Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon: Fusion ❯ Chapter 2: The Story Unfold! ( Chapter 8 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Well, last time I checked TOEI still owns Digimon... But come on, release some infor on Digimon World 4 already!

Alan, Reilmon, Chris and Thiemon are characters made by me. Michael and Nagmon are property of Michael. Kina Yamakai and Katzemon are property of Kae-chan. Gentatsu and Arumon are from Christian, and that's pretty much all for the ownership thingy...

There is one thing to learn from this chapter, but it's at the bottom so I won't spoil...

Digimon: Fusion - Chapter2 - The Story Unfolds!

The skies were dark, gray clouds covering it completely blocking any sunlight from passing, thundering roars could be heard in the distance and a strong current of air had picked up, 5 boys and 5 Digimons were running across a plain, running towards 'Mount Digit', rain was close, and so was the mount...

"You sure it's close?" asked Michael, finally getting winded up from the long run, he must have broken his own record at running already.

"Just a couple of minutes... But you can't complain! I'm flying!" shot back a flying Digimon, Nagmon.

"It better be, I don't think I'll be able to hold any longer.." added Gentatsu somewhere near the middle of the group.

"By the way, you said something about a prophecy right?" asked Kina.

"I don't think this is the best time to discuss that, Kina..." answered Chris.

"If any we should hurry, I think it's about to start!" exclaimed Alan, and sure enough, a couple of seconds later rain started pouring down. And they were finally reaching Mount Digit, luckily enough there was an opening not far from where they where...

"I hate water! I hate water! I hate water! I hate water!........" said Reilmon quite annoyed and true to the fact, her fur was dripping wet and you don't want to know how a vixen looks with her fur wet...

"You hate water? I'm a cat! Cats don't like water!" added Arumon also a little annoyed, Katzemon just huffed and dried herself like a dog, splashing everyone in the room, but since everyone was wet already no one really cared.

"Talk about good timing..." started Thiemon and everyone turned at her. "There is some firewood left here... Odd..." she said and grabbed part of it and brought it near the center of the cave.

"Allow me..." said Reilmon as she lit a small fireball and lit the firewood, illuminating the room. On one side where Michael and Nagmon, soaking wet, like pretty much everyone, Nagmon having no legs at all landed as best as he could next to the fire, where Michael also sat. Gentatsu took off the excess water from his hair and sat down, with Arumon to his side, who had just sniffed... Katzemon not completely dried also sat down with her usual look, Kina bemused at her sat right to her side, where Thiemon and Chris also joined, her clothing splashing the floor, and finally, after building the fire up to a comfortable level Reilmon sat besides Alan, who had just taken his place, and to his surprise Reilmon was now pretty much dry, radiating her inner warmth building from her fire which earned her a jealous look from everyone, to which she smirked.

"There is one thing that still plagues my mind..." started Gentatsu, placing his hands near the fire to warm himself. "Why were we chosen? I mean, from all the persons in the world, is there a specific reason why we were chosen?" he asked and waited. Nagmon, who was almost to his right answered...

"There is no way to decide who will be chosen, or at least a definite proof to us. The only thing we have is the prophecy itself, and that alone doesn't helps much since the language it was written is long forgotten and only small fragments remain with us..."

"Hmm... But what does the prophecy says?" continued Gentatsu.

"That... I do not know..." said Nagmon reluctantly and hung his head down, Michael placed his hand on what would be his shoulder.

"The prophecy itself can be seen by almost everyone, only those whose souls, or 'auras' if you like are evil can't get near the palace..." said Thiemon, as an icy wind blew in...

"And where is this palace?" asked again Gentatsu, in behalf of the rest..

"Well, you saw the forest where we came from. It's called the Forest of Silence, cross it and the palace is basically there, it would be good if we go there, but crossing the forest won't be easy..." said Reilmon reluctantly...

"But that's about the only lead we have... Might as well give it a shot... Or is there another way to get there?" asked Chris.

"There is one..." started Arumon, "But for that we must go all north passing Mount Digit, reaching the wastelands and cross them going east, after that it's a trek through a BIG meadow..."

"But that would take us like 4 times what we could take crossing the Fo..." added Katzemon but was interrupted by Arumon sniffing. She threw him a rather harsh look and resumed, "The Forest of Silence..."

