Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon: Fusion ❯ Chapter 1: Meeting Our Digital Partners! ( Chapter 7 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Well, last time I checked TOEI still owns Digimon... But come on, release some infor on Digimon World 4 already!

Alan, Reilmon, Chris and Thiemon are characters made by me. Michael and Nagmon are property of Michael. Kina Yamakai and Katzemon are property of Kae-chan. Gentatsu and Arumon are from Cristian, and that's pretty much all for the ownership thingy...

One thing before we start, this story I call Digimon: Fusion is basically my attempt at making a "5th season", hopefully one will come out though, but anyway, hope you'll like this.

Digimon: Fusion - Chapter 1 - Meeting Our Digital Partners!

They all took a step, looked at each other, nodded and they all reached for them at the same time. When they all grabbed their own, the white pillar appeared again, this time not as blinding as before, but shiny nonetheless, they all absent-mindedly pointed their device at the pillar and dematerialized into thin air, leaving no trace whatsoever, save for a basketball which no one knew was from Kina... The light disappeared, and the strange spot returned to normal...

They all materialized again, and unknown to them, in the air, and they landed with a loud thud on the floor... All piled up, with Kina and Chris mysteriuosly at the top, they all got to their feet and saw not floor, but grass, and surrounded by trees on one side, with a mountain far away...

"What is this place?" asked Alan.

"Beats me, but I really doubt there is a place like this on Earth..." added Michael.

"Hmmm... There's something coming out from the forest..." said Chris, almost whispering..

"I can't see, nor hear anything at all" this time Kina, trying to watch and hear... They all stood in silence before the grass before them rustled. In a couple of secs, Alan and Michael stepped up to the front followed by Gentatsu, and to their surprise from the bushes came out 5 different creatures, whether evil or good, they couldn't tell, they were just running against them...

"What the?!" semi-yelled Alan.

"No time to talk" answered a cat with a rather harsh sound, running on four, her fur was yellow mostly with black stripes every here and there. a spike collar on her neck, and her tail oddly shaped, as if making the figure of a lightning. Her ears were perked up and 2 earrings glittered on each, she was a little longer than one meter in length, and around 70-80 centimeters high. Black eyes, and just below her head and the collar was a small mat of fur. Lastly, on her right front paw was a silvery bracelet. She looked rather annoyed...

"There is something behind us!" added a slender two legged vixen with a soft feminine tone, about 1.80 meters tall, she had red, fire looking fur, with white on the feet, palms of the hands, chest, tip of ears and tail, the last being about 1 meter long. She had an S looking symbol on the right leg, and the 'mirror' of it on the left one. The fur on her feet, while blending with the red raised to make a 'crown', she wore long purple gloves, reaching past her elbows with a yinyang shaped symbol, inside each color was a very small tringle looking down with the opposite color, and on the sides of each color was another tringle, a little bigger than the previous, but small nonetheless also colored in the opposite color. On the back a small like wing etched, not really wings, but giving the impression. She had a rather big mat of fur on her chest, also white colored, her eyes aqua-marine colored.

"Run!" said a seemingly human form with a sweet sounding voice of like at 10 years old girl, all covered in a black full-leather suit, with a scarf covering most of her face save for her blue eyes and hair, which was blond and used in spikes to the back. Wearing a pair of black gloves with the tips cut off, and black shoes which are made of simple silk, but quite resistent, on her waist was a belt, black color, and on the right is a sheathed small dagger with an odd design, her body looking like a girl of about 10 years old and 1.50 meters tall... She was running as fast as the vixen, and at the front of the lines.

"Or fly!" behind her added another creature with a serious tone, this one flying, his body was shaped like a ghost would be, ending in a tail of sorts, in red color mostly, his belly white and on it, a symbol looking like a miniature Phoenix was, his wings spanned from his back, reaching about 1.25 meters long, bathed in a metallic color and about 1 meter in height and length. He was flying at high speed, just behind the vixen and the human-looking one, his black eyes with a yellow center gazed into the back as he turned his head, and saw yet another cat, this being different from first one.

