Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon: Fusion ❯ Chapter 3: Dreadful Silence.. ( Chapter 9 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Well, last time I checked TOEI still owns Digimon... But come on, release some infor on Digimon World 4 already!

Alan, Reilmon, Chris and Thiemon are characters made by me. Michael and Nagmon are property of Michael. Kina Yamakai and Katzemon are property of Kae-chan. Gentatsu and Arumon are from Christian, and that's pretty much all for the ownership thingy...

Digimon: Fusion - Chapter 3 - Dreadful Silence...

Night went slow as hell, especially for the Digimons taking their shifts to ensure both their and their partner's safety. And usually while the Digimon was out it's partner would get attacked by the cold, wrecking his or her sleep...

Dusk finally reached and everyone started waking up, Thiemon, having the last shift returned to the group inside the cave, the fire was still fluttering, holding for dear life as the last of the firewood burned to ashes...

Holding a rather big yawn at bay Alan greeted the rest of the group with a simple "Morning" and the rest answered back with the same.

Chris stood up and opened her mouth to speak, but her stomach beat her to it breaking the silence with a big groan. She blushed and smiled sheepishly.

"Is there any food here?" asked Gentatsu.

"Well, we recover by downloading the data from fallen Digimons.... I don't know you..." answered Arumon looking up at his partner.

"No sense in staying inside then. Maybe we can find something outside..." said Kina as she yawned and their shook the sleepiness out of her system.

Stepping out the sunlight hit their eyes, waking them up for sure now, even though the sky still had a gloomy look, a couple of clouds still covered it, but the storm was long gone. They all looked around in silence, the wind being the only source of noise...

"What the?!" yelled Michael. The rest of the group turned around to look at the place he was and in front of the cave entrance, near the opening where a couple of vending machines, exactly like the kind one could find on the Real World.

"Well that's what I call convenient!" said Alan with a slight tone of sarcasm and grinning. "Think our money is worth here?"

"Well, we have never used them, not like we have any use for them anyway..." huffed Katzemon. Kina took a couple of steps towards the machine and pulled a small wad of money from her jeans' pocket and inserted a couple of coins, to which the machine sprung to life.

"Hey, it works!" she said to everyone of the humans' relief. They all took some of their own money and bought whatever fancied their sight from the machines and happily gulped their food down, sharing with their Digimons 'to taste'..

"We should be heading towards the Forest of Silence..." said Nagmon hovering above Michael, creating a small gust of wind, which Michael happily received.

"One thing though" started Chris. "Why do they call it the Forest of Silence?"

"Even though you can actually speak, you can't use any special moves there, so it all goes down to hand-to-hand combat in there. Which is why we ran away from the Tyranomon yesterday, it's easier to defeat it with our moves..." answered Reilmon. They all got up and started walking south-east, towards the Forest...

Not much really happened in the travel, they all did small talk with their own partner, exchanging facts about the Real and Digital World. Occasionally a couple of Digimons passed by, although none of them looked for a fight, and this time the humans also learned a little more about Digimons. The uses of the D-Core still remained a mystery though...

The sun had moved from one side to the top of the sky, glaring angrily at the group, who regretted not buying a bottle of water or two...

After a couple of small breaks, warnings of fights and whatnot they finally reached the Forest of Silence, the darkness covering the Forest.

"You never said it was very dark..." said Gentatsu.

"You get used to the darkness" answered back Reilmon. "Or you can always lit a fire!" and she extended a finger, from which a small fireball appeared.

Thiemon raised her arms to her shoulders and sighed theatrically. "Let's just go before it actually gets dark..." she said as she resumed the walk, with Chris high-tailing behind her, and the rest of the group.

Every step they took the light got weaker, now completely clouded in darkness the only sources of light were Reilmon's small flame and Katzemon's lightning coat, which she kept at a low level as to not to shock anyone close.

"We should be close to the light area..." said Nagmon in a low voice.

"Light area?" questioned Alan.

"For some reason in the very middle of the forest a dim purple light illuminates everything like a weak sun.." answered Nagmon back. Alan nodded.

And as much as they liked the walk since no Digimon had tried to fight them, the silence was dreadful, not to mention that when someone stepped on a stick and break it it sent a chill down everyone's spine. Finally, after a long walk the trees were starting to clear and walls could be seen... The remains of an ancient ruins.

"The Great Battle of Obliteration..." muttered Thiemon, gazing at the ruins.

