Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Buried Alive ❯ Kari ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Third chapter...Kari's POV. I like Kari. Well, I like everyone of the Digidestined, especially Davis and Matt(very difficult to notice*smile*)
Again, Digimon doesn't belong to me! Argh!
Now I have to thank to people(oh, that sounds so stupid^-^)
Also, diese Worte sind jetzt dir gewidmet, Miri Sky! Ich freue mich nämlich immer wahnsinnig über deine reviews und sie spornen mich total an!!!*snüff* Also, DANKE*Kaeera verbeugt sich ganz ganz tief* -

-And then, I thank a lot for your reviews, Rachel Lynn, I LOVE it to read them*sobs* They are so nice....thank you*boowsdeeply*

And now have fun reading it! And review!

:-) Kaeera



The darkness....

All around me is darkness. I can't see anything.

Tears fill my eyes.

That's the most frightening thing I can imagine - being surrounded by darkness.
My crest is light.
Light and Darkness can't exist together.
When there is light, there can't be darkness.

But here is the Darkness, and I am the Light...

I bury my head in my arms.

I wish Tai would be here. He is always so strong.
The others believe that I am strong, but I am not.

It is only that I can't show my feelings like Yolei.

Right now, I wish that I could jump up like her, crying and panicking.
I don't know why, but yelling with all your power can help.
But I can't yell, not now.

It is my personal fear. And I have to find my own way to fight it.

But I am happy that Gatomon is here. She is so strong.
She is my best friend.

I remember the day when I met her the first time.

I wasn't a Digidestined at this point. But my meeting with her changed my whole life.
I have made so many fantastic friends...

The darkness is killing me!

"Kari?", it's Gatomon. "Are you okay?"
I wipe my eyes and try to control my trembling voice.
"Y-Yes, I'm okay, Gatomon, don't worry."

She touches my knee. "You are trembling."
My answer is nearly a whisper. "It's just that....it is so dark. You know how the darkness frightens me - it brings back so many painful memories..."

"Kari, you don't have to cry.", another voice interrupts our conversation. Yolei.
"Remember what Cass told me? They will find us! I am sure that they will find us. You don't have to be frightened. We all support you."

"That's right."
"We know that the darkness is your biggest fear. And we all accept that. Don't forget that we are here for you."
Their words make me smiling a little.

There fear hasn't gone away, but I can live with it.
The darkness won't hurt me when my friends are there.

But time is so long. And the air becomes thicker and thicker.

What if they don't find us?

What if they don't know that we are here?

Will we die of hunger of thirst?

Or will we die of fear?

Maybe someone panics and kills the others....

It is so silly...When you have a normal life - when you go to school or watch tv or talk with your friends - then you don't think of the future.
But here, I have to think of it.
I have to think that maybe there won't be any future for me...
So many things I wanted to do. My wish was to become a kindergartener!

I am so sorry for Tai and my parents. They are worried right now, I know that.
I can't stand the fact that someone is worried and it is my fault.

Mom, Dad - you are so wonderful parents. I am happy that you gave me such a great childhood. Really...I miss you
And Tai - my friends of say that their big sisters or brothers are horrible to them, but you have never acted like this.
I thank you for this.
Gatomon - what a luck that you are with me. I feel a little bit ashamed because I think that this is luck (I should wish that you are outside in safety), but you are my best friend and it helps a lot that you are here.
And when I am supposed to die, I wanna die with you.

It is strange, but you get used to the darkness. It isn't as horrible as in the beginning.
Gatomon's body on my knees gives me a warm feeling, and listening to the others who talk to their digimon makes me feel easier.

The little conversations are pretty senseless, but they give this frightening situation a touch of normal.
Yolei is talking with Cass - about digimon.

Cass is really cool. She asks a lot of questions, and Yolei, who is always very talkative, tells and tells and tells...I think that helps her not to flip out again.

