Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Buried Alive ❯ Yolei ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Second chapter...a little bit short. Well, how I often say - I try my best!
Uh, okay, Digimon doesn't belong to me(imagine that!)

Buried Alive


I am frightened. I can't stand it anymore.
The darkness...okay, we have this flashlight, but the light gets darker and darker with every minute, and it won't take long until we are totally lost here.
Will they find us? I hope so. I want to get out of here.
I wish I would be at home, with my family.
I am too young to die!
My family...thinking of them makes me crying. They are always nerving me, but now I miss them. I always wanted to be alone - having some peace.
Now I imagine how deeply I care for my family.
Now, when it's maybe too late. We are all stuck here, supposed to die. Panic grabs around my heart.
I am jealous of the others. They are so brave and have such a strong will - they aren't like me. I always panic, and I am never useful.
I often wished that I would be a little more like Kari. She is so strong, and has such a warm heart.
I always quarrel with everyone.
I watch them all, one after another.
Watch the body of Davis. It was a hard piece of work to get him out of the metal piece, but we finally managed it.
He seems to be hurt pretty bad and he doesn't wake up...Everybody is so worried...
Everybody without me.
I feel so ashamed. I know that I should be worried, too, but I can't.
I only think of myself.
I don't deserve my crest. Love...
I only think of myself. Sure, I love my friends and my family, but I am too afraid to risk my life for them...
I am often scared.
The others aren't. Davis...he sacrificed his life, to rescue Veemon. He protected him with his own body. I don't know if I would be able to do the same for Hawkmon.
Poor Veemon. He is sobbing all the time, trying to wake Davis up.
We had to tell the girl about the digimon. We couldn't hide six speaking tiny creatures.
Sometimes I am scared of myself. I wonder how the others can be friend with such a terrible person like me. I wonder how I deserved such a wonderful digimon partner like Hawkmon.
"Midniiight, not a sound from the paaavement..."
Totally confused I look up. Who is singing?
"Has the moon lost her meeemory..."
It's the girl - I think her name is Cass. Has she gotten mad? Why does she sing??
"She is smiling alooone..."
"Are you crazy??", I yell with all my might. She stops singing.
"No, I am not crazy. But it is so depressing to watch all your worried faces, without any hope...so I started singing. If we continue acting like this, we'll get mad. By the way, do you know this song? It is from the musical CATS and its name is 'Memory'. I really love this song, but I don't know the full text of it."
With this words she continues singing.
"In the laaamplight the withered leaves collect at my feeeeet."
"It would sound much better if you sing it right!"
"And the wiiind begins to moooan."
She turns towards me. "Well, better singing wrong than sitting there and worrying."
"Well, but you should see that our situation IS worrying. I mean, WE ARE STUCK UNDER TONS OF ROCKS!!! And one of us is terribly injured. Maybe he won't make it!!
And you tell me not to worry???" I jump at her with tears in my eyes, my voice cracking: "I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE - WE WILL ALL DIE!!! WE ARE ALL SUPPOSED TO DIE!"
"CALM DOWN!", her shout interrupts my loud crying. Then she smiles:
"Ok, our situation is worrying, but when we all get panicked, we have no use of it.
They will sure search for us and other peoples. We only have to wait."
"She is right, Yolei.", Ken's voice is strong and warm, "Panic won't help anybody. I understand that you don't feel like singing, but maybe we should talk. Silence is the most terrible thing which can happen, not?"
I wipe my eyes and nod. Again I acted really stupid. Why can I be as strong and brave as the others? I am a failure then.
Ken had a much more difficult life than me, and he doesn't panic.
It's just that I can't get this fear out of my mind.
Outside the crashed building, many people are working hard to bring away the rocks and metal pieces.
"What a desaster.", a man in a blue jackets says.
The police-women who followed him stares at the former-building with a shocked expression. "My God! Have you found anyone - who survived it - yet?"
"We've only found some death people. They had no chance to survive. The explosion was too big. Has the police already an idea how it happened?"
"It was a bomb...it seems that someone hated the employer of this Shopping-Center."
"Only because he hated him he made a bomb which killed an amount of people??? That's pretty mad, isn't it?"
"People are mad."
Kamya residence:
"Tai, don't throw your clothes on the ground like that!"
"Sure, Mom.", the tall boy responses, trying to ignore his mothers voice while he watches the News.
"....finally, we have to tell that there was a bomb attack in the inner city. The famous Shopping-Center 'Deluxe' crashed into pieces today afternoon. until now, only death people have been found. The police is searching..."
Tai, who's eyes had become bigger and bigger while hearing this terrible news, jumps up in horror.
"Deluxe...", he whispers, voice full of fear, "That's the place where Kari and the others wanted to go...Oh my god....MOM!!!"
I have to think about the things Cass told me.
I know that she is right. I have to be strong. I am full of respect to her. She stays so cool, even in this situation.
Maybe that's because she is older.
I wish I could be like her.
It's now over three hours since the crash.
And nobody found us. Why does it take so long
Maybe they don't know that we are in the cellar...maybe they forgot us!
Oh my god, that would mean...
No, Yolei, you won't panic, I tell myself.
The others are strong, so you have to be strong, too. Even Cody - do you want to be weaker than Cody?
And what will Hawkmon think of you?
if I am not strong for me, than for the others!
Suddenly everything is dark. The flashlight is out!
Alone in the darkness...I search for the others, when I hear Kari sobbing
"The darkness...the darkness...", her voice is weak and full of fear.

There is someone who sings...
That sounds pretty bad, even for me.
Stop nerving me. Why do you sing?
And who are you?
The river is so beautiful, but there is something wrong with the colors. They aren't as bright as before, they are fading away.
Ad the pain comes.
But the pain shall stay away, I don't want to feel it.
It's the fault of this voice - she makes the beautiful scene disappear.
Can't you understand it?
I don't want to feel the pain.


How I said....pretty short*snirfl*
Okay, thanks for reading!