"The Great Battle of what?" asked Chris besides Thiemon.

"The Great Battle of Obliteration... The first clash between good and evil took place here, destroying everything on it's path... This place used to be a vivid town, with various types of Digimon living peacefully until they came... Nobody tried rebuilding this place and let it go on it's own, and in the end... Well, you can see what it turned into..." answered Thiemon looking around.

"Might I ask how do you know?" Chris questioned further.

"Part of my ancestors used to live here... And the story was passed down for generations..." she answered back, tears dwelling in her blue eyes...

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked..."

"No, it's ok. It's better if you all knew anyway..." and a small silence pause took in, after about thirty seconds Katzemon broke the silence.

"There is no use in mourning now. We should just hurry and end with them to avoid this happening again" she said rather harshly. Thiemon blinked a couple of times and a tear escaped, she moved the back of her hand to her eyes to clean the tears and took small controlled breaths. Chris threw a harsh look at Kina who smiled saddly, apologizing in behalf of her Digimon. Alan coughed into his hand.

"Sorry to sound rude. But I suggest we keep going, I don't think this would be the best place to spend the night.."

"Even if we keep moving we won't reach the other end by when the sun sets down. It's best if we just advance a little more and rest for the day" offered Reilmon.

"I guess you are right" said Thiemon.

"Well, let's move!" said Gentatsu, trying to return the mood to the group with a cheerful tone, which if worked, was just barely.

Entering the light area Reilmon put out the small flame and Katzemon returned her electricity to normal levels. The ruins started taking more space every moment up to the moment they had to maneuver between them. The rough landscape and the amount of walls tumbled on the floor didn't made the traveling any easier at all. After walking through the interior of a ruin they cleared them. They took a couple of steps and Reilmon's ear jerked up.

"What?" asked Alan, rather worried at the sudden movement of his companion.

"Something is near... And I don't think it's peaceful..." she said, still looking straight ahead. They all remained in silence and small footsteps echoed in the air. The other nine looked ahead to where Reilmon was looking... The steps were getting louder every moment, and rustling sounds could be heard.

A chill went up Reilmon's spine and took a step back, Alan looked sideways and saw her taking the step, a terrified look was now over her usual smile. He took a step towards Reilmon but she didn't noticed him. He turned around to where the sounds came from and trees were now falling. With a thundering roar a tree went flying directly at them, they all ducked instantly. Looking up they saw a Kimeramon walking towards them. The other 4 Digimons were rather shocked as well, but Reilmon was by far the worst at the moment. She could hardly talk, her fur was all perked up and fear was over her face.

"Reilmon, what's wrong?!" yelled Alan as he grabed her by the shoulders and shook her but she only swayed sideways.

"I don't think we will be able to defeat it, but we might as well try!" yelled Thiemon taking her dagger out and entering her battle pose.

"Here we go again.." sighed Katzemon as her fur sparkled somewhat. Taking the advantage Thiemon jumped above Kimeramon and readied her dagger to slash it's face, but was caught off-guard by Kimeramon's Devimon hand and she went flying towards a tree, which broke at the hit and Thiemon collapsed at the floor just to get up again with a strong pain in her chest.

"Nagmon, try getting his attention, we'll attack from the back" ordered Arumon pointing at Katzemon, Nagmon nodded and flew towards Kimeramon's face, and swiftly evaded the numerous swipes from it's hands. In the back Arumon jumped and slashed at the bottom of the Kabuterimon neck, Katzemon just sparkled and clinged herself on the back of the Greymon body part, shocking the enemy somewhat, who answered by flapping it's Angemon wings and shook her off, Arumon was also blown away hitting the floor heads-on.

"Reilmon! Do something!" Alan ordered, shaking his partner trying to return her to normality.

"I...I can't!" she muttered.

"But why?!"

"Everytime I see a Kimeramon it brings back memories... Horrible memories..." she muttered again, tears dwelling up.

"There's no use, you are gonna get deleted, let's just flee for now!" yelled Chris across the field.

"She is right! Let's go back to the ruins!" added Michael. Thiemon landed in Kimeramon's head and thrusted her dagger in, doing small damage, and was caught off-guard again by the Devimon hand, which surprisingly bent over all the way to hit her, and landed on the floor again, this time she managed to land with her legs, she returned the dagger to it's place and ran away. Followed by Nagmon flying away with a bruise on one of his wings, Arumon and Katzemon running on four away from the giant Digimon. Alan dragged Reilmon away from the fight.