I wonder how Cass can stay this cool...I mean, she must be as frightened as we are, and it is the first time she sees some digimon. But she talks to us as if she would be in a shop or somewhere else...
When she started singing, I thought that she had got mad.
But then I realised that she did that to make it easier for us. She wanted to took our minds off our worries.

I shouldn't forget to thank her when we get out of here!


Pain is coming nearer and nearer....

I am trembling.

I don't want to go this way back. I am frightened of that what I might see there.

Do I want to go back?

I don't know.

I don't want to feel the pain.

But when I go back, when I go away from this beautiful river, the pain will come.

I feel that there is something back there which makes it worth for me to be there...

Even when it hurts.

But what?

I forgot it.....


Ishida Residence:

The sound of his sons' guitar playing goes through Mr.Ishida's mind.
It is the first peaceful day for weeks. Work, too much work.
With only a half ear, he listens to the News. The reporter is speaking from a bomb attack in the inner city.
"How stupid", he mumbles, nipping his coffee, "Always bad News..." And he switches the TV off.

In this moment, the telephone is ringing.

"Yeah, Ishida here."

While he listens to the voice of his ex-wife, his face gets paler and paler. The peace has faded away. Finally, he puts the phone down.
"My God!", are his only words, as he watches the black TV screen in front of him.

The he jumps up and runs toward his son's room.

"MATT!" The blond boy looks up.

"What? I told you not to come in my room while I'm..."

His father interrupts him immediately: "Matt, it is something with TK!"

A worried expression appears on Matt's face. "What happened??"

Mr.Ishida takes a deep breath and says slowly: "A bomb attack in the inner city...the whole building crashed."

"No...", whispers Matt.

"TK and his friends are buried under this building."


Then they both jump up, grab their shoes and run to the car.



I feel worried. About Davis. What if he won't make it?
I really like this guy. Of course, he is loud and nerving, but he is a good friend. And he helps everyone.
In fact, I haven't met any other person which such a big heart.
But maybe it is good for him that he is unconscious. So doesn't have to feel the pain, and he doesn't have to sit in the darkness.
Davis, please survive. We all need you!

"OH NOOOOOOO!!!", the loud scream makes my heart beating faster.
"What happened?", I ask worried, hoping that maybe someone found us.
"I forgot something!!", it's Cass.


"My saxophone!!! I let it somewhere in this cellar because this evening is orchestra practise. I hope it isn't damaged!"

"How can think of your saxophone in this situation?? There are much more important things!" Yolei sounds disbelieving.

"But it was very expensive!"

"I think our life is much more expensive than a stupid instrument!"

"My saxophone isn't stupid!! Don't forget that! And it costed over 1700 $!! I had to work hard for it!"(a/n: I don't know what a saxophone costs in the USA; my saxophone was 3000,-DM, they are really expensive)

"My god, your parents will sure buy a new one when you survive this!"

"But I wanna my old saxophone. There are many memories with it!"


I have to start giggling, then laughing. With trembling voice - trembling of laughter - I say to them: "That's really cool! We are in such a frightening situation and you start fighting over banal things...that makes me feel much better, I don't know why."

There is silence for a moment, then we all start giggling like mad. It is a nervous laughter, but it is a laughter. For me it seems year than I laughed the last!

Maybe we aren't supposed to die....



Who is laughing?

What's so funny? I wanna laugh, too.

It is pretty lonely here.

But I don't know which way I shall take.

Shall I take the way back, where I have to feel the pain?

Shall I go along the river, where I don't know what's waiting for me?

Or Shall I stay here? But something tells me that my time here is running away.

This isn't a place where you can stay for all time!

If I only could see clearer...


Again pretty short....*sweatdrop*
But better short than boring...I hope it isn't boring*biggest fear*
Okay, please review it and if you liked it, read my other stories...please?
It's just that I LOVE it to get reviews!!!!

Thanks a lot for reading ;-)