"Incoming!" the cat yelled with a deep voice(and due to the lack of information I was given this bio will be short... ), he was at about the height of a Tailmon, and looking quite a lot like her, but this one was black colored, his ears just perked back and his tail, ending in a small bush-like thingy swayed, running in four at the moment altough he could stand in two, a necklace with a cross etched to it bounced as he ran, his gray eyes gazed back and saw the enemy, a giant red looking dinosaur...

"We won't be able to shake him now, there's no other way!" said the vixen as she halted and in a swift movement turned around, her tail swayed back and she entered a fighting stance, her left paw across her belly and the right resting besides her hip, in a profile look.

"Alright, let's do it!" besides her the human-looking one also stopped and turned around without even moving, as if disappearing and reappearing in less than a sec, she drew her oddly shaped dagger from the belt and entered her fighting stance, a profile form, her left hand in front of her head and the dagger facing back and behind her on the right hand.

"It seems there is no other way..." and the flying one made an U-turn and rolled, so he would be facing the enemy, the yellow cat pressed her front paws and semi-jumped sideways, making a 180 turn, the black one jumped, made a somersault and ended looking the enemy...

"Fire Breath!" the dinosaur yelled, and they all made her own evasion movements. The vixen jumped into the air and curled somewhat, a white light growing in her chest, she spread open and yelled...

"Burning Fox Leaf Arrowhead!" As the energy transformed into small white glowing crystals, and sped up towards the dinosaur, erupting in flames midway, and exploded on contact, doing some damage, but not enough to take it down. As she was falling from the sky the Tyranomon readied another Fire Breath and before he could do anything, the flying one hovered in front of him, turned his wings to the front and the ends morphed into pipes...

"Multi-Laser Wing!" he yelled before the dinosaur and shot a couple of rays into it's mouth, severely damaging him as he stepped back in pain. And at that same moment the black cat jumped from the right, the yellow one sat back in front of him and closed her eyes, small sparks made her fur bristle and the human-looking one jumped and landed in front of it...

"Dark Slash!", "Schrecken Der Natch!", "Double Slash!" they yelled one after the other, the dark cat brandished a pair of long claws from her paws and slashed sideways, in a Matrix esque jump, the yellow cat summoned a hologram of herself and jumped at the dinosaur, attacking it with a barrage of different blows, and the human one jumped upwards, slashing it's chin, made a flip in the air and switched the stance of her dagger now looking front and slashed now at it's nose. It howled in pain and the electric hologram dealt the finishing blow, with a sudden shock of electricity. It staggered backwards and plummeted, then exploded into bits of data which disappeared quickly...

"Well, that's taken care of..." said the vixen.

"You think it would be wise to present ourselves?" asked the dark cat.

"Nyao~" the yellow one mewed... The human rolled her eyes.

"Well, no sense in standing here..." and they all started moving against the humans, each one of the devices on them beeped and on each a small ray of light appeared, the made a backwards pyramid image, on each of them appeared one of the creatures there...

"Reilmon..." Alan read, looking at the fire-colored vixen, as she smiled.

"Nagmon..." whispered Michael looking at the flying one, making a small gust of air with the flapping.

"Katzemon..." said Kina looking at the yellow cat, which just mewed again, this time the angry look on her face disappeared for a sec or two..

"Thiemon..." said Chris, as the thief brandished her dagger and sheated it in a perfect movement.

"Arumon..." said Gentatsu, as the black cat, now standing in two drew back her giant claws and his cross moved...

"Yes, that's us" answered back Nagmon, in a serious, but playfully sounding tone.

"And what are you?" asked Chris.

"You mean you don't know what we are?" asked Katzemon, in a rather sarcastic tone.

"We are Digimons" said Reilmon before Katzemon could continue...

"Digimons?" now Gentatsu.

"Yes, Digimons, as in short for Digital Monsters..." answered Arumon.

"And what is this place?" asked Alan, looking around, nothing seemed know, or like as Earth was...

"The Digital World of course" answered Thiemon, as the wind swayed the black scarf she was wearing, along with Reilmon's tail, and most of the human's hair...

"Digital...World?" said Michael, entering this strange conversation, not that he was scared or anything at all, quite the contrary, he loved stuff that couldn't be explained such a phenomenons and that, and this was rather... interesting...

"You heard it, Digital World, a world produced by the backflow of the data of the digital information you send over time..." answered Nagmon.

