Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ 28.Starting Over Again ( Chapter 28 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

28. Starting Over Again

Yamato: "Taichi was kidnapped by the Digimon Kaiser, for reasons unknown to us, as to yet. Sora decide it was a good idea to go alone to find Taichi when she did find him she only became the Kaisers second victim. Something tells me we are in big trouble.


Theme song plays….*Target*:

FURUSUPIIDO de mawari hajimeta SUTOORII

Akaku daichi someageru

Chikyuugi ni wa garandou ni natta PARADAISU

Bokura no te de sukuidasou

Hateshinaku tsuzuku sakamichi o

Ima omoikiri kakenukete Far Away yayayaya….

Tachiagare! Yuusha wa boku no naka ni iru

Sobietatsu TAAGETTO makeru wake ni wa ikanai

Moegare! Kodou wa mune o kogashiteru

Wasurerareta ashita torimodoshini ikun da

Atsui BATORU okose…..


Missing posters where posted on the bulletin board at school Yagami, Taichi and Takenouchi, Sora. A boy with gray clothing looked at it his hair was dark purple he smiled when he saw the posters 'Pathetic Chosen Children' he though and walked a way smirking.

"Was that the last of them?" Takeru questioned Hikari nodded "Yah and I hate doing this." She frowned looking at the posters of her brother and Sora it was bad enough that they told her parents a lie but it was worst that they didn't think of another way of doing this.

"Hikari?" Takeru question he waved the papers in front of her causing her to snap out of him dreaming land. "Sorry Takeru." The two walked to the front of the school and left. Takeru didn't like this silence at all he stopped her from walking "Takeru?" she questioned "I know you may not want to talk about it Hikari but it's important."

"I'm fine Takeru I didn't like the idea of doing this to my mom and dad or Sora's mom it's mean." She told him "It's been a month and they were getting suspicious, what are we supposed to do we looked for a whole month in the digital world and we couldn't find them, not even the digimon could find them." he replied.

"Hey keep on moving!" Tailmon cried from inside the duffle bag that Takeru was carrying "Shsssh!" Hikari cried at the bag. "I'm dying to get out." Patamon pouted. "Okay guys hold on a second we got to get to the meeting in the park." Takeru said as the two set off toward the park. "We will continue this later." He commented to Hikari.


Digital world….

Taichi looked at the bars he tried to pull them apart "GGRRR. AH" Taichi backed away from trying to pull the bars a part he rubbed his arms. "It's no use." He replied sora was in the corner her forehead rested against her knees that she held to her chest. "It won't be any use Taichi we've been here for a long time…." Sora trailed off.

Taichi walked over to her and sat down next to her. "Never say never, we can't give up we have to believe that they will find us." He watched her for a moment she raised her head to look at him. "This is my entire fault." She whispered, "I shouldn't have done what I done come after you alone."

"It's not your fault. I admire you for coming to fine me and I admit it was the wrong thing to do…" he trailed off he saw her disappoint on her face. "Sora?" he questioned

"AAAHHH!" the two covered there ears the digimon Kaiser was horrible to digimon he made them suffer through pain, they were both concerned about they're digimon who were some where within this compound.

"Do you think they're okay?" she asked him. "We got to hope that they are okay."


"What is he going to do?" Piyomon wondered the two digimon were speate cages. "I don't know but I don't like him one bite. I hope Taichi is all right." Agumon said to her. "I hope that Sora is all right as well."

"What do you think he want's with us?" Agumon questioned, "We never did anything to him." The digimon heard some one coming down the hall they quieted and remain still.

"LET ME GO!!" They didn't see much but heard a crash and bang then a door slam shut.

Soon after that there was another heavy metal door closing. Agumon and Piyomon looked into the other stall next to them. "Are you okay?" Agumon asked the digimon in the next cage. "Yeah." Came the voice. He looked underneath where the bars that weren't covered. "Elecmon?" Piyomon and Agumon said at the same time.


Back in Obadia the chosen where having a meeting. Hikari and Takeru were the last to arrive. "Sorry we are late. It takes a while to come back" Takeru replied he dropped the duffel bag on the ground. "OW!" came cries. Hikari unzipped the bag. "Finally it's about time you let us out of there." Tailmon said to her as she hoped out. "There was no reason to drop up Takeru." Patamon told him as he fluttered up in the air.

"Well could we start?" Yamato questioned as he looked to the four. They all sat down in the circle. "Okay what we know is that no leads what so ever to where they maybe." He began. "No kidding how about we post posters in the digital world and maybe some of the good digimon saw them." Catherine suggested.