They reached the ruins again, and any signals of Kimeramon in the vicinity were none. They walked down a set of stairs to the interior of a ruins, the walls were damped and the paint was blurred, giving a faint purple look. The roof had a couple of cracks from where small drops of water made their way through. There was no light, save for the purple one that illuminated the outside too, which filtered through the roof. On the far end, a vending machine laid mysteriously.

Reilmon, still shocked managed to form complete sentences now.

"I'm sorry for that... I don't know what got over me..." she said shaking her head, and then hung it down in disappointment. Alan reached to her and placed and hand on her shoulder, she then sat down followed by Alan and the rest of the group.

"But what did you meant by 'horrible memories'?" asked Alan, hoping it would not affect Reilmon.

"My parents also lived in here, I was still in my Viximon form when a Kimeramon, the one that we saw came and destroyed the whole village, how it managed to do so we don't know, next thing I knew my parents had already bursted into data and I fled" she said sadly. And the room fell in silence save for the sound of the wind blowing by and a couple of drops of water splashing down.

"And do we have to beat it to get through?" he asked.

"I don't think so, but we would have to detour from the path, and that isn't recommended..." answered Thiemon.

"And going through the path will probably make us meet the Kimeramon again..." muttered Kina.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna try to find some firewood..." said Gentatsu as he got up, Arumon followed.

"I'm going too" added Alan, Reilmon looked up at him. "Wait for us, we'll be right back" he finished. The rest nodded.

Alan, Gentatsu and Arumon walked up the stairs, greeted by a cold wind. They walked around, collecting whatever could work as firewood. The occasional "Dark Slash!" could be heard in the air from Arumon as he sliced a tree, then the wood, and then into logs, and into small logs.

Fortunately for them, nothing went their way, they carried as much as they could and returned to the rest of the group, who were talking currently. They placed the firewood near a wall and gathered some in the middle of the room, which Reilmon, using her flames, lit them up.

The rest of the day went quite peaceful. Nothing came, not even to peek at the fire. The group exchanged words about nothing particularly important. Save for a couple of questions related to the Digital World.

The day ended pretty much like the one yesterday, the fire roared through the night, only this time everyone could sleep peacefully all night long, since very few Digimons dared approach the ruins. Having their hunger satisfied by the close-by machines they all rested for their second day...


Day came like usual, shaking the sleep out of the 5 humans and Digimons. Even though one couldn't tell it was actually morning, since the forest only knew the darkness, which was always inside, being lit by a dim purple light in the ruins. The cold winds and the lack of fire was enough to make everyone stir awake. After the usual morning greeting and a quick 'breakfast' they all left the building, stretching and shaking the drowsiness the darkness created in them.

"Think you can fight against Kimeramon now?" asked Alan.

"Yeah, I think... It did helped letting all that out yesterday..." Reilmon answered back.

"Well, let's go and kick him!" yelled Michael courageously. The rest nodded and started walking in the direction towards the exit, or so Katzemon said it was. Their footsteps were the only sound, no big echoes, no tress falling down, only the humans and Digimons walking by, the darkness engulfing everything...

"It's near..." hissed Reilmon, her eyes making slits.

"How close?" said Thiemon grabbing her dagger.

"If he already knows we are here, I'll give it a couple of seconds..." she answered back and sure enough, the footsteps could be heard in the air. They dashed forwards and reached a clearing. A clearing of trees that's it, the branches from the near-by trees extended all over the sky also blocking the light. Reilmon narrowed her eyes and entered her fighting stance. Quickly followed by Thiemon taking her dagger out and entering her fighting position. Katzemon's fur perked up with electricity while Arumon extended a paw to the front and holding still. Nagmon just hovered silently over the floor, slightly above Michael.

A tree went down and even with that the leaves covered the sky as usual, and the giant mass of Digimons known as Kimeramon stepped into the clearing, sending a chill down Reilmon who quickly shook it over. Kimeramon spread his wings open and roared. Taking it as a signal, the five Digimon launched forward.

Thiemon jumped upwards directly at it's face, Katzemon rounded on the left with Arumon on the right. Nagmon glided between it's legs to it's back and Reilmon jumped at it's torso. Going into a complete halt, Katzemon and Arumon jumped sideways, slashing at the chest of Kimeramon, where Reilmon landed with a swift kick. Thiemon slashed upwards and Nagmon made a tail whip at it's back while doing a somersault.

