Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Aqua Village ❯ Computers or Girls? ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Aqua Village

Chapter 5: Computers or Girls?

Aha time for my little speel before I write the next chapter. Writing is an art, without art the world would be a boring place. I appreciate all the good reviews I have been getting, as long as they continue, I'll continue. If you've got any suggestions about future entries email me at Xman00Aoa@aol.com, you can 99% of the time find me on AIM.

Warning: If you are under the age of 18, I'd advise you not to read this. Because love is another from of art.

"All You Need Is Love"-John Lennon


Koushiro sat at his console. His fingers were lighting fast as her crossed the keyboard, to the normal person who had a basic knowledge of computers, saw a young man playing a game. To Koushiro it was more than a game; it was hacker program. He had hacked his way through the school's mainframe, he didn't do it to change grades, he did it to see if he was up to all of the new technology. He smiled at the pitiful firewalls as the collapsed; he nosed around looking at different files of students, then he backed his way out, shutting down his entry and making sure no one could find him.


Koushiro turned and looked at the door. There she was, he smiled. If the guys knew about here, they were all kill him, it was irony at its best

"Koushiro, baby. Lets go"

Jun walked into the room, sitting her book on a nearby chair. She stood behind him, playing with his hair lightly. Koushiro blushed as he felt her nimble fingers go through his hair.

"Ok, gimme just a second"

Jun stomped her foot

"Koushiro" she whined, "Please school is over, so that means we go home"

She tugged on his arm

"Come on"

Koushiro finished typing and shut the computer down. He placed his books in his pack, he couldn't wait to go home and get his laptop back; he had forgotten to charge it the night before so he had to leave it at home that day.

"Ok Jun lets go"

Jun smiled and wrapped her arm around his head, kissing him on the lips passionately. She pulled away and looked him in the eyes

"Why couldn't Yamato kiss like you could"?

"Well in theory he couldn't because..."

She shut him up by kissing him again


Jun stuck her hand in Koushiro's as they walked down the street

"Koushiro...tell me it again"


"Because I like the way it sounds"

"Well...LAN is much better than a regular modem, because a LAN is basically its on server, letting more high speed traffic constantly throughout the day"

Jun shivered as if a cold chill passed through her body

"God that jargon turns me on. I love your brains"

Koushiro blushed, his face turning a bright red. He had been secretly dating Jun for about a month now, or since her latest attempt to get Yamato had been turned down. He smiled as he squeezed her hand harder

"So what do you want to do Jun?"

Jun smiled and wrapped her arms around Koushiro

"How about we go get something to eat, and then I eat you"

She laughed lightly

"Sure that sounds great"

They walked on to the pizza place, through the window they could both see Taichi and Sora, Yamato and Janet.

"Wow, looks like the whole gang is here" Jun commented to him. Koushiro grabbed her hand

"Tell me the truth Jun, your not dating me to get back at Yamato are you?"

Jun looked shocked, she took a step back, clutching her heart.

"Koushiro, baby, I would never do that to you"

"I just had to hear it from your mouth" he grabbed her hand again "Shall we?"

Jun smiled as he opened the door, such a gentleman. They walked over to the group's table

"Hey guys mind if we join?"

Taichi and Yamato looked wild-eyed at Jun

"Koushiro, Jun is the one you were talking about" Yamato asked

Jun laid her head down on Koushiro's shoulder

"Aww Koushiro, you talk about me?"

Koushiro blushed, she kissed his cheek.

Taichi and Yamato just stared at him, eyes opened wide. Sora nudged Taichi in the side

"Quit staring Taichi"

Taichi's eyes cut to his slice, he picked it up and bit into it

"Sure you guys can" Sora said, sliding closer to Taichi to make room for Jun, Janet and Yamato did the same for Koushiro. Jun took Koushiro's hand, Yamato's stomach leaped in the air and back down again, it was the most sickening sight he had ever seen. Janet leaned over and kissed his cheek and whispered

"Stop staring at them, stare at me"

Yamato smiled and turned his attention back to Janet she smiled gently. Sora had leaned over Taichi to wipe pizza sauce off his face. Koushiro stared at them, not knowing what to do or say. Love was the one thing they couldn't teach you in school. It was a tricky subject for him; he smiled at Jun, who smiled back. Jun leaned over and kissed him, Yamato and Taichi's eyes left their respected mates.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Sora said

"Yeah me too" Jun said

They both stared at Jun, hoping she would get the concept; a light flickered on inside Jun's head, who nodded and stood.

The three girls walked to the bathroom, Yamato leaned over and smacked Koushiro hard in the back of the head

"Oww, what was that for?"

Taichi leaned over

"Why didn't you tell us Koushiro"

"I didn't know how you would take it"

"A lot better if you would have told us" Yamato chimed in "Please tell me you haven't slept with her have you?"

