Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ DIGIMON: COSMIC FORCE ❯ The Planets are after us!?! Warning from the Girl of Peace! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: - You see me? Yes? I don't own anything…not even Digimon…big companies like Toei and Bandai own it… and if I did own it I'd probably end up messing up half the characters anyway cos I like to play with their minds! Hehehehehehe! Er…yeah… (*Wanders off*) Oh yeah and I don't own Linkin' Parks lyrics for "Crawlin'" either…man I wish I could write lyrics like that :p

A/N: - Heh! Me and my fics :p If you enjoyed my last fic "Digimon: The Pure Darkness" you'll probably like this one…it's another digimon season crossover…but it starts off with season 4 and gradually introduces the other characters ^_^ And it will have lotsa Kouji/Kouichi brotherly love stuff cos it's just sweet… both are so kawaii! *Huggles them both* Okay I'll let you read chapter one while I'm hugging these two…. Cya and enjoy! Please read and review YAY!

By Togepi

A power that's hard to control, a destiny not avoidable, an evilness inside you, part of you, under your skin that you cannot remove…
…can you take it? Or will it control you…?

Chapter One: ~ The Planets are after us!?! Warning from the Girl of Peace!

"There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface,
consuming, confusing,
This lack of self control I fear is never ending,
I can't seem,
To find myself again,
My walls are closing in,
I felt this way before,

So insecure,
Crawling in my skin,
these wounds they will not heal,
Fear is how I fall,
Confusing what is real…"

"Hey Kouichi…" Kouji said to his brother with a small warm smile on his face as he opened the door to his home, in return his twin gave him a small smile back. With that he stepped back into his home to let Kouji inside. As Kouji moved in Takuya could be clearly seen stood behind him, he too smiled at kouichi before entering the house.

The two boys waited patiently as Kouichi silently shut the door and turned to his two guests. Takuya was shuffling nervously around for some reason, maybe the eerie silence of the house disturbed him a bit, Kouji too seemed a little apprehensive as he fiddled with a large bouquet of white flowers he held in his hands.

"She's upstairs asleep…" kouichi told them both, referring to Kouji and his mother. "… I don't think she should be disturbed right now"

Kouji nodded respectively then held out the white flowers to kouichi.

"You take these then, tell her they're from me"

Kouichi was about to take the flowers off Kouji when a sound from upstairs stopped them all. They all looked up to see Kouji and Kouichi's mother slowly walking down the stairs. Nervously kouji hid the flower behind his back and grinned.

"Hi Kouji" she happily said to her son as she reached the bottom of the stairs. "What brings you and your friend here?"

"Erm…well… we just popped by to see how you were…" Kouji nervously stuttered as he once again began fiddling with the flowers behind his back. Even though he had known his real mother for almost two years now he still got rather nervous around her.

She gave Kouji a grin then noticed the white flower petals sticking out from Kouji's back.

"Are…they for me…?" she asked him. At first kouji looked puzzled then remembered the flowers as he slowly brought them out from behind his back, his face glowing with a tint of red on them.

"I…I…hope you get well soon…" he said before holding them out for his mother to take, his eyes not even making contact with her.

"Thankyou…" she replied taking the white flowers off him then breathing in their sweet scent, she then pulled a face at them.

"Damn flu…" she murmured. "…I can't even smell them… ah well…" She then looked back up at Kouji and Takuya. "…so you boys doing anything nice after this?"

"Well we were thinking of going to see a movie" takuya replied, who had now cheered up a little. He happily put one arm around Kouji making the boy flinch a little. "We're going to see "Mutant Aliens Part 4"

"Erm…sounds interesting…" Mrs. Kimura laughed, making kouji slightly blush more. She then turned towards Kouichi who had been rather silent. "Kouichi, you should go to…"

"Er…no thankyou…" Kouichi declined, suddenly snapping out of his thoughts. "…You're ill and I need to take care of you… besides Mutant aliens aren't really…my thing…"

"So sweet…" Mrs. Kimura replied with a smile on her face.

"Awwww…come on Kouichi…" Takuya protested. "…don't you want to see some blood, guts and aliens getting their heads ripped off…"

"Er…what now…?" Mrs. Kimura replied her face looking more stern. "Are you guys old enough for this movie?"

"Erm…well…er… gotta go!" Takuya stuttered back before grabbing kouji's arm and quickly pulling him out of the house. Kouji wished his mother and brother a goodbye before they were halfway down the street. Mrs. Kimura just watched them leave before shutting the door and returning to look at the flowers in her hand.

"I'm lucky to have such sweet sons…" she murmured happily before walking off into the kitchen. "…I'll have to find a place to put these…"

"Er..yeah…" Kouichi replied, his face falling slightly as he turned towards the window. Something seemed…unsettling to him, like something was going to happen, he just couldn't help feeling tense and on edge about something but he tried his best to shake it off and think nothing more of it was he wandered into the kitchen to help his mother find a place to put the flowers.

Outside a pair of blood red eyes narrowed as they watched the house from a tree across the street, then a small wind began to blow rattling the leaves around it before it simply vanished.


Later that night Takuya and Kouji were walking through the park as they returned from the movie.

