Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Blockade ❯ Chapter 1
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: Not mine.
A/N: As with any fic I write, this could and probably will contain het, yaoi, and yuri couples. Consider this your warning.
I am not entirely sure where this fic is going, but Miyako demanded to have her scene written so much that I did. Feel free to leave sugestions/comments/questions. Seriously, suggestions would be nice as I am in the dark with this. My muses havn't deigned to tell me where it's going.
I will not (and I swear by all I hold holy) do that lame thing with not updating until I get x number of reviews. That's just pathetic. I will, however, write faster if given motivation in the form of feedback. *cough*isafeedbackwhore*cough*
Miyako ground her palms against her eyes, then returned her tired gaze to the computer. Her eyelids fluttered for a moment, but she propped her head on her hand and willed herself awake. The words on the screen doubled, then tripled before her, and might have been written in Hebrew for all the sense she could make of them.
With a frustrated moan she shoved her chair violently backwards, her shoulders hitching with the effort not to cry. "GodDAMMIT!"
Sensing a presence approaching she angrily brushed away tears and looked up to see Jyou.
"Miyako, get some sleep. You're not going to be able to help them if you're so tired you can't see straight."
She was shaking her head before he'd finished speaking. "No. No, you don't understand." She was vaguely aware that across the room Iori was having a similar conversation with Koushiro. "It's Hikari over there. Not just Ken and Takeru, but Hikari, and we don't know what's happening to her." She stood up to find the room spinning and dropped back to her chair.
Jyou knelt down to her level. "They're our friends, too, Miyako. We're all going crazy with worry as well. Get some sleep, then come back and work on it again, all right?"
She shook her head - no, it certainly wasn't all right - but allowed Jyou to lead her over to the couch. Weariness rose like a monstrous black wave and sleep took her before she was fully laid down.
Jyou eased her to the couch and stood. He was glad to see Koushiro staggering off towards the bedroom. Running a hand through his disheveled hair, he stifled a yawn of his own. He went into the kitchen were Sora and Iori sat, looking only slightly less tired than Miyako and Koushiro. Sora was just returning the phone to it's cradle.
"Any word?"
Sora shook her head. "Her parents say there's no sign of her in America. We'll have to assume she's in the Digital world as well."
He sank into a chair and took the coffee she offered. The three sat in silence, until Iori spoke what was on all their minds.
"I wish we could do something. I feel so useless, just sitting here." He unconsciously turned a pen over and over in his hands, his unusual fidgeting showing just how agitated he was.
"I know. But Miyako and Koushiro know so much more about computers than we do. We'd just manage to foul things up more than they already are." Here she stopped to glance at the clock. "Are you going to have to check in at home?"
Iori stood, nodding. "Yeah. If I'm gone much longer on a school night mom'll have the cops out looking for me." Being a cop's son, they actually would start looking for him so soon rather than wait the normal twenty-four hours.
He grabbed his coat, which had been hung over the back of a chair in the cramped kitchen. "I'll be back tomorrow afternoon, unless they've fixed this by then."
Sora and Jyou said their goodbyes, and the younger boy left. Jyou produced on of his textbooks and tried to study. He was behind, as not much studying had been done in the panic of this weekend.
The situation was highly frustrating. Cut off from the Digital world, they might never see their friends again - but they still had to worry about grades and school and appeasing their parents.
Sora pillowed her head on her arms and was soon asleep. She lived in a dormitory, and could afford to be away a few nights before questions were asked.
Jyou was having trouble concentrating, for obvious reasons, and wasn't aware of precisely how much time he'd spent hunched over his books until Yamato entered rather noisily and jolted him back to reality. The blond set a bag of groceries on the table. The Digidestined going in and out all weekend had quickly eaten up Jyou's supply of Ramen and Cup-a-Soups.
Yamato dropped into the chair opposite of him. "Taichi's parents and my mom and dad coughed up some money. We'll be able to buy whatever kind of advanced computer stuff Koushiro and Miyako need." His fair skin was red from the cold air outside. And that brought to mind yet another worry: though the seasons didn't match up perfectly between worlds, it was still likely to be cold in the Digital world.
