Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Saga: A New Beginning ❯ This Digiworld is made of Love and Peace! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon, Toei and Hongo do, so don't sue me. If you wish to use one of my characters or any other characters ask mine or their permission. The songs and the people who made them belong to their respective owners as well. No I'm not making any money off these stories or the songs titles. Enjoy.







A/N=Authors Notes

Hyperman: A big thanks to Metal Etemon27 for letting me use his character Frank Malick in my story! These are the works of Metal Etemon27:


D-Chronicles: Staring Frank Malick. Its rated Nc-17 for major blood, violence, cursing, and one dry lemon scene. (Snickers) Read it.


Anime Leauge of Extrodinary Gentlemen.




Zenigata: The Nabiki Tendo Murders


All these appear on MM.ORG


Let's get this party started!


Digimon Saga: A New Beginning



Chapter 2: This Digiworld Is Made Of Love And Peace!




Man, nothing exciting happens around here. It's always the same, get up, go to school, get in trouble, come home and get yelled at. Lather, rinse, and repeat. Sorry about that, but its true. Mah name is Takeo Matzuka and Ah come from Osaka, Japan. Ah'm 16 years old, 5ft11, and Ah weigh 150lbs. Because of mah height and weight Ah'm kind of a bean pole, so folks just think they kin walk all over me. But Ah'm a country boy and will fight like a horse a fire! Gettin off the subject again, sorry. Ah have emerald green eyes and long black hair that goes down to mah back and Ah usually wear it in pony tail.



Like Ah was sayin' things get pretty boring around here. Sure, it's nice to go to the summer festivals, play games, eat food, and look at the girls in their yukatas, but it gets boring after a while. So Ah hafta find ways to keep mahself busy and that usually involves pulling some kind of prank or stickin mah nose where it doesn't belong; but that's what happens when you have as much energy as Ah do. The principle at the school refers to me as a loose cannon and that suites me just fine. This place is so slow Ah feel like Ah'll die if Ah stay here any longer; there has to be more to life than this, but until Ah find that something, Ah think Ah'll go put fake spiders in the girl's bathroom.


Mission accomplished, no one saw me, and so even if they suspect me, they can't prove it. Sittin alone in the corner of the computer room, Ah go on-line to look at some porno sites. These guys need to tighten security, which was way too easy. Just before Ah kin look at any hentai, a blinding flash covers the room and Ah find muhself fallin through a brightly colored vortex. Mah head was spinning so much that Ah'm gonna puke, but just as soon as that started so too did it stop. Ah woke up in a desert!


Surely Ah'm dreamin, but just to make sure, "Ouch!!!" Ah said aloud, while rubbing my cheek. This is no dream, but a nightmare. Looking around all Ah see is sand and more sand, I scratch the back of mah head with mah right and Ah notice that Ah'm wearing black gloves. Come think of it, mah whole outfit done gone and changed on me and why am Ah wearing these weird yellow sunglasses? Standing up and dusting mahself off, Ah say what anyone in my situation would say. "WHERE THE HELL AM AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?" Then Ah hear a small voice say, "You're in Digital World, Mobius Desert to be more precise."


Ah look around, but see no one there, Ah must be losing it. "Down here Takeo." The voice says and Ah look down to see a small black cat with a small body, big oval head, and large white eyes with narrow yellow irises. The weird looking cat grinned at me, showing me it's sharp, white teeth and then it leaped up onto mah shoulder and began to rub its face against mah cheek. "You're finally here Takeo; you don't know how long I've waited to meet you!" Said the little black cat while purring and mah brain started working again, "Just how do you know mah name and what are you?" Ah asked and the little cat stopped purring and said to me, "I'm a Digimon, a Digital Monster if you will and the reason I know your name is because I'm your partner." I crossed mah arms and asked, "How do you know Ah'm yer partner?" The cat grinned at me again and brought his tail around to mah face.


It was curled around something and Ah held out one of mah hands, the cat's tail uncurled and a small, square, white device, with a black screen and two grey buttons was dropped into mah hand. "That is your Digivice, it lets me digivolve and is proof that you're a Digidestined." Ah thought for a moment and asked, "What if I don't want to be your partner?" When Ah said that, the cat's ears wilted and its tail hung low. "You don't want me; you don't like me, or want to be my friend?" It asked me and hopped mah shoulder and began to walk away slowly with its head hung down low. Ah couldn't do that to the little thing and for some strange reason, being near it felt like Ah found a piece of mahself that Ah've been missing. Could this be what Ah've been searching for?


"Wait, Ah'm sorry, Ah do want you to be with me." Before Ah get out the next sentence a black blur struck me in mah chest and knocked me down. "I knew you were my partner, I'm so happy!" It said excitedly while rubbing against mah cheek and Ah had to smile, "So, what's your name?" Ah asked. "My name is Maomon, nice to meet you Takeo!" It said and offered me its tail to shake, which I did. "Hey Maomon, do you know a place where we can get some shade and some water, Ah'm getting thirsty?" Maomon nodded and began to walk the way it was before, "Sure follow me, my village is about five miles this way. Do you think you can make it?" He asked and Ah nodded, "Good, then follow me." Said Maomon and we began our journey to find water and me a way home. Things just got a lot more interesting.


As we walked towards the village, Ah got to know mah partner better and Ah found out that Ah could talk to him about anything; Ah told him things Ah ain't told nobody and somehow, knew Ah could trust him. We approached the oasis without any problems, but Ah was about to pass out from the heat, but the clothes Ah was wearing really did help keep the heat out. The village was incredible, but what Maomon didn't tell me was that the village was a cluster of oases. There had to be at least 15 to 20 spread all over the village. Some were used for drinking water, others for swimming, some for water storage, and some for plumbing. They even had a bath house like back home! "Welcome to Oasis Village Takeo, this is my home!" Maomon said to me with pride, as Ah continued to stare.


Ah couldn't believe it there were so many different Digimon wandering around the oasis, they had huts all over the place too! They all stopped what they were doing, when they saw us and whispered amongst themselves, probably about who or what, Ah was. But from what Ah could tell, humans weren't very welcome here. Ah was fixing to ask Maomon why everyone was glaring at me, when someone shouted, "POISON NEEDLE!" The next thing Ah knew, Ah felt a sharp pain at the base of mah skull and Ah screamed out in pain as Ah fell to the ground. "TAKEO, WHAT'S WRONG!?" Ah heard Maomon shout coming over to mah fallen form, Ah opened mah eyes and reached around to the back of mah head and pulled out what was causing me so much pain. Ah looked at what had hit me, a long black needle and then the world began to blur. Ah could hear Maomon shouting at me, but his voice seemed so far away and then everything went black.


When I woke up, first thing I noticed is that I was Lady Devimon again. The next thing I noticed was that I was no longer in bed with Darien, but in a pitch black void. So I picked myself up off the ground and stood trying to get my bearings, when a bright light lit the area, causing the darkness to recede. I was now standing in a garden, it was still night time and then I knew where I was and smiled. "You know, you could have come a lot earlier, it's not like I was with him all day." I said, as a familiar form appeared in front of me. Nancy just smiled back at me. All she was wearing was a white toga. Nancy had white skin, sandy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and freckles. "Why are you wearing a toga Nancy?" I asked and Nancy laughed at me. "Do you know how boring it is to wear the same outfit every day?" Nancy asked, and then saw the look on my face before she started to laugh again; I had to laugh with her this time.


"So how did you do it, change your clothes I mean?" I asked her again. "All I have to do is think about what I want to wear and I can, like this." Nancy said, and her body shimmered for a second before she was wearing a blue dress. Then Nancy shimmered again and she was wearing an exact copy of my living costume. "Very funny," I said, crossing my arms over my chest and Nancy just grinned at me, before changing back into her toga. "I'm sorry for coming into your dream, but I thought you and Darien needed some time alone after what happened today. Thank you for the flowers, they were very nice. But what I want to know is why Darien was going to let his father hit him for what he said; he was right and why didn't he use his power?" Nancy asked. "Darien thought that he crossed the line with what he said and no matter how bad things are between the two of them, Darien would never do that to Eddy with those powers I gave him. But if he did cross the line, Darien wanted me to stop him before he had a chance to hurt Eddy, even if the asshole deserves it." I told Nancy, I really hate Darien's father, and ever since we met all those years ago Eddy and I have tolerated each other for the sake of Darien. Nancy shook her head and sighed, "That boy and his damn integrity, but that is why I asked you to watch over him." We walked over to a bench, sat down, and looked up at the night sky.


"The reason I called you hear like this is because we needed total privacy because of the things I'm about to tell and ask of you. I don't know how you will react to the things I'm going to say." Nancy said and this piqued my interest. "I have a bad feeling." Was all Nancy said and that made me say, "WHAT!!!? IT CAN'T BE THE D-REAPER; WE FINALLY GOT RID OF THAT THING!!!!" The first time Nancy had a bad feeling the D-Reaper appeared, killing her and two other people I loved dearly, because of a mistake I made. Then she had another bad feeling a few years after she died and the D-Reaper appeared again, this time we finally got rid of that thing. At least I thought we had gotten rid of the D-Reaper. "No, not the D-Reaper, but something far more sinister; this has a soul and that may be worse than something without one." Nancy said. "How long do I have to prepare?" I asked her. "Soon and then you must be on your guard." SOON, THE LITTLE BRAT IS TELLING ME SOON!!! "For what, what is it that we have to face?" I asked and Nancy said, "I don't know." Wonderful, what other bombshells is she going to drop on me, "Why did you wait till now to tell me all this?" I asked her. "It just came to me, I would have told you earlier, but you know." Nancy said with a shrug, ask a stupid question and get a stupid answer. "Now for what I want to ask you," Nancy said preparing herself, this can't be worse than everything she just told me. "Why haven't you told Darien that you're in love with him?" I was wrong; this is a whole lot worse.


"WHAT!!!!! HOW CAN YOU ASK ME THAT, HE'S MY TAMER AND I COULD NEVER REPLACE YOU AND WHAT ABOUT ZOE? YOU KNOW DARIEN HAS FEELINGS FOR HER?" I shouted, as Nancy stared at me and sighed before she answered. "I know Darien has feelings for her, but she only sees him as a friend, and besides; Darien has feelings for you too." She said with a smirk, I'm glad I was wearing a mask because I felt my cheeks burning. It was a shock to have Nancy ask me that, but to find out my Tamer sees me as more than just a partner was too much, it felt good too! "How can you be sure he loves me?" I asked her and she gave a sly grin, I really didn't like that.


"Let's see," Nancy said counting off on her fingers, "First Darien says that you make life more interesting, second Darien likes to look at you while you're asleep, third Darien gives you the once over when you're in your Lady Devimon and Black Gatomon forms, and finally, I heard him confess his feelings about you in his dreams." As I listened to what Nancy was saying, pieces of a puzzle were beginning to fall in place. Darien does stare at me a lot and every time I turned to him, he would look the other way blushing and then there were other things like all the times I saw him starring at me, but I thought that was because of my Lady Devimon form and dismissed it for a boy getting a cheap thrill. It doesn't help that I love to flirt, but to see the looks on his face are worth it. You see it all the time with young male Tamers who have female partners, especially those with Renamon but then again, I'm a hot piece of ass in this form and you can't fault a guy for having great taste!


I was getting ready to say something, when Nancy cut me off, "What about him being your Tamer? What about the couples in Primary Village, most of them have partners and children so why is this bothering you?" Good question, but I didn't have an answer. "You know how you guys are always sparring with each other? Have you ever noticed that Darien gets distracted when he fights with you, or what about when he fights sometimes his hands accidentally touches you here?" Nancy said pointing to my chest area, come to think of it a lot of his punches do connect in that area. "What about when you pin him and he seems reluctant to get away, sometimes his tail strokes your back or runs over your backside? I'm telling you girl, he has the hots for you!" Nancy stated and I didn't know how to reply again. "But all this proves is that Darien is more a little more perverted than I thought, but how the hell did I miss all the signs?" I asked Nancy and she just smiled at me.


"Because Darien was confused about his feelings, he likes Zoë and loves you, but still pines over me, and wonders if he is cheating in a way. As for you not seeing this all is because you love him just like he loves you." I was really glad that I was wearing a mask then. "Don't say such silly things; I like Darien as a friend and nothing more!" I answered Nancy quickly, but she wasn't buying it and neither was I. Nancy crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes at me. "Don't hand me that crap! I've been watching you two for the past three years now and I know what I'm talking about! Even Ceil and Lena saw it; you've done things that go beyond just being a partner!" Nancy was obviously angry, but she wasn't through with me yet. "You want to me to tell you how I know?" This was more of a statement than a question, I shook my head no, but she answered anyway. "Darien treats you like a person and not some monster, was that not one of the reasons you became attracted to him. What about the way you two are always finishing each others sentences, or what about when you guys argue and insult each other? It really is obvious that you don't mean it." Nancy has it all wrong, but at least she didn't see what happened last night.


"Ask yourself if that was a friendly kiss last night, or are you going to deny that as well?" Nancy asked me coldly, she knew about the kiss, I didn't even think about her being there last night. "We just had a moment Nancy, I really didn't mean to kiss him and we didn't again." I told her, and Nancy got in my face this time. "So you're going to tell me that you two almost kissing on the roof during your little sparring match was just a moment as well!!!?" Nancy all but shouted, "What the hell is your problem; just tell him you love him!" Nancy said to me again, but I just sat there, unable to speak as she got back to her spot on the bench. Then she smiled at me like I did at a Digimon before I deleted it. "I know what your biggest problem is and that's fear, your afraid." Nancy told me. I love her dearly, but no one calls me a coward!


"Take that back Nancy," I said in a calm voice, even Darien wouldn't say that as a joke; he knew better. "What's matter? Did I hurt the big, bad Digimon's pride?" Nancy asked, taunting me more and I slowly began to grit my teeth together. I stood up and began to reach for her, when she spoke again, "This is not about your pride as a warrior, but your pride as a woman." Nancy said, and that floored me. "If this was just some guy, I could see you laughing what I just said off, but you took offense to what I said, because I'm talking about Darien and he's not just another guy; you've known him just as long as I have and you see in him that which you have been missing. Didn't that kiss mean more to you than any other time you kissed a guy?" Nancy asked me, and I nodded.


"You're right, when we kissed it felt like everything else didn't matter, but what if it really was just a moment, what if he…" Nancy cut me off. "It takes a lot of courage to admit your feelings to someone, but because you are afraid of what will happen if he says no you may lose that one chance to let him see the real you. You love him; don't let someone else take him away before you have a chance to tell him how you feel. This is Darien we're talking about here; you know he'd never say it in a way to hurt you. Besides, you're supposed to be Lady Devimon, powerful, confident, and proud! Since when do you let a little thing like fear get in the way of what you want?"


Nancy was right, I don't let little things like fear get in my way, if I could face a Mega at Champion level without batting an eye, why couldn't I tell my partner how I feel? Because my pride got in the way. But no more, Nancy opened my eyes to what I had to do and I know that deep down even if he didn't love me the way I did that he would still be my friend. Nancy made everything sound so simple, but there was one more barrier standing in my way. "What about you, how do you feel about this? I mean, it is kind of my fault that…" Before I could finish, Nancy put a finger on my lips to keep me from speaking, so I just hung my head and waited for her to pass judgment; if Nancy said no, then for her I would leave Darien alone.


Nancy lifted my chin a little so I could stare down at her and she looked up at me, her eyes looked sad. "You don't need my blessing, you never did. Why would I ask this of you if I hadn't thought this through? You can never replace me, no one can and I'm not asking you too. All I want is for you two to be happy and stop feeling so guilty for something that neither of you had any control over. Don't let the words of the ignorant keep you from finding what's most important and that's each other. I will always have a place in Darien's heart that no one can touch, but him alone, just as you have one in his, but my time has come and I need Darien to move forward so I can as well. As long as you hold on to that which is important to you, no one can harm you and you will find a power greater than any out there." Nancy told me, smiling again, it was infectious and I smiled back before giving her a hug; Nancy didn't know it, but she held a place in my heart as well. When our hug broke, the garden began to fade as I was slowly falling out of my dream; I could hear Nancy's voice before I woke up, "You can do it, be prepared and good luck."


When I woke up I was back in the bedroom in my Black Gatomon form, it was still night time and I noticed that Darien was still in his hybrid form. I thought back to what Nancy had told me, something evil was coming and that meant more fighting and more death, I could live without the latter of the two. For whatever reason, my partner's dead girlfriend haunts me, giving me advice on how to help Darien so that she may finally rest in peace. Nancy refuses to cross over until Darien moves forward, so I will help her by helping out Darien. My partner loves me and I him, I will tell him about my feelings tomorrow. Whatever the outcome I will move forward, I will no longer let fear rule my path, even if I get rejected Darien would never try to hurt me on purpose and I think his kindness is what I like most about him.


I might as well try to go back to sleep. Before I did though I looked at Darien, he looked so peaceful in his sleep. Ever so carefully I crept up to his face and gave him a light lick on the lips. He actually smiled in his sleep before I felt something stroking my back, it was his damn tail again! I swear that thing has a mind of its own sometimes. I gently settled back down on to his chest before I felt his hands rest on top of me, it felt right that way for some reason and I intertwined my tail with his before drifting back off into sleep.


The first thing Ah noticed as Ah woke up was that someone had tied me up. Ah had to be tied up pretty tight because the feeling in mah arms and legs was gone. As Ah lay on the ground Ah heard Maomon arguing with somebody, "YOU KNOW BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE THAT OUTSIDERS ARE FORBIDDEN MAOMON. WE RAISED YOU BETTER THAN TO DISOBEY THE RULES!!!" Whoever this guy was he was pretty mad and Ah was considered an outsider, this was not good. "But Takeo is a good human, he's nothing like the Digimon Emperor, if you would just talk to him you would see that not all humans are evil!" Ah couldn't believe what Ah was hearing, a few hours ago Maomon was talking and acting like a little kid, but now he was talking like an adult. And just who the heck was this Digimon Emperor and what did he do to piss these people off?


"Let's hear what the human has to say dear, there is no way for him to escape and besides, he's been awake the whole time." Ah don't know who that lady was, she had me dead to rights and that she had Ah nice sounding voice. The door to mah cell was opened and even though Ah had seen plenty of Digimon, this was just weird. Standing before me was a three foot tall walking cactus; it was green, with bright green eyes, three black needle like fingers, and a red flower on its head. It looked at me for a second; its eyes were full of hatred.