"I don't..." he stopped "No it's a good idea I mean it can't hurt to try." Mimi suggested the other's frowned "How are they supposed to contact us?" Yamato asked. "That's a good question." Mimi frowned.

"You know we should give it a shot." Jyou suggested. "Even so, how are they going to reach us?" Miyako questioned. "Well us digimon could use computers maybe if we set up a computer some where." Hawkmon suggested "No use…this digimon Kaiser will probably know he probably has spies around every were in the digital world if he can keep track of us coming in and out who know what less he can do." Yamato said to them.

"This conversation is really going places." Gomamon commented with sarcasm. "Must you be so sarcastic?" Jyou asked. "Well technically it's the truth." he said to him.


Everyone's D3's began to beep they all took them out. "What is it?" Gabumon asked as he seen the expression on Yamato face change suddenly. "Come on we have to go to the digital world right now!" Hikari said standing. "Wait! how can we not be sure it's a trap?" Miyako suggested. "There is only one way to find out and it's to go there."


"The reading was coming from over there." Miyako pointed past the village they were in right now. Jyou and Catherine's digivices started to beep rapidly. "That's wired." Jyou took it out his digivice.

Catherine walked forward to ward a shiny spot in the ground. "Look at this." She replied Floramon looked down at where her friend was pointing. Floramon bent down and cleared the dirt fro Catherine. They came upon a symbol.

"It's your crest." Floramon pointed out, Catherine agreed, "That's right it is." She took out her crest from under her shirt and looked at it. The exact it. "Oh there is more." Catherine cleared the dirt herself. "Jyou your crest." Jyou and Gomamon came over and looked themselves. "Hey what do you know, it is Jyou." Gomamon told him.

"But what could it be?" he wondered. "AH!" the four jumped they looked to Mimi "Maybe it's one of these." She showed them her wrist the combination crest of Purity and Friendship.

"Cool..." Catherine replied she when to lift the cover with the two crests molded on the cover of it. But needed a little help from her digimon they lifted it up. There was a suddenly bright light everyone shielded their eyes from the light until it faded. "OW!" Catherine cried, "Damn." Jyou cried he the two both looked to where the pain was coming from it then they saw their combination crest.

"Well there you guys go you got it." Takeru replied. "Yeah but we still need to find Taichi, Sora, Agumon and Piyomon…" Tailmon said to them trailing off. "Right come on we have to head over that way." Yamato pointed straight ahead.


Digital world somewhere…

The Kaiser walked down the cold hall a digimon followed him Taichi and Sora were still in there cell. He brought with him some food on a try and slide it under the door it made a noise that started the two Chosen Children.

Taichi Stood from his spot beside Sora, she got up as well. "What are you doing this…we never did anything." She said to him. "True." He replied, "Then why lock us up!" Taichi shouted his voice echoed the down the hall.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." He told them and walked away. "GRRR DAMN IT ANSWER ME!" Taichi screamed at him. The last they saw of him was his cape his digimon looked at them sadly the followed his master.

Sora fell to her knees. "Taichi I can't take this any more." Her eyes began to fill with tears.
"I want to see my family again…my mom…she must be worried." She cried her tears trickled from her eyes to the cold steel floor. Taichi watched he concern he approach and placed his hand on her should. "Sora." he began, he was startled when she threw her arms around his neck holding him and crying.

He rubbed her back gently "its okay, I promise to protect you Sora. We will get out of here." He whispered he stared out of the cage they were jailed in, he had a determined expression on his features "We will."


The Digimon Kaiser looked up on his control board he noticed that the other Chosen Children were looking for they're friends he smirked. "I will never let those loose there is no telling what Taichi can do." He said. "But Ken, why are you holding them hostage? They aren't a part of your plan are they?" the digimon asked. "Wormon if I let them go it will just make the Chosen Children job easier. They are nothing with out there leader." He answered.

"But what about the girl?" Wormon asked him. "She was just a formality but never the less she stays." He answered. "But she was crying don't you care?" Wormon asked, "What happened to the other you?" he questioned. "SHUT UP! WORMON!" he screamed at his digimon.

"I'm sorry." He bowed to him. "And don't call me Ken again!" he annoyed. He looked on his screen. "Hmm. Let's send a digimon over and help them out." The digimon Kaiser grinned he pressed a button that had a huge digimon on it, it had three heads two for arms and one where the head was supposed to be. "Deltamon go have some fun."

