Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ Episode 30 : Gennia's Council ( Chapter 30 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

30. Gennai's Council

Piyomon: "I was not happy to hear that Sora and Taichi were some where in the digital world. Wormon had told me this, then he secretly let me out of the cage I was search for all traces of Agumon but I could not find him. It was not until later on I found the rest of the chosen children. The Kaiser found us but we ended up being saved by Gennai and a younger one at that."

FURUSUPIIDO de mawari hajimeta SUTOORII

Akaku daichi someageru

Chikyuugi ni wa garandou ni natta PARADAISU

Bokura no te de sukuidasou

Hateshinaku tsuzuku sakamichi o

Ima omoikiri kakenukete Far Away yayayaya….

Tachiagare! Yuusha wa boku no naka ni iru

Sobietatsu TAAGETTO makeru wake ni wa ikanai

Moegare! Kodou wa mune o kogashiteru

Wasurerareta ashita torimodoshini ikun da

Atsui BATORU okose!!


Sora turned the faucets on she watched the water flow into the drain. "How could I…" she whispered she glanced at herself in the mirror. "Could I be?" she questioned confused.

Flash back….

Sora leaned toward Taichi a sudden desire had came over her. Taichi too was feeling the same desire their lips met, she kissed him and he kissed back it was sweet and gentle. They both pulled away blushing. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean…." they both repeated one each other words…….

End Flashback

Taichi sat on the couch he was upset with himself forever approaching her like that and for him being angry like that was uncalled for. "Damn to hell dose that ever you are Kaiser!" Taichi shouted bitterly at no one in particular.


The chosen where all seated around a table they looked at one another nervously and obviously confused. "Gennai this is confusing a little explanation will be nice." Koushiro told him. "Ya and hopefully a good one at that." Daisuke put in then he go a stare from everyone. "I'm sorry..." he whispered quietly and sat down.

Gennai stood up from the table he drew down a map of the digital world, he stood off to the side and then pressed a single button on a remote. "This is the digital world under the digimon Kaisers command, the black areas; represent his dark spires they control as most of you see. The whole continent of Server is practically under control of his dark spirals and henchmen who wear the dark rings." He explained Yamato look a bit pissed off. "Yeah we know but we have to find Taichi and Sora and get Agumon back!" he cried out Mimi put her hand on his arm.

"I know you want to find your comrades but that's the inevitable. You have to stop the digimon Kaiser and as much as I would like to help, there is no way I can find out where they are being held."

"But how come we can't evolve." Gabumon pointed out. "We would help if we could evolve." Gomamon pointed out bluntly. "That is also the other matter that needs to be discussed." He replied he walked over to the pulled down screen. "For each of your digimon you will need a shield." He points to a picture of ten different colored decorative shields each had they're crests embedded on them.

"Where will we find these?" Yamato questioned "Oh right here." He took out a large box and opened it up, inside that big box were smaller boxes ten of them each box had a crest symbol embed into it.

He took one with Taichi's crest on it and showed it to all the chosen. "In these boxes are the shields, but you can't open them. In order to open your box you need a key."

They all sighed, "Should have known there was going to be a catch." Jyou said Catherine hugged him. "Jyou-kun you're so cute when you're sarcastic like that." She smiled at him. Yamato looked at her with an ill expression upon his features then asked "So where are the keys to open the lock?"

"That's a good question one that I do not know the answer to." Gennai told them almost instantly they all fall off from there seats. "Then what help are you?!" Daisuke shouted at him.

"Hey, now!" Takeru cried. "Well times it wasting I'll let you all stay over the night in the spare room." Gennai told them.


Sora came out of the bathroom and stared at Taichi not that she meant to but she could not help it, he did not notice she was there until she let him know of her presence. "Taichi." She said she stepped forward. Taichi acknowledged her "Ya?" he wondered.