It walked over to me and began to speak, "I'm going to cut the ropes now." The now obvious female Digimon said with a squeaky voice. "You will not talk unless spoken too; if you do then I will kill you. If try to escape I will kill you and even if you did make it out here you would be dead before you took your first step. If you understand what I'm saying then nod your head." Ah nodded and kept mah mouth shut while she cut the ropes on mah hands and feet. From the tone of her voice Ah knew she was telling the truth about killing me and Ah also gathered that she was the one who shot me with that needle that put me to sleep. When she finished cutting mah ropes Ah slowly sat up and began to rub mah ankles and wrists, trying to get the feeling back in them. Then Ah heard her call out, "It's safe to come in now." And then three figures appeared in the cell.


The first was Maomon who looked like he wanted to hug me, but kept that impulse to himself. Next to come in was a brown humanoid fox with a black sun pattern on her thighs. She wore two black gloves with the same sun pattern on the wrists, she was brown all over except for her feet, hands, the tips of her ears and tail, and the patch of fur that covered her chest was all white. She had blue eyes, stood at about five foot three, and looked at me with a neutral expression, before moving aside to let the last person in. Standing at about eight feet tall with bulging muscles, light brown fur, a blonde mane of hair, green eyes, green pants, and a wicked looking machete strapped to the of his pants was a humanoid lion. Ah could see what cactus girl meant now, even without the machete he could wrap one of his hands around mah head, squeeze, and that would be the end of it. When he looked at me, Ah could see the same hatred in his green eyes and Ah so wanted to be away from here, home was starting to look pretty good right now.


"I want to know who you are, where you came from, and what you are doing here!?" The lion demanded, but Maomon broke in. "I told you his name is Takeo and…" But before Maomon could finish, the lion glared and growled at him causing mah poor friend to cower behind the fox lady. "Was that really necessary dear, you didn't have to do that to the poor boy." The fox lady said and the lion just stood there with his arms crossed. Maomon finally regained his composure and walked out from behind the fox woman, he was still scared, but not so much now. The fox lady knelt down to my level and spoke to me, "Before we continue, I want to introduce myself. My name is Dust Renamon, this is my husband Leomon, and the guard behind you is Cacti Palamon. (A/N: Ironic huh?) You already know our son Maomon and we'd like to know who you are." Ah said nothing until cactus girl poked me in the back of mah head. "You can speak now." She said giving me another poke. "Cacti Palamon, where are your manners?" Dust Renamon asked and the little cactus just glared at me.


"Mah…" Ah couldn't finish because Ah started coughing like a madman, Ah realized that Ah still hadn't got any water. Dust Renamon reached over to her husband and took a canteen of water that was hooked on to his belt and handed it to me. "You poor dear, here and don't worry; Leomon won't do anything to you." Leomon just grunted as Ah drank all the water. "Much obliged ma'am Ah didn't know Ah was so thirsty." She must have liked mah answer, because she smiled at me. This was good, the last thing Ah needed was more people out get me for God knows what. "Polite too, now please Takeo, tell us how you got here?" Dust Renamon asked me, so Ah told them everything about mahself and how Ah came to the Digital World; when Ah finished Leomon spoke again.


"We believe your story, but we want you gone as soon as possible and we don't want you coming back." Maomon started talking again, "Why does he have to go, you know that he doesn't have anything to do with the Digimon Emperor and that he's not evil?" Leomon snatched mah poor partner by the scruff of his neck and brought him to over to his face so that they were almost muzzle to muzzle. "The only reason he's not dead right now is because no harm has befallen you. You are already in a lot of trouble, so I suggest that you keep your mouth shut!" Leomon shouted, but Maomon wasn't going to have any of. He glared right back at his father, "If my friend isn't welcome here, than neither am I, I'm leaving with Takeo!" For a little guy Maomon has got a lot of guts, but Ah think that he should have kept his mouth shut, because the big guy got real mad.


"NO SON OF MINE IS GOING OFF ANYWHERE WITH A HUMAN!! YOU BROKE THE LAW BY LEAVING THE VILLAGE LIKE YOU DID! WHAT IF THE BANDITS HAD ATTACKED? WHAT IF YOU HAD GOTTEN KILLED TRYING TO SAVE THIS MISERABLE HUMAN'S LIFE?" Ah think Ah could see where the problem was. "Could someone tell me why you don't like humans so much and who the Digimon Emperor is?" Ah asked trying to take the heat away from mah friend." Leomon let go of Maomon and began to stalk mah way, when Dust Renamon grabbed him by the arm; stopping him from doing something Ah'd regret. After she calmed Leomon down, Dust Renamon told me the story of the Digimon Emperor.


"About a year or so ago a young human about your age came to our village, declared himself Emperor of all Digimon, and demanded that we serve him. We fought of course, but he had enslaved the minds of many Digimon and we were no match for his army. He enslaved us as well and put a big black spire in the middle of the village and put dark rings around our necks. The dark rings made us slaves to his will and even though we were aware of what was going on we were powerless to stop ourselves." Dust Renamon said, and was starting to look sad, as she told me her story; these had to be some pretty painful memories, but she regained her composure and continued her story. "We became his puppets, some of us became his guards, and others were used for entertainment, having us fight each other to the death. I felt no pity for those who died, because our suffering was just beginning.


Many of us were used in experiments, Cacti Palamon's own parents were test subjects and they did not survive." That explained why she was colder than a lot of the others and she left the prison cell after Dust Renamon explained what happened to her parents. Ah mahself was starting to hate this guy. "Even our poor son was experimented on, he cannot digivovle because of whatever that boy did to him and to make matters worse, he polluted our water supply. It has taken us over a year to get the mess he made cleaned up and it will take even longer for our wounds to heal. That is why we don't want you here, I'm sorry Takeo but we want you gone before the end of the day." With all that said she was finished and Ah was just speechless. One person made the lives of these people a living hell and so they hate all humans because of that, well not all Digimon feel that way.


Ah stood up and pleaded with them. "Ah won't lie when say that Ah know what you went through but Ah know this much. You cannot blame the whole because of the actions of one person. There are good humans and there are bad humans. Just like Ah'm sure there are bad Digimon and good Digimon. All hatred does is breed more hatred and you will never be able trust again if you don't try. Ah'm not evil and Ah have no intention of hurtin anyone, but Ah do want to be yer friends." Ah don't know where the words came from, but they came. "Even though yer own son was hurt, he still wanted to be mah friend and he's mah friend as well. Ah'm just sorry that Ah wasn't there to help him or any of you when you needed it and Ah'm sorry." Ah could feel the tears welling up in mah eyes, but Ah held them back as Ah extended mah hand out to Leomon and Dust Renamon.


"Ah will always be yer friend, all Ah'm askin is that you trust me and see the truth." Leomon looked reluctant, "How can we trust other humans besides you?" Leomon asked. "Not everyone can be trusted, that takes time and that's why Ah'm askin you to start with me." Ah waited, mah hand still extended and you could just feel the tension in the air, but something Ah didn't think would happen did; Leomon took mah hand, well actually his hand covered mah intire hand and shook it. Ah don't know who was surprised more, me or Leomon. "It will take time for us to trust you and some may never trust you at all, but we will try." Leomon said shaking mah hand, Maomon smiled and jumped on to mah shoulder, Dust Renamon smiled as well.


"Its okay, you see the truth now and maybe others will too. By the way, what happened to the Digimon Emperor and how did you guys escape the dark rings?" Leomon spoke this time, "He left to conquer more parts of the Digital World, he never came back and the spire stopped working. When we were freed finally, we destroyed the spire and rings, you know the rest." He never came back so he might be gone for good. "I heard from passing Digimon that a group of kids with Digimon defeated him for good." Maomon said grinning, so that meant that there were other kids just like me out there with there own Digimon. This was startin to get good again. Since Ah was no longer considered a threat Ah was free to go, but first we had to let all the villagers know.


Before we could set foot out of the prison, an explosion rocked the whole village. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" Ah asked as we were makin our way to the door, when Cacti Palamon busted in out of breath. "Elders were under attack, it's a pretty large group of desert bandits." Leomon growled, "How many bandits, where are they positioned, and what are there levels?" He asked and Cacti Palamon thought for a moment, "There are about 30 of them, there all positioned in front of the village, and there are 10 rookies all Gazimon, 18 are champions 10 are Sand Yanmamon and the other 7 are Wizardmon. The final two are a Dokugumon and a Sand Seadramon, and the Ultimate is a Zeedamon; the Zeedamon is the leader." Dust Renamon growled herself, "I know why their here." Dust Renamon said, "Their after the digi-egg and crest, there is no other reason that they would come here, except for the water. Takeo, Maomon, and Cacti Palamon I want you to get the egg from our hut and get as far away from as possible." Before we could move though, Cacti Palamon blocked me from leaving, "You can't trust this human, for all we know he's helping them and is using Maomon to get a hold of the egg."


Leomon held up his hand to silence her. "After much thought, we believe that Takeo is here to help us and has no intention of hurting us. We…need to learn to trust again, if not then we won't be able to survive for much longer. Maybe if we had learned to trust back then, we wouldn't be in this mess now." Ah could see the emotions in her eyes, she was uncertain what to do. Ah kneeled down in from of the little cactus girl and placed mah hand on her shoulder, she looked at me and Ah could see the hurt in her bright green eyes. "Ah'm sorry that Ah couldn't be there to help when the Digimon Emperor attacked your village, but Ah'm here now and you have mah word that Ah'm going to do mah best to help ya'll out!"


Cacti Palamon glared at me and Ah felt a sharp pain in mah hand. Ah let out a yelp as Ah clutched mah injured hand. Hundreds of needles appeared all over her body and then they retracted back in. Dust Renamon folded her arms and looked angry at Cacti Palamon. "You apologize this instant Cacti Palamon! Takeo means us no harm!" Dust Renamon demanede, but Cacti Palamon just continued to glare at me. "I'll let you help us, but I will never trust a human. I'm watching you Takeo." She spat out, at lest she didn't threaten to kill me. Maomon placed a paw on her shoulder, "If you won't trust Takeo, then will you at least trust me when I say that Takeo wants to do the right thing and help us?" Maomon asked Cacti Palamon, who shrugged Maomon's paw off her shoulder and headed for the cell door. "Are you guys going to help, or just stand there and let them get the digi-egg and crest? Let's go you guys." Cacti Palamon said, Maomon and mahself began to follow her, but before we could go Leomon put his massive paw on mah shoulder. "Take good care of them and get out of here." With a nod of mah head and a smile from Dust Renamon Ah finally left the cell.


To say that Frank Malick was a having a bad day was putting it mildly. Frank was having a bad week, first a group of Digimon ambushed him and his partner, beat them up in front of a girl that Frank was trying to get with, and stole Frank's digi-egg and crest of Strength. So Frank had to use up his one week vacation days from S-MART in order to track them down. That was proving to be quiet difficult and considering the fact that there were about thirty or so Digimon, Frank would consider it an insult if he didn't find them soon. Born in Chicago, Frank Malick is a 5ft6, 190lbs, white male. He has green eyes, black hair, and wears a black head band. Frank also wears black fingerless gloves, a white t-shirt with a black skull on the chest, a black trench coat, black jeans, and black ankle length boots with steel toes. Because of his height, one wouldn't expect a fifteen year old boy to be a problem, but Frank is actually considered the worlds most dangerous Chosen and that's the way he likes it. Contramon is a rookie level handgun Digimon that looks like a silver Glock, with eyes, arms, and a very foul mouth and that's the way he likes it.


On the third day of his search Frank ran across some of the Gazimon who helped ambushed him and Contramon, and deleted all but one. After chasing him in the jungle, Frank had Contramon shoot the Gazimon in his leg and got information from it, before Contramon deleted it. After getting only three hours of sleep, Frank and Contramon used the TVs scattered across the Digital World to get to Mobius Desert. So far the two had gone, that they ended up in a different time zone, since it was day time where they were and ended up searching for clues at a local tavern. The tavern looked like the ones you would find in a western movie and even had a self playing piano.


The patrons were mostly rookie level Digimon, with the exception of the Nanimon bartender. Frank quietly walked in and looked around, when he heard some really loud Gazimon talking. Frank had put on a hat and black sunglasses to keep unnoticed, while Contramon slept in Frank's shoulder holster. The Gazimon was seated in the middle of the tavern, surrounded by five other Gazimon and getting drunk like there was no tomorrow. Since Frank was covered up by his trench coat, hat, and glasses he really didn't worry much about them spotting him and took a seat right behind the lead Gazimon. Frank listened very carefully to the conversation.


"You should have seen the look on the stupid human's face when we got the drop on him!" The lead Gazimon said between drinks, "It was hilarious, the girl he was with took off like a Rinkmon and then when we took his digi-egg and crest, man did he go nuts and actually tried to take on the boss; he was a tough little bastard, but the boss took him out with one punch!" The lead Gazimon boasted and a round of laughter went around the table. Frank gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, even when though they were surrounded, Frank and Contramon fought like hell, but the Zeedamon sucker punched Frank and Contramon, and took Frank's digi egg and crest Strength. It was time to get his digi egg and crest back, so Frank woke his partner and stood up.


"I mean, who the hell did that human think he was?" The Gazimon asked while drinking his whisky, "Sure he was tough, but what made him think that he could take us on?" One of the Gazimon spoke, "Maybe the dumb ass just had a death wish." And all the Gazimon heard someone laughing at them and turned around to see someone with his back turned to them laughing his head off. The lead Gazimon growled, as he stood on his chair and tapped the trench coat wearing digimon on the shoulder, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!? DO YOU KNOW WHO HELL WE ARE!? HEY JERK OFF, I'M TALKIN TO YOU!" The lead Gazimon said, as the other five Gazimon stood up and stood behind their leader, ready to beat the hell out of the laughing digimon.


The trench coat wearing digimon nodded his head while turning around and still laughing. "Yeah, I do." The digimon said taking off his hat and sunglasses, while pulling out a gun that was a digimon. "A bunch of dead fuckers and we owe you an ass kicking!" Frank said, as he grabbed the now sober leader of the Gazimon by the ears with one hand and threw him into the self playing piano. The lead Gazimon hit it with a satisfying crunch, before he got stuck face first into the piano. While the other Gazimon were still in shock, Frank pulled Contramon's trigger, "CANKER SORE!" The handgun digimon shouted and a bullet flew out of his mouth and into the head of one the five Gazimon. Blood splattered everywhere, before the now faceless Gazimon crumpled to the floor and burst into particles of data. That was all it took for the customers of the saloon to flee in terror as the remaining Gazimon sobered up. "You'll pay for that human!" One the Gazimon said, and static electricity began to build up round the four rookies. Frank grinned at them, "Sorry I didn't bring any money."


The Gazimon growled at him, before saying in unison, "PARALYZE BREATH!" Normally, Frank wouldn't be worried about one or two combined Paralyze Breath attacks, Gazimon aren't great fighters and attack in groups; but if you get enough together, their attack can be devastating. So when they fired off their attack, Frank flipped over it and in mid-flip, twisted his body so that would be facing them when he landed. Frank also had Contramon digivolve as well, "CONTRAMON DIGIVOLVE TO… SHOTGUNMON!" Shotgunmon is the Champion form of Contramon and is a grey shot gun with eyes, a mouth, and hands; having landed behind the Gazimon, Frank pumped Shotgunmon's pump and pulled his trigger.


"EXPLODING SHELL!" The hail of bullets spread out and slammed into the backs of the Gazimon. The attack dropped them to the floor, splattering blood all over the empty tables and chairs before they deleted. Frank looked the damage he and his partner just caused and smiled. Not only had he found one of the digimon who had a hand in taking his crest and digi-egg, but he got to work off some of the stress he'd been having because of the whole ordeal. Shotgunmon devolved back into Contramon, before pointing to the Gazimon stuck in the piano, "Hey Frank, what are we going to do with sleeping beauty over there?" Asked the little handgun and Frank looked around the room before a smile lit his face. "We're gonna get some answers out of the little flea bag. Hey bartender, gimme a pitcher of milk, a glass, and don't you dare try anything funny." Frank told the Nanimon bartender, who did what Frank told him to and thought to himself, `I'm getting too old for this shit.'


The Gazimon woke up with a splitting headache, he tried to grab his head, but found that his arms were tied rather painfully behind his back with wire. The Gazimon also felt the same kind of wire wrapped around his neck. He tried in vain to free himself, but found it impossible, so he sighed and stared up at the ceiling. Then he remembered getting thrown into the piano by the human before everything went black; as he continued to look at the ceiling a thought struck him, the ceiling shouldn't be this close! "Finally awake are we?" Asked the mocking voice of Frank Malick, the Gazimon glared and sat up. For the first time he realized why the ceiling was so close. The human had stacked two tables on top of each other, placed him on top, tied him up, and was now looking at him. The human was sitting in a chair with his legs propped up a table. On the human's right was a glass and pitcher of milk. On the table to the human's left was more of that wire, it was connected all the way back to the tables that the Gazimon was on. Also on the table next to the human was his partner Contramon, the gun digimon was grinning rather evilly at him and the fur on the back of the Gazimon's neck stood on end.


Frank picked up the glass of milk and took a sip of his milk before talking, "Alright dust bunny, I want to know why you and those other punks stole my digi-egg and crest. If you tell me the truth I'll let set you free and we can forget about everything that happened, if not then you die like your five buddies." The Gazimon was in shock, he had fought Digidestined before, but they never killed unless it was necessary. Only then did the Gazimon see all the blood in the tavern and it made the Gazimon so mad that he forgot that he was tied up at the moment. "I'm not telling you anything human, you can just die!" The Gazimon said, while powering up a Paralyze Breath attack. The human and his partner just sat there and smiled enraging the wolverine rabbit hybrid even further.