"How are they doing?"
"They're asleep right now."
Yamato bit out a harsh word. "Asleep? My brother is stranded over there. How can they be sleeping at a time like this?" He jumped to his feet and strode purposely towards the living room.
Jyou quickly blocked him, knocking over his chair in the process. He hadn't entirely outgrown his childhood clumsiness. "Yamato, stop. For gods' sakes, they can't concentrate on fixing this if they're too exhausted to focus."
Sora awoke at the noise and glanced about. Seeing only them she laid and head back on her arms and was asleep within moments.
Yamato sulked back to his chair. "..I know. I'm just really worried about Takeru, is all." He looked utterly hopeless for a moment. Jyou found himself wondering absently where on Earth his hormones found the energy at a time like this, then jerked himself back to the conversation.
"...mind if I stay here tonight?"
Jyou blinked and forced his brain to catch up. "Go ahead. But I should warn you, the couch and bed are both taken."
"I passed out on your couch last Christmas, so I know I'm not missing much." He paused. "Where are you sleeping?"
Jyou shrugged. "The floor, I suppose."
Yamato gave him a look that practically screamed 'doormat'. "It's your choice," he said in a tone that emphasized the doormat with a 'you're an idiot' thrown in for good measure.
Yamato went into the living room in the hopes that the carpet would prove more comfortable than the kitchen's linoleum.
Jyou returned to his books, intending to study a bit more before going to sleep.
The next he knew, he was being woke by Yamato, whose face was scant inches from his own. He had time to wonder at this, then tell his hormones to shut up and bother someone who was still a teenager, before the events of the past few days came back to him.
He sat up. A page of the book was stuck to his face, and Yamato was looking vaguely amused. Wonderful. "Ow." He winced and raised a hand to his neck. He was seriously going to regret sleeping like that.
"I thought you had an early class," Yamato glanced at Jyou for confirmation, who nodded, his neck cracking audibly. "So I woke you up so you won't be late. Koushiro and Miyako are awake and back on their computers. Sora left about a half hour ago." He paused. "She didn't look at all bothered by the way she'd slept."
Jyou's neck chose this moment to send him another twinge of pain, so he gave Yamato an uncharacteristically rude gesture.
Yamato smirked a bit, and Jyou went to shower before leaving for class.
That evening Jyou's tiny apartment was full. Miyako and Koushiro had skipped class to work, but had found only frustration. They continued working even as they listened to the remaining Digidestined's conversation.
Daisuke shook his head. "Ken's parents aren't buying any of this. I tried to get his computer so we could set it up over here, because he's got some sweet equipment that might be useful, but they think he ran away again. I tried to explain but they won't have anything to do with the Digital world." He paused, considering. "Maybe they think him and Takeru eloped."
Several people kicked him under the table at once.
Koushiro spoke slowly, most of his attention fixed on the screen in front of him. "We'll just have to buy some better equipment then. Miyako's and mine computers alone aren't enough. It's a shame, Ken's is programmed with so much Digiworld stuff already, and with a new computer we'll have to install it all before we can use it. Most of these programs are full of bugs and will take a lot of work to transfer."
They'd brought their computer over on Saturday, once the initial panic had worn off. Jyou's computer was blatantly ignored, aside from Miyako's one comment of refusing to acknowledge that artifact as a computer. The joke had lacked any spark, and Jyou hadn't bothered to inform them that it worked for typing essays, and that was about all he ever used it for.
Taichi allowed his left had to slip up to his mouth, and his teeth tore at his thumbnail, obscuring his words. His worry for Hikari was effecting him greatly. "My parents are going to make excuses for Hikari's being gone for as long as they can, and then they'll report her missing so the school doesn't get suspicious."
The three gaps in their group, and the girl missing from a classy college in New York, weighed heavily upon their minds, casting a shadow over their gathering. The conversation was dull and lifeless, all there having other things on their minds.
There was only so much school Miyako and Koushiro could miss. The night drew on, and when no miraculous breakthrough came the Digidestined departed for their respective homes, their hopes crushed for another day.