If the damage was good, no one could tell. Unfortunately, on the way down, both Katzemon and Arumon were caught in the lower pair of hands, and hurled away towards the floor, where they rolled a meter or two. Reilmon, while bouncing back met the Kabuterimon's horn, sending her right below into the floor, knocking the wind out of her. Thiemon, barely evading that attack for a hair got hit in the back with the elbow of the right upper hand, and crashed into a tree. While Nagmon was 'slapped' away by a wing into the floor.

The five got up with a couple of bruises on their body. And charged forward again, this time however, Nagmon flew in front of Kimeramon in an attempt to distract it. Reilmon doing a complete 360 in one foot landed a fierce back kick on the right leg, while Thiemon just dashed by with the dagger held in place to one side opening a cut on the left leg of Kimeramon, Arumon complemented by slashing right at the cut, making Kimeramon groan and Katzemon thrusted a paw charged with electricity at the open cut, making him now roar. Reaching behind him, Kimeramon answered by swinging it's giant tail, which Reilmon swiftly evaded by rolling sideways. Thiemon jumped above it. Arumon took a small leap backwards and Katzemon clinged to it, sparkling with all the electricity in her body, making him angrier to which he fluttered his massive tail with more strength. More than enough for Katzemon she let go and went flying away, just above Arumon, who responded by jumping and catching her but didn't counted on the strength with which Kimeramon hurled her away and he went crashing into a tree along with Katzemon, although he took the actual blow, both fell down but Katzemon got up quickly, Arumon stayed on the floor.

"Just go.." he said as he smiled sheepishly. Katzemon's gruff expression changed into a blank one.

"I'll call your partner" she said as she returned to the battle. Gentatsu ahead of time from her was already running towards Arumon.

"You crazy cat! Please tell me you are ok!" he yelled in disbelief.

"Of course I am... Just give me a couple of minutes to recover..." he muttered back.

However, not only Katzemon was affected by this, Thiemon looking sideways to look at Arumon was caught completely off-guard with a fist from the lower hand right in the chest, knocking all the existing air in her body out, and collided into a tree.

"Thiemon!" yelled Chris as she ran towards her partner, who was kneeling holding her chest with her right hand and the dagger lying on the floor.

"I'm...ok...need...air..." she managed between long deep breaths.

"Nagmon, behind you!" yelled Michael as Nagmon turned over and saw a hand swiping down at him, and barely managed to evade by making a straight line in the air, but another of the hands went flying sideways hitting him, not quite strong as he managed to recover in mid air. He rushed at his face and just in front of his eye he made a quick spin tail whipping Kimeramon in the eye, who grunted with pain and threw a fist upwards hitting Nagmon from below, sending him towards the top of the trees and then falling down.

"Nagmon!" yelled Michael as he ran and catched Nagmon in his hands, the weight of Nagmon taking him to the floor as well, but quickly got up and carried/dragged him away from the middle of the battle.

Reilmon and Katzemon were the only ready for battle. If you could say ready anyway. Reilmon glanced over to Katzemon who glanced back, and in a swift movement Reilmon ran a little forward, then stopped and lowered to her knees making a small ramp. Katzemon dashed off and jumped in her back of Reilmon, who acted as a small trampoline sending her up to Kimeramon's face. She grasped herself to the horn and released all the possible electricity, making Kimeramon roar, who shook his face sideways crazily enough to send Katzemon flying away, this time however she crashed in the floor and bounced a couple of meters away, ending just in front of Kina who in a sec was already down holding Katzemon between her hands.

"You bloody freak..." hissed Reilmon looking up at him, who was currently dizzy due to the shaking of his head, not to mention the sudden burst of electricity.
"I couldn't do anything back then... But now this shall be it!" Reilmon yelled in anger as she dashed and jumped. Reaching it's face she made a sudden right kick, quickly spun in air and landed one with the left. She landed on it's head while punching downwards. Then resumed with a barrage of hits and kicks before he managed to shook her off, and while falling down he made an uppercut with the lower hand, sending Reilmon flying away towards the direction of Alan who glanced upwards with shook, his right hand resting on his D-Core.

"Reilmon!" he yelled. A small fire grew in his hand, he noticed and panicked at first but the fire wasn't burning him. He opened his hand and the LCD screen on the D-Core beeped and a pair of words flashed on it. Alan blinked, looked upwards at Reilmon gliding at the air starting to drop altitude. He pointed his burning D-Core towards Reilmon and yelled.