The Gazimon's fur began to stand on end from the buildup of static electricity, "PARALYZE BRE-ARGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The Gazimon screamed as he flopped around on the table, but his screams of pain were drowned out by the laughter of the human and his partner. For a moment the Gazimon just laid there on the table, his fur smelled like it was burned and he hurt all over, especially around his arms and neck. "Hey dumb ass, metal conducts electricity." The gun digimon said, while the Gazimon got to his feet rather unsteadily. He hurt all over, but he swore he'd make the human and his partner pay. "Are you ready to talk yet, we can do this the easy way or the hard way?" The human asked, but the Gazimon just glared at his captors and spa tat them. "TO HELL WITH YOU, I'M NOT ABOUT TO TELL YOU SHIT! YOU AND THE TRAITOR OF A DIGIMON CAN GO TO HELL AND ROT!"


Frank calmly took another sip of his milk and smiled. "The hard way it is then, so let's play a little game I like to call Hang mon!" Frank said grinning, and picked the wire that was next to him up and pulled. The bottom table that the Gazimon was standing on gave way, and he was sent plummeting to the ground only to be saved by the other table, but the wire that was wrapped around his neck suddenly got tighter. The Gazimon looked up at the ceiling again and this time noticed that wire around his neck was wrapped around one of the support beams as well. The human was going to hang him. No more games, the Gazimon was scared now and there was no telling what the human might do. "The game works like this, my buddy asks you a question and you answer it, if you don't he pulls my trigger and I take out a leg on the table; do we understand each other?" Asked Contramon, and the Gazimon's eyes went wide with fear.


"I CAN'T TALK, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY'LL DO TO ME IF I SAY ANYTHING TO YOU!?" Screamed the scarred digimon, but Frank just shook his head and smiled. "I don't care what they do to you; it will probably be a lot less painful than what we would do to you. By the way, wrong answer pal." Frank picked up Contramon, aimed, and pulled his trigger. The bullet took out the front right leg, but the Gazimon kept it from tipping over by digging the claws on his feet into the wood. "Who took my crest and digi egg and what for?" Frank asked the Gazimon, who quickly thought for a moment before he answered. "It was Zeedamon, he was the one who knocked you out, but I don't know why he wants them; only that it's not good." Frank aimed again and pulled Contramon's trigger. This time the bullet took out the back left leg. The Gazimon screamed as he tried to balance on two legs.


"I TOLD YOU THE TRUTH HONEST I DID, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME, I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE." The digimon pleaded and Frank laughed at him while drinking more milk. "I know you're telling the truth, I just want you to answer more quickly." Frank loved the look on the Gazimon's face, it was priceless. "Now, where can I find your boss and how many digimon does he have with him?" The Gazimon answered quickly, "The boss is headed for Oasis Village and he has about maybe thirty-five digimon with him. They are mostly rookies, but he has a few champions, and at least another Ultimate like himself." This time Contramon asked him a question, "What's over in Oasis Village that's so important?" Gazimon answered quickly again. "Rumor has it that there is a digi-egg and crest there, it supposedly gives you great power, that's all I know I swear!"


Frank and Contramon chatted amongst themselves, "A new digi egg! I think we need to pay these guys a visit." Contramon said excitedly. "Man I can't wait; this could mean a new digivolution for you and a style change for me! Let's go there, kick ass, and take names!" Frank said to Contramon, before getting up and heading out the door, but the Gazimon's pleas stopped him. "HEY MAN CUT ME LOOSE, YOU PROMISED AND MY LEGS ARE GETTING TIRED!" Frank walked over to the table were he left his milk and finished it off, before he filled it back up. "My bad man, thanks for the info." Frank said before aiming Contramon at the wire wrapped around the ceiling. Frank watched the Gazimon's expression change from fear to relief as he took aim and smiled. Frank lowered Contramon, aimed at the front left leg of the table, and pulled his trigger. When the leg gave way, Frank and Contramon were surprised to see that the Gazimon was keeping the table from falling over; although his breathes were becoming shallower as the wire noose constricted around his throat.


"You…bastard!" The Gazimon wheezed out, while wobbling. "You said you'd…. set me…free." Frank chuckled while he chugged down another glass of milk, so Contramon answered for him. "Frank didn't lie when he said he'd set you free. When you die your data will go back to Primary Village and you'll have a new chance at life, just like the other Gazimon we busted a cap into. Oh, you thought we'd let you go, I'm sorry, but you misunderstood." The Gazimon couldn't believe it as his legs gave way and the table fell over. As the wire slowly tightened around his neck the Gazimon's vision began to blur, he heard Frank speak to him. "I never had any intention of letting you live after all that bragging you did. You guys have cost me my vacation and a chance at scoring with a chick, somebody is going to die and- hey you listing to me?" Frank asked the Gazimon, who heard Frank's voice as an echo. "Helloooooooooooooooooo?" Frank asked, waving his hand in front of the Gazimon, but the light from his eyes vanished; the Gazimon's body jerked a couple of times before it broke into data.


Frank poured the rest of the milk into his glass and finished it off. "Later old man," Frank said to the Nanimon bartender and walked out the door without paying for the milk. Frank put Contramon in his holster and set off for Oasis Village. Contramon knew where the village was, so he didn't need to ask the Gazimon where it was. Frank chuckled as he remembered how he and Contramon played the Gazimon. "Can you believe that idiot, he actually thought that we'd let him go?" Frank asked and Contramon began to laugh. "I know man! But you said you would set me free?" Contramon said, in a voice similar to the dead Gazimon. "Priceless man, the look on his face was so funny I thought I would die laughing!" Contramon told Frank laughing and Frank started to laugh as well, "If you thought that was funny I can't wait to see the looks on the faces of those other idiots when we blow them away. Hey Contramon, how far is this village anyway?" Frank asked, and Contramon rubbed his metal chin in thought. "I would say about another half hour and then we make things bleed."


Frank grinned at the idea, "I really owe that stupid retard for that sucker punch and for stealing from me." Frank said, as he reached into his pocket brought out his D-Chronicle digivice to look at. As Frank continued to look, he was struck with a thought. "Hey Contramon, you ever worry about what would happen to you if I were to die?" Asked Frank, in the five years that Contramon had known Frank, he had never asked him a question like that. "No and you shouldn't either. Besides, were both too good at what we do to get killed and I knew that when you accepted the D-Chronicle; it just means that we have a new reason to be on guard. If you die then I die and vice versa. Don't let a little thing like that stop you from enjoying life." Frank stopped walking and looked at his digivice one more time, before saying. "Wow Contramon that was the most intelligent thing I ever heard you say. Have you been watching Dr. Phil and Opra?" Contramon peeked out of Frank's trench coat to look at the grinning boy. "Don't make me kill you Frank." Said Contramon and Frank laughed while he kept on walking towards Oasis Village.


About a half hour later, Frank and Contramon were on a sand dune looking at Oasis Village. Luck was holding out on them, because they were behind the enemy and that gave them a chance to form a plan. Frank pointed Contramon at the enemy digimon, since Contramon was a gun type digimon he had excellent vision and could zoom in and out on a target. "How many are there Contramon?" Frank asked his partner who was shielding the sun from his eyes; it was about late afternoon and Frank wanted to wrap this up. "The Gazimon was right, there are thirty digimon converged on the village, but there all at the front when it would be better for them to surround the village instead. Talk about bad battle tactics, these guys must be pretty sure of themselves. Wait a minute, they just started to attack and the villagers are fighting back! We better hurry if we want to get back you stuff and that new digi-egg!" The gun digimon said, while his partner began to walk down the sand dune towards the village. Frank smiled, "Its show time my friend, lets rock!" Frank began to twirl Contramon on his finger and Contramon began to get sick. "Frank, I'm going to throw up if keep doing that!" Frank just chuckled, "Sorry about that."


As fighting from the villagers and the raiders continued, we quickly made our way through the village, with Maomon up front, me in the middle, and Cacti Palamon guarding the rear; Ah had to know. "Maomon what is so important about this digi-egg and crest?" Maomon was about to answer, when Cacti Palamon answered. "The digi-egg crest belongs to the chosen one, a legendary warrior who was said to have defeated a great evil long ago. It is said that when the time is right, the legendary warrior will appear again and save the village from total destruction; by uniting the villagers under the banner of Truth and use the power of Strength to defeat evil. Our job is to keep the digi-egg and crest safe and out of the hands of those who would misuse there powers. That was one of the reasons we held you prisoner, we didn't trust you and I still don't." Ah should have guest it, but Ah had to ask them another question. "How come the Digimon Emperor never got a hold of the egg?" This time Maomon answered, "He never knew about it, plus we hid it when he started attacking. By the way Takeo, how is your hand?"


Ah was glad at least someone was concerned about mah wellbeing. Ah held up mah hand, which Ah had bandaged with a piece of cloth that Ah tore off of mah red coat. "Mah hand is fine Maomon thanks for askin." Maomon turned and glared at Cacti Palamon, who looked like she could have cared less. "Be grateful Maomon, I could have used my poison on him." She said with a wicked grin, Ah was fixing to say something, when Maomon spoke stopping us all. "We're here you guys, let's get the digi-egg, crest, and get out of here." Before we entered the elder's hut we heard voices inside.


"Can you believe those guys; they actually think were going to let them live if they give us the digi-egg and crest? Not only that, but now they have the nerve to fight us." Another voice laughed and spoke, "The plan was brilliant, while the boss and the others keep the villagers busy, we dig a tunnel and steal the digi-egg and crest. Then we set off the bomb that we planted in the middle of the village after we leave killing them all. The boss is gonna reward us for this, now lets get out of here." The first voice said, and that was all we needed to hear before we burst through the door. "Not so fast you dirty thieves!" Shouted Cacti Palamon, the two digimon froze and turned to see who there. The inside of the elder's hut was huge, so it would accommodate the two intruders. The first was a brown humanoid stag beetle; it was about four feet tall and looked mean. The second digimon was a lot more disturbing; it had the body of a lion and a stinger where the tip of its tail should be, six insectoid legs with lion's paws for feet. The head was that of a lion, but it had antennas instead of ears, its mane was mangy, and it had eyes just like a bee would. But the worst feature was its muzzle, which was long and instead of teeth it had mandibles; unlike Leomon who was tall and proud, this thing looked like it came from the imagination of a sick individual. (A/N ^_^)


Maomon and Cacti Palamon stood in front of me and the two evil digimon. "Give us back the digi-egg and crest you stole and we won't have to hurt you." Demanded Maomon and the two digimon looked at each other before laughing. "What could a human, a Rookie, and an In-training possibly do to us?" Asked the beetle, "Why don't you kids go play before we hurt you; what a minute, you're all going to die anyway." The beetle said, waving a small controller in front of our faces. "One push of this button and BOOM! No more village." We had almost forgotten about the bomb, but Cacti Palamon quickly shot one of her arms forward, "POISON NEEDLE!" She called out and the three black needles that made up her fingers shot out like missiles. The three needles struck the controller and broke it in half; the two evil digimon glared at us.


"I'll take you three apart!" Growled the creepy mutant lion digimon and Ah back up until Ah was against the door. Maomon and Cacti Palamon took up fighting stances as the lion walked towards us, but the brown beetle digimon held his hand in front of the lion. "I'll take care of these punks Ant Leomon, but you can have the human after I finish them off." Dung beetlemon told Ant Leomon, who just shrugged its shoulders, "Fine, you can have all the fun Dung beetlemon, just hurry it up so we can report back to the boss." The Dung beetlemon just smirked, "This will be over in no time." The beetle's back opened up and began to flap its wings; Ah didn't know the thing could fly. Cacti Palamon did not look impressed, "Hey, a little less yackin and a lot more scrapin. I swear you guys talk any longer and I'm going to delete from boredom." That got the beetle mad. "I'll start with you first then you little green bitch, ANTLER BOMB!"


The beetle flew forward as its horn began to glow, but Maomon leapt forward to intercept the attack. "Not so fast bug boy, NEKO KEN!" Maomon said, and punched the bug in both its eyes. The beetle crash to the ground screaming and clutching its face, "I CAN'T SEE, I'LL KILL YOU ALL FOR THIS!" The bug screamed, as it blindly tried to hit the now laughing Maomon, who had once again took residence by mah side. "I owe you for the green bitch comment, DEATH STRIKE!" Cacti Palamon said, shooting both her arms forward and the six needles that made up her fingers extended like harpoons and struck the flailing beetle in the heart. The beetle clutched its chest before it fell over dead, then its body disintegrated into little particles of data. Cacti Palamon looked over at the remaining evil digimon and smirked at it.


The Ant Leomon growled as stalked towards us, "I won't kill first, but paralyze you all and take you back to base where I'll painfully torture you for what you did to Dung beetlemon!" Cacti Palamon and Maomon took up fighting positions again and I looked around for anything that could be used as a weapon, but could find nothing. If only Ah where stronger, if there was just some thing Ah could do. Suddenly, Ah felt something warm in mah pants pocket and pulled it out. When Ah opened mah hand a blinding flash filled the room, it was mah digivice! Something told me to point it at Maomon and Ah did what the voice in mah head told me to. Maomon suddenly began to glow and shouted, "MAOMON DIGIVOLVLE TO… JAGMON!"


When the light faded, Maomon had transformed into a six foot tall humanoid, jet black jaguar with deep blue eyes. Jagmon wore black karate pants with a red sash and red arm guards. All we could do was stare in disbelief, Jagmon look at his hands and touched his face, before he turned and smiled at me. "Takeo," Jagmon said in a deeper voice than I was used too, "I digivolved! I finally did it and its all thanks to you!" Cacti Palamon looked at the tall Rookie and blushed. `That's Maomon's rookie form?' She asked herself, when a sudden roar stopped our little celebration, "So you digivolved to Rookie. Big deal, you're all going to die! SCORPION STINGER!" The Ant Leomon shouted, as its tail extended to an impossible length and the wicked looking stinger came straight for Jagmon. Jagmon just stood there and smirked. Before the stinger could impale him, Jagmon grabbed the tail and his hands paws began to glow white.


"HANDS OF LIGHTING!" Jagamon shouted and pure electricity poured from his hands and into the tail of the Ant Leomon, whose whole body was thrashing about. There was so much power in the attack that Ah had to cover mah eyes to keep from going blind. When the attack stopped, the Ant Leomon was burnt to a crisp and not moving. Ah patted mah partner on the shoulder and yelp when Ah got shocked with static electricity. "Sorry about that Takeo, I guess I over did it a bit?" Jagmon said with a sheepish grin, "Don't worry about it partner, as long as you dropped that sucker everything is alright." Ah said, Ah still could not believe that Jagmon digivolved because of me. Ah was going say something when a sudden movement caught the corner of mah eye. Before Ah say anything, Jagmon and Ah got knocked over by something hard; we crashed into one of the walls of the hut and crumpled into a heap. Cacti Palamon was saying something, but everything was a blur. As mah vision cleared, the angry form of Ant Leomon came into view and boy was he mad! Ant Leomon growled as he raised the poison stinger over his head, poised to strike us at a moments notice.


"PLAY TIMES OVER BOY; YOU, THE CAT, AND THE PLANT DIE NOW!" He shouted as his tail shot forward, but Cacti Palamon was firing Poison Needles at its backside and Ant Leomon was fed up with it; so he swung his tail around and struck Cacti Palamon in the face. Cacti Palamon went flying and smacked into a wall, before she came to rest on the floor, knocked out cold. Jagmon was coming around, but it would not be in time, we were all going to die and there was nothing Ah could do about it. The Ant Leomon looked down at me with those creepy bug eyes before it grinned asking, "Now where were we?" and a feminine voice answered, "You were about to die, LAI STRIKE!"


There was an arching flash of sliver and Ant Leomon blinked, his head slowly fell away from his body, spilling blood all over the ground. The Ant Leomon's body slowly began to dissolve into data, "Are you three alright?" The feminine voice asked and the ground in front of mah feet began to stir as a figure rose out from the ground. Jagmon and Cacti Palamon had finally come around, Cacti Palamon ran over to where Jagmon and Ah were sitting. Ah stood up and helped Jagmon do the same. The person who helped us was dressed from head to toe in black robes. She wore a red sash at her waist and had a scimitar tucked in it as well. A golden sun pattern was embroidered on the chest of her robes and even if Ah hadn't seen the blue eyes; the brown fox tail, muzzle, and ears let me know who she was. "DUST RENAMON!" Ah cried, as Ah threw mah arms around her and she hugged me back.


"I'm glad you're all okay, but my name is Lazulmon and I'm the Champion form of Dust Renamon." Lazulmon told me, as Jagmon growled and accentuated each word. "STOP! HUGGING! MY! MOTHER!" Ah quickly let her go and blushed, "Sorry about that, just glad to be alive." Lazulmon just laughed at me, "That's quite alright, and thank you for helping Jagmon to digivolve; I knew we made the right choice about trusting you!" Ah blushed again, "Awww shucks, it twirnt nothing." Cacti Palamon cleared her throat, "I hate to break up this tender moment, but we need to get the digi-egg and crest out of here." She was right; we need to get out of here. So Ah went over to the mantle that the digi-egg and crest were on. The digi-egg was in the shape of a white shield and had a red sword ingraved in the middle of it. The crest was rectangular shaped, grey, and had the same red sword ingraved on it. "What do these symbols mean Lazulmon?" Ah asked her, still inspecting the objects. "The swords stand for Truth, our village has been protecting them for generations and now that duty befalls you and my son!" Lazulmon said proudly, "Truth huh, well let's get these and get out of here."


I said reaching for them, and when Ah picked up the digi-egg and crest, mah whole body was engulfed in a white light and the digivice in mah pocket and the digi-egg in mah hand floated in mid-air, before the egg disappeared into the digivice. The light subsided and the digivice floated back into mah hand, Ah looked at the screen on mah digivice and saw image of the digi-egg. Ah looked at everyone and they stared at me in shock. Lazulmon and Cacti Palamon kneeled in front of Jagmon with there heads bowed in reverence. "You are the chosen one spoken in legend my son, the warrior of Truth!" Lazulmon whispered in awe and definite pride in her voice. Ah just continued to stand there.


Jagmon looked embarrassed and made Lazulmon and Cacti Palamon get up. "Stop that you two, it's embarrassing and even if I' am this legendary digimon I'm still just Jagmon!" Getting over mah shock, Ah slipped the crest over mah head and put mah digivice back in mah pocket. "Well buddy, not only did you digivolve, but you found out that yer a legendary warrior, congratulations! Now can we get the hell out of here?" Ah asked, as Ah walked past them towards the door of the hut, but a noise stopped us; kami, Ah don't need a repeat of the jail scene again!