A/N: As with any fic I write, this could and probably will contain het, yaoi, and yuri couples. Consider this your warning.
I am not entirely sure where this fic is going, but Miyako demanded to have her scene written so much that I did. Feel free to leave sugestions/comments/questions. Seriously, suggestions would be nice as I am in the dark with this. My muses havn't deigned to tell me where it's going.
I will not (and I swear by all I hold holy) do that lame thing with not updating until I get x number of reviews. That's just pathetic. I will, however, write faster if given motivation in the form of feedback. *cough*isafeedbackwhore*cough*
Miyako ground her palms against her eyes, then returned her tired gaze to the computer. Her eyelids fluttered for a moment, but she propped her head on her hand and willed herself awake. The words on the screen doubled, then tripled before her, and might have been written in Hebrew for all the sense she could make of them.
With a frustrated moan she shoved her chair violently backwards, her shoulders hitching with the effort not to cry. "GodDAMMIT!"
Sensing a presence approaching she angrily brushed away tears and looked up to see Jyou.
"Miyako, get some sleep. You're not going to be able to help them if you're so tired you can't see straight."
She was shaking her head before he'd finished speaking. "No. No, you don't understand." She was vaguely aware that across the room Iori was having a similar conversation with Koushiro. "It's Hikari over there. Not just Ken and Takeru, but Hikari, and we don't know what's happening to her." She stood up to find the room spinning and dropped back to her chair.
Jyou knelt down to her level. "They're our friends, too, Miyako. We're all going crazy with worry as well. Get some sleep, then come back and work on it again, all right?"
She shook her head - no, it certainly wasn't all right - but allowed Jyou to lead her over to the couch. Weariness rose like a monstrous black wave and sleep took her before she was fully laid down.
Jyou eased her to the couch and stood. He was glad to see Koushiro staggering off towards the bedroom. Running a hand through his disheveled hair, he stifled a yawn of his own. He went into the kitchen were Sora and Iori sat, looking only slightly less tired than Miyako and Koushiro. Sora was just returning the phone to it's cradle.
"Any word?"
Sora shook her head. "Her parents say there's no sign of her in America. We'll have to assume she's in the Digital world as well."
He sank into a chair and took the coffee she offered. The three sat in silence, until Iori spoke what was on all their minds.
"I wish we could do something. I feel so useless, just sitting here." He unconsciously turned a pen over and over in his hands, his unusual fidgeting showing just how agitated he was.
"I know. But Miyako and Koushiro know so much more about computers than we do. We'd just manage to foul things up more than they already are." Here she stopped to glance at the clock. "Are you going to have to check in at home?"
Iori stood, nodding. "Yeah. If I'm gone much longer on a school night mom'll have the cops out looking for me." Being a cop's son, they actually would start looking for him so soon rather than wait the normal twenty-four hours.
He grabbed his coat, which had been hung over the back of a chair in the cramped kitchen. "I'll be back tomorrow afternoon, unless they've fixed this by then."
Sora and Jyou said their goodbyes, and the younger boy left. Jyou produced on of his textbooks and tried to study. He was behind, as not much studying had been done in the panic of this weekend.
The situation was highly frustrating. Cut off from the Digital world, they might never see their friends again - but they still had to worry about grades and school and appeasing their parents.
Sora pillowed her head on her arms and was soon asleep. She lived in a dormitory, and could afford to be away a few nights before questions were asked.
Jyou was having trouble concentrating, for obvious reasons, and wasn't aware of precisely how much time he'd spent hunched over his books until Yamato entered rather noisily and jolted him back to reality. The blond set a bag of groceries on the table. The Digidestined going in and out all weekend had quickly eaten up Jyou's supply of Ramen and Cup-a-Soups.
Yamato dropped into the chair opposite of him. "Taichi's parents and my mom and dad coughed up some money. We'll be able to buy whatever kind of advanced computer stuff Koushiro and Miyako need." His fair skin was red from the cold air outside. And that brought to mind yet another worry: though the seasons didn't match up perfectly between worlds, it was still likely to be cold in the Digital world.