"And we are here because...?" asked Chris.

"You were chosen..." answered Katzemon back, as she swayed her tail sideways rather unnervingly...

"You see those devices you are holding? They are called D-Cores" said Reilmon, looking at Alan's D-Core.

"You see the hologram of us on it? Well, we are chosen as your partners, the Digimon who appears over you is your partner" said Nagmon hovering.

"But what do you mean with chosen? One minute we were in our world, next one we are here and you just killed a... dinosaur!" asked Kina taking a step front.

"That was a Tyranomon, and it was attacking us, so we had no choice... And there is a prophecy hanging around in the Digital World, which tells of an evil that one day will raise, on that time 5 humans will appear in our world, and 5 Digimons will be chosen to be their partners, whose duty is to destroy this...'evil'... Altough that's a very short version of the actual prophecy..." answered Reilmon.

"Well, this is just to weird, I mean, just how are we going to do that? I mean, at least for us we are in a completely unknown world to us!" said Alan, as his yinyang necklace bounced with the sudden movement.

"The prophecy doesn't says that..." answered Reilmon again, looking down... Everyone went into silence, looking rather nervous, at least the humans, the Digimons were just looking at them, they had just stepped into an unknown world, met 5 creatures called Digimons, and learned that they were chosen to save this world of them... It sounded just like your usual RPG game...

"I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume that we won't be able to return to our world until then, right?" asked Gentatsu, talking for almost the first time... The Digimons looked at him, trying to find an answer.

"We... We don't know that..." answered Arumon looking at his partner, or at least he wished he would be, after finally meeting him...

"Well, it just sounds too weird, but I guess we have no other choice... Might as well look for a way to return to our world on the path..." said Kina.

"Yeah, you are right. We don't know this place, if we just wander around we'll just starve or get lost..." added Michael.

"Alright, you can count me in!" added Alan, with courage on his voice.

Both humans and Digimons took steps closer to each other, Reilmon extended her paw which Alan took, and both smiled. Nagmon hovered besides Michael and he petted him in the head. Gentatsu exhanged a few words with Arumon who brandished his claws at which he gazed, he withdrew them and brought a paw to the back of his head, looking rather embarassed and smiling, like Gentatsu. Chris gazed at Thiemon, who gazed back, they gave each other a small hug, talking. And Kina lowered herself to Katzemon's height, who mewed with affection, even though the look on her face said otherwise.

They all talked with their partners, Reilmon noticing Alan's necklace and he looking at her gloves, both gazing into the yinyang symbol, the laughed awkwardly, guessing why they were a team. Michael, seeing Nagmon's wings morph was mesmerized and so was Nagmon looking at him, both loving unknown stuff. Gentatsu loved taking pictures, and Arumon was the druid-type, as he said, explaining his cares for nature, thus their bonding. Chris practicing meditating arts and using the shadows to her favor, was obvious to become partnered to a shadowy, thief-looking Digimon. And Kina being the 'sparky' type, always cheerful, playful and what not went the best with an electrical Digimon, cats figuring the top ranks of her favorite animals, altough she still couldn't figure why the attitude...

They were interrupted by a thundering roar, they looked upwards and the sky was ready to pour, gray clouds flooding it, and letting no light cross.

"We better run, we don't have the best rains on this area..." said Nagmon.

"And where should we go? You are the ones who know the place..." added Michael...

"Well, the Forest of Silence is not a good idea, and even though Mount Digit is a little far we should reach it before the rain starts, but we better run..." added Reilmon.

"Lead the way then" said Chris, and with that, they set off, starting their adventure, and spending the first day on the Digital World, though many questions still raced their mind, this was not the moment for that...

Well, there we go, first actual chapter, hope you like this, but anyway, I'm gonna leave you. See ya next time!

Alan, Reilmon, Chris and Thiemon are characters made by me. Michael and Nagmon are property of Michael. Kina Yamakai and Katzemon are property of Kae-chan. Gentatsu and Arumon are from Cristian, so nothing fancy with them, eh?

A line of review would be good by the way...

Signed as usual,
Alan "Gray Fox" Quirino - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com
Until next time!

Chapter 2: The Story Unfolds!