"About a few moments ago….I don't think it's a good idea." She began she noticed Taichi's disappointment as he turned his back to her. "I mean...I mean that I didn't stop you. I was just shocked that's all." She explained nervously.

"huh?" Taichi question she was confusing him. "What do you mean?" he asked. Sora sat down she was excited about that kiss now but they went exactly in a place that would give on each other their space. "We are stuck in this one room Taichi…we could easily… have an…I mean…we can…" Taichi stopped her from rambling on.

"No your right." He replied, "I understand what you mean" he began the looked around the room, if they were to start a relationship in this room it wouldn't be a good idea. It was one room and they both slept in cots that weren't too comfortable.

"Cozy?" the digimon Kaiser asked them through a speaker. Taichi and Sora turned around as they heard his voice. "Why don't you come out coward?" Taichi threaten him.

The Kaiser laughed "Then what you'll jump me and escape. No way, I may be evil but I'm definitely not dumb." He told them. "GIVE ME BACK AGUMON!" Taichi yelled at him. "And sacrifice my greatest creation, Never!" Taichi was fuming angry. "WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU!"

Kaiser began to laugh at his words "Taichi, do you really think I need you two running around to cause trouble?" he said "How would we be we can't even get our digimon to evolve!" she shouted angry.

"That's enough! You will never exit and if they do try to rescue you, all oxygen will cut off from this room and you will both die a slow death." He warned angry the green light went off leaving the two chosen stunned.

"That's not fair…I mean we lose either way Taichi." Sora walked away and sat onto the couch. Taichi had his eyes closed, he looked to Sora and walked over to the couch and sat next to her.

"Sora are you okay?" he asked "No…..Taichi…" she trailed off she leaned her head against his shoulder and began to cry. Taichi put his arms around her "I'll try to find a way out...for both of us." He whispered to her softly.


Later next morning….

Yamato and the others followed Gennai to a special room in the basement of his water home. They walked through what seemed through miles of long tunnels and twists several different doors until they came to one big door, Gennai stopped and over looked the door.

"Is that where they are?" Mimi questioned him as the man stared at the door; he nodded slowly then turned to face the chosen. "It is." He replied as he stood "But, only the one who holds the key is the child of Light." She said everyone turned to look at Hikari. "You mean I'm the key to opening that…" she trailed off. "Looks that way Hikari." Takeru told her. She stepped forward to the door then turned to Gennai once more "What do I have to do?" she questioned him. "See that small rectangular slot." She looked to where he pointed. "You insert the tag that holds your crest into that. Then it should open." He said to her.

Hikari then did as Gennai told her, up her tag into the rectangular slot then the door glowed a bright light, everyone had covered there eyes, then the light reduced and the door slowly swung open on it's own.

With in the giant metal doors lay a room with magnificent glistening gemmed walls and in the center of the room were ten Crest emoluments that each floated effortlessly one by one each beside another, and they glowed corresponded to the crests color.

"Whoa…" Catherine trailed off. "They are so pretty." Mimi said in amazement. "Yes nice to look at but they are very powerful, these will replace your old tag and crest. Because each of you carries that trait with you in your hearts, your crest will remain forever with in yourselves." Gennai explained.

"So what happened to these crest that we hold right now?" Koushiro questioned him. "They will vanish." He said to them. "It is a security procedure, because if they were to fall into the wrong hands no telling what will happen." Gennai paused for a moment as if he were waiting for questioned to be asked but there were none so he proceeded "Now each one of you stand in front of your symbols." He commanded.

The Crest of Courage, Crest of Love, Crest of Friendship, Crest of Sincerity, Crest of Reliability, Crest of Fate, Crest of Knowledge, Crest of Dexterity, Crest of Hope and Crest of Light.

The all stood in front of there crests. "Now hold out your tag to your new crest" he said he watched as each one of them did as he had told them to do , slowly there crest got absorbed into there chests. Threw they are shirts they could see the glowing of there crests.