"YOU MAY HAVE GOTTEN THE DIGI-EGG AND CREST, BUT ZEEDAMON WILL GET THEM BOTH AND YOU WILL ALL DIE!" Said Ant Leomon's head, before he let out a piercing scream that made me cover mah ears; but the scream was cut short when Cacti Palamon used her Poison Needles attack to finish his head off. The ground began to shake and we could hear the sound of battle outside. "You guys have to get out of here, Lazulmon, myself, and the rest of the villagers will take care of the bandits." Said Cacti Palamon, but me and Jagmon exchanged looks; he felt the same way Ah did. "No! We stay and fight with you guys!" Ah stated and Jagmon nodded in agreement.


"You have to keep the digi-egg and crest safe! If it falls into Zeedamon's hands there is no telling what he could unleash!" this came from Lazulmon, but Jagmon and Ah stood our ground. "Takeo feels the same way I do mom. We have to fight; the digi-egg and crest were meant to be used to defend others." Lazulmon was about to say something, but Jagmon cut her off. "When I saw that Takeo wanted to fight, even though he had no chance of winning his feelings gave me the power to fight back! Now I'm going to use those same powers to beat these punks, it's my duty if I really am this digimon of legend." Jagmon's fists shook with rage while he spoke, the last time the village was under attack Jagmon was helpless, but know he had the power to do something and Ah helped him gain that power.


Ah put mah hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze, "If yer goin to fight, then Ah'm helping too! Ah couldn't help you the last time, but Ah'm here now and Ah'm not about to leave you hanging!" Ah said, as the battle outside raged on. "I'm helping out too; you wouldn't have made it this far without me." Cacti Palamon said, and we all looked at Lazulmon who just shook her head and sighed. "You always did have a problem listening didn't you Jagmon? She asked, and then opened the door motioning us to go first. It was funny, but Ah didn't feel frightened at all, Ah guess it was because Jagmon was with me.


Outside we were greeted by the sight of carnage, the villagers were putting up a hell of a fight, but things could change at any moment. Already several huts had been damaged or destroyed and smoke was everywhere. Several big green dragonflies were shooting bolts of electricity from there mouths at anything that moved. There were also these grey rabbits doing the same thing. Luckily, we had a huge flaming bird and a flying unicorn taking out the bugs. On the ground we had a large green mantis and green ogre making short work of the rabbits. But soon that changed, because a big black spider with skull and crossbones symbol on its back burst out of the sand behind the two digimon and attacked.


The mantis flew away in time, but the ogre was killed when the spider surprised them from behind, latched on to the ogre, and bitting off his head. Blood poured from the ogre's body before he deleted, but the spider was soon defending itself from the combined attack of the two flying digimon. Unfortunately for us, the flying digimon were hit by bolts of electricity that came from the wands of four humanoid digimon who looked like wizards. The four wizard digimon and the spider moved in and deleted them. More villagers came to help, but the four wizards soon turned into forty and spread out, confusing the villagers and attacking at the same time with lighting bolts. Plus they also had to deal with the spider, which was attacking again.


The villagers couldn't last long against that kind of assault, "Let's go kick these guys' butts!" Ah shouted as Ah started forward with Jagmon and Cacti Palamon, but Lazulmon held her hand up and made us stop. "Alright, I want you three to go check on the safe house; I left Dinohumon and the Coleamon brothers to guard the children, elderly, and wounded. We already know that most of the Sand Yanmamon and Gazimon were just killed, so that leaves us with the four Wizardmon and Dokugumon over here."

Ah thought for a moment before Ah asked, "Does that means that the other three Wizardmon and the Sand Seadramon are at the entrance of the village with the Ultimate fighting Leomon and the rest of the villagers, or they're helping the last of the Gazimon and Sand Yanmamon?" Lazulmon nodded her head in agreement, "That's right, so be careful. The Wizardmon and Sand Yanmamon are Champions and the Wizardmon can make copies of themselves, as you already know." Lazulmon warned us, before she continued. "When you finish helping Dinohumon and the Coleamon brothers, come back here and help us, but runaway if things get too bad. As for me, I'll take care of this area. Now move out, we have to end this as soon as possible!" Lazulmon said as she drew her scimitar and headed straight for the spider.


"Ah didn't know your mom could swim in the sand Jagmon that was really weird." Ah said thinking back to when Lazulmon had saved us from the Ant Leomon, as Ah held on to Jagmon's neck while Jagmon held Cacti Palamon in his arms. Jagmon chuckled. "Yeah it is a little weird, but you get used to it." Said Jagmon; "In her Rookie form, she can disappear in a cloud of dust and reappear some where else. Now hold on you two I'm about to pour on the speed!" Jagmon thought it would be faster if he carried Cacti Palamon and me while he ran towards the safe house and he was right! In his Jagmon form he was stronger, faster, and had more stamina. Suddenly he leapt up on top of one of the huts and started hopping from roof to roof. Ahead of us was the safe house, the safe house was built with a metal called Chrome Digizoid and it was supposed to be stronger than anything on earth. As we continued our hopping from roofs, streaks of lighting were flying everywhere and that let us know that we were right about the other enemy digimon. That and the fact that there was flying green Sand Yanmamon making dive bomb passes at the safe house and those guarding it.


Jagmon hopped off one of the roofs and we used the hut to give us some cover while we assessed the situation. Five Sand Yanmamon, four Gazimon, and three Wizardmon all together. Two of Sand Yanmamon and the four Gazimon were attacking the safe house, while two Sand Yanmamon and the three Wizardmon were attacking a green six foot humanoid lizard wearing Native American style pants with a loin cloth and two large bony fish. The lizard man wore a head band with a feather in the back. On his forearms were pair of arm guards that had a pair of crescent shaped blades and in his hands he clutched two machetes and strapped to his back were a huge sword. The two large fish that were helping the lizard man were covered in bone armor, but they could walk on land because they have boney flippers instead of fins. The trio of digimon were ducking, dodging, and attacking whenever they could, but the combined attacks of the enemy digimon would soon wear them down. We huddled together to make a plan, when we heard somebody shout, "EXPLODING SHELL!" then there was a couple of gun shots and screams.


We peeked back around the hut and saw all the Sand Yanmamon falling out of the sky, before deleting; the four Gazimon that were helping the bugs were also gone and one of the Wizardmon as well. Everyone had stopped fighting to see what was going on; the Dinohumon and Coleamon were panting from exhaustion, but looked like they would fight to the death. The two remaining Wizardmon were looking around nervously and huddled together. Now that the Sand Yanmamon and Gazimon were gone, the Dinohumon and Coleamon attacked as one. The Dinohumon leapt at the Wizardmon while the two Coleamon dove into the sand to attack them. The two Wizardmon stood their ground and just before the two pronged attack could hit, the two Wizardmon shouted, "MAGICAL GAME!" and the two Wizardmon split into twenty. So when the Dinohumon and two Coleamon came out of the sand, they crashed on top of each other. The twenty Wizardmon pointed their canes at the fallen heroes and shouted, "THUNDER BLASTER!"


The attack was so bright from all the Wizardmon that we had to shield our eyes. When the light show ended, the three fallen digimon were burnt to a crisp, but still alive. Ah turned to Cacti Palamon and Jagmon, "We need to attack them now!" Ah said, but Cacti Palamon countered. "We can't rush in, I know that those are illusions, but it won't do us any good if we get picked off by two Champions." Ah thought for a moment, "Cacti Palamon, can you digivolve to Champion?" Ah asked and she shook her head no, so I turned to Jagmon. "What about you buddy, you think you can do it?" Jagmon also shook his head no, "Only if you let me, you give me the power to digivovle Takeo." Said Jagmon, but before Ah could think of something to try, the two Wizardmon started to talk.


"Alright, lets kill the these guys and then the villagers in the safe house." Said one of the Wizardmon, but the other shook his head no. "You can kill the fish, but we need information from the Dinohumon; if he's no help then I'll kill him and then we can start on the villagers in the safe house. Either way, all the villagers are going to die." The other Wizardmon said with a laugh, Ah clenched mah fists and gritted mah teeth, as Ah started to come from around mah hiding place, but Jagmon put his hand on mah shoulder and brought me back to reality. "Hey, what the hell do think did that to our comrades a few minutes ago, I thought for sure that we were next?" Asked the other Wizardmon when his friend stopped laughing. The Wizardmon shrugged and said, "They were just our cannon fodder guys, especially the Gazimon; I really hate those things. Now kill those two fish and I'm going to heal dino-boy enough so he can answer our questions."


The other Wizardmon nodded to his friend and raised his wand to fire at the Coleamon, but Ah could take no more. Ah looked at Jagmon and he at me, we came to silent agreement and charged around the hut with Cacti Palamon behind us. Our surprise attack was enough to get their attention, because the two Wizardmon stopped what they were doing and fired on us. "THUNDER BLASTER!" They shouted as one and Jagmon grabbed me in his arms and leapt over the attacks, Cacti Palamon dove out of the way just in time before she was hit. While she was dodging, Cacti Palamon fired her Poison Needles at the two Wizardmon only to have them blocked with the Wizardmon's capes. Jagmon set me on the ground and charged the two Wizardmon while Cacti Palamon kept her distance and fired off more Poison Needles. The two Wizardmon shouted, "MAGICAL GAME!" Splitting into twenty Wizardmon and surrounded Jagmon and Cacti Palamon in a circle, this was the last thing we needed.


The two Wizardmon moved with their copies and made even more difficult for Jagmon and Cacti Palamon to counter, so they stood back to back to keep from getting ambushed. It was a good tactic, but it wouldn't work for long; there had to be something Ah could do. Ah wouldn't let mah partner and all his friends die, so Ah did what Ah thought would help, Ah pulled out mah digivice and prayed. 'Kami, or whoever is out there, please give me the power to protect that which is precious to me.' Ah prayed and could feel something surging within mah body, then Ah shouted, "GIVE ME THE POWER TO PROTECT MAH FRIENDS!" The digivice in mah hand and mah partner began to glow, the glow was so bright that the two Wizardmon's illusions were blown away; and then Jagmon evolved again. "JAGMON DIGIVOVLE TO... MYRIMON!"


Myrimon is the Champion form of Jagmon. He is still six feet tall, but has more muscle and his facial feature look more like a bobcat than a Jaguar. Myrimon still has jet black fur, but also wears black armor that covers his right shoulder and hand. Tucked in his red sash on his left is a katana, which he grabbed by the scabbard with his left hand, the hilt of the blade with his right, and crouched low. Before Two Wizardmon could react, Myrimon shouted, "BLADE DRAW!" And disappeared in front of our eyes, only to reappear in between the two Wizardmon still crouched and with the sword out in his right hand like he had just swung it. The two Wizardmon's heads fell away from their bodies, before they disappeared into data.


Cacti Palamon and Ah ran over to Myrimon, who was resifting the sword. "That was awesome Myrimon! How did you do that?" Asked Cacti Palamon and Myrimon smiled at me. "It was because of Takeo, he gave me the power to reach the next level. Thank you my friend." Myrimon said with a bow, even though Ah guess Ah'm not as powerless as Ah thought. A low groan brought us out of our thoughts and we rushed over to the Dinohumon and the two Coleamon brothers. "Are they going to be okay?" Ah asked, while Cacti Palamon and Myrimon looked them over, before Myrimon answered. "They took some serious damage, but with a lot of rest and medicine they'll be okay. We need to get them into the safe house." Myrimon said and Cacti Palamon ran over to the huge building, which had taken a beating from the previous attack and began to bang on the metal door.


"Open up, it's me, Cacti Palamon! Dinohumon and the Coleamon brothers were attacked and need medical attention!" She shouted and various locks could be heard opening, before the doors to the safe house peeked open. A little blue lizard with a yellow V on its forehead opened the door and cautiously stepped out side. "Is everything alright?" He asked and then he spotted me and took up a fight stance. "What's this human doing here? Did he do this to them?" He asked, pointing to the Dinohumon and two Coleamon. Cacti Palamon held up her hand. "He had nothing to do with them getting hurt V-mon. In fact, because of him Maomon was able to digivovle twice and save us." She said, while pointing to Myrimon who was carrying his unconscious friends to the safe house entrance. V-mon's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates and his mouth hit the floor.


"That's Maomon!?" Asked the V-mon as Myrimon stood carried the three injured digimon into the safe house. Various sounds could be heard as Myrimon stepped through the entrance; mostly screams and what not. We all rushed in side of the huge structure to see various digimon surround Myrimon. In a corner of the structure, a pink bird digimon and a blue hamster digimon with the tail of a seal stood guard over three dozen in-training digimon. "Hold it everyone; this is Maomon in his Champion form!" Said Cacti Palamon, everyone turned to look at her, but stopped when they saw me and glared. "What's this human doing here Cacti Palamon!?" Demanded a red Ogremon with a leopard print loin cloth, his left arm was in a cast and he pointed his club at me with his good arm. "I thought the elders were going to get rid of him?" The Ogremon asked and various mummers of agreement could be heard around the room.


"The elders have decided that the human can stay and I agree with them." Cacti Palamon said and before the other villagers could start a protest she held up her hand. "If not for the human, then Maomon would have never digivolved, these three would be dead, and so would I." Now this shocked me, all Ah ever got from her was contempt and hatred, but now she was defending me. Wow. Cacti Palamon lowered her head as she continued to speak. "When the Digimon Emperor came and took all we had away, I hated everything about humans and thought that they were all evil; but he showed me wrong! Not only did he help us out, but Maomon has been able to digivolve to Champion because of him and not only that, Maomon is the digimon of legend. The Digimon of Truth, the human has the crest of Truth and Maomon is his partner and if you lay one hand on him then you answer to me!" She said, but the Ogermon countered. "If he really is the Digimon of Truth, then where is the digi-egg of Truth?" The Ogermon demanded more than asked and others began to look at me; this was my time to shine, so Ah pulled out mah digivice and showed it to them.


"The digi-egg is in here," Ah said, while a pushed a button on the digivice to bring up a picture of the digi-egg of Truth. Just to make things interesting, Ah pulled the crest out from under mah shirt to let everyone see. All the digimon in the safe house gasped when they saw this and got down on one knee, those that could not because of injury bowed there heads, all but the Ogermon. This was getting us nowhere fast; Myrimon still had the three injured digimon in his arms and was probably tired. "Ah want you to think real hard for a moment Ogermon." Ah said, getting his attention. "If Myrimon was really an enemy, then why is he carrying injured digimon in his arms? And what happened to all the enemy digimon that were attacking the safe house? Don't you think that they would have over run this place by now if something hadn't stopped them?" Ah asked and let mah words sink into his head, the Ogermon lowered his head and said, "No." Then, he and the other digimon that surrounded Myrimon got out of the way.


Myrimon rushed over to some empty beds and lowered the three injured digimon on the beds. A white swan with armor on its feet, neck, and head flew over to the three injured digimon and began to examine them. "They need a lot of rest, but will be back on their feet in no time." The swan said and I looked at it like it had lost it's mine. "Do you see these burns?" Ah asked, pointing the digimon, "If Ah had been hit like that Ah would be dead, Ah want a second opinion." The swan glared at me, "Digimon can take a lot more damage than you ever could. A broken bone might take days to heal compared to a human. I know my stuff, so don't tell me other wise!" The swan snapped and flew off in a huff, Ah guess Ah got a lot more to learn about digimon than Ah thought.


Myrimon place his hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry about her, Swanmon is always coming off a little odd, but she knows her stuff." Said Myrimon, Cacti Palamon came over to us with V-mon. "Guys we need to go, I don't know how long Lazulmon and the others can hold out against that Dokugumon and the Wizardmon." Said the little cactus and she was right, we had to get back there; but Ah knew that we needed help. "Alright everyone, we need yer help if were going to stop these guys from destroying the village. We're going to help Lazulmon and then we're going to help to Leomon with the other digimon. Ah want anyone who is able to fight to come with us, if you don't want to come then we won't think any different of it, now who's coming with me?"


Ah asked and waited for volunteers, no one moved, so Ah motioned for Cacti Palamon and Myrimon to come with me; when Ah heard someone say, "I'll help you, you can count on me!" Said the V-mon from earlier and he ran to catch up with us. "If the chosen one is going then so am I!" Said a metal beetle digimon that looks like a walking toaster. "I'm going too Dokunemon, wait for me!" Said a green walking gecko with a horn connected to and wrapped around its neck. "This is our village, so I'm with you!" Said a tall brown monkey with a bone club strapped to its back and a bandage around its head. "My cannon is at the ready, but with this busted leg I don't know what good I'll be." Said a large white gorilla with metal a cannon for an arm, while he leaned on a crutch. Ah don't know how he could help with a broken, but a brown centaur with a centurion style helmet that covered its face trotted over to the gorilla. "Don't worry about that Gorillamon, you can ride on my back and I'm sure our two cannon arms will finish those punks off." The horseman said, his left arm was in a cast and he had a cannon arm as well, but it had metal rods sticking out of it. The Gorillamon climbed on top of the centaur's back and Ah guessed that its name was Centaurumon.


"Alright everybody lets get out there and show these punks that they can't mess with us!" Ah shouted and all the digimon let out a cry for victory. "Wait, I'm coming too!" Cried the Ogermon from earlier, he had a sheepish look on his face as he came to join us, so Ah put mah hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "Hey, if Ah was in yer position Ah'd probably do the same thing you did earlier; but that's in the past and we need to go help Lazulmon and Leomon. Now let's go kick some butt! Everyone, follow me!" Ah said and we all headed out the safe house doors and back into battle. 'Just hold on mom, dad, I'm going to save you all.' Thought Myrimon, as the group of digimon and one human headed back to where Lazulmon and the others were.


Frank and Contramon watched the battle unfold from the roof of one of the huts. The Dinohumon and two Coleamon fought off the Gazimon, SandYanmamon, and Wizardmon; while trying to defend the safe house. There were others, but the attacks were too much and they had to retreat inside of the safe house. Frank and Contramon were about to go help, when Frank caught some motion out the corner of his eye. A digimon Frank had never seen was carrying a Japanese boy and Cacti Palamon on his back, before it leapt on one of the huts and started to jump form hut to hut. Frank quickly hopped off the hut he was on and hid inside. "Who is this guy Frank and why is dressed like a cosplay guy?" Asked Contramon and Frank shrugged his shoulders. "How the hell should I know? But I think he just started at this because I don't see the other idiot Digidestined from Japan. Let's get a closer look and see how he does against the digimon attacking that safe house." Frank said, as he began to follow the trio, "But Frank, there are too many digimon and their all Champions! There is no way in hell that he can beat them all, even with the other four digimon helping him!" Contramon countered as Frank cautiously made his way to the battle, but stopped to speak with Contramon.


