while the other hand held the Dark Spore.

Ryo looked at the evil Digimon and then turned back to Davis. "Look who ever you are go and help those people, I'm going to stay here and try wake him up." The ten year old said motioning towards Chibi-Ken.

Nodding Davis headed towards the others, and you could hear Cody and Yolei trying to get Taichi and the others out of the park.

"Deadly Inferno!" Daemon said attacking the good digimon.

"This is it guys the final battle for both worlds, lest make sure we're the winners!" Slphymon said as she took off into the air. "Static Force!" She/he said as a pink ball of energy hurtled towards Daemon who took the hit like it was nothing.


Ryo looked down at his friend as tears started to sting his eyes he slowly took his hand and felt for a pulse, he felt one, but it was faint and fading.

"I'm so sorry I left!" The boy said as he started to cry.

"Ryo-Chan what's wrong with Ken-Chan?" Wormmon asked from his spot on top of Ken.

"He's...he's dying if we don't get him help quick he wont make it!" Ryo looked down at his friend. "Oh Gods I'm sorry Kenny-Chan, I never meant to leave its just that he came back and I couldn't just let Millniummon run loose all over the Digital World. I'm sorry, but please just wake up. Come on Ken I need you if you die now, how....how will I go on. I cant live with out your friendship, you know? Your the first friend I ever made and there's no way your going to die on me now!" The boy said as he hugged his friend close, knocking Wommon off accidentally

A bright blue light surrounded Ryo and then covered Ken's body, giving Chibi-Ken the energy he need to wake up.

"Wha-?" The little boy asked weakly.

"Your up oh thank Kami! Don't you ever scare me like that again." Ryo said as he hugged Chibi Ken tighter.

"Ryo-Chan? I....I thought you left?" Chibi-Ken asked as he tried to stand but his knees buckled almost fell.

The light brown haired boy say his friend falling and grabbed him to stable him. " I did but I felt danger coming so I came back." The kid said as he looked at the others who really need help.

"Think you can make Wormmon Digivolve?" Ryo asked his friend.

"I don't the digivice.I lost it when as was at this ocean place." The blunette said as he leaned on Ryo for support.

"But you don't need your digivice, you can make Wormmon Digivolve all you have to do is try." Vmon said jumping up and down glad that his friend was okay.

"But-" Chibi-Ken said as he looked down at the ground.

'No buts Ken those people over there." Ryo points to Davis and them. "They need our help so please try."

The eight year old nodded. "Okay I'll try." Chibi-Ken closed his eyes and started to concentrate.


Davis winced as he watched Exveemon take a hit from Daemon.

"Come on Exveemon get up! You can do it!" Davis hollered as he encouraged his digimon.

The others were doing the same thing encouraging their Digimon to do better.

The reddish brown haired goggle-head looked over towards Ryo and Chibi-Ken and saw Chibi-Ken trying to do something, and what he saw next was the most amazing thing ever.

Wormmon digivolved to Stingmon, and 'that' kids Vmon digivolved into XVmon.

And that's when it happened they DNA Digivolved. 'Hey I'm suppose to be Chibi-Kens and Kens 'only' DNA partner' Davis thought jealously.

"Ken there's so much I don't know about your past." The leader said as he shook his head to clear his thoughts.


"You did it Ken!" Ryo said as happily as he looked up at their digimon.

"Ryo-Chan I don't feel so good." Chibi-Ken said as he started to close his eyes.

"No. No. No. Stay awake you have to because if you don't you might not wake up." Ryo said as he sat Ken down on the ground. "Paildramon go and help the others!"

Nodding the Digimon took of into the air.


Kari and Yolei watched horrified as the mega-digimon threw Slphymon into the ground, and this time their Digimon did not get up.

"No Slphymon! Please get up you have to!" Kari cried as she ran over to her Digimon Yolei right behind her.

"Come on Slphymon you can do it! Get up!" Yolei hollered at her partner as tears slid down here cheeks.

"Davis he's too strong!" Tk hollered as Shakkoumon sent another Hichina bomb at Daemon.

"I know, but we cant just give up we have to try!" The leader yelled back at Tk as Shakkoumon took a hit and slid back into a tree knocking him and the tree down.

"Davis we have to...to get the Dark Spore away from him!" Cody exclaimed at his leader.

"You don't think I don't know that!" Davis hollered to the 11 year old.

"That's not what I meant Davis! I meant that we should...We Should Destroy The Dark Spore!" The little boy said quickly.

Davis was taken back by this, he looked down at the ground and then over at the Digimon who were getting badly beaten; Exveemon and Paildramon where the only ones still standing.

The reddish haired boy clenched his fist, gritted his teeth, and closed his eyes tightly.

