Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Avalanche - White Danger ❯ Awakening ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Notes: I AM SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY! BUT there are reasons for it. I have a beta-reader now! Thanks, Em! She worked through this chapter and corrected many mistakes...it took her quite some time, and I am really sorry for the extra work...I always tend to use German phrases in the English language, and of course that's wrong*sighs* I hope you can forgive me with this one! There's a little bit Kenyako in it, but I am not a good romance writer...~Kaeera

Avalanche - White Danger

by Kaeera

Chapter 10: Awakening

The flowers were colorful, and a soft wind stroked over the scenery. It was a beautiful landscape; the sky was blue and the sun was shining warmly down onto the grass. It was summer. Or spring. Miyako didn't care. She just enjoyed the welcomed feeling of the warmth on her skin; the view of a peaceful nature. In her opinion, she had earned that after what she had gone through.
It was strange that she knew she was dreaming. Like she knew that her body was in hospital right now. But this knowledge didn't disturb her.
She would wake up when she was ready. And until then she could enjoy this!
Miyako sat down in the green grass and watched a beautiful butterfly flying from flower to flower. She remembered the cold and the fear, the pain and the hopeless feeling. And she compared that with all she was feeling now, and really, this was an improvement.

I am here. Dreaming. It's the first time that I know that I am dreaming. Funny...

She laid back and stared into the sky. White clouds were slowly making their way over the bright blue. Some birds were flying, far away and not recognizable. Peaceful. She could smell the air, could smell the grass, and she was happy.

I wonder if the others are experiencing the same.

Images of her friends popped into her head, and she smiled when she watched the mental image of a certain blue-haired boy.

Ken...I hope he is okay. I guess I couldn't bear it if something happened to him...
I didn't realise before how much I liked him. I mean, I had this crush on him, long ago, before I knew that he was the digimon kaiser. Then when we discovered what he had done, I started hating him. I couldn't believe that he of all people, he who had everything, did this to innocent digimon. I didn't knew about the pain he felt. About the pain of loosing a family member. A brother...
I have many siblings, and they can be really annoying. But I don't know what I would do if I would lose on of them...
Ken...he is like a big secret. When he finally regretted what he did, I couldn't forgive him. I was just...too angry. I thought that he would never change. That he would always be the same.
But then Davis accepted him. From one day to another he forgave him; said that he wanted to be Ken's friend. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, and I really had assumed that Davis had become mad. But he had been right. He had trusted his heart, and the boy had been right! And I was wrong...Maybe I should trust my heart more often?
Everytime I met Ken I could see the guilt in his eyes. And everytime it hurt me more. I wanted to help him, because I finally realised that he had changed. And I guess that was the point I started liking him.

The girl smiled a little bit and played with her hair. Yes, that had been the time...three years ago. Three long years, and during all these days she had learned to know her friend, had learned to accept his attitude and his character.

He can be so shy, and he's silent...The opposite of me. I often speak without thinking. I act impulsive. I have strong moods, and it's easy to make me enthusiastic. He's so calm, and I guess that's why I like being with him. He gives me a feeling of safety.
And I can make him laugh. I like it when he laughs - it's something special.

Guess I am guilty...guilty of liking Ken...

A sad look appeared in her eyes. But she had never told him about it. She had been afraid that he just thought of her as the girl-who-always-talks. Just a girl. Over three long years she had been silent. And now? This avalanche could have destroyed everything. Maybe it had. She was alive, but she couldn't assume that the same was truth for her three friends. Maybe it was too late to tell him.
No. She couldn't think like that. It wasn't too late! She would wake up, and then she would meet ken...and she would tell him. Yes.
Miyako smiled and closed her eyes.

* * *

"See, we are there!", the doctor said and smiled a bit. Kari, who had woken up more and more, turned her head. Two men lifted her stretcher and took her inside the huge grey building. She leaned back and closed her eyes. She hated hospitals! The smell there...and all the ill people...
Well, now she belonged to the ill people, too, but...she still hated them.
Fortunately she would be safe there. There was no danger of dying - or was there one? The doctors would prevent that. And after all, she was awake, she could think clearly, although she still felt cold and numb.
She didn't even know if she was hurt or not!

Loud voices filled the air, and she could tell that they now had entered the building. Maybe her parents would be there? And Taichi? But - no. It was too far away...even when they had been contacted immediately, it sill was a drive of over 7 hours.
Contently she listened to all the voices, here and there catching some words or even phrases, but never enough to understand a conversation.

"What's that?", she suddenly heard someone shouting.

"I giant cat! Catch her!", another voice yelled.