"I know that Contramon, which is why we are going to come in at the last minute and save the day; now digivolve Contramon!" Frank exclaimed, while Contramon started to glow. "CONTRAMON DIGIVOLVE TO... SHOTGUNMON!" Shouted the newly evolved digimon and Frank ran to catch up with the boy and his digimon. Frank spotted the boy and two digimon as they hid behind a hut and came up with a plan of attack. Frank leapt up onto a hut and crouched so as not to be spotted. The boy and two digimon where still arguing, when Frank got tired of waiting and pointed Shotgunmon at the flying digimon. "Change of plans buddy, lets take care of the bugs and rabbits and see what this kid has." Said Frank, as he pumped Shotgunmon's pump and pulled his trigger. 'EXPLODING SHELL!" Shouted Shotgunmon, as Frank continued to pull Shotgunmon's trigger.


The hail of bullets hit all the Gazimon and SandYanmamon and caused to instantly delete. Frank took out one of the Wizardmon as well. Frank then quickly hid as everyone started to look for the unknown attacker. The two remaining Wizardmon huddled together before the Dinohumon and two Coleamon tried to jump them, but the two Wizardmon used their Magical Game technique and made twenty copies of themselves. The three digimon crashed together in a heap and the two Wizardmon hit them with twin Thunder Blaster attacks; the combined electrical attack was enough to send the three digimon out of the game. Frank watched as the Japanese boy and the two digimon with him start to argue again, but the two Wizardmon decided to kill the two Coleamon and get information out of the Dinohumon; after that, they were going to kill all the digimon in the safe house.


Frank was about to engage the Wizardmon, when the Japanese boy and his two companions charged into battle. The two Wizardmon fired Thunder Blasters at the boy, but the digimon that looked like a Jaguar saved him, while the cactus girl fired off needles. The two Wizardmon used their Magical Game technique and surrounded the cat and cactus. The Wizardmon began to fire off Thunder Blasters again while the cat and cactus ducked and dodged. Shotgunmon had seen enough, "Frank, let's go down there and bust a cap in some digital ass!" The gun digimon exclaimed, but Frank shook his head. "No, I don't think he needs our help now; in fact the Wizardmon are the ones who need help." Frank said with a smirk on his face and the gun digimon twisted its body around so that he could look at Frank. (A/N: Guns should not be able to do that, but Shotgunmon is no ordinary gun, but you guys figured that out right?) A pair of arms came out of Shotgunmon's sides as he threw them up in the air. "Are you crazy Frank? I know you don't like the Japanese chosen and neither do I, but you can't just let him get killed!" Shotgunmon all but shouted, but Frank held up his hand and pointed back to the battle field. "Look at him Shotgunmon and watch." Said Frank and the gun digimon complied. The Japanese boy had his eyes closed in prayer and then he shouted at the top of his lungs, "GIVE ME THE POWER TO PROTECT MAH FRIENDS!"


The digivice in his hand glowed and so did the big cat. The big cat digivolved to Champion and the light from his digivolution blew away the images of the two Wizardmon. The big cat, which had gotten some shoulder armor, arm armor, and a katana; grasped the sword at the hilt and disappeared. The big cat reappeared behind the two Wizardmon with his sword drawn, before the two wizard Digimon's heads fell off there bodies. Frank and Shotgunmon loved every minute of it; finally, a Chosen who wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty! After the battle, the big cat picked up the injured digimon and walked over to the safe house with his partner, as the cactus girl demanded that they be let in. Frank then moved from his hiding place and crept over to the safe house after a V-mon let them in. Frank then listened in on the conversation and learned many things.


One being that the villagers didn't like humans all that well, but Frank could live with that. Two, the digimon that defeated the two Wizardmon was the son of the village elders, as well as the digimon of Truth; so that meant that the Japanese boy had the crest and digi-egg of Truth. Frank decided to leave the area and go check on the Lazulmon and other digimon before making a visit to Zeedamon. "Well, at least someone gets the digi-egg Truth, but I guess thems the breaks, eh Frank?" Asked Shotgunmon, as Frank ran back towards where he had left the Lazulmon. "It's no big deal Shotgunmon, as soon as I get my crest and digi-egg of power back we can go home, after I kill Zeedamon of course." Said Frank, but Shotgunmon knew something else was up, Frank was focused on something else besides the battles to come. "Wha'cha thinkin bout Frank?" Asked Shotgunmon and Frank stopped before he answered. "I think that Japanese kid may have what it takes to have a D-Chronicle." Frank said, and waited for what was sure to come, "What do you mean Frank? Please tell me that Zeedamon knocked something loose in your head when he hit you?" Asked Contramon and Frank sighed. "Look Shotgunmon, I thought really hard about this. The kid has guts, style, and he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty; not unlike a couple Digidestinded we know. Besides, I said I'm considering, not making him one. If he passes a couple of more tests, then I will give him one; but only after I tell him everything I know about the D-Chronicles, the good and the bad." Frank said, but Shotgunmon continued to argue as Frank moved forward. "But Frank, the guy dresses like that guy out of that anime, if he starts saying lines like `HIM' then I'll pull my own trigger!" Frank laughed at mental image, as he and Shotgunmon continued to move forward.


Frank hid behind a hut, as he and Shotgunmon watched the battle between the enemy digimon and the villagers. The Lazulmon was currently fighting a Dokugumon, while the four Wizardmon were busy playing silent scope with the Veedramon, Kuwagumon, and Drimogemon. The four Wizardmon's Magical Game and Thunder Blaster attacks were taking their toll. The Drimogemon was seriously wounded when two of the Thunder Blaster attacks hit him on the big metal drill growing out the center of his face. The Veedramon and Kuwagumon moved in to defend their fallen comrade and one of Veedramon's V-Nova Blasts actually hit a Wizardmon in the face and seriously wounded him; the Wizardmon fell to the ground screaming and clutching his face, as the illusions that he made vanished, leaving only thirty Wizardmon left.


The Veedramon fired off its V-Nova Blast at the fallen Wizardmon and deleted it. Lazulmon was still busy with the huge spider digimon, when it surprised her with a Poison Thread attack that caught Lazulmon in the chest. Lazulmon screamed as the poison took effect and the Dokugumon leapt forward and grabbed Lazulmon and bite her in the side of her torso. Lazulmon screamed again as she tried in vain to dislodge the spider's powerful jaws with her sword, Frank was impressed that the Lazulmon held on to her sword after that last attack, but if Frank didn't do something quick, she and the other digimon would be dead. So Frank came out from his hiding place and aimed at the Dokugumon' backside, "EXPLODING SHELL!" Shotgunmon shouted as Frank pulled his trigger, the bullets found their mark and did what Frank wanted them to do, get everyone's attention.


The Dokugumon screamed in pain, dropped the Lazulmon, and turned to face her attacker while Lazulmon clutched her sides in pain. The vulpine digimon was surprised to see another human with a digimon, but the three remaining Wizardmon knew who it was. "Dokugumon, that's Frank Malick!" One of the Wizardmon said, pointing at Frank. "Kill him and his partner!" Frank and Shotgunmon smirked, knowing what was about to come next. Frank held out his right hand and beckoned the huge spider to him, "Come get some spider-bitch, show me what you got." Frank said, before the huge spider growled and fired off a Poison Thread while charging forward. Frank easily dodged the attack and waited for the Dokugumon to make her move, the huge spider leapt high into the air towards her intended targets who where just standing there smiling at her.


"POISON THREAD!" The huge spider spat on her descent, as a stream of grey spider webs shot from her mouth at her intended targets. Frank and Shotgunmon were ready for this as Shotgunmon charged up his attack, before Frank aimed and pulled Shotgunmon's Trigger. "EXPLODING SHELL!" Since Shotgunmon charged his attack, the bullets clustered together instead of spreading out and the force was enough to shred though Dokugumon's attack and hit her in the face. The huge spider crashed to the ground on her back and writhed in agony from the pain that the bullets did to what was left of her face. Everyone was speechless, but Lazulmon sprang into action and with both hands, stabbed her sword into the ground up to the hilt.


"SAND STRIKE!" Lazulmon called and a larger version of her blade erupted from the now shrieking spider's chest before it deleted. That was all it took for the three Wizardmon to snap back to reality, they abandoned their attacks on the Veedramon, Kuwagumon, and Drimogemon, and focused on Frank, Shotgunmon, and Lazulmon. The three Wizardmon began to fire off lighting bolts at them; Lazulmon had used up much of her strength for that last attack and was a sitting duck. Luckily, Frank and the other good digimon counter attacked, as Frank ran over to the injured Champion's side and knocked her out the way. It was time to end this, "Shotgunmon, switch to infer red mode and take these assholes out!" Frank said, and Shotgunmon complied as his eyes began to glow red. Contramon picked up on the heat signatures of the three Wizardmon. "I got'um Frank, EXPLODING SHELL!" Shotgunmon pulled his trigger three times and hit all three Wizardmon in the chests; the three wizards stopped in their tracks with wide eyes as they looked down at the gapping holes where their hearts and lungs used to call home. Then they fell over dead and deleted.


"How you like us now bitches!" Shouted Shotgunmon, while Frank knelt down to check on the injured fox digimon. The Veedramon came over as well, while the Kuwagumon checked on the Drimogemon. "Not bad for a human. Huh babe?" Asked Frank, as he checked bite marks on Lazulmon's side, she weakly laughed at the human. "No, not bad at all human, but then again, not all humans are bad." She answered before coughing up blood, which stained her mask. "Hey, don't talk so much okay you lost a lot blood and need to save your strength!" Shotgunmon said, before he turned to the big blue lizard. "Veedramon, you need to take her to the safe house and let the Swanmon help her." But Lazulmon grabbed Frank by the collar of his shirt before the Veedramon could carry her. "No...I won't make it in time...Dokugumon poison." She gasped out, before she continued. "Pendant...PPPP.....Pure Water." Lazulmon stuttered out, as her form suddenly became transparent.


Frank quickly looked up at the Veedramon, "Do you know what she's talking about!?" Frank quickly asked the worried blue lizard's brow bunched together in thought, before his face lit up. "The pendant in the elder's robes around her neck; the pendant can save her!" The Veedramon said, in a surprisingly high pitched voice. Frank gently placed Lazulmon's head on the ground, before he began to search through her robes. 'If she is one of the elders, then that means that cat digimon is her son.' Thought Frank, just as he found the pendant. The circular pendant was made out of gold and had the same sunburst pattern that was on the Lazulmon's robes. The pendant was cool to the touch, like it had been in a freezer and had cap connected to the gold chain. Frank quickly unscrewed the cap, removed Lazulmon's bloodstained mask, and lifted Lazulmon's head before he poured the water down her throat.


Lazulmon sighed, as the wounds on her body began to heal and her body began to glow; when the glow subsided she had devolved back to Dust Renamon. Frank, Shotgunmon, and Veedramon all let out sighs of relief, when they heard someone shout, "MOM!" They all looked up to see the Japanese boy and his partner, along with other digimon, who were mostly injured run up to them. Myrimon knelt down beside Dust Renamon, as he took his paw in hers. "Are you alright mom, did these guys hurt you?" Asked Myrimon, as he glared at Frank and Shotgunmon, the warriors glared right back. Dust Renamon stared at Myrimon, before she realized that this was her son. She smiled at him and Takeo. "No this human and his partner saved us, if not for him I wouldn't be here and can I please have some room?" She asked, while everyone backed away and Takeo put in, "Ah think these are the guys who saved our butts back at the safe house." Frank and Shotgunmon nodded to the now embarrassed Myrimon.


"I'm sorry about that; I thought you were trying to hurt my mother." Myrimon said sheepishly. Frank stood up and walked and gave Dust Renamon some space, "If I really wanted to hurt somebody, they would be dead; but I didn't come here for that. I came to get back my crest and digi-egg from that stupid Zeedamon, before I kill his ass." Frank answered and got a few glares from the other digimon around them, but Frank and Shotgunmon glared right back. Takeo took this opportunity to play peace keeper.


"Wow, so yer a Digidestined too? Mah name is Takeo Matzuka and this is mah partner Myrimon." Takeo said, while he extended his hand. Frank looked at it for a second, before shaking Takeo's hand. "The names Frank Malick and this is my good buddy Shotgunmon." Said Frank, while Shotgunmon just nodded his head. "V-mon! I thought I told you to stay at the safe house while your father and I took care of the bandits!" Asked the Veedramon sternly, but the little V-mon defiantly stood his ground. "I'm here to help fight, we all are and just because I'm a Rookie doesn't mean I can't do anything!"


As mother and son continued to argue, Takeo asked Lazulmon, "Are you sure you're alright? Do you need to go to the safe house?" Dust Renamon shook her head, "I'm fine now and what are you digimon doing here? YOU should be at the safe house." But V-mon answered for them, "We're going to fight too! I know a lot of us are hurt, but we can still fight and if the Chosen One is going then so am I!" All the other digimon agreed with the little V-mon, before Dust Renamon raised her paw to silence them. "Okay you can come. We are going to go help Leomon finish this, but if any of you get seriously hurt I want your word that you will go back to the safe house." Veedramon sighed, "I guess you can come son." She said, knowing her husband would have a fit, but V-mon and the others were right. Everyone nodded in agreement before Dust Renamon started to walk towards the next and final battle with everyone else following. The two humans and their partners took up the rear and Takeo asked Frank. "Why are you dressed up like the Punisher from the comics?" And Frank answered with a smirk and a shrug, "I don't know. Tell me why you're dressed up like Vat the Stamped?"


"What do ya mean Ah look like Vash the Stampede? Myrimon, do you think Ah look like Vash?" Ah asked Myrimon, who just shrugged. "Um, who is this Vash Takeo?" Myrimon asked me and Ah smacked mahself on the forehead, of course Myrimon wouldn't know who Vash is; Myrimon has never left the Digital World. Dust Renamon quieted everyone as the sound of battle grew louder, Frank and Shotgunmon tensed with anticipation, while me and Myrimon tried not to be nervous. When we made it to the entrance of the village, there was smoke everywhere. Ahead of us, a large orange dinosaur with blue stripes on its body and a black mask with a horn at the tip of the mask and two on the sides of its head was fighting an equally large brown snake.


Ah leaned over and whispered to Myrimon, "Who the heck are they?" And Myrimon whispered back, "The dinosaur is Greymon and he is on our side, and he right now he's fighting a Sand Seadramon." Ah nodded mah head in understanding, but why is the dinosaur called Greymon, when it doesn't have a speck of grey on its body? Mah musings were cut short as the Sand Seadramon wrapped its large body around the Greymon and began to squeeze it to death. That was our que to jump into action; Dust Renamon gave out orders as we began our attack. "Make sure you get Greymon clear before you attack the Sand Seadramon and try to find Leomon!"


The Apemon threw her bone club like a boomerang and shouted, "MEGA BONE STICK!" The club found its mark and hit the Sand Seadramon on the nose, it roared in pain as it let go of the Greymon and focused its attack on us. The serpent went after the Apemon, but the Greymon, grabbed it by the throat and slammed it down hard to the ground. "You should really watch who you're fighting." The Greymon chastised the serpent, as he picked it up and began to swing it around in a circle before he threw it high in the air. Then the dinosaur opened its mouth and spat out a large fire ball at the serpent, "NOVA BLAST!" The fire ball smacked into the serpent and deleted it, before it could hit the ground.


"Thank you for your help back there, that Sand Seadramon was tough to beat." The Greymon said after we had all gathered around him. "I really wanted to kill it." Frank said, as he sighed and we all sweat dropped; Americans can be so funny at times. "Why didn't you just do that to begin with? Ah asked, as Ah peered up at the giant dinosaur and he replied, "Because the sand is Sand Seadramon's play ground and it can swim in the sand. When I tried attacking like that, it would just dive back under the sand and use its Sand Pillars attack on me, so I had to switch tactics." Dust Renamon stepped forward and asked, "Where are my husband and the Zeedamon fighting at?" As if to answer her question, someone shouted, "SATURDAY NIGHT CRUSHER!" And a large flaming chain came out of nowhere and knocked everyone over.


All the injured digimon groaned in pain as a large brown teddy bear wearing black leather pants and vest waddled into view. On the bears head was a long, black, pompadour and a spiked collar around its neck, as well as a flaming chain wrapped around its paws. "I'm Zeedamon, a general of the Digimon Emperor and I'll be your executioner today, how may I help you?" Asked the large bear and all Ah could think about was how did Frank lose to this evil version of stuffed animals?


"So you guys think you can beat me huh?" Asked the punk teddy bear, as he stood there with a smug smile on his face; Takeo could not believe that this thing actually beat Frank Malick, but Frank had told Takeo that he was ambushed by the thirty digimon that had attack Oasis Village today, so Takeo could see how he beat him. But there was just one thing bothering Takeo, where was Frank? In the confusion that turned into the mass of injured bodies, Frank and Shotgunmon had disappeared. Takeo and the other digimon picked themselves off the ground and stood ready to defend themselves from the Ultimate. Zeedamon did not look worried to say the least. "If you bring me the crest and digi-egg, I promise not to hurt any more of the villagers." Said Zeedamon, but somehow, Takeo could tell he was lying.


"Don't believe him, he's lying! If this guy is working for the Digimon Emperor, then he'll probably try to inslave you all again!" Takeo said quickly and for the first time, Zeedamon seemed to have noticed Takeo and smiled. "So you have the crest and digi-egg. I guess it is true about the crest giving the bearer the ability so see through deceptions. I do work for the Digimon Emperor, but not that snot nosed little punk who tried to take over the Digial World. I work for the real Digimon Eperor, a man with vision and power." Zeedamon said, Dust Renamon leaned over to Takeo. "Is he telling the truth about the Digimon Emperor and that boy who attacked us?" She asked, and Takeo nodded his head, "It don't matter anyway, Ah'm here now and Ah'm not going to let you do whatever feel like!" Takeo told the bear defiantly and he just smiled at Takeo. "Since you won't hand over the crest and digi-egg I'm going to have to take them by force, not that I wasn't going to kill you all anyway; so I guess I'm going to have to add them to my collection the hard way." Zeedamon said, before he reached into his vest and pulled out a crest and a silver digi-egg with a symbol of a fist; Takeo assumed that was Frank's digi-egg and crest of Power.