"Davis!" Cody yelled at him as Exveemon was sent to the ground.

Taking a deep breath to try and calm his nerves. "Alright! Everyone destroy the Dark Spore!" The young boy hollered.

"You heard him Shakkoumon! Destroy the Dark Spore!" Tk yelled at the giant tin digimon.


Ryo looked down at his friend and realized how pale Chibi Ken was. "Ken-Chan come on you have to stay awake. Wormmon cant win this without you. You have to be strong if not for Wormmon then for me Ken! Come on buddy keep your eyes open!"

Chibi Ken looked up at his first friend ever and nodded. "Okay Ryo-Kun I will, for you." he whispered.

At this point Ryo and Chibi Ken started to glow a blue and magenta color as did Paildramon.

"Whats going on?" The little Indigo haired kid asked as he looked at his Digimon.

"I don't know." Was the reply he got.


Paildramon was about to attack, when he felt a surge of energy run through him.

"Paildramon Mega Digivolve to......Imperialdramon!"

"Its time to end this!" Imperialdramon hollered as he ready his most powerful attack.

"Mega Crusher!" The Mega Digimon race forward and pinned Deamon with on of his claws stunning the evil mega just long enough for one more attack.

"Positron!!!LASER!!!!" Powering up a huge blast bigger then the normal energy blast, Imperialdramon slammed it into Deamon evaporating him almost instantly, and the Dark Spore along with him.


Ryo watched as his best friend fell to the ground.

"No Ken!" Grabbing Chibi Ken he shook Ken. "Come on Ken wake up! You promised me you would keep your eyes open!" He hollered as tears started to come down his face.

At this point and time the others were wandering over to the two kids, with tears in their eyes.

Ryo turned towards the others with fear in his eyes, and seeing the others clinging onto each other, crying, confirmed what he thought.

"No! No Kenny-Chan you cant be dead you just cant! you....just....cant..." Ryo whispered as he curled up into a ball on the ground started to cry.

~*Scene slowly fades to a church where we can people gathered around two coffins*~

"Family, Friends, Relatives we are gathered here on the blackest of days to mourn for the loss of Sam and Ken Ichijouiji. Two beautiful young boys that were taken from this world before the even entered the prim of their life. But yet God seemed to have other plans, maybe he thought they could do more as angels then they could on this forsaken Earth."

~* Scene fades to outside in a cemetery where the crowd has already left leaving just the Digidestined*~

"Its not fair! We should have been able to prevent this!" Davis hollered as he slammed his fist onto the ground.

"Davis there's nothing we can do now. What's done....is...done." Cody said as he choked back tears.

"Its just not fair Ken has gone through so much and this is how it ends! ITS JUST NOT FAIR!" Yolei knelt down to Davis and put her arms around him.

"I know Davis, but there's nothing we can do. Ken's in...in a better place now." At saying this Davis cried onto the lavender haired teens shoulder.

"Yeah and he will always be with us in our hearts and in our memories." Tk added as he hugged Kari closer to him.

"Its......just...not...fair" The goggle-head said in between sobs.

"I know its not. And life isn't always fair. But its time we head back to your time." A voice said from behind everybody.

Everyone turned around and saw the young Gennai before them.

"Gennai what's going to happen to our time now that Ken died?" Kari asked as she held her boyfriend tighter.

"Well no-one will know Ken had once existed in the future or rather your present. But I am allowing you and the other Digidestined to remember Ken." The Obi Wan look alike explained.

"But how? I mean when we get back to our time line wouldn't we immediately forget?" Questioned Cody.

"You normally would, but with Azulongmon's help he was able to make sure that you and the other Digidestined were able to remember your friend." The Digital World Guardian explained.

"But what about ush? Will we still exisht?" Veemon asked his friend.

"Yes you will even though Ken is not there to present a threat as the Digimon Emperor. You still would have been awakened to fight Malomyotismon. Now I'm sorry to cut your memorial session short but we really must be going. My past self will be reborn soon, and I don't even want to think of the possibilities that could happen if I saw him."

Nodding the other Children followed Gennai through a glowing portal, only one knowing that soon in the very future something great would happen to make up for the mistake that took place the night before.

Crest: *Is running away from the Kaiser* Somebody help me!!!!!
Kaiser: What happened to 'oh I wont kill you again?'
Crest: *Sweatdrops* I had my fingers crossed!
Kaiser: DIE!!!!!!!
Everyone but Kaiser and Crest: *They all get up and hold Ken back so that he doesn't kill Crest*
Crest: You know I can always write you out of the epilogue!
Kaiser: *Sturggels even more to get to Crest*
*Just then Crest's mom walks in and looks at everyone, and faints*
Crest: Oh Sh-
Everyone Else: -it!
Crest: Epilogue will be out later today!