Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ 29. Someone From The Past ( Chapter 29 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

29. Someone From The Past

Hikari: "As if things couldn't get anymore worse… not only have we been missing Sora and Taichi Piyomon and Agumon for the past month but The Digimon Kaiser has plans to get Agumon under his control! Oh we need a big miracle if we are going to deft this menace."

FURUSUPIIDO de mawari hajimeta SUTOORII

Akaku daichi someageru

Chikyuugi ni wa garandou ni natta PARADAISU

Bokura no te de sukuidasou

Hateshinaku tsuzuku sakamichi o

Ima omoikiri kakenukete Far Away yayayaya….

Tachiagare! Yuusha wa boku no naka ni iru

Sobietatsu TAAGETTO makeru wake ni wa ikanai

Moegare! Kodou wa mune o kogashiteru

Wasurerareta ashita torimodoshini ikun da

Atsui BATORU okose!!


Daisuke followed Hikari and Takeru he knew something was up and he knew that Taichi as they said was not at all missing and that they knew more of where he was and he wanted to know now.

"TAKERU! HIKARI!" he shouted it made the two jumped as they heard his voice. He came up to them and looked at both. 'What's the matter Daisuke?" Hikari asked trying to be crossed at him but she really was not they had to put up a mask from him. "Yeah she said she is still mad at you." Takeru told him.

There was a muffled reply from within the bag Takeru was holding but he hasn't heard it. "Okay now you guys think I'm dumb but I'm not I clearly see that those posters aren't doing a thing. You two know where he is don't you! Taichi is my idol I would like to know where he is!" he declared the two were taken back.

"It's clear as day Daisuke…" Takeru began but gotten interrupted by him again. "This has been ongoing for two months and I fail to accept the fact that Taichi got kidnapped or ran away because it's not like him!" he shouted his voice echoed through out the park 'Oh no' Hikari thought shocked he can't know she looked at Takeru.

"Your mistaken Daisuke." He began. "Okay then let's see the bag I've been watching you both for the past two weeks and I seen some strange things. Open it up." He said blankly.


Mimi's house….

"Where are they?" Yamato wondered they were in Mimi's living room her parents were not home this day. All the Chosen Children had gathered in her living room digimon and all they were just waiting for Takeru and Hikari to show up.

There was a knock at the door and Mimi got up to get it when she came to the door she opened it and was surprised to see another person with them Daisuke. Mimi gave them all a signal to have the digimon go and hide then she opened the door. "Hi guys we were waiting." She said smiling the three entered the living room all eyes were on Daisuke.

Yamato glared at his brother, whom looked away nervously 'He's going to kill me.' Takeru thought worried. "Well guys…Daisuke knows." Hikari came out flatly "Knows?" Jyou asked "About the digimon." She said quietly.

Yamato stood up quickly and looked at his brother "Why did you tell him?" he demanded "HEY Stop acting like I'm not here!" Daisuke began Yamato looked at him then he turned around and sighed. "Okay digimon come out." He went to sit down again.

……………………&hellip ;……..

"This is cool so can I go to the digital world?" he asked Koushiro and the others looked around. "No you can't you have to have one of these." Yamato pulled out his digivice. "Oh well any ways I want to help to find Taichi." He said to them.

"How are you…." Takeru stopped his brother from saying any more. "This is good because the first thing we need to figure out who is the Digimon Kaiser. We know he is human and we need find out who he is in the real world." Koushiro told them. "How are we going to do that? Do you realize how many people there is in this city yet alone the world?" Catherine told them.

"Exactly so that's why we have to keep an eye out….around our city and the news." He began.


"Agumon! SHINKA!!" this wasn't Taichi's voice but it was the digimon Kaiser Voice he struck out his digivice and pointed forward and watched Agumon through TV monitor.

"Agumon shinka……SKULLGREYMON!! ARRGGHHH!!!"