Koushiro blushed slightly and nodded

Yamato looked away in terror

"Aww Koushiro, man, damn"

While at the same moment...

Sora put on another layer of lip-gloss on her lips; she blotted it on a paper towel. Janet put on some more eyeliner; she turned and looked at Jun

"So Jun, tell me, how long have you been dating Koushiro?"

Jun smiled and got a sort of dreamy like look on her face.

"A month now, he is so cute. He takes care of me, helps me out with schoolwork, and takes me out"

Sora nodded

"You are not just using him for homework, are you"

"Or trying to make Yamato jealous, are you"

Jun looked shocked

"I am just shocked that you both would think that I would just use Koushiro to get back at Yamato"

Sora and Janet exchanged a look and looked back at Jun

"I'm not, I promise"

"Ok that's what I wanted to hear, I don't want you breaking Koushiro's heart"

Jun smiled and nodded

"I'm not planning on it, I think we could be together for a very long time, IF I could get him away from his computer more often"

The girls laughed, the three of them knowing that there was no way that would happen.

Back at the table...

"Koushiro was getting yelled out by Taichi and Yamato, finally he had had enough

"I don't know what your problem with her is, she is a very sweet and caring individual. Why can't I be happy, you both have your own love, let me"

Taichi looked over to Yamato

"He's right you know?"

Yamato nodded

"Yeah, I'm sorry Koushiro but you are my friend and I didn't want to see you get hurt"

Koushiro nodded and smiled

"I know and I appreciate that"

The girls walked out of the bathroom, still laughing. Sora slid in next to Taichi and kissed his cheek

"Did you miss me?" she said looking up into his big brown eyes, he kissed her softly.

Janet smiled she knew she didn't need to ask Yamato, he had grabbed her hand as soon as she slid back in, she smiled up at him.

Jun reached over and grabbed Koushiro's hand

"Well I missed you"

The group went through the rest of the pizza, passing stories back and forth, a lot of the stories had to do with the digiworld and the attacks a few years ago. The stories went over Janet and Jun's head, but they were entertaining to say the least.

The whole night was filled with goo-goo eyes at the lover of choice. Jun's foot slowly crawled up Koushiro's leg; Koushiro's eyes went wide. Jun smiled coyly at him, he blushed a deep red.

"I think it is time for me and Koushiro to leave"

Taichi and Yamato both closed their eyes, attempting to get that though out of their heads, the girls giggled slightly as Jun and Koushiro got up.

Koushiro grabbed his pack

"We will see you guys later"

He wrapped his arm around Jun's waist; Jun laid her head on his shoulder as they left. Taichi held his head in his hands as he watched them leave. All he could think of was

Poor Guy


Koushiro stood out in front of Jun's apartment, his hand still in his own. He smiled at her

She smiled back and leaned over and whispered in his ear

"Nobody's home, do you want to come up?"

Koushiro's heart began to flutter, began to pound fast. He nodded slowly


They walked through the gate and to the elevator. The doors opened and they stepped in. He smiled as the door closed; she threw him up against the wall of the car, kissing him, running her hands through his hair. His hands explored her body carefully, he ran his hands down the length of her body beginning with her breasts and working his way down her skirt, lifting it up slowly, so he could get his hands in. She softly bit his ear, moaning softly. The car doors opened slowly, she grabbed his hand and took him into her apartment. She opened the door to her room and threw him on the bed

"Talk smart to me" she whispered as she leaned over and kissed him passionately

"Computers..." he mumbled

She moaned loudly, bringing his hand up to her dress, to help her pull it off. He got it down to her breasts before she stopped; she crossed over and straddled him, pulling at his pants lightly.


She moaned again, pulling her panties off, slowly grinding against his hard member. He moaned softy


She moaned again, tearing his pants off, and sliding herself onto his hard member. She let out a grown of pleasure as she rode him. She had never allowed him to be on top, while she was on top; it was as if she controlled all the situations, every possible constraint that he would try. She rode him harder and harder, filling herself with his own special machine. Harder and harder, his blood thundered in his ears. An explosion of bent up frustration and love filled the both of them. Koushiro pulled out at the last moment. Jun wrapped her arms around him pulling him down to hug him. She laid her head down on his chest, loving the feel of his chest as it rose and fell in rhythmic breathing. The only thing Koushiro could think of was:

"Girls are better than computers"

She smiled and kissed him softly drooping closed.


AHA I bet you weren't thinking of that combo. Jun and Koushiro-what a combo. I know I seemed to cut the sex down but I don't think many of you can stomach Jun-lol. Ah give me a review on what you think, and check out my other fics.

Next up: The one you have all been waiting for. Daisuke's mystery girl is revealed, who could it be? The fic's name-Dream Lover

Till then I remain