"That doesn't belong to you and Ah think you should give it back before Ah have to take it back." Said Takeo, and Myrimon put in, "And get out of our village, we don't want you here!" And all the other digimon present shouted their agreement. The evil bear just looked at everyone before he busted out laughing, "You think you can stop me? Your elder and his friend couldn't stop me, so what chance do you have?" Zeedamon asked, before he started to laugh again. Dust Renamon and Myrimon crouched into fighting stances, Myrimon brandished his katana, and the rest or the villagers spread out as well. Takeo stood beside his partner, ready to help in any way he could. "What did you do with Leomon and Ex-Veemon!?" Demanded Dust Renamon, and the evil teddy bear just looked at her before he whistled, and the sound of a motorcycle engine could be heard revving up as the sound came closer.


To everyone's surprise a motorcycle without a rider came out from a hut behind Zeedamon and it was dragging two digimon on a chain. The first digimon was a humanoid lion in black and white armor and on its fore arms and calves were spinning turbines. The lion had a mane of orange hair and it was kept out of its eyes by a metal headband and it had two long fangs like a saber tooth tiger. Takeo guessed that this was Leomon's next digivolution. The other digimon was a blue humanoid lizard like the Veedramon standing near him, but this lizard was a bit taller, had wings, and a V that criss crossed into an X so Takeo guessed that this was Ex-Veemon. Both were pretty banged up and had various cuts and bruises all over their bodies. Even the armor on Leomon looked like it was in pain. "Dad!" Shouted Myrimon and V-mon together, as they moved forward; but Dust Renamon and Veedramon grabbed them both.


The Zeedamon laughed at this, "So this GrapLeomon and Ex-Veemon are your dads, huh kiddo?" Asked the Zeedamon, "Your mothers are a pair of smart cookies, one word from me and you can kiss these two goodbye, now give me the crest and digi-egg so me and my crew can go home!" Zeedamon said, with a touch of annoyance in his voice, Takeo smiled at this. "The other digimon that came with you are dead, now Ah suggest you let go of GrapLeomon and Ex-Veemon before things get out of hand." Zeedamon was shocked for a moment, but regained his composure. "So you killed all my cannon fodder guys, huh? Well did you kill this guy?" Zeedamon asked, pointing behind him and the ground began to shake, before the sand behind Zeedamon shot up like a geyser. When the sand subsided, a huge shadow appeared, blocking out the sun and everyone looked up to see a huge flying dragon in the air. "I guess you didn't huh?" Zeedamon asked, and he let out a fit of evil laughter as all the digimon started to back away from the huge beast.


"What in the name of kami is that Myrimon" Takeo asked as he and the others continued to back away. "That is a Megadramon Takeo and we are in big trouble, Megadramon is an Ultimate." Myrimon said, as he and the others continued to back away from the imposing dragon. The Megadramon's head was covered in black armor and its hands had been replaced with two metal cones that opened and closed like claws. The massive dragon had no legs, but a serpentine body that was covered in orange scales and it floated in the air with two tattered purple wings. "I want you to kill them all, but for the human and bring me his digi-egg and crest Megadramon!" Shouted Zeedamon, and the huge dragon let out a terrifying roar which snapped everyone back to attention.


"I want all of you to concentrate your attacks on the Megadramon, if you get hurt then run back to the safe house. I want Veemon, Cacti Palamon, Takeo, and Myrimon to help me free GrapLeomon and Ex-Veemon, now move it people!" Dust Renamon shouted as they all went after there assigned targets. The Dokunemon flew at the large dragon and started to fire electrical bolts at the dragon, but he ignored them and opened his metal claws, but the Centaurumon, Veedramon, Gorillamon, and Greymon fired off their energy attacks just as the Megadramon's Darkside attack fired off. The combined attacks cancelled the Darkside attack right in front of the Megadramon's face and the damage caused it to become disoriented. The Greymon used his powerful legs to jump on the Ultimate and bring it crashing to the ground, where the other digimon began to attack with all of their might. The Megadramon threw the Greymon off itself and started to rise again, it was still disoriented and the Greymon quickly got back to his feet and jumped onto the Ultimates back. Veedramon did the same and the two Champion Digimon bit and scratched at the Ultimate, until they finally ripped off Megadramon's wings and sent it sprawling to the ground.


The Megadramon was in pain and started to fire off random Darkside attacks, which everyone narrowly avoided. Unfortunately, the village wasn't so lucky and was being destroyed even further, so the digimon renewed their efforts to bring down the already down Ultimate. Greymon and Veedramon began to fire their flame attacks into Megadramon's exposed back, causing even further damage and pain. Zeedamon and the others had stopped their fight when they all heard the Megadramon scream in pain, "It looks like you lose Zeedamon, now give up and go home." Commanded GrapLeomon, who had been freed by Frank Malick and Shotgunmon; it turned out the Frank and Shotgunmon had used the confusion that Zeedamon had created when he attacked them to sneak around behind the Zeedamon. Frank had Shotgunmon use an Exploding Shell to destroy the chains that were holding the two captive digimon, then Frank and the others turned their combined strength on the evil Ultimate, but it was proving difficult to do, because the Zeedamon's chopper had a mind of its own and was attacking them with missiles and head light lasers.


"To hell with surrendering, me and Shotgunmon are going to kill your ass!" Frank said, and pointed Shotgunmon at Zeedamon's face. "You think you've won just because Megadramon is injured?" Asked the evil bear, as the Megadramon's screams of pain soon turned into roars of anger. "Think again, because your weak little friends didn't kill Megadramon, the injuries that he's suffering is making him stronger and more deadly. I suggest you all just let me kill you and get it over with!" Laughed the Zeedamon, and Takeo felt that he was telling the truth. Takeo suddenly got an idea and turned to GrapLeomon. "You're an Ultimate too, right GrapLeomon?" Takeo asked the armored lion, and GrapLeomon nodded his head. "Then you take care of the Megadramon and have everybody else come here to help us fight." Takeo said, and the armored lion nodded his head in agreement before he turned to face the Megadramon; but Zeedamon had other plans. "Kill the human Chopper! Use you head light lasers!" The motorcycle began to charge up its attack, but Frank and Myrimon had other plans.


Myrimon charged up his katana and pointed at one of the head lights, while Frank aimed Shotgunmon at the other one. "LIGHTING THRUST!" "EXPLODING SHELL!" Lightning shot from Myrimon's katana and bullets flew from Shotgunmon's mouth and into the two headlights. The attacks shattered the glass and stopped the attack. The chopper fired two missiles at Takeo and the group, but Frank pulled his partner's trigger and Shotgunmon shouted, "MAGNETIC DEFENSE!" A pair of energy bolts flew out of Shotgunmon and impacted with the missles; in a tribute to the Matrix the missles stopped dead in front of Takeo and dropped to the ground. Zeedamon stood shocked and Takeo ran forward, picked up the two missiles, and threw them back at the chopper.


The missiles hit the chopper with an explosion and destroyed its tires. Since the chopper was still stationary, Ex-Veemon and Cacti Palamon fired their attacks at the bike before Myrimon and Frank joined in. "V-LAZER!", POISON NEEDLES!", "LIGHTING THRUST!", "EXPLODING SHELL!" The attacks hit the bike and destroyed it; a cheer went up as pieces of the evil machine rained down on a truly stunned Zeedamon. "TURBINE DRILL PUNCH!" Shouted GrapLeomon, as his turbine powered punch put a large hole in the machine dragon's chest, before it broke into screaming pieces of data. The Zeedamon, who had terrorized the once peaceful Oasis Village, stood alone against the large group of angry villagers. His plans smashed to pieces.


"You lost you stupid wannabe gangster, I'm going to kill you anyway for making me use up my vacation days and for the fact that you made me look like a fool in front of a girl I might have gotten to score with, but most of all for thinking that a punk ass bitch like you could ever beat me!" Shouted Frank, before he pumped Shotgunmon's pump and aimed at the bear's face. The bear looked numb as he stared at the living gun and boy holding him, before a smile came to his face. "You punks are already dead, SATURDAY NIGHT CRUSHER!" The punk bear shouted, as he swung his flaming chain at everyone. Everybody ducked the attack and charged the evil bear. Apemon threw her bone boomerang at Zeedamon, but he caught it and threw back faster then she had thrown it. The bone smacked her in the head and knocked her out cold. Ogermon jumped at Zeedamon with his club raised and hit the Ultimate on the head, but Zeedamon took the blow and punched Ogremon in his broken arm and shattered it.


Ogermon went to the ground in pain and passed out as Zeedamon raised his flaming chain over head with the intent to end the oger Digimon's life, but Greymon, Ex-Veemon, Veedramon, Shotgunmon, Gekomon, Myrimon, Dust Renamon, Gorillamon, Centarumon, Dokunemon, and Cacti Palamon fired off their attacks at him. "NOVA BLAST!", "V-LAZER!", "V-NOVA BLAST!", "EXPLODING SHELL!" "SAND STORM!" "ENERGY CANNON!" "SOLAR RAY!" "STATIC SHOCKER!" "POISON NEEDLES!" The combined attack sent Zeedamon flying into a hut and Dust Renamon ran forward, picked up the injured oger and monkey digimon, and carried them away from the battle. "I'm taking them back to the safe house; you guys take care of things here!" Dust Renamon said, as she left. Zeedamon came crashing out of the hut and charged out in a furious rage.


Cacti Palamon jumped in the air and fired Poison Needles at the Digimon's feet and Zeedamon tripped over them and fell face first to the ground. Zeedamon sputtered sand from his mouth while the little cactus girl laughed at him. Zeedamon got up and swung his chain at the cactus girl, but she jumped over them and fired more Poison Needles at him. Soon the rest of the digimon were firing their attacks again as well, but Zeedamon stood there and blocked them with his arms. While he stood there, Zeedamon pulled a microphone out of his vest with one hand and pressed a button on it and a small circular speaker grew from the end. Myrimon stopped attacking with Lighting Thrusts and moved to protect Takeo, as Zeedamon breathed into the speaker. "MONSTER'S BALLAD!" Zeedamon roared, and a shockwave of sound blew everyone over, even the Greymon.


Myrimon checked to make sure that Takeo was alright, before he charged Zeedamon, "BLADE DRAW!" Myrimon disappeared and reappeared in front of Zeedamon, Myrimon's attack had hit Zeedamon in the neck and should have cut off his head, but the blade snapped in half and Zeedamon slammed both his fists down on Myrimon's shoulders. Myrimon cried out in pain as both his shoulders broke from the blows and fell to the ground. Everyone was still struggling to get up and GrapLeomon was still to far away to help. "Myrimon, don't hurt him Zeedamon, or Ah swear to kami Ah'll kill you mahself!" Shouted Takeo, as he staggered forward towards the punk digimon, he had to do something.


Zeedamon laughed as he picked Myrimon up by the throat with one hand and pointed his microphone at Myrimon's face. Not that Takeo could do anything to stop Zeedamon, but he had to try. "This is where you die kid." Zeedamon said with a demented grin, as he raised the microphone to his lips and started say his attack, but before he could, a familiar female voice shouted, "SAND STRIKE!" Zeedamon's whole body jerked, as his eyes grew wide as diner plates and tears began to weld up in his eyes. Zeedamon dropped his microphone and Myrimon, before he fell to the ground and curled into a ball. In a flash, Lazulmon dove out of the sand in front of the two fallen figures, picked her son up, and brought him back to the others just as they were picking themselves up off the ground and GrapLeomon joined them. "What did you do to him Lazulmon?" Asked Frank, as Lazulmon gently laid Myrimon on the ground and Takeo rushed to his fallen partner's side. Lazulmon gave Myrimon some of the water from her pendent and Myrimon's shoulders began to heal.


"After I brought the two injured digimon to the safe house I gathered some energy for a digivolution and made my way back here. When I saw what was about to happen to Myrimon, I hit Zeedamon in the groin with a Sand Strike." Lazulmon explained to the stunned humans and digimon, before she brandished her scimitar. "Unfortunately, I didn't break any skin." Every male shuddered at the thought, while Cacti Palamon and Veedramon grinned, and some of the males even grabbed themselves, just as Zeedamon let out a howl pain. (A/N: It hurt me just to write it.) Myrimon stood up as he was finally healed and Lazulmon popped him on the head. "That was a stupid move Myrimon, you could have been killed." Myrimon grinned sheepishly as he pulled a brown leather bag from his armor. "Then I wouldn't have got Frank back his digi-egg and crest."


Myrimon handed the items over to the stunned Digidestined and watched as Frank put the crest around his neck and the digi-egg back in his digivice. "Good job Myrimon!" Exclaimed Takeo, as he slapped the Jaguar on the shoulder. "Yeah thanks for getting my crest and digi-egg back, we owe you guys one." Frank admitted and Shotgunmon shouted, "Can we please kill the stuffed bastard and go home, or are we going to dick around all day!?" Everyone turned their attention back to the bear, just as he was staggering to his feet and Shotgunmon threw his hands in the air. "See, this is happens when you let things sidetrack you."


Zeedamon breathed deeply while he clutched himself with one hand and squeaked out, "You think you beat me?" Everyone laughed at break in his voice and Zeedamon cleared his throat, coughed, and spoke more deeply. "All you did was delay your demise and don't think just because you got in one lucky shot that you win. GrapLeomon is weak from his battle with Megadramon, the rest of you are Champions, and the two humans don't know how to use their crests. Face it, you guys are going to lose and Lazulmon, I'm going to keep you alive so I can have a little fun when I get back to base." Zeedamon said with a lecherous grin and all the guys growled, while Lazulmon, Cacti Palamon, and Veedramon glared daggers of hate at Zeedamon. "Who says I'm weak?" GrapLeomon asked, as he pulled something from underneath his armor. It was another pendent with a black sun pattern on it; GrapLeomon unscrewed the top and drank some of the water. Instantly, his wounds and armor healed themselves. GrapLeomon smirked and took up a fighting stance, the others did the same. There was a flash of light as Shotgunmon devolved back into Contramon, and Frank pulled out his digivice.


"Just because I don't know how to use my crest doesn't mean we are defenseless, and I have a few tricks up my sleeve, DIGI-ARMOR ENERGIZE!" Shouted Frank, and his digi-egg came out of his digivice and combined with Contramon. Contramon glowed as he shouted, "CONTRAMON ARMOR-DIGIVOLVE TO... BLADRAMON, THE EDGE OF STRENGTH!" Bladramon was a long curved blade with the symbol for strength on his handle and eyes and a mouth on top. Everyone stared at newly evolved digimon, as Frank took up a fighting stance. Zeedamon laughed again as he looked at the new digivolution. "So you can armor digivolve, big deal. No matter what you do and no matter how hard you try, I will beat you weak and pathetic losers!" With that said, Zeedamon started to laugh again and Takeo got angry. "We aren't weak; we're stronger than you will ever be! We are united against you, we are going to win, and that is the TRUTH!" Takeo shouted, and while he was talking, the crest of Truth began to glow and so did Myrimon. "MYRIMON DIGIVOLVE TO... MYRIANMON!"


Shouted the newly evolved digimon, Myrianmon was covered from head to toe in red and black samurai armor and was still the same height, but now he had two katannas strapped to his back. Everyone stared at this new digivolution and then at Takeo. "Thanks to you Takeo, I have reached my Ultimate form and will use my powers to crush this evil being." Myrianmon said with a bow to Takeo, turned to Zeedamon, and pulled out his katannas. All the other digimon, tired as they were, were prepared to help the chosen one defeat the Zeedamon. 'I can't believe Takeo digivolved Myrimon to Ultimate on his first day as a Chosen! I've had Contramon for a partner for five years and can't do that! What am I doing wrong?' Frank thought to himself, as Takeo crossed his arms over chest and smiled at Zeedamon. "So do you feel like giving up yet Zeedamon?" Takeo asked, and Zeedamon glared at him, before he started to swing his flaming chain. "I won't lose to you bastards, now die!" Cried the evil bear, as he charged forward and the others prepared to meet him.


"SATURDAY NIGHT CRUSHER!" Zeedamon's attack went straight for Takeo, but GrapLeomon got in front of the flaming chain and blocked it with his forearms. GrapLeomon then used the turbines on his arms to yank the chain out of Zeedamon's grasp and while Zeedamon was stunned, Frank swung Bladramon at the evil bear. "CRESENT WAVE!" Shouted Bladramon, as a crescent shaped energy beam smacked into Zeedamon's chest and sent him flying in the air. Before he could land, Lazulmon used her speed to catch up with him and jumped in the air to intercept him. "So you want to play with me?" Lazulmon asked, as her scimitar began to glow white, "Play with this, LAI STRIKE!" Instead of hitting him with that attack once, Lazulmon did it multiple times and by the time they both landed on the ground, Zeedamon had cuts all over his body and his clothes were ripped to shreds. Lazulmon was about to finish him off, when Zeedamon sprang back up and struck her across the face. The blow sent her to the ground, but Lazulmon never dropped her scimitar. Seeing that his mother was about to be hurt, Myrianmon's katannas glowed white as he swung them in Zeedamon's direction. "ENERGY BLADES!" Myrianmon shouted, and two blades of energy knocked Zeedamon away from Lazulmon.


The other Digimon decided to stay out of the battle and let others handle Zeedamon, but they came to Lazulmon's aid when Zeedamon was hit with Myrianmon's attack. The Greymon carried her away from the battle while the rest of the Champions and three Rookies watched his back. "I can still fight, just let me rest a minute and drink some more water." Lazulmon said weakly, before she once again reverted back to Dust Renamon. "You fought enough for one day elder, let the chosen one and the others take care of this." Said the Ex-Veemon and the Veedramon put in as well. "Besides, you know that the pure water pendant heals you, but takes away strength as well. If you use it any more today you might die." Dust Renamon's protests were cut short when she passed out and all the other digimon sagged to the ground as well.