The giant digimon started to terrorize the room he was being kept in he threw blasts into the walls trying to escape. The Kaiser watched in pure shock he pounded his fist down on the control panel "NO! What went wrong!" he shouted angrily at the results his dark ring had produced.

Wormon looked up at the digimon Kaiser "The reason why he is like that is because maybe you can't control one of the Chosen Child's digimon." He said to him. The Kaiser kicked the digimon "Shut up! Where there is a will there is a way." He replied he looked on.

"I will find another way to control him! And I will succeed!" he cried out.


"So you are telling me that Taichi is in this place called the digital world?" Daisuke asked he did not look convinced. "It's the honest truth Daisuke do you think I would lie to you?" Hikari question giving him a look of honesty He tore his glaze away from hers then looked to Takeru "And how do I know you are all telling me the truth?" he wondered.

"I don't think there is away to bring a human to the digital world who doesn't have a digivice. But we can try…I think it is possible." Tentomon explained. "Okay then, but first I found out how to put the portal on my laptop that way we don't have to use the computer lab at the elementary school." Koushiro told them.

"Well that's a good thing. We can search for Taichi and Sora in longer periods" Yamato said he stood up. "That way we can once and for all defeat the digimon Kaiser as he says he is named and clobber him."

"Yamato it's not so easy…do you have any idea how many times we set a search party for them? And we turned up empty handed every single time." Catherine explained Yamato stared at her hard. "YOU didn't even try to LOOK!" he exclaimed with enthusiasm. "Hey, let's calm down." Jyou budded in.

Yamato threw himself down in his seat. "Yamato she's right." Gabumon pointed out to him. He just did not answer. "Well I want to go look for them." Daisuke said suddenly all eyes where on him. "You can't just say that…do you know how dangerous it has gotten in the digital since the digimon Kaiser appeared?" Gomamon declared strongly.

"It doesn't matter if someone like say Takeru or Hikari came with me they have a digimon that way it will be all okay for me to look for him." Daisuke said

"We are going to search soon….Daisuke you can come…that's if u can enter." Mimi said she looked over to Koushiro he shrugged "It may work."


Digital world….

Taichi and Sora watched the television in they're enclosed room that had no door no windows…just artificial light, two cots and one really old sofa that had seen better days. "I can't stand it Taichi!" Sora got up she went close to the TV. "We've been cooped up here for god knows how long! And it smells that's the worst of it!" she cried.

Taichi put the remote down on the couch he sighed too he was not liking this place any more then Sora was. "There has got to be a way out" he said aloud he went to the north wall and examined it with his eyes he put his hand under his chin and was thinking.

"Taichi we've been here for a long time already and we weren't able to find a way out before what makes you think that things have changed since the first day we were here till now?" Taichi remained quite he heard her but he hadn't not wanted think negative now "a way out…" he said aloud.

Sora frowned then left him to stare at the wall. She took the controller up from the couch, sat down, and flicked through the channels. Each channel showed a different part of the digital world so it was not real TV as in the real world. Sora hoped to see the others they were looking for Mimi or Jyou or maybe even Catherine.

There was nothing other then a digimon which was rare other times they seen the digimon Kaiser about the digital world hurting innocent digimon. Sora was suddenly brought out of her thoughts when she heard a smashing noise she turned her head over to where Taichi's direction was. He had smashed one of the lampshades against the wall. "TAICHI!" she cried she got up and went over to him immediately. "What are you doing??" she exclaimed looking at the shattered lamp.

"I was checking something out, I thought maybe if I were to smash it against the wall there I could make a hole in the wall. And I was a able to but look at this." He broke away the drywall and on the other side was a shiny metal of sort. "It's metal." Sora said she looked to him. "Exactly which means, The Kaiser had sure plans to make sure we couldn't escape." Sora and Taichi looked at each other. "How long is he going to keep us here?" she asked. "I wish I knew Sora, but I don't and….it doesn't look good, if I had Agumon he could have blasted threw this but we don't."