A cat? In a hospital? Hikari would have furrowed her brow if she hadn't been so cold. Was it permitted to take animals into hospitals? As far as she remembered, it wasn't. Poor cat - she surely was frightened.

"Stop this beast...it's running...HEY!", something landed hard on her breast and Kari gaped. What the heck...

"KARI! Ohy my god, Kari, are you okay? I have been so worried about you...open your eye, Kari, please...you are okay, aren't you?" Was that Gatomon, her Gatomon which greeted her with this unusal enthusiasm? She couldn't believe it and opened slowly her eyes.
And really, it was her friend, sitting on her body and casting worried glances at her face. When the cat digimon noticed that her partner had opened her eyes, she smiled relieved. "KARI!", she cheered and hugged the girl.
Hikari smiled. "M'okay, G'tmon...", she mumbled and tried to smile. "M'okay."

"What's this animal doing with the girl?", one of the hospital staff shouted.

"My god, it's hurting the girl. We have to do something!"

"Calm down.", a woman interrupted, and Kari recognized the voice as the one of her doctor. "Don't you see that they are friends? And it's no animal, is it? I believe it's one of these creatures who have helped to save the earth. You know - digimon."

"It isn't a danger? But it's so big..."

"Do you see any danger? I don't. I just see the reunion of two friends."

Kari scanned the face of her friend, noticed the tears in the huge eyes, and couldn't help but feeling a great happiness in her heart. She was save, she was back and Gatomon was with her. What else could be wrong?

It's over, isn't it?

It's finally over. I am here. Gatomon is here. And if I'm warmed up enough, I surely can talk and eat something. And then Mum and Dad will come. And Tai. And everything will be okay again.

* * *

Later that day:


Was the first thing Ken felt when he slowly regained consciousness.


Was the next one. And then:


This did surprise him. Because he remembered exactly how cold he had been when he had woken up the last time. Freezing. Like ice.
And now? He felt content, safe, warm....and something was hurting, but he still hadn't found out what. Slowly the boy tried to analyze his situation. Hurting....
His head...a little bit. Headache. Not much of one, and understandable after such an avalanche.
His left hand. Hmmm. It did definitely hurt. Maybe a sprained wrist. Hopefully nothing serious.
And some sore points here and there, but nothing too bad.

I must have had luck, he mused out, while he grew more and more aware of his surroundings. Now he could recognize some noises. Beeping. Something was beebing!
But what?

Okay...remember, Ken, remember...wasn't there Veemon? No...he was bigger...X-Veemon! He had rescued me, now I can see it...
Guess I must be in a hospital...and the beeping is maybe a heart-monitor. Yeah.

And the others? Are they here, too? Kari, Davis and...Miyako...

He mentally flinched when he thought of the purple-haired girl. When he had first met her, he had thought that she was just a noisy girl, stupid and uncaring. But he had been wrong, so wrong...time had passed, and the boy had realised that there was more behind the facade...

She can make me laugh...always. It's not easy to make me laugh - sometimes I feel guilty when I laugh. Guilty because I am able to laugh and Osamu not. Guilty because I think I should grieve forever, that I should feel regret forever...for doing things which are unforgivable.
Then Miyako comes, and she says something and looks at me with these sparkling eyes...and I just feel the ice melt. It's like sunshine.

I have started to like sunshine. No.

I have started to like life.

And all due to my friends. Davis who showed me the meaning of friendship. Miyako who can make me smile. And the others, who accepted me. Talked with me.
Who are my friends.

My friends.

I had never thought that Ken, teenage genius, would say something like that. My friends. But I do, and I am proud that I can say it. I HAVE FRIENDS! Sometimes I feel so happy that I could yell it around, out of my window, say to everyone: I have friends! I have the best friends you can find on the earth!
I want to thank them everyday. Now I know that it's worth living. That living can be fun...

Sometimes I wish that I wasn't be so shy. That I could tell Miyako my feelings. How I accept her. How I enjoy every single second of her presence.

I am too shy. I am afraid of being rejected. My situation is wonderful, so why destroy it? I just stay silent. And stay her friend.

Yeah, that would be right, he decided and opened his eyes - finally. He could see a white wall and noticed some dark spots on it. His vision was still blurry, so he blinked a few times.
Scanning the room he noticed that there was another bed. He couldn't recognize the person lying in it, though, because there was a curtain between them. He stretched his neck, curious, and he could see some strainds of purple hair.
He wanted to get up, nut soon had to accept that he was still too weak for it. Impatiently he watched the room. Was there no nurse, no doctor?