"I can't believe how useless I was out there, my attacks were no good." The Gekomon said, as he and the others watched the battle. The Dokunemon nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean Gekomon, I tried my hardest, but I couldn't do anything." The metal beetle said, and a couple of the others murmured their agreement. Cacti Palamon stood up and faced them. "I can't believe what I'm hearing; didn't you guys just help take down one of the strongest Ultimates known to digimon kind and didn't we just knock the hell out Zeedamon!?" The plant girl asked, "I mean, we have been fighting all day and by all rights should be dead, but we're still alive. We got this far because we believe in ourselves and don't give up! Just because our attacks aren't powerful when we are alone doesn't mean we aren't a force to be reconed with when were together." All the digimon present began to see what Cacti Palamon was saying, Oasis Village had survived some tough times, but only because the villagers had been untied. "Takeo was right, together we can do anything! I'll be right back, if the others need help, then go help them; V-mon you come with me!" V-mon nodded as Cacti Palamon took off and the Greymon shook his head. "Who would have ever thought that we'd be taking orders from her?" The dinosaur asked, and the Gorillamon asked, "Who would have ever thought that we'd be siding with humans or that Maomon was the digimon of legend?" All the digimon nodded in agreement, as they continued to watch the battle. "Strange day." Said the Centarumon.


Frank, Bladramon, GrapLeomon, and Myrianmon surrounded Zeedamon, while Takeo kept a safe distance away. "It's over Zeedamon, give it up and go home." Myrianmon said, but Frank and Bladramon charged forward. "Like hell he's going home, I'm killing his ass for all the shit he's put me and Bladramon though!" Zeedamon braced himself for Frank and Bladramon's attack. "CRESENT BLADE!" Frank and Bladramon said, as one as Frank brought a glowing Bladramon down on Zeedamon. Zeedamon blocked and Frank countered by kicking Zeedamon in the stomach, the blow staggered the evil bear and GrapLeomon rushed forward and punched Zeedamon in the face with a Turbine Drill Punch. The blow spun Zeedamon around like a top and Myrianmon leapt in the air, sheathed his katanas, and pointed his fists at Zeedamon.


"Everyone back off; LIGHTING BOLT!" Myrianmon shouted, as electricity sparked together and a bolt of lighting shot out from the charge and struck the punk bear throwing up cloud of sand. When the cloud settled, Zeedamon was charred black and twitching in the sand. The four warriors surrounded Zeedamon, just as he was coming to and saw the angry looks on their faces. "Now you die bitch!" Said Bladramon as Frank raised him over head. Zeedamon spied his flaming chain lying on the ground and came up with a plan. Before Frank could strike with Bladramon, something hard and hot knocked over everyone. Zeedamon was laughing and stood up, running back some distance from the four warriors; he had his chain back in his hands. Frank and the others looked at the smoking bear. "You guys didn't know that I could telepathically control my chain, did you?" Zeedamon asked, as the four warriors picked themselves up off the ground and got into fighting stances. "So you can control your chain, big deal asshole; I'm surprised an idiot like you has that many brain cells and all you're doing is stalling, surrender!" Myrianmon said, but once again Zeedamon started to laugh. (A/N: Is just me, or do all the bad guys laugh this much?)


Zeedamon held out a pendent with a black sun pattern on it, GrapLeomon groped at his chest and growled at Zeedamon, who had the pendant's top unscrewed. "Give that back you thief, it doesn't belong to you!" GrapLeomon shouted. Zeedamon grinned evilly at the four warriors, before he tipped it back. "Bottoms up assholes!" Zeedamon drank all the water in the pendent, before anyone could react and Zeedamon began to glow and let out a roar. When he stopped glowing, Zeedamon was fully healed and stronger than ever, his muscles were bulging from under his fur.


"WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT!?" Frank asked excitedly, pointing at the sight of the newly healed Ultimate. "The pure water pendants have different abilities. Both have the ability to heal wounds, but mine gives you an extra boost of strength. Unfortunatly, since he drank all the water he now has the strength of four Ultimates and since he already is an Ultimate, I guess that makes it five." GrapLeomon said and sweat dropped. "Damn it, I don't need this! I don't care how strong he is I'm killing his ass!" Said Frank as he charged the Ultimate, "Don't do it Frank, we need to make a plan! Myrianmon, GrapLeomon, go help him!" Takeo said, as the two Digimon ran to catch up to Frank.


Frank and Zeedamon attacked each other, Frank swung Bladramon and Zeedamon swung his chain. "CRESENT BLADE!", "SATURDAY NIGHT CRUSHER!" The two attacks met, but Zeedamon's was much stronger and then there was the sound of screaming and breaking bones, as Frank and Bladramon went flying. Myrianmon caught Frank and Bladramon before they could hit the ground. Frank and Bladramon were lucky to be alive; since Zeedamon was powered up from the pure water he now had tremendous strength. GrapLeomon moved in to attack Zeedamon, as Myrianmon brought the two injured warriors to Takeo. Myrianmon set Frank and Contramon down, just as Bladramon devolved back to his Rookie form.


"How bad is it Myrianmon?" Takeo asked; as he looked at Frank and Contramon, Frank's shirt was torn and burnt, while his arms looked smashed. Frank was also coughing up blood, as Myrianmon checked them both over before he spoke. "Frank's arms are shattered and his ribs are broken from the impact of their attacks, I'm no healer, but if Frank doesn't get help soon, he'll die. Contramon has it better off than Frank though. Takeo, I want you to take care of Frank and Contramon while my dad and I take care of this guy." Myrianmon said, as Takeo carefully picked up Frank and put Contramon in his pocket. "Takeo, get out of here if I fail." Myrianmon said, as he headed back to battle. "You won't fail Myrianmon, Ah'm here now and Ah believe in you." Takeo said, as he carried the injured warriors back to the waiting Champions and one Rookie.


"Where is Cacti Palamon and V-mon?" Takeo asked, as he set Frank and Contramon down next to Dust Renamon. The other Digimon crowed around the injured teen and Digimon. "They went to go do something, we saw what happened out their and we want to help...but." Takeo put his hand on the Ex-Veemon as he spoke. "You are doing something, your cheering us on and that's all you need to do. How do you think Ah feel, if we were to go out there all we would do is get in the way; but right now, we need to help Frank and Contramon. Com'on, you guys can't die, yer both too dammed stubborn to just up and quit!" Takeo looked down at the injured warriors and the Ex-Veemon put his hand on Takeo's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "But if Myrianmon were to be hurt, then you would rush out there and try to help him, even if you couldn't do anything?" The Ex-Veemon asked, and Takeo looked at the huge blue lizard and smiled with tears in his eyes. "You better believe it. Kick his ass Myrianmon!" Takeo shouted, and the others joined in with him.


Myrianmon and GrapLeomon stood side by side in a fighting stance, waiting for Zeedamon to make a move. While Myrianmon had taken Frank and Contramon to Takeo, GrapLeomon face Zeedamon alone and paid for it. GrapLeomon's armor had dents and cracks from Zeedamon's attacks, now GrapLeomon also had blood running down the side of his face and was breathing heavily. Zeedamon stood in front of them swinging his chain overhead and grinning evilly at them. "So, which one of you wants to die first, or would you rather I kill you both instead?" Zeedamon asked the two warriors, and then Zeedamon came up with an idea. "Better yet, why don't I invite the fox to play with me, she was so much fun and I bet she likes it rough too?" That was all it took to set Myrianmon off, "DON'T EVEN THINK OF TOUCHING HER YOU BASTARD! ENERGY BLADES!" Zeedamon was waiting for this and struck out with his Saturday Night Crusher attack. Zeedamon's attack cancelled out Myrianmon's attack and continued to go after Myrianmon, but the flaming chain missed Myrianmon, when he jumped over it and continued towards Zeedamon. This is what GrapLeomon had been waiting for.


GrapLeomon grabbed the flaming chain with his hands and pulled. Since Zeedamon was so much stronger than the two warriors now, he wasn't really all that worried about what GrapLeomon was trying to do and stood there, holding the chain with one hand while GrapLeomon pulled with all his might. If the arrogant bear had been paying attention, he would have remembered the samurai jaguar descending apon him. "ENERGY BLADES!" The attack hit Zeedamon in the face and the bear howled in pain, as he dropped to his knees and clutched his face. Myrianmon, who had since then landed on the ground, charged in to cut off the evil bears head, but before he could, Zeedamon's fist connected with his armored face. The attack cracked the face guard and even with the protection from it, Myrianmon was still hurt.


Myrianmon went flying and crashed to the ground, as he struggled to get and clear his vision, Myrianmon looked over at the bear and saw that all his Energy Blades had done was put a cross shaped scar on his face. Zeedamon had been faking his injury the whole time and was now making his way over to finish Myrianmon off. Myrianmon could hear Takeo's voice through all the haze, but there was nothing he could do, as Zeedamon stood over him and raised both fists over his head. "Now you die kid." The evil bear said, before he brought his fists down and Myrianmon closed his eyes. There was the sound of someone shouting and Myrianmon opened his eyes in time to see his father tackling Zeedamon from behind and knocking the bear over. GrapLeomon stood protectively over his son as the evil bear got up and spit sand out of his mouth. "You know, you guys are worth more trouble than I thought you'd be." Zeedamon said, before he started to swing his chain again, but the turbines on GrapLeomon's arms and legs started to spin really fast as GrapLeomon charged forward and did a hand stand. The momentum from the turbines caused GrapLeomon to spin like a top and he called out his attack. "TURBINE KICK!" The spinning kick hit Zeedamon in face and threw more sand in his eyes as was he knocked out of his attack and hit the sand once more. Zeedamon wiped the sand out of his eyes again and pulled out his microphone, "MONSTER'S BALLAD!" GrapLeomon barely got out of the way, as a wall of sound shot by him and flattened a nearby hut.


GrapLeomon was beyond tired, having already taken some of the magical water to heal his wounds from the previous fight had made him stronger, but when Zeedamon drank all the water from his pendent, it gave Zeedamon more strength than he could handle and his son was still trying to recover. The proud lion would never give in though; he had to buy enough time for Myrianmon to get back in the fight. Zeedamon continued to fire Monster's Ballad attacks at the armored lion, but Zeedamon kept missing and he wanted to wrap this up so he could bring the crests and digi-eggs to his master. As Zeedamon continued to fire, he noticed that GrapLeomon was eyeing something; Zeedamon turned around and saw that something just happend to be a samurai jaguar trying to get up. Zeedamon turned back around and faced GrapLeomon with a wicked smile on his face. GrapLeomon was already racing past him when Zeedamon put the microphone to his lips and shouted out his attack.


Takeo had the Veedramon use her claws to carefully cut off Frank's trench coat and shirt, which were soiled with Frank's blood. All the digimon gathered around the injured Digidestined and gasped when they saw injuries. Both arms were a mess of mangled limbs, bones were sticking out in every which way, and it looked like Frank would never be able to hold much less use his arms and hands again. That is, if they weren't amputated first. And Frank also had burn marks on his chest and his ribs were broken and out of place as well. As Takeo and the other digimon mulled over what to do, Frank woke up with a groan. "What the hell happened to me? Where's Contramon and why do I feel like pile of shit?" Frank wheezed out, as he slowly and painfully tried to sit up, but was gently held in place by the Ex-Veemon. "Contramon is safe right beside you young warrior, you need to regain your strength." The word strength snapped Frank back to reality.


"That's right; me and Contramon were going to kick that Zeedamon's ass, when we got hit with a really powerful attack and RRRRRAAARGH!!!" Frank screamed, as he looked at his sides and saw the blood and bones sticking out of his arms and chest. Frank screamed again, as a brand new kind of pain kicked in; Frank could not feel his fingers, hands, or arms, just pain and his chest was on fire. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPEND TO ME TAKEO!" Frank demanded, as he tried to reach for the Japanese boy, but couldn't because the Ex-Veemon was holding him to the ground and he had two shattered arms. Takeo sighed as he told Frank everything that had happend to him and Contramon.


"No way, no FUCKING WAY I'M GOING OUT LIKE THIS!!!" Frank roared, and then he began to cough up blood. "You need to save your strength young warrior that was a very foolish move you did charging Zeedamon like that; you're lucky to be alive and even more surprising conscious." Said the Ex-Veemon, as he continued to keep Frank still, and as he lay his head back down on the sand, Frank turned his head to the left so that he could look at his partner. Contramon was cracked in places, but in way better shape than Frank.


Strength was all Frank had ever needed to survive, time and again he and Contramon had faced unbeatable odds and survived, even though Contramon could just digivolve to Champion. But then Frank got a hold of a D-Chronicle digivice and it gave Frank and Contramon the ability to change modes depending on what type of digi-egg Frank had in his possession, but Frank had to be at full strength. If he were, Frank would have torn Zeedamon a new one, but it would help if could digivolve Contramon to Ultimate. But Frank couldn't and now he was going to die and Contramon with him.


Frank sighed and winced from the movement, it hurt to breathe, it hurt move, and it hurt to think. `I hope the healer gets her ass here soon.' Frank thought to himself, and then turned his head the other way and looked at the sleeping brown fox. Frank watched her for a moment, before he spied the pendent around her neck, and smiled. `Maybe the healer is already here?' "Takeo, give me the water out of Dust Renamon's pendent! It can heal my wounds and Contramon's, so we can get back out there and kick the bear's ass!" Frank said excitedly, as Takeo nodded, got up, and hurried over to Dust Renamon's prone form and tried to get the pendent, but the Veedramon got in Takeo's way.


"HEY WHAT THE HELL IS THE BIG IDEA!? IF I DON'T GET THE WATER I'LL DIE!!!" Frank shouted, as he coughed up more blood. "The magical water was not meant to be used by humans." Said the Ex-Veemon; "You may die if you drink it Frank and even if you do survive, what about side effects?" Asked the Veedramon in front of Takeo, "If I don't get help I will fuckin die, so what do I got to lose?" Frank asked, and Takeo nodded in agreement. "Ah think Frank can handle it Veedramon!" Said Takeo, as he waited for the big blue lizard to move, then they all heard Zeedamon call out his attack and watched GrapLeomon scream in pain as he was hit. The attack was meant to be for Myrianmon, but GrapLeomon got in the way just in time. Now Zeedamon was laughing again, just as Myrianmon was getting up. Takeo quickly darted around Veedramon and took Dust Renamon's pendent. He ran back to the injured warriors, unscrewed the cap, and gave some to Contramon and then, just a little to Frank. `Please let this work kami.' Takeo prayed, just as the cracks on Contramon healed instantly, but Frank remained motionless.


Then Frank's mangled body began to heal, the bones went back in place and Frank looked stronger than ever. "IT WORKED!" Takeo shouted and he hugged Veedramon. Frank sighed and laid there enjoying the feeling of no pain. "What the hell happend to me?" Moaned Contramon, as he sat up and looked at everyone. Frank was about to say something, when he moaned and started to thrash on the ground. "FRANK, WHAT'S WRONG!? WHAT'S HAPPEING TO HIM!?" Contramon asked excitedly, as he went to go help his friend, but then Contramon began to moan and thrash as well. "I told you he couldn't handle the water, now they both may die!" The Ex-Veemon said, while he held down the thrashing boy; the Veedramon held on to Contramon, while Takeo watched helplessly. Before Takeo could say anything, Frank actually pushed the Ex-Veemon off of him and Contramon broke free from Veedramon.


Frank unsteadily got to his feet, picked up Contramon and, both began to glow in a white light. Takeo and the others watched in awe as Frank and Contramon headed back towards the battle field. "I guess the human could handle the water." Said the Gekomon, and everyone just nodded dumbly. So guys, what's been going on?" Cacti Palamon asked, and everyone turned around to see Cacti Palamon, Veemon, the entire village behind them. "What's going on Veemon, why is everyone here?" Demanded the Ex-Veemon, and Veemon stood his ground. "We brought everyone here so that they could see what's going on. If we give the Chosen one our support then there is no way he can lose!" A lot of the villagers nodded in agreement. While they were doing that, the Swanmon nurse went to check on the injured Elder and the others. "Are all of you all right? Did anyone besides the Elder get hurt?" The healer asked, and Takeo filled her in on what was happening.


"YOU GAVE A HUMAN SOME OF THE MAGIC WATER!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE, DON'T YOU KNOW THAT IT MIGHT KILL HIM!?" The Swanmon roared, rather than ask. "Don't you think Ah thought of that? But we didn't have much of a choice; if they fail then Zeedamon is going to kill us all. Besides, Frank is actually going to live, so Ah suggest you tend to Dust Renamon and cheer for us, because we need all the help we can get!" Snapped Takeo, and the healer looked at the human boy before she silently went to take care of the Elder. 'I hope that we win human. I may not like you all that much, but I believe in you and the Chosen One." The Swanmon thought to herself.


Everyone watched Frank, as he took a few more steps forward and stopped. Frank was still glowing, as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his D-Chronicle digivice. "DIGTAL ACCSESS, STYLE CHANGE, GUN GRAVE MODE!" Frank shouted, as the glow grew brighter, Frank and Contramon were surrounded by digital code and Frank's body was once again fully clothed, but his outfit was different. Frank was now wearing black pants, a white buttoned long sleeved shirt, a black trench coat with a cross symbol on the back with white padding around where Frank's biceps would be, black shoes, black sunglasses, and a black wide brimmed hat. Contramon was glowing as well, "CONTRAMON, SPLIT DIGIVOULVE TO… COFFINMON,"


Coffinmon, a grey metal coffin with eyes and a mouth, attached himself to Frank's back, and a pair of chains wrapped around the white padding on Frank's trench coat. But Coffinmon was not through with his digivolution. A compartment in Coffinmon opened up and Frank reached in behind his back, as a pair of long black pistols came out of the compartment; Frank spun the guns around before he let his hands rest at his sides. "AND CERBEROSMON!" Contramon's other digivolution finished, Ceberosmon is a pair of huge twin guns with eyes and mouths, one has a long red cross stretching from end to end, while the other gun has a grey one. "Ah cain't believe it? Frank just turned into Death: Beyond the Grave, cool!" Takeo exclaimed, as Frank continued to walk towards the battle. "It feels weird seeing in three." All of the weapons said as one, "Deal with it, its time to show Zeedamon why we rock!" Frank said with a grin, and then all four of them said together, "LET'S THEIR ASS!"