Wormon wonder into the dungeons he looked around and found Piyomon in her cage. She saw the digimon and shouted at him. "Help please!" she cried the digimon crawled over to her. "I wish I can help you but it's going against my masters orders." He told her.

"But I know you are different you have goodness in you! You have to help me." She again begged the digimon. Wormon looked undecided and was about to turn and leave. "I only came to see what you wanted to eat." He declared.

"Nothing I want out, at least please help my friend Agumon." She asked "Do it please I don't know what your master has planed for him. But I'm sure it can't be good." Piyomon said to him.

Wormon thought back to when he was watching his master making Agumon evolve to SkullGreymon. "I'm sorry I can't help, it will go against his order." The digimon crawled away slowly. "Wait!" Piyomon cried Wormon turned to her. "What is he doing to Agumon? And where are Sora and Taichi?" she asked.

"Your partners are no longer in this place they are well hidden as for Agumon my master has plans to control him with the dark rings." He said and crawled away from the cage. "Wait! Wormon wait!" she cried but with out avail the digimon was ignoring her pleas.

'But why did they move Sora and Taichi away from this place where ever we are?' Piyomon wondered in her mind. "Oh boy I hope that Agumon can fight it."

Piyomon sigh she leaned against the door then felt herself fall back onto the ground it has been opened. She looked down the hall where Wormon had disappeared down she was happy 'Thank you' she thought then went to look for Agumon.


The Emperor held up a spiral shaped dark ring he smiled evilly and admired his work. "I've solved the problem Wormon and if I put this on Agumon then I can control his evolution. Him evolving to SkullGreymon will be no more, because I was he evolved using my digivice and not Taichi's it corrupted him, but with this device right here and if all goes accordingly to plan. I'll shall have him under my control." He popped the spiral in hole in the control panel then watched on screen he pressed a button.

His attention was drawn back when he looked up at the screen the chosen children were back in the digital world looking for their missing comrades. He simply smiled then pressed a red button and watched as it attached onto Agumon's arm.

"Agumon Shinka! ….." he shouted he held his digivice out then the unimaginable happened. "Greymon!" the Kaiser had succeeded he jumped up from his seat. Long behold on the screen was Greymon but not his normal coloration in a purple and black color.

"Greymon shinka ……….. MetalGreymon!" He roared once he had evolved, the Kaiser looked upon the screen and watched as the Chosen began what seemed to be discussing something. "Come Wormon let's go and meet up with the chosen children."


"So this is the digital world?" Daisuke asked as he looked about. "Yes and it's dangerous you never no what can happen next." Gabumon spoke to the boy who nodded "Okay." Koushiro seem to be surveying the area for a moment. "I think this is a good sign." He had told them. "A good sign?" Hikari questioned. "Are we going to go look for my brother and Sora?" she asked annoyed. "Yes we will." Yamato said he looked around as he said that.

A sudden rustled in the brush then out sprang Piyomon. "PIYOMON!" they all gasped. "Your okay?" Palmon asked she nodded "Yes, but I couldn't find Agumon he locked us up together then he separated us the last time I saw him was when the Kaiser dragged him away somewhere. I tried my best." She said quite quickly but it was slow enough for all to pick up.

"What about Taichi?" Daisuke came in sudden it startled the pink digimon who looked at him. "Daisuke!" Hikari cried at him he looked at her and blushed "Taichi and Sora I don't know where they are….I heard that they are some where other then where we were. Where exactly they are, I cannot tell because the Kaiser was smart he took Taichi and Sora's Digivices and crests." She told them with greatest urgency.

"Giga Destroyer!" Two missiles came flying into view they soon hit the ground and mad dust and derbies go flying everywhere. "What the hell?" Yamato cried out they were coughing once the dust was clear they are eyes went wide in shock. "Metal Greymon?" Koushiro saw the Kaiser sitting on top of the digimon. "How did…" he trailed off.

"Oh no…" Koushiro worst fear is where confirmed, "Its MetalGreymon, Taichi's Digimon." He cried. "That's right I finally have control of him and there is nothing you can do about it." The Kaiser said. "Metal Greymon forward." The digimon took a step toward the chosen.

