Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ BANG! ❯ Chpt 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Her breath came in short, strangling gasps as she ran as fast as she could. Who was that? More to the point WHAT was that?

She could see the blue rooftop of the city's school just up a head. She sighed inwardly, knowing she would be safe from everyone once she was inside. Slowing to a halt, she looked at herself in a nearby window and fixed her hair and dress. Taking a deep, reassuring breath to calm herself, she walked into the building.

She was hit by a cool wave of air from the air-conditioner above. Looking around she walked up to the front office and was greeted by an elderly lady with long gray hair and golden rimmed glasses. The woman looked up slightly, her glasses sliding down to the end of her nose.

"Hi, I'm the new teacher, Lily Marie." The elderly woman broke out in a grin.

"OH! Well, welcome! I'm very pleased to meet you! My name is Mary Wilson and I'm the secretary and counselor. If you need any help at all just come to me. Your classroom is down the hall and to the right. The number is 501. Right now a sub is reading them a story. Jus tell her who ya are." Lily smiled and thanked Mary before heading down the hall.

It took her a few minutes to find the room, but eventually she found it. She turned the knob and stepped in. The room was small, but was decorated with little drawings, pictures, plastic toys, coloring utensils, cutting and pasting utensils, and tiny little desks. And, right in the middle of the room, were the tiny little children.

They were too engrossed in the story called, `Cinderella' to notice Lily. She quietly put her things down on the large, wooden desk. She turned and waved to the sub. The sub smiled and closed the book. She got up and walked over.

"Hello," she said cheerily.

"Hi, I'm Lily Marie."

"Oh! It's about time ya got here! Uh, no offense!" Lily laughed.

"No, it's all right. Yeah, I would have gotten here sooner, but with moving things into my house and all." The sub nodded.

"Yes, I understand. Well, you'll find that you'll love it here. You're rather lucky, too. This is one of the well-behaved Kindergarten classes on this floor! For little children, I must say, they are well mannered and play with each other nicely. You might just find this school year a breeze. But there is one small matter." Lily looked as if she was going to groan.

"Oh, don't act as if it's bad! Goodness no, it's just that there is someone who comes in to pick up the twins," the sub pointed to two little children with brown hair and brown eyes. The girl was playing house with some other little girls and the boy was playing with a yellow truck in a corner.

"Their names are Ai and Mako. Sometimes their parents will come and pick them up, but they have Beelzemon do it most of the time." Lily blinked.

"Uh, whose Beelzemon?" The sub laughed and gave Lily a light hug.

"You'll meet him soon enough. He isn't all that bad really. You just have to get use to his attitude and usage of words. Oh, and don't be frightened when he first comes in. He's insulted easily and doesn't like it. Well, buh-bye now. Bye children! Be nice to your new teacher now!" The children said their good byes and the sub left.

"Well, now. I'm very pleased to meet all of you. My name is Miss Marie and I hope you all will enjoy me as your new teacher from now on!" Lily said cheerfully. After going through the list of names on the roll, she turned and clasped her hands together.

"So, what do you guys want to do today? How `bout drawing? I love pictures. I see you love them, too. I see lots of them all over the place." The kids grinned and shouted their agreements. Lily smiled. She went and picked up some printer paper and a few buckets of crayons and colored pencils and started passing them out.

She leaned up against the teacher's desk and watched. Some drew in their seats when others drew on the floor. There were some that didn't actually draw at all. Some were sleeping, playing with the toys, or talking with others. Already, Lily loved the class.

She then noticed the twins, Ai and Mako, getting into an argument. Quickly she went over to them and broke it up. She glanced down at their drawings. On Ai's paper, there was a purple character with a yellow circle on its tummy and red around its neck. On Mako's, it was just a stick figure, but it was dressed in black scribbles with purple at the top.

The figure was messy, yes, but Lily couldn't help but notice something oddly familiar about it. She shrugged it off and gave them a smile.

"These are very nice drawings. Are they a certain someone or just something made from the top of your head?" Ai stopped glaring at Mako enough to smile back. She pointed to the picture and stated proudly, "This is our friend, Impmon!"

"And this is Impmon when he's bigger and bossier," Mako said, pointing to his picture. Suddenly, a paper wad hit Mako in the head. Ai made an angry face and yelled, "That's nothing but a lines! You're the worstest drawer I ever met!"

Mako wadded up his drawing and tossed it at his sister, which she was able to duck away from, and said back just as angrily, "Oh, yeah?! Well, you're the worstest dancer I ever met! Mom jus says you dance good cause she just wants you to feel good! But it's a lie! You stink!" Ai turned red.

"That's not true! I am a good dancer! You just can't see that cause you're a BOY!" Lily laughed. They were so cute.

"So! I'd rather be a boy then be a girl who has to dance in a pink dress!" Ai rolled her eyes.

"It's called a `tutu' dumby! Get it right." Mako growled. He was about to say something when the door opened to the classroom. Their eyes widened and started to sparkle.

They both shouted, "IMPMON!" and bolted over to the door. Lily turned and saw the person step into the room. He looked annoyed.

"It ain't IMPMON! It's Beelzemon! How many times do I gotta tell ya brats that?! Gah, hey! Let go of my legs!" Lily was frozen in fear. It was the guy who had saved her in the ally.

Tall, well defined, and clad in black leather, stood Beelzemon. He was currently trying to get Ai and Mako off his legs. She looked him over. He was not human for sure. He had a grayish tail waving up and down a little, claws, and a third eye right in the middle of his forehead.

She blinked and watched as he tucked a twin under each arm. He turned and started to walk out, when Ai and Mako shouted together, "Bye Miss Marie!" He stopped and glanced over the fuzzy, white collar of his jacket. All three eyes stopped dead on Lily and he narrowed them.

"I-I'm the n-new teacher."

"Yeah, I know. Mary told meh when I walked in. I guess I kinda forgot though. I usually ignore the teacher when I come to pick these devils up. Out of habit," he stated simply in a deep, smooth voice. Lily nodded. Then he broke out into a smirk that said `I'm-sexeh-and-irresistible'.

"Well, see ya around toots. Oh, and try to be on alert a little more. Dun want to be dragged into another alleyway again now do ya? Later!" He chuckled, almost evilly, and walked out. Lily blinked and fell back.

"Great, now I have to put up with that guy for the rest of the year!" The young woman sat up and looked up at the ceiling. `Guess I can handle it. I mean, how bad can he be?' She got up and went around cleaning up some paper, all the while thinking of all the possibilities of avoiding Beelzemon


Well, I'll be darned! Look! I updated! XD Hope ya liked that one! Laterz!