Myrianmon watched as his father took a blow that was meant for him. The force of the blow cracked some more of GrapLeomon's armor, as he was knocked out and devolved back into his Rookie form of Elecmon. Zeedamon was going to finish Elecmon off with another Monster's Ballad, but before he could Myrianmon found new strength and got to his feet. Myrianmon then quickly charged up his katanas and threw out some Energy Blades. The blades of energy hit the speaker on Zeedamon's microphone and the attack backfire on him. The attack hit Zeedamon full force and blew him back while he screamed and clutched his ears. Finally, they had hurt him. Myrianmon ran over to his father, but felt something hot wrap around one of his ankles. Myrianmon was then dragged to the ground and dropped both his katanas.


Myrianmon didn't need to turn around to know that Zeedamon had already gotten up and was dragging him with his chain. "I'm sick of this; I'm killing you quickly so I can wrap this job up and go home!" Said a very angry Zeedamon, his pompadour was blown backwards and his nose was bleeding from the force of his sonic attack. Myrianmon grabbed the chain in both of his hands and concentrated all of his energy into an attack. Myrianmon's hands began to glow white as he shouted, "LIGTHING BOLT!" The attack used Zeedamon's chain as a conductor and the light bolt struck Zeedamon, but he refused to let go. So Myrianmon continued to fire off Lighting Bolts and prayed that they were doing so kind of damage to the evil bear. Suddenly the evil bear roared with all his might and yanked the chain upwards. Myrianmon was thrown into the air and then slammed down repeatedly. The blows took their toll on the samurai jaguar and his body stopped responding. Myrianmon could hear Takeo in the background as well as the others telling him to get up.


All of a sudden a large shadow loomed over head and Myrianmon looked up at the burnt bear. Zeedamon lifted Myrianmon up by his throat and began to squeeze with one hand and pummel his face with the other, Myrianmon struggled for breath and tried to kick Zeedamon, but his legs wouldn't work. Luckly, Myrianmon's mask was protecting him some, but not much and the blows hurt like hell. Myrianmon wanted to give up, but he finally found his partner after so long and was finally able to digivolve, all thanks to Takeo. The punches stoped coming and Zeedamon relaxed his grip on Myrianmon's throat a bit. "This is where you die kid and after I'm through with you, I'm killing everybody else, but your mother; the two of us are going to have such a good time." Zeedamon said, while laughing at Myrianmon. Myrianmon got mad, Myrianmon now had the power to protect those he loved, now it was time to prove that he could. 'Please let this work Baihumon.' Thought Myrianmon, as he shoved one of his hands in Zeedamon's mouth and latched on to his tongue.


"LIGHTING BOLT!" Myrianmon's attack must have hurt Zeedamon real bad, because Zeedamon shook violently and let a strangled scream, and he dropped Myrianmon on the ground, before he fell over as well. Smoke was coming out of Zeedamon's mouth. "Showed you, you bastard." Myrianmon said with a grin, before he devolved back into Jagmon and lost conscioness. Takeo ran past Frank as he stalked towards the fallen bear, neither combatants had notice Frank in Gun Grave mode while they fought. "Guess they don't need out help after all, but we can still take out Smokey the Bear though!" Frank said with a laugh, as he twirled Ceberosmon.


"Jagmon, Please be all right!" Takeo shouted, as he kneeled down by his partner and put his head in his lap. Jagmon's breathing was shallow, but he would survive. As Takeo was looking after Jagmon, Zeedamon woke up and let out a howl of rage and pain. Takeo turned around in time to see Zeedamon's face, it was covered in burns, blood was coming out of his mouth, and his eyes were red with anger. Blood continued to pour from Zeedamon's mouth, as he spied Takeo and Jagmon and slowly to his feet. Takeo tried to drag Jagmon away, but he was too heavy and Zeedamon was stalking forward; Takeo heard the other villagers, but they wouldn't make it in time. Zeedamon wrapped his flaming chain around one of his fists and raised it over his head as he stared down at Takeo. "Well buddy, Ah guess this is it." Takeo said, before he closed his eyes and waited for the death blow to come; it never came, because Takeo heard Frank shout, "COFFIN BLOW!"


Takeo opened his eyes in time to see Coffinmon slam into Zeedamon's face, knocking the evil Ultimate away, as Frank and his trio of weapons landed in front of him and Jagmon. Frank put Coffinmon on his back, as he wrapped Coffinmon's chains around his arms again. "You got here just in time, why didn't you just come over earlier?" Takeo asked Frank, who continued to stare at Zeedamon. "I didn't think I would be needed and Jagmon did mess up Zeedamon, I was going to come over here and finish him off. But I guess we can play some more!" Frank said eagerly, as he pulled Ceberosmon out of his holsters and pointed them at Zeedamon. Zeedamon got back up and growled at Frank. "I'm tired of this; I think I'll kill you now." Zeedamon rasped out and Frank laughed, "I'm surprised you still have a voice, especially after Jagmon nearly roasted you in your juices!" Frank said laughing more and Ceberosmon put in, "Hey Takeo, have Jagmon wash his hands after he wakes up." Takeo laughed at the pistols joke and Zeedamon growled more and tightened the grip on his chain. "Your one tough bastard Malick, I thought I killed you with that last attack." Zeedamon said, and Frank held up Dust Renamon's pendent, while the shock finally took effect on Zeedamon. "Monkey see, monkey do, Takeo give some of this Jagmon and I'll take care of Smoky the Bear, tell the rest of the Digimon to stay out of this." Frank said, while throwing the pendent to Takeo and charging Zeedamon.


Zeedamon was ready for this and threw out his chain, but Frank leapt over it, struck out with Coffinmon, and bashed Zeedamon across the face again, knocking the Ultimate painfully to the ground. This made Zeedamon angry and he lashed out against Frank and the trio of weapons, but they dogged blows and Frank pulled Ceberosmon's triggers. "OVERDOSE SHOTS!" Ceberosmon said, and fired flaming bullets at Zeedamon, striking him all over his body; Zeedamon howled in pain, as he charged forward and hit Frank with his flaming chain, but Frank could take more damage in this mode and struck Zeedamon in the face with Coffinmon again. Zeedamon rose to his feet again, and charged. Frank quickly holstered Ceberosmon, slung Coffinmon over his shoulder like a rocket launcher. "Eat this! DEATH BLOW!" Frank and Coffinmon said together, as a rocket bomb flew out of Coffinmon's mouth and right into a surprised Zeedamon.


There was an explosion, and Zeedamon went flying before he hit the ground. "I hope he like how that tasted!" Contramon said, and Frank patted his side, "That was pretty cool and- I can't believe this asshole is still alive!" Frank shouted, as a very bloody, very dirty Zeedamon got up and charged them again. "Well I guess Zeedamon is still hungry for more asswup!" Frank said with a grin, as he pulled Coffinmon's trigger, but nothing came out. "I'm out of ammo Frank." Coffinmon told him, "What about all the other hidden wepons you have inside you?" Frank asked Coffinmon, "I can't access them right now, sorry" The coffin said, so Frank pulled out Ceberosmon and pointed them at Zeedamon. "Well ain't this the mother of all bitches! I wanted to finish him off with heavy fire power, but I guess we'll have to settle for semi-heavy fire power!" Frank said with a grin, as he charged into Zeedamon.


While Frank and Zeedamon were fighting, some of the villagers went and got Elecmon while Takeo gave some of the magic water to Jagmon. Jagmon's wounds began to heal and he slowly sat up. "What is happening Takeo?" Jagmon asked, and Takeo filled him in; the other digimon brought Elecmon to Takeo and he gave some of the water to Elecmon. The Swanmon came over to check on Jagmon and Elecmon, while the fighting continued. 'All this fighting for the crests and digi-eggs, was all this blood shed really necessary?' She asked herself, while she checked them over. 'And look at these humans; even though they could be killed they continue to fight. Jagmon couldn't even digivolve, much less help anyone, but in one day he's managed to reach Ultimate. Can humans really bring out the full potential of us digimon?' Swanmon's musings were cut short, as Frank Coffinmon, and Ceberosmon screamed out in pain.


Zeedamon had managed to get a lucky blow in and knocked trio of warriors into a tree. The blow snapped the tree in half, causing Coffinmon and Ceberosmon to devolved back into Contramon. Frank groaned while he picked himself and Contramon up. Takeo and Jagmon ran over to there fallen comrades and stood between them and Zeedamon. "You just don't know when to quit do you?" Asked a bloody Zeedamon, as he started to swing his chain, "We aren't afraid of you, together we can beat you!" Takeo said, and soon all the other villagers were telling the four to not give up. Zeedamon laughed a wheezing laugh, "I'll finish this now and go on my way, SATURDAY NIGHT CRUSHER!" Zeedamon threw his chain at the four warriors, but they all scattered and Jagmon rushed Zeedamon and began to hit him with Lighting Hands, while Frank shot Zeedamon with Contramon. Zeedamon was hurt by the attacks, but continued to strike and hit Jagmon and Frank with a sweeping strike of his chain and sent them flying.


Jagmon and Frank were still awake, but hurt; Zeedamon took this opportunity to attack Takeo, but was stopped by Greymon. "We won't let you win, this is our village and you've caused enough harm! Takeo, go check on Jagmon and Frank, we'll take care of Zeedamon!" The Greymon told Takeo, as he continued to struggle with Zeedamon. Takeo complied and went to go help his partner. "GET OFFA ME!" Zeedamon roared, before he slapped the large dinosaur away, but soon found himself facing all the other villagers. While Zeedamon was fighting the other villagers, a Nabe Coramon hopped over to Frank, who was rubbing his sore ribs. "Com'on get up, you have to keep fighting we believe in you!" The little In-training Digimon told Frank, "If I could just get Contramon to Ultimate, we could've wrapped this up a long time ago. Damn that hurt like hell" Frank said, as he winced in pain and the little Digimon hopped angrily in front of him. "You can do it, I know you can! All you have to do is look for the strength in you!" The Digimon said incourageing him. Frank was never one to back down from a fight, but this was the first time anyone had every tried to help him, or cheer him on.


It gave him a strength he never thought possible and Frank's crest of power began to glow. "The strength within, the power to keep fighting even when I have nothing left." Frank whispered to himself, "What are you talking about Frank?" Contramon asked his partner, "Don't worry about it buddy and thanks for all your help little guy, I mean it." Frank told the two Digimon, as a familiar voice shouted, "MONSTER'S BALLAD!" Several Digimon were blown away screaming in pain, as Zeedamon's sonic attack hit them. The evil bear laughed and raised his arms in victory; surprisingly, none of the Digimon died in the attack, yet. Frank stood up and ran over to Takeo and Jagmon. "You two okay?" Frank asked, as he offered his hand to Jagmon. "We're fine, but what can we do." Takeo asked and, Frank said to him. "Takeo, I think its time you try out your digi-egg."


Zeedamon turned to them and started to walk forward, his microphone in one hand and chain in the other. "You four have caused me more trouble than I can remember; I'm going to kill you and all the other villagers off, with the exception of Dust Renamon of course!" Zeedamon said with a grin, earning a glare from Jagmon. Frank began to smile, making Zeedamon frown. "Zeedamon, no matter how many times you beat me, cut me, or break my bones; I'll still kick your ass! I have the strength within myself to beat all odds, which is my true strength!" Frank said to Zeedamon, as his crest began to glow. "You are a tough bastard Malick, all the good it will do now." Zeedamon said, as he began to swing his chain; Frank began to smile more, as did his crest. "If you think I'm strong now Zeedamon, then I think its time for you to see what happens when people work together and combine their strength. Digivolve Contramon!" Frank shouted and his partner began to glow.


"DIGI-ARMOR ENERGIZE!" Shouted Takeo, and his digi-egg combined with Jagmon. "JAGMON, ARMOR-DIGVOLVE TO...MIRRORMON, THE SHIELD OF TRUTH!", "CONTRAMON DIGIVOLVE TO...SHOTGUNMON! SHOTGUNMON DIGIVOLVE TO...BAZOOKAMON!" Everyone looked in awe at the two digimon, both Frank and Bazookamon's wounds were healed and no one had every seen digivolutions like this before. Bazookamon was a solid Chrome Digizoid bazooka, with gatling guns for arms, two solar panels on his back, eyes, and very foul mouth. Mirrormon looked like a floating silver shield, with a face that was also a mirror. "Ah really do look like Vash the Stamped!" Takeo exclaimed, as he looked at his reflection in Mirrormon. "Please, so all I'm doing is fighting another Champion and Ultimate. Bring it on!" Zeedamon shouted as he brandished his chain and microphone in front of him.


"Takeo, help me fight him." Mirrormon said and Takeo slipped Mirrormon over his right arm; Takeo grinned and put on his orange sunglasses. "Really, Ah don't need mah crest to tell that you ain't tellin the truth. Ah told you that you couldn't beat us and now we're gonna prove it to you." Said Takeo, as he held Mirrormon in front of himself. Frank pointed Bazookamon at Zeedamon. "Now I'm gonna kick your ass you Smoky the Bear reject!" Bazookamon shouted, and Frank pulled his trigger, while Takeo and Mirrormon charged Zeedamon, and the rest of the villagers cheered them on.


"GATTLING GUNNER!" Bazookamon shouted, while fired thousands of bullets at Zeedamon from his gattling gun arms, but Zeedamon deflected them all with his chain; using it like a nunchuk. Mirrormon ran at the Ultimate digimon and Zeedamon tried punching him, but Mirrormon shouted, "MIRRIOR MOVE!" Just before Zeedamon could hit them, Mirrormon and Takeo split into two, confusing the evil bear. Frank was waiting for an opening and pulled Bazookamon's trigger, "ENERGY CRUSHER!" Frank and Bazookamon shouted, as a large beam of energy erupted from Bazookamon's mouth. Zeedamon had enough sense to dodge the attack, which barley missed him and destroyed some nearby huts.


"What's wrong Zeedamon, I thought you could take a hit?" Taunted Frank and Bazookamon laughed. Mirrormon and Takeo had since then became one again and rejoined the others. Zeedamon grew angry at them and threw his chain at them. "SATURDAY NIGHT OPTION!" The links on the flaming chain separated and flew straight at the four warriors. "You think where scared of that Zeedamon, think again." Frank said, as he pushed a button on Bazookamon. "POLAR SHEILDING!" Bazookamon shouted, and his solar panels began to glow. The chain links stopped mid-air in front of them before they hurtled back at a stunned Zeedamon. The links painfully hit Zeedamon all over his body, as he tried to block them. "What do you think of my\magnetic personality Zeedamon?" Asked Bazookamon, who started to laugh. Zeedamon pulled out another microphone after he got his chain links back under control; his body, already full of bloody holes was now a mess of welts and bruises.


"Try to block this, MONSTER'S BALLAD!" Zeedamon shouted, and as the shock wave attack barreled down on the three, but Takeo and Mirrormon got in front of the others and Taeko held out his living shield. Another shield appeared behind Zeedamon. "REFLECT BOUNDER!" Mirrormon shouted, and Zeedamon's attack hit him from both ends. Zeedamon collapsed to the ground, screaming and held his paws over his ears. Frank got an idea from this. "Hey Mirrormon, can you make a whole bunch of those and control the direction of the reflected attacks?" Frank asked, and the mirror man smiled, as he got what Frank was getting at. "REFLECT BOUNDER!" Mirrormon shouted, as he began to glow and Takeo held him in front of Zeedamon, who was once again getting up. "What are you guys up too?" Takeo asked, as dozens of mirror shields began to form a dome around Zeedamon. Takeo got the idea, then turned around and pointed Mirrormon at Frank and Bazookamon.


"ENERGY CRUSHER!" Frank and Bazookamon shouted, as the energy beam was absorbed into Mirrormon; Takeo held on to Mirrormon for dear life. Zeedamon screamed in agony as he was bombarded by dozens of energy blast with no where to go. The energy continued to grow and grow as Bazookamon poured everything into it and suddenly, the mirror dome which housed Zeedamon exploded into thousands of shards. Bazookamon used the last of his energy to form one more Polar Shielding, before the shards could hit anybody. Bazookamon devolved back into Contramon, as the dust was clearing from the combined attack. All the villagers watched in silence, as the dust finally cleared and gasped in horror. Zeedamon was still alive, black as night but still alive; he had taken up a defense position when he was hit with the attack. "WHY WON'T YOU FUCKIN DIE!?" Roared Frank, as Zeedamon, slowly took a few steps forward, before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell forward to the ground, deleting. At first there was silence, but then all the villagers let out a roar of triumph as they ran to congradulate the four heroes.


"Words cannot describe debt of gratitude that we owe you all. We were wrong about you humans and from now on we will always welcome them." Said the Elecmon elder, he was healed and all, but still needed bandages. "It was nothing; I just wanted to get even with that fat bastard for stealing my crest and digi-egg." Frank said, and Contramon nodded in agreement. "I for one am glad this is all over, had we not been so untrusting things might have gone smoother." Said Dust Renamon, she also had needed bandages and her right arm was bound in a sling. "Don't worry about it. The main thing is that we stopped Zeedamon from wiping us out." Takeo said, as he surved the damage. "It's too bad we couldn't stop them from messing up your village though." Contramon said, while looking around. Dust Renamon, Elecmon, and Jagmon laughed at his comment. "Don't worry about that, Oasis Village has survived its fare share of hard times, and will do so again." Said the Elecmon and his wife nodded in agreement. "Besides, we the Digimon make up the village, not the buildings and the water is fine so there is no need to worry about that." Dust Renamon said, with a dismissive wave. Indeed, repairs were already underway and those that were injured returned to the safe house.


"Dad, I'm really sorry for saying that I was going to leave you guys, I was just mad and-" Before he could finish, Elecmon held up his hand. "You were right about us son, and I want you to go with Takeo wherever he goes and protect him. This far from over and as the Digimon of Truth it will be your duty to seek out and help those in need. Make the village proud and show us the way." Elecmon said, and Jagmon bowed respectfully to his father and mother. "I won't let you down; I promise to visit when ever I can." Jagmon said, as Cacti Palamon and Veemon ran up to the group. "Elders, here are the items you requested." Cacti Palamon said, and handed two pouches to the Elders. Dust Renamon called everyone over