"Awww…man I can't believe they wouldn't let us in to see the Mutant Alien movie" Takuya moaned as he placed his hands in his pockets and pouted getting a snigger from Kouji beside him.

"Oh well never mind…" Kouji replied as he placed his hands behind his head as the walked. "…that chick flick we saw instead wasn't all that bad…"

"It WASN'T a chick flick Kouji!" Takuya snapped back. "I'd heard it was a good movie…"

"Was too a chick flick!" Kouji argued back. "It was about a girl looking for some guy and when she found him they made out for the rest of the movie…" Kouji then made mocking gagging sounds as Takuya hit him playfully over the head that prompted kouji to hit him back and before they knew it they were playfully fighting each other on the dirt path by the lake. It wasn't until a girl about their age walked past did they stop, both suddenly without the urge to wrestle each other to the ground anymore… instead was a feeling of calmness and of peace.

"Woah, weird…" Takuya remarked as the girl that had just passed them stopped walking, but remained with her back facing them.

"The planets are after you all…" she said softly but with an eerie tone to her voice. "…they won't rest until your gone…"

"The planets?" Kouji repeated looking at the back of the girl. "What do you mean `They're after us?"

"…if they are defeated by someone…" the girl continued as if she hadn't even heard kouji's question. "…then that someone will get power of amazing strength which must be controlled or they risk becoming our enemy…when this happens…I will appear again…"

With that the girl continued walking, Takuya and Kouji carefully watching her every move before she disappeared out of the park.

"Freaky!" Takuya commented looking confused. "What was that girl on?"

"The planets are after us…?" Kouji murmured to himself as the thought hard about what the girl had said. "I really don't like the sound of this…"

"Oh come ON Kouji…" Takuya snapped. "…that girl was obviously out of her head on something"

"I'm not taking any risks!" Kouji said back. "Now come on I want to go by Kouichi's before I go home"

Kouji walked off followed by a reluctant takuya. As they did a shadowy figure on the other side of the lake watched them closely then began sniggering as they left the park.

"All in due time chosen…" he murmured to himself. "…all in due time"


As they approached Kouichi's house Kouji couldn't help but notice something strange although he wasn't too sure what it was, but as they got nearer they both noticed the door to the house was wide open with rather large claw marks engraved in it.

Kouji and takuya quickly ran in to find the house eerily quiet, even more than before and this time there was a sickening smell of evil in the house. Both Takuya and Kouji walked into the living room, which was covered with blood. As they walked around the place seemed empty then Kouji noticed something sat behind one of the armchairs. He looked around it to see Kouichi sat there with his legs huddled to his chest, shaking with fear. Kouji knelt gently beside him, which startled the boy a bit but calmed when he saw who it was.

"Kouichi…wah… what happened…?" he asked, but got no reply from kouichi as he buried his face in between his legs and started sobbing. Kouji remained silent as he watched him. Kouichi was covered with blood head to toe, although it seemed like it wasn't his own, he didn't look too badly hurt besides a few small cuts here and there. His hair was all matted and his clothes slightly tatty. It was then he heard a gasp from takuya from behind him; he stood up to see takuya backing off from something. Kouji followed his friend's shocked gaze to see the body of his mother lying motionless on the floor.

"Oh my god, mum" Kouji cried out as he ran to her side. She was drenched in blood which Kouji figured Kouichi got the blood on him from. Kouji checked her over for signs of life…but there was nothing, so with a sigh he sat back from her, trying to take everything in.

"I…tried to save her…" Kouichi suddenly mumbled getting Takuya and Kouji's attention. "…but I couldn't…it was too strong… so…so then I got angry…I wanted to kill it for what it had done… I did kill it…"

"What's "it" Kouichi?" Kouji asked kneeling by his brother again. "What did this!?!"

"It's in me!" Kouichi suddenly squealed as he clenched his dark blue eyes shut and clasped his head with his hands. "IT'S IN ME! GET IT OUT! OUT! OUUUUUT!!!!"

"Hey Kouichi calm down…" Kouji said as calmly as he could to his brother as he attempted to comfort him, but as soon as he got too close Kouichi began screaming and lashing out at him, but kouji didn't flinch, not even a little, he let his brother take out what rage he had on him before kouichi simply collapsed with exhaustion into his arms and rested his head against his brothers chest and just began to cry. Kouji rested his head on top of his brothers and wrapped his arms around him trying his best to comfort him and to calm him down, after a few minutes Kouji looked up at takuya who was also pretty freaked out but was trying his best not to show it.

"Phone an ambulance..." he told him. Takuya nodded and quickly whipped out a mobile phone from his coat pocket.

As he rang for help Kouji looked back down at his brother who now seemed to be in a light unsettled sleep as occasionally he'd still shiver with fear and murmur things which Kouji couldn't make out. Soon his eyes wandered back to the blood stained room before he closed his eyes not baring the sight any longer, making tears roll down his face as he silently wept his grip tightening slightly on his brother as they did.

"We'll be alright…" he whispered to him, but he wasn't even sure if they would be or if Kouichi could even hear him, but he had to believe it, for his brother's sake…