"How are they doing?"
"They're asleep right now."
Yamato bit out a harsh word. "Asleep? My brother is stranded over there. How can they be sleeping at a time like this?" He jumped to his feet and strode purposely towards the living room.
Jyou quickly blocked him, knocking over his chair in the process. He hadn't entirely outgrown his childhood clumsiness. "Yamato, stop. For gods' sakes, they can't concentrate on fixing this if they're too exhausted to focus."
Sora awoke at the noise and glanced about. Seeing only them she laid and head back on her arms and was asleep within moments.
Yamato sulked back to his chair. "..I know. I'm just really worried about Takeru, is all." He looked utterly hopeless for a moment. Jyou found himself wondering absently where on Earth his hormones found the energy at a time like this, then jerked himself back to the conversation.
"...mind if I stay here tonight?"
Jyou blinked and forced his brain to catch up. "Go ahead. But I should warn you, the couch and bed are both taken."
"I passed out on your couch last Christmas, so I know I'm not missing much." He paused. "Where are you sleeping?"
Jyou shrugged. "The floor, I suppose."
Yamato gave him a look that practically screamed 'doormat'. "It's your choice," he said in a tone that emphasized the doormat with a 'you're an idiot' thrown in for good measure.
Yamato went into the living room in the hopes that the carpet would prove more comfortable than the kitchen's linoleum.
Jyou returned to his books, intending to study a bit more before going to sleep.
The next he knew, he was being woke by Yamato, whose face was scant inches from his own. He had time to wonder at this, then tell his hormones to shut up and bother someone who was still a teenager, before the events of the past few days came back to him.
He sat up. A page of the book was stuck to his face, and Yamato was looking vaguely amused. Wonderful. "Ow." He winced and raised a hand to his neck. He was seriously going to regret sleeping like that.
"I thought you had an early class," Yamato glanced at Jyou for confirmation, who nodded, his neck cracking audibly. "So I woke you up so you won't be late. Koushiro and Miyako are awake and back on their computers. Sora left about a half hour ago." He paused. "She didn't look at all bothered by the way she'd slept."
Jyou's neck chose this moment to send him another twinge of pain, so he gave Yamato an uncharacteristically rude gesture.
Yamato smirked a bit, and Jyou went to shower before leaving for class.
That evening Jyou's tiny apartment was full. Miyako and Koushiro had skipped class to work, but had found only frustration. They continued working even as they listened to the remaining Digidestined's conversation.
Daisuke shook his head. "Ken's parents aren't buying any of this. I tried to get his computer so we could set it up over here, because he's got some sweet equipment that might be useful, but they think he ran away again. I tried to explain but they won't have anything to do with the Digital world." He paused, considering. "Maybe they think him and Takeru eloped."
Several people kicked him under the table at once.
Koushiro spoke slowly, most of his attention fixed on the screen in front of him. "We'll just have to buy some better equipment then. Miyako's and mine computers alone aren't enough. It's a shame, Ken's is programmed with so much Digiworld stuff already, and with a new computer we'll have to install it all before we can use it. Most of these programs are full of bugs and will take a lot of work to transfer."
They'd brought their computer over on Saturday, once the initial panic had worn off. Jyou's computer was blatantly ignored, aside from Miyako's one comment of refusing to acknowledge that artifact as a computer. The joke had lacked any spark, and Jyou hadn't bothered to inform them that it worked for typing essays, and that was about all he ever used it for.
Taichi allowed his left had to slip up to his mouth, and his teeth tore at his thumbnail, obscuring his words. His worry for Hikari was effecting him greatly. "My parents are going to make excuses for Hikari's being gone for as long as they can, and then they'll report her missing so the school doesn't get suspicious."
The three gaps in their group, and the girl missing from a classy college in New York, weighed heavily upon their minds, casting a shadow over their gathering. The conversation was dull and lifeless, all there having other things on their minds.
There was only so much school Miyako and Koushiro could miss. The night drew on, and when no miraculous breakthrough came the Digidestined departed for their respective homes, their hopes crushed for another day.