* * *

"What's wrong with him?", a nurse asked. "He's getting warm, but there's no sign of waking up. And the breathing is still weak."

The doctor by her side looked at the report and answered: "I don't know. He has some injuries - a broken leg, many bruises and a minor head wound - but he should wake up by now. Maybe..."
he hesitated and stared down at the boy who was lying on the stretcher with a pale face.

"Maybe what?", the nurse questioned and glanced worriedly over the figure of the teenager.

The doctor covered his eyes and sighed. "I have heard of cases like this...When kids have an extremely bad experience, like rape or something similar, it can be that they block it out. Become traumatic. However, there's a form of trauma which is like a coma...the patient just doesn't wake up."

"What?", a shocked expression appeared on her face. "But...why that? I mean, the other three, they have woken up by now, haven't they? Why just him? He looks like a tough boy..."

"Sometimes, appearances don't reflect what's inside...", the voice of the doctor trailed off. "Anyway, we have to wait. Maybe I am just too pessimistic and he will wake up the next couple of hours. The parents have been contacted?"

"Yes. They are on their way, but it will take some time. But his grand-parents are waiting in the waiting-room. They want to see him and the others as well."


* * *

Daisuke was wondering how long he had been there. It seemed like an eternity for him; and with every minute that passed, he became more and more depressed. It was really frustrating.
The landscape around the boy couldn't really be considered as a landscape. It was just too...dark...and freaky...
It was a landscape out of a nightmare, Davis thought gloomily.
And he hated nightmares. Afraid of the dark? Afraid of sleeping alone? Oh yes, he had been afraid.

Five-year old Daisuke Motomiya was alone at home. His sister had a sleep-over, and his parents were working or elsewhere...like always.
And like always, little Davis was frightened. He hated it when it became dark. Shadows were everywhere. And strange noises. But when he called for his Mum, no one came. She never came. Dad never came, either, because they were never at home. And Davis was alone.
After a while he had realized that crying did really not help, because nobody did hear him. However, that couldn't prevent the tears from falling down.
And when there was a rainstorm, it was extremly bad. He hid under his covers and covered his ears, but he flinched with every thunderbolt. And he could never sleep until he heard the familiar noise of an opening door.

Often he had been tired in the morning. And his mother had been angry because he was staying up late to watch tv...which he never did (Expect once when he had wanted to see the adult movies. Days after it there had been sickening images of naked women doing terrible things in his mind, and he had promised himself never to do that again).

Now he felt the same - helpless. Alone. But this time the darkness was bigger and more...frightening. And there was really no one, for he knew that this was an invention of his mind, so it was only him. There. Alone.

Afraid of the dark.

He shuddered. He shouldn't be that frightened - after all he was the courageous leader of the digidestined! He had helped to save the world! Damn...but he hadn't been alone then...
It was always like that. When he was with friends - either Veemon or some of his human friends - he could be strong. Because the others respected him for being strong. Because they relied on him. Needed him.
But when he was alone, it was just himself who needed...needed to be strong, but couldn't. Because he was afraid of being alone. Left behind. Lonely.

Afraid of sleeping alone?

Afraid of being alone.

Okay. Waking up was definitely necessary, or he would just start running around and screaming. He knew it. He was too scared to think straight!
Stupid Dream.
Stupid day!
Why wouldn't he wake up? Why COULDN'T he wake up?

He wanted to be at home. He wanted to be where it was warm and full of light. He wanted to talk with someone.
Honestly...this was just weird. He did - normally - not dream much. And when he did, it was pleasant dreams - ice-cream and soccer.
This was the dream of a twisted mind, and he really didn't like that. He hated it.

And sometimes there is no other way

You have to fight alone

To live alone

To cry alone

And if you can't do that

It will break your heart

destroy your mind

leaving broken pieces

of a glittering mirror


To be continued....

What's happening with poor Dai-chan? *big eyes* I don't even know it myself...have to see what my fingers will type next! Review people!*smiles sweetly* I'd love to read them...and maybe I write faster when I have more reviews*hinthint*

Settiai - don't worry. I'm never very keen on orders - you are not alone. Just aks my mom*snickers* Thanks so much for all the reviews*sniff* You are great! Hehe, and this guild of you is cool!

Mandi - No complains about cliffhangers? Great*smiles broadly* I'd love that! Although I know that they are evil...Another thing: you are a friend of PapillonStar? Really? She has wrote me that you two write a story together, is that true? If yes, you have to tell me the link or mail me when it's posted!*waves* See ya in the next chapter! Thanks for all your numerous reviews*hugs Mandi*