"Core... Evolution!!!" A white ray of light shot from the screen and hit Reilmon, who stopped in mid air and was encased in various lines of data.

"Reilmon Shinka!!!" She yelled, and looking as if she was hurting all the fur, gloves and whatnot detached from her in various places and her outline changed drastically, the flying fur changed in shape and attached itself again to her. The gloves shape-shifted into a long ribbon which tied to her neck. Her tail divided itself into nine tails and expanded making a fan as par se. She landed as if she had received no hit whatsoever.

"Brazemon!" yelled the new form standing in the place of Reilmon. This one was a four-legged fox, about the same height as Reilmon but longer, the fur was also red-fire save for the paws which blew like small white fires, the belly was also white, along with the snout, tip of the ears and the end of the tails which also blew like small fires. On the side of each leg the triangle-shaped yinyang rested, the right in black and the left in white, with the small inverted triangles at the bottom of the opposite colors, and on the sides a small triangle also rested downwards with opposite colors. A giant white mane of fur extended from her neck to the beginning of her belly. The giant lace made a ribbon above her neck, alternating in gray and red ending with a small bell thingy in golden yellow color. From the part of the lace below the mane hanged small blue aqua colored crystals. And finally, on her forehead the triangle yinyang also etched, her eyes shaped more like slits now, with a small black line below them.

"Wh-What happened?!" yelled Alan in shock.

"She digi-evolved..." answered Katzemon.

"Digi...Evolved?" questioned Alan.

"We'll explain later..." hissed back Katzemon due to the pain of the last blow.

Brazemon swayed sideways and then glared evilly at Kimeramon. "It's time for my revenge!" she roared angrily and charged. Kimeramon thrusted his hands downwards at the floor but they all hit the air as Brazemon moved swiftly as air sideways. She jumped upwards and ran across the stomach of Kimeramon and then jumped, making a somersault in the air and hitting Kimeramon on the chin with her hind legs and then landed swiftly. And in less than a sec she had already jumped to evade the first fist, using the hand as support she jumped again evading the next and repeated, this time jumping towards it's face. With the speed of the jump she rolled into a ball, and impacted against the hard shell of it's face. Bouncing off she landed again.

Kimeramon staggered backwards while holding it's face with the four hands. He took quite a couple of steps away, and with it's height the distance was quite some. Brazemon also moved backwards. She stopped and dashed forward at max speed, when just a couple of meters away she lunged forward jumping and made a fierce head-butt on it's chest, which threw him off balance and at the contact of the floor Kimeramon exploded into pieces of data, which every of the five Digimons absorbed.

"Done..." she muttered with the last of her strength as she was encased in the lines of data again and returned to Reilmon's shape. She stood for a second there and the started collapsing.

"Reilmon!" Alan yelled as he dashed to catch her and managed to do so, but Reilmon was out cold... Draggin herself, Thiemon approached Alan.

"We should head back to the ruins while she recovers. Digi-evolving takes a deal of energy..." she said. Alan just nodded and dragged/carried the sleeping vixen, while the others helped their respective partner. Nagmon glided over Michael, who was ready in case Nagmon collapsed. Katzemon and Arumon being light and somewhat small were carried by their respective owners and Thiemon dragged herself while resting on Chris' shoulder.

Back at the ruins they entered the same place they spent the last night, they gathered some of the firewood and clashing his claws Arumon managed to lit a fire after numerous tries. They sat down and each Digimon nursed it's own wounds, Reilmon resting over Alan.

And soon, a conversation about the Digi-Evolution would start...

Well, that's all for this chapter... Now, was that long? Well, for me it was, it's the biggest chapter I've ever written so far, yay for me!

*Reilmon rolls her eyes*

Erm... Anyway, hope the fight was good... If you can call it good since no techs could be used... Next one will involve techs anyway, that's for sure. As to which evolution is next, well... That's a mystery~

And please drop a line of review.

Alan, Reilmon, Chris and Thiemon are characters made by me. Michael and Nagmon are property of Michael. Kina Yamakai and Katzemon are property of Kae-chan. Gentatsu and Arumon are from Christian, and that's pretty much all for the ownership thingy...

Signed as usual, &nb sp; &nb sp; &nb sp; &nb sp;
Alan "Gray Fox" Quirino - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com
&nbs p; & nbsp; &nbs p; & nbsp; &nbs p; & nbsp; &nbs p; Until next time!

Chapter 4: The Prophecy...