Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Bouncing Baby Bonkers ❯ Veemon's concern ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's notes:
You know, this fic was planned a while ago… I just never found the chance to make it. What with all the stress and pain I keep feeling.
It just makes me wish that Davis and Kari got together even more… (Sighs)
The next afternoon, Veemon was channel-surfing and he was watching reality shows about women giving birth to their babies. “Hmm…I shee…” he said as he began taking down notes with a pad and paper. Gatomon passed by again, “Now what are you doing…?”
Veemon looked at her, “If you musht now… I'm shtudying.”
Gatomon sat on the couch, “Studying what? How to be a script-writing couch-potato? Hee, hee, hee…”
Veemon was not amused, “Very funny…” he grunted, “I'm studying these reality showsh sho I'll know what shteps to take when Kari has the baby.”
Gatomon sighed; Veemon was still all shaken up.
Just then, Kari came into the living room with a grumpy-look on her face. “Gatomon…!” she nearly growled. “How many times do I have to tell you…? Vacuum yourself before you wash up.” She was implying that the bathroom sink was clogged with Gatomon's fur again.
“Look out… here comesh Crabby-Kari.” Veemon whispered to Gatomon. Gatomon pursed her lips at Veemon and asked Kari, “How was your nap…?”
“Obvioushly not long enough.” Veemon cut in.
Kari shook her head. “Veemon… a woman's body goes through a lot of changes when she's with child. I can't always control my emotions.” She said as she sat down on the sofa. She fixed her huge stomach in comfortable position and patted the two Digimon. “I'm sorry I've been so hard on you guys…”
Gatomon, like the cat she was, snuggled up to Kari. “Don't worry… Davis said… no matter how crabby you are, we should just humor you.”
As funny as Kari thought that was, “Well… Davis is going to get more than he bargained for with a statement like that.” she said wickedly.
“Hey can you two keep it down…” Veemon said, “You're interrupting my shtudying.”
“What are you studying How to be a script-writing couch-potato?” Kari joked. She and Gatomon both shared a soft giggle, but Veemon was irritated to have heard that again. “I'm shtudying these reality showsh to help you have your baby.”
Kari glanced over her stomach, as far as she could without hurting herself. “Aww… well Veemon… that is sweet of you to want to help but I think Davis is better qualified for this.”
Veemon turned to face her, “Oh yeah… then where is Davish?”
Just then Davis walked right through the door with two pizzas he picked up after work for dinner. “Mmm… Grrrrrretings.” he said playfully. He was followed by Jun who was invited for dinner, and to give Kari a house-call check-up.
Veemon's floppy ears sagged down, “Oh… there he is.”
Davis was confused, “Uh… did I miss something?” he asked.
Kari giggled softly, “Its all right honey, everything's fine.”
Her husband stopped in his tracks and sighed heavily. “I love it when she calls me that”
Jun saw her advantage and took it. “I take it when she calls you honey, she means brain-dead.”
Davis shot his sister a scowl, but he walked over and kissed his wife before heading to the kitchen-area. As they all sat down at the able to eat, Veemon told Davis of how he was trying to assist Kari in birthing the baby. “Uh Veemon… traditionally, that is the father's role. IE Me.”
“Oh, right…” he said, “Well… maybe I can help clean the baby up. I shaw how messhy they can be when they firsht come out.”
“Sorry little guy… I'm the doctor, that's my job.” Jun said, “No one touches my niece or nephew first but me.”
Gatomon looked up, “You mean… you don't know what it is yet?” she asked.
Jun explained that she knew what it was, but Kari and Davis decided they wanted to be surprised. Though both Kari and Jun were hoping it would be a girl. “Whatever it is… I'll love it. As much as I love all of you…”
Kari looked at her husband with a strange expression.
His wife moved closer to him. “That's so sweet… I think I'm going to be sick.” She joked. They shared a quick kiss, and then ate up so Jun could give Kari her check-up.
Late that night when everyone was going to bed…
Kari was sitting-upright in the huge bed breathing softly yet deeply to help the baby. It was a little hard on her to sleep when she had a stomach the size of dodge-ball.
Unfortunately, the door wasn't closed, and Veemon was able to walk right in. “Hey Kari… did you know that shome women actually gave birth shtanding up?”
Kari didn't respond, but she did moan and stir a little as she felt her stomach. Veemon went nuts, “It'sh time… It's time… quick shtand up!”
“Veemon…” Kari said, “I just felt a kick, that's all. It's not time yet.”
Davis came out from the bathroom. He was wearing a simple light slip-on pair of clothes, not the kind with buttons or zippers. “Davish. What are you wearing pajamas for?”
Davis grabbed one of his favorite books in confusion over such a ridiculous question. “Veemon… I'm wearing pajamas, because I am going to bed.”
Veemon tried to persuade him to go to sleep in his clothes as from what he saw some fathers do on the reality shows. “Veemon… you have to calm down about this baby.” Davis replied. “It's no big deal…”
Veemon nodded; “Right… not as big as Mt. ST. Light-crest here.” he said motioning to Kari's size.
“Exactly…” Davis said, but then he slapped him mouth shut. “Ooh… wrong thing to say. Sorry…”
Kari angrily pulled up the covers, “First I'm cranky, now I'm fat!” she snapped, “Honestly Davis, how I don't get you at times… or why you even liked me.”
Davis apologized again, and sugared it up by telling Veemon, “I'll admit, I have never actually witnessed a child actually being born, but I will help me wife; my caring, beautiful, slender wife thought this pregnancy, and I'm more than positive that I can do this without help from a Digital Monster.”
Veemon shrugged, “I might as well go to the fridge for what'sh left of the pizza.”