"Come Wormon."


"This reminds me why I don't like the digital world." Jyou said as they climbed up a sand dune. "Yamato are you sure it's this way?" Catherine asked looking back at him. "Yes I'm sure."


The voices were faint to the human ear but Gabumon picked it up, as did Patamon and Tailmon. "Some one is calling for help." Gabumon told Yamato. "Where?" he asked "Just past that sand dune." The three digimon took off the others hurried behind them.

Once all of them came over the hill they saw Taichi, Sora, Piyomon and Agumon they were tied around their waists and were suspended a high amount about the ground from a large tree branch.

"Welcome!" a voice boom. Yamato came running down the hill Gabumon tagging behind "Yamato wait! This isn't right, there is something suspicious going on!" he stopped the others followed down the sand dune. "He's right." Hikari replied watching and seeing her brother suspended from the branch.

"Help guys!" Agumon called. "SHUT UP!" The digimon Kaiser shouted at the top of his lungs. Takeru looked at the digimon Kaiser. "You're the one that's talking." He said glaring at him. "Well, well…. what do we have here…. oh there is a lot of you just coming to find your friends…I have a test.." he said the chosen looked among each other. "What kind of test?" Mimi questioned.

He snapped his fingers then something big came crashing out of the wall, once the dust had cleared behind Taichi, Sora, Piyomon and Agumon came Deltamon. "Damn…" Jyou trailed off.

The digimon poised in a striking stance the Kaiser just stood on the Airdramon and laughed. "Do you think your pathetic digimon are going to work against Deltamon?" he cackled evilly.

"Finished them off!" he shouted angrily pointing to Taichi, Sora and they're digimon. "NO! GABUMON DIGIVOLE!" Yamato screamed at his digimon the but for it was too late Deltamon opened his left hand which happened to be a head and brought it closer to them.

Chosen Children got the shock of there lives. What used to Taichi, Sora, Agumon and Piyomon they disappeared turned into Bakamon's who then flew off in a hurry.

"It was a trick…" Catherine gasped. "IT WASN'T VERY FUNNY!" Hikari shouted at him. "STUPID DIGIMON!" the Kaiser cried he looked toward the chosen children. "Did you really think I'd give you back the leader…and the girl? Both have strong digimon; they will come use to my plan for the future. See you later." The Kaiser took off.

Deltamon roared he came toward them. "Come guys we got to go back!" Yamato told them.

Jyou and the other ran further along until Jyou tripped over something in the sand. Everyone turned back to him. "Come Jyou hurry." Gomamon replied as he pushed his friend.

"Jyou hurry!" Mimi shouted at him. The Deltamon then ran smack into a invisible barrier.

"What the…." Takeru trailed off "Some kind of electrical force field is protecting us." Tentomon said.

Mimi looked down at Jyou's feet she saw what he had tripped on and it wasn't no rock. "Look." She stared at the spot.

"It's weird…it has a strange marking…" Palmon said as she too came to examine the rock with the inscriptions.

Everyone's digivices floated away from them they all watched as the digivice just floated in front of them. They slowly began to shed form into a new digivice.

"Whoa…" Takeru replies as he looks at his digi vice upgrade.


"Not what I had planed for them to have find…this is just great." He murmured he looked up at his many television screens. One showed the two Chosen Children he had captured and they're digimon. "Time to see if this works…" He held up a dark ring its reflection gleamed in his sunglasses.

"First up Agumon." He says Wormon looks up at the digimon Kaiser. "Master you shouldn't do that! You can't!" he sympathized with him. "Watch me Wormon."

The Kaiser looked at the screen with the chosen children in it. "I don't think that cell is good any more I'll relocate them to the secret cells…That why no one will find them. Not even those lousy Chose Children."


Sora and Taichi remained in the cell Taichi had give her his long coat it was cold in the cell they were in the drafts were extremely cold. "Taichi we should share your going to get sick." She warned. "No don't worry about me I'm fine." He said as he examined the bars of the cell suddenly he was flung back and their cell began to close.

Sora rushed over to him. "Taichi are you okay!" she cried she checked on him, he groaned and sat up. "What the hell." He replied they were now enclosed in a steel box. Then a gas began to seep from the small pores in each of the walls. "He's pumping gas into here." Taichi cried he looked up at as the gas was coming down to them.

Sora frighten hugged him tightly. "Taichi I don't like this." She cried into his shoulder.

To Be Continued…..