After they had finished the tags with there old crest vanished into think air. Leaving the eight looking about, Hikari then looked at her brothers and Sora's. "What do we do about Taichi's and Sora's?" she questioned Gennai. "Leave them here…when we find them we will see that they get there new crests exchanged."

"Gennai will you help us find them?" Yamato questioned him. "I don't know if I can…but we can certainly try." He said, "Follow me we will go back to my conference room."


"Stupid chosen what do they think they are doing?" the emperor watched as Taichi hugged Sora. The Kaiser then looked to another screen he could not find where the other Chosen where hiding. "Where are they!" he growled and pounded his fist on the control board.

"Metal Greymon!" The Kaiser shouted, he then angrily rushed off "Wait for me Master." Wormon cried as he ran after his master.


In the conference room everyone was seated then Gennai begun the talk. "Now although I don't know for sure, Taichi and Sora are to be located with in this circle. He was pointed to a part of the digital world it was a desert. "But the Emperor did well and decided to hide the prison that he held them. It has been two months yet he has not let any eye be fallen on him to where there captivity is. From my spy's I only know that's it's with in this circle." He said to them.

An alarm sounded it came from above ground and indicated the presences of the Digimon Emperor. "The Kaiser he's here!" Takeru cried. "WHAT!" Daisuke questioned. "I'll stick it too him!" he shouted angry.

"Now's not the time." Yamato told him "Koushiro, Takeru and me will go out to greet him you all stay low." He demanded Mimi frowned. "You can't just leave us here, Yama." She complained. "Yes you will stay, it's an order." She frowned once more "Fine." And she crossed her arms over her chest.

Yamato followed by Gabumon, Takeru and Patamon and Koushiro and Tentomon.


The three walked around away from Gennai's house. "Where is he?" Takeru questioned Koushiro turned around suddenly "DUCK!" he cried the two brothers did and they took to the ground. A huge ball of flames flew over above there heads. Then they heard laughter. Yamato, Takeru, and Koushiro picked themselves up. "What's the meaning of that?" Patamon cried. The Kaiser stood on top of a purple colored Metal Greymon. "To stop you." He simply stated.

"Stop us from what you don't even know what you are talking about." Takeru said as he watched the Kaiser. "You know exactly what…and the possibility of you finding your friends are one to one billion chances." He jumped off Metal Greymon's head. "So who's the first that's going to suffer?

"NONE WILL! GABUMON EVOLE!" Yamato shouted, The Kaiser laughed "You for get you can't evolve!" he pointed to the dark tower that was near them. "No one can get passed my trap." He said laughing.

* With the will begins…*

*Gabumon Shinka …….Garurumon! *

* Patamon Shinka…….. Angemon! *

* Tentomon Shinka …….. Kabuterimon! *

The Kaiser looked on in horror "NO!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" he shouted he looked at his black digivice he pressed buttons on it but nothing was happening. "What happened why it didn't work? It was perfection before!" he shouted panicking.

"The key word is was." Koushiro replied. Angry the Kaiser threw his arm and pointed at them. "Destroy them!" he told MetalGreymon.

The Mighty digimon went forward with two large giant steps he stopped. "Trident Arm!" His metal claw extended out toward them. The digimon got out of the way quickly. "MetalGreymon!" Garurumon called to him. "We don't want to hurt you. We know you're in there somewhere trapped with in his evil grasps." He jumped again as MetalGreymon tails came flying at Garurumon, but Garurumon got hit the second time and was sent sprawling to the ground.

"GARURUMON!" Yamato cried, his digimon got up slowly "Its okay Yamato I'm fine." He turned and looked at his fellow digimon. "Snap out of it please."

"You're wasting your time he's under my control," the Kaiser told them. "Mega Blaster!" A jolt of lighting flew at Metal Greymon shocking the digimon only for a moment he roared wildly and turned to Kabuterimon. "Giga Destroyer!" Two missiles like projectiles came blazing at Kabuterimon when they were knocked a side and went astray into the ground. Angemon stood there with his staff in his hands, "Stop it Metal Greymon!" he shouted at his friend.