"You have nerve!" Catherine shouted at the Kaiser. "Catherine that's not such a good idea, he has a big advantage over us." Jyou warned her. "Yeah because we can't evolve because of him." Gomamon said aloud.

"Look I don't know what you want from us…." The Kaiser who saw Piyomon interrupted Yamato. "You're the girl's digimon how did u get free!" he cried. "WHERE ARE THEY?" Piyomon spoke up. She flew into the air so she could eye the Kaiser. "Some where you will never find them I don't intend for them to ever come back and you know what happens when something living stay's in the digital world…" he was cut short when a sudden fog started to develop. "Huh what's this?" Kaiser cried.

The Chosen ran into cover by the time the fog had cleared the Kaiser had lost all trace of all of them. "DAMN IT! Let's go!" he ordered. He and MetalGreymon disappeared.

The chosen poked there heads up from behind various bushes, "That was close," Yamato, whispered.


The two captured chosen children were fixated upon the television screen when Koushiro had said that it was Taichi's digimon. Taichi's features showed how shocked and upset he was. He stared at his digimon he did not hear half of the argument that went on with the digimon Kaiser and his friends his attention was focused on his friend.

Sora was happy that Piyomon escaped but she was worried about Taichi she watched his expression then slowly put her hand on his should "It will be okay Taichi" she whispered. "Nothing will be fine till we get the digimon Kaiser and make him pay!" he cried out suddenly Sora pulled her hand back away from him. Taichi got up and went back to the metal wall he picked up a chair and smashed it against the wall. Sora was terrified for him. "TAICHI STOP IT!" she shouted at him.

Taichi heard her scream she was scared of him of what he was doing. He cursed under his breath and dropped the chair he turned to face her. "Sora I'm sorry" Taichi told her he was quite he put his head down Sora walked over to him she hugged him. "We have to think of a way out of here." Sora said to him. "That way we can get back Agumon, and get rid Kaiser." She felt him pull away. "Sora…" he looked her in her eyes.

Sora saw something in his eyes she did not know what it was exactly but it caught her heart slightly. "Taichi?" she questioned he put his hand to her cheek. "Sora I need to tell you something." He said in a whisper. "I really care for you, and I really appreciate your trying to make me feel better…." He stopped Sora had put her hand over his and brought his hand down to his side.

Sora leaned toward Taichi a sudden desire had came over her. Taichi too was feeling the same desire their lips met, she kissed him, and he kissed back it with long pent up passion. They both pulled away quickly blushing. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean…." they both repeated one each other words and laughed quite nervously.

"I need to use the washroom." She said quietly then walked away Taichi watched her until she closed the door he kicked the sofa 'Stupid Taichi! What where you thinking?!' he mentally yelled at himself.


Daisuke grew more impatient by the second they were just hiding out in a bush. "Okay aren't we going to look for them?" he asked Takeru put his hand over Daisuke's mouth "SHH!! Daisuke we can't fight him our digimon can't evolve if he finds us he's going to get rid of us for good." Said Takeru he moved his hand off his mouth, Daisuke only just sighed.

"Coast is clear." The chosen looked about one another "Where did that come from?" Catherine questioned. "Behind you." The voice said again.

As they all the turned around to see this mysterious voice's bearer they saw an old friend "GENNAI!"


"Were where you during the time with Simon?" Yamato asked as they were walking with Gennai to his house. "And why do you look so Younger? I don't get it." Mimi said. "I will explain that and all more, once we get to my house." He said from the front. "Yeah and there got to be an explanation about the digimon Kaiser, maybe you can tell us who he is." said Yamato as he walked behind the much younger looking Gennai.

"All in due time Chosen. There are major issues that are needed to be discussed and new powers to be issued." He had explained to them. "For the first time you came it was a power of a digimon that was corrupt but in this case it's the corruption of a human."

To Be Continued…