"I guess there is no other choice, but until the storm calms down I think we should stay here, not to mention it's getting dark... But that could be the clouds anyway..." said Alan, to which Reilmon added,

"No, it's definitely getting dark..."

"Hmm... Might as w.." started Kina...

"Quiet! Something is coming!" hushed Reilmon, she looked at the fire, and as if Arumon had interpreted her look he quietly said,

"Frost Punch" and his right hand, now a fist glowed blue and swung at the fire, putting it down in a sec.

"Get down!" ordered Thiemon quietly, and everyone went on their bellies to the floor, looking towards the exit... And sure enough, a rather big figure had just passed by, looked inside the cave but found nothing and continued it's path... They remained in silence for a couple of seconds before Reilmon broke the silence.

"It's safe now, I don't think he will be able to see the light from that distance..." she got up and created another small fireball on her finger, which she hurled at the wood, who sprung to life again.

"Ok, what was that? And how did you knew it was coming this way?" asked Michael, a little amazed.

"That was a Greymon. As to the latter, well, your nose is before your eyes, so use it first" and to that, she grinned, which left a bemused look on everyone's face. "Altough this weather does hinders my nose..." she then added quickly.

"Well, since we don't have anything else to do and we aren't going out yet... Mind telling us a little about your world?" asked Kina, to no Digimon in particular.

"Like what?" answered Katzemon, looking up at her partner.

"Well, for example, all this places you said, how exactly does this place looks?" Kina questioned further.

"Hard to explain, as you know, we are currently in Mount Digit, to the south is the Forest of Silence, passing it, you have 'The Palace' which is how we call the place where the prophecy is. All the way north after Mount Digit you can see the Scorching Wastelands, and after crossing a small border you'll be at the Frozen Summit, then it's just water, I haven't gone further than that..." started Nagmon, and paused for a long breath. "If you go east from the Wastelands, you can reach the Arched Trees, which is basically a town made on very big, and I do mean big trees. And the big meadow Arumon mentioned is actually in the same place as the Arched Trees, but it extends way south and you can reach The Palace too," and another breath, "But, if you go west from the Scorched Wastelands it's the Solar Beach, if you go south you can reach the Rainforest of Illusions, which does lives up to it's name by the way, go east and you can reach the Forest of Silence. Basically, Mount Digit is the center of this particular island, I've heard of another, but never actually been there..." and he ended with a long sigh, all the children nodded.

"At any rate..." started Kina, who abruptly stopped due to a rather big yawn, "We should head to The Palace tomorrow, but for now, I don't know you, but I'm getting quite sleepy..." and another yawn, which chained Alan, Chris and Michael together.

"Should we leave the fire on? I mean, sure it's warm, but it can bring the attention of other aggressive Digimons..." said Gentatsu.

"Shall we make guards?" offered Nagmon.

"I think that would be the best" answered Arumon. The five humans looked at their Digimons with a 'Are you sure?' look. Some of them nodded and Nagmon took fly altough still very close to the ground.

"In that case, I'll take the first" he said. Reilmon ended second, Katzemon as third, Arumon at fourth and Thiemon at the end.

"Well, good night everyone, and don't hesitate in waking us up if something happens" said Chris.

"Night" added the rest of the humans along with the Digimons whose shift would be later. A cold night it was, inside a cave the fire roared with the few wood it had, the floor rough and not really suitable to rest on, each human snuggled back-to-back to it's digital counterpart, with the exception of Michael, whose Digimon was currently standing watch. In the case of humans only their clothes, for Digimons, their fur or clothing, the fire, and the mutual warm was all the pairs needed to pass the cold night... (Again, with the exception of Michael until Nagmon returned...)

The first day in a new world had just ended, and what would undeniably become their wildest adventure was just beginning...

Ye Gods! This took a while... Bloody writer's block...

In case you wonder, which I doubt unless you love foxes as much as I do, the reasoning behind Reilmon's line of "Your nose is before your eyes, so use it first" comes from the fact that foxes' sight is slightly lower than that of a human with perfect sight, but their nose is WAY powerful, and weather can sometimes hinder it a little...

Anyway, I guess you can imagine what is coming next chapter but anyway, we'll save that for later...

Signed as usual, &nb sp; &nb sp; &nb sp; &nb sp;
Alan "Gray Fox" Quirino - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com
&nbs p; & nbsp; &nbs p; & nbsp; &nbs p; & nbsp; &nbs p; Until next time!

Chapter 3: Dreadful Silence...