"You're pathetic! Why don't you just fight and shut up he is under my control!" the Kaiser shouted at them. "TELL US WHERE THEY ARE!" Yamato shouted back at him the Kaiser turned to look at Yamato. "No, and there is no chance I'll let them loose because as I told them…I will tell you, the slightest attempt to break out or in of there captivity the oxygen support will be shut off." He grinned "YOU SICK INDUVIUDALL!" Takeru shouted angrily "No, I call it resourceful." He replied.

"GRR AHH!" Takeru charged toward the Kaiser and slammed his fist into his face knocking the Kaiser down on his butt. Yamato and Koushiro both stared in shock.

"Heaven's Knuckle!" Angemon pulled back his fist and sent a energy beam towards Metal Greymon. Hitting his metal plated chest, it pushed the dinosaur digimon back a few feet. Kabuterimon hovered over him. "Mega Blaster!" a bolt of lightly developed in a large ball and smashed into Metal Greymon "This is only for your best" Kabuterimon said to his friend who was under an evil power.

"GARURUMON NOW!" Yamato shouted to him, his digimon nodded at him.

"Garurumon shinka ………..Were Garurumon!" He roared aloud and jumped in front of Metal Garurumon. The Kaiser frowned he pulled out to canisters. "This will continue another time!" he shouted and threw the canisters on to the ground and they produced a black smoke, the six, digimon and human, coughed and covered there noses and eye soon it let up and the digimon Kaiser was gone.

"Damn it! He got a way!" Takeru shouted he kicked the dirt the digimon devolved to their rookie stages. "We will get him eventually" Patamon said to him. "Yah we will. But in the mean time he's probably going to find out how to stop the evolution process." Koushiro commented, Yamato looked about seeing if he could see him. "Nothing he's gone." He replied. "Like Gennai said…we have to find out his true identity he has to be a kid that can gain access to the digital world, and the only way to do that is to go back to your world." Gabumon said to him Koushiro nodded "That's right, but the possibilities of finding him are like finding a needle in a hay stack."

"The unfortunate truth." They all turned and saw Gennai and the other, Mimi ran over to Yamato, Palmon followed. "Did you get him to tell you where Taichi is?" Daisuke questioned. "No just more troubling news." Koushiro said.

"Yeah and apparently the digimon Kaiser did some research into our past. In addition, he put together the conclusion that Taichi and Sora are the strongest of the Chosen Children. He has put them in an imprisonment, underground I'm presuming, but if they puncture the walls of the imprisonment or we try to dig them out, all Oxygen supply going to that imprisonment will be cut off and if we can't get to them in time they will die." He stated.

Mimi and Catherine looked at him confused. "I'll put it in simple English. Taichi and Sora he trapped them underground in a room and if they try to get out of it he will cut the air supply to the cabin and Taichi and Sora will hardly have any air and if that happens they can die. Same thing happens if we try to rescue them." Takeru explained.

"That's horrible!" Mimi and Catherine cried. "I know and that why we may have to put off for their search. We need to find out the Kaiser's real identity." Yamato told them as he looked down at his feet. "WHAT!" Hikari yelled she marched over to him. "How can you leave them they're! We need them here!" she cried, Yamato was startled as he saw that Hikari was about to cry.

"We aren't giving up we need to finish get rid of the Kaiser once and for all." He told her strongly. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" she shouted. There was a dead silence. "Hikari…" Takeru came up to her as he was about to put his hand on her shoulder she smacked it away. "Go away!" she picked up Tailmon and ran.

"HIKARI!" The two brothers called to her, she did not listen and ran towards a portal and was back in the real world.

The Chosen watched after her with a look of dishearten in there eyes.

To Be Continued…..