Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Davis and Kari in: Jack Frost. ❯ Opening act ( Chapter 4 )
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Author's notes:
This is it everyone, it's Showtime.
Now they are really going to be doing the plays. There's going to be action, and scene changes. So just picture it like watching some TV show and leave the rest to me.
It was the night before Christmas break and almost time for the final performance. Before the dance began.
The whole school was inspired my the last two performances, the they wanted to see it again, and again.
Almost everybody in the whole school had dates for the dance. Even some of the cast and crew did.
Yolei told everyone except for Davis about Kari being into Davis. “Then why don't they just go to the dance then?” Matt asked.
Tai told him about why Davis and Kari were really avoiding each other. “Awe, man… that's not cool.”
Ever since they started performing the play itself, Davis really felt awful when the ending came. He was really good with his character.
When sad scenes came Davis was able to actually make his own tears fall from his eyes, because to him, as well as everyone else, It felt SO REAL.
Davis and Kari had no dates for the dance, and were too chicken to ask each other out. Mostly because they were afraid of rejection. “If only they knew that they both felt that way, then maybe things would be different for them.
But no one had an idea of how to get them to notice.
Soon all the cast, including Davis and Kari had arrived and were in costume. The stage managers too their places.
“Okay everyone.” Said the teacher. “It's almost Showtime. You guys have an awesome job, so lets make this last one the best of the rest.”
Everyone took their places.
Davis was already in his Jack Frost outfit and was being fitted into his harness so he'd be lifted by the wires., “Hey… You ready Kari?” he asked.
Kari smiled at him in her regular costume. A Simple green blouse, with a purple skirt, making her look much like a pumpkin farmer. “Yeah… Go get them, Davis.” She said.
Davis smiled back at her, but still, neither one of them were going to enjoy the end of the play.
Izzy used a projector from way back in the atrium and showed magazine pictures whiz by and stop, and the background music started.
A third grader, pretended to be a reporter for the Groundhog's day review stepped out onto the stage.
Reporter: “Time Magazine's, Pardon-me-Pete, groundhog of the year.”
“Reader's digest, Pardon-me-Pete, The most noble groundhog I ever met.”
“WWN. Pardon-me-Pete, the live cover feature.”
The spotlight had shone on the kid.
Reporter: “At any moment now, Pardon-me-Pete, the world's most renowned groundhog will make his annual appearance. If he stays outside, sees his shadow, and jumps back into his hole: We're in for six more weeks of Jack Frost's winter weather.”
“Wait a minute… I think I-- (Puts a hand to his ear) Yes, there's something definitely stirring down there. Stand by world, here he comes.”
The curtains opened to view the scene of a cute little bedroom, where as another third grader was all dressed in a cute groundhog costume, with a hat and cane, was dancing about and singing to the first little musical number.
The spotlight shone on him to show his shadow following.
This kid was also the Narrator of the story.
Pete/ Narrator: (Singing)
-Me, and my Shadow,
Strolling down the avenue.
- Me, and my Shadow,
Not a soul to tell our troubles to.
And when it's twelve-o-clock
I climb the stairs…
-Just Me, and my Shadow…
(Quick scene change)
Now half the stage was set to outside in a snowy felid, and the kid poked his head through a door.
People in the audience though t he was cute, and began snapping pictures.
Reporter: “Pardon-me-Pete is looking around now folks.”
“Now… he's yawning. He adjusts his hat, and cracks his knuckles. Wow, what a story.”
Izzy then shone the spotlight on the kid again so everyone got a clear view of his shadow.
Pete/ Narrator:(Looks behind) “Oops! Pardon me.” (Runs back into the door affright)
Reporter: (Is confused) “But-- How could Pete have cast a shadow? It's impossible.
There's No sunlight today.”
Yolei, Mimi, Sora (Chorus):(Singing)
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire.
(Davis Flies in and Taps the Reporter's nose)
Jack Frost Nipping at your nose.
Whenever Davis entered the stage, Izzy shone a blue and chalky colored spotlight to follow Davis everywhere.
This not only mean that to the audience that Davis was supposed to be invisible, but it even gave his skin a blue glow making him look more magical.
The stage went black and the kid playing the groundhog walked over to a cute bed in the front corner of the stage.
Pete/ Narrator: (Enters chuckling)
“Oh, they're never going to catch on up there.” (Winks at the audience) “That's a Magic-Shadow. It belongs to Jack Frost, not me.”
“See Jack and I have this deal; Every year I pop up, see the shadow, pretend I'm frightened and run back in again. Then he gets to have six more weeks of winter fun, I can get a bit more shut-eye”
(Yawns, and climbs into bed)
“Pardon-me? Well of course you never saw him. He's invisible… except for his shadow. Nobody's ever seen Jack Frost….Unless… you count that one time when he became human.”
“Even if you never saw him, you have seen his work.”
The stage was lit up and showed kids playing in the snow, as the opening theme began to play.
Pete/ Narrator:(Singing)
-You Wake up one morning,
and you know that something's new.
The Window panes are frosted,
And he sky is bright and blue.
-There's not a bird out singing,
and the ground is white with snow.
You can see the words come puffing out
When you say your first… Hello
-You know who's been there,
and I think it's really nice.
To feel the morning through the glass,
Where the dew has turned to ice…
The title of the play appeared over head, and the cast and crew.
Davis was lowered down and waved to the audience who applauded to him.
Pete/ Narrator:(Singing)
-He's nipping at your nose.
You can feel him in your toes.
A shiver and a tear,
let's you know Jack Frost is here.
-If you try to turn around,
(Jack Frost)
When you hear his icy sound
(Jack Frost)
He's sure to disappear,
but you know Jack Frost is here.
(Davis flies on wires overhead from children making a snowman. He blows his Frost and the snowman is done.)
You can hear him spread,
Winter as he goes…
(Jack Frost… Jack Frost…)
(Davis waves to some kids who sled by him. He turns around, takes a deep breath and blows hard…wind flies out of his mouth it begins to snow.)
-If you try to turn around,
(Jack Frost…)
When you hear his icy sound
(Jack Frost…)
He's sure to disappear,
but you know…
(Yes you know…)
(Singingtogeth er)
Then you know… Jack Frost is heeeeeeeeeere.
Davis took one last stand in front of the audience and then flew up, offstage, and the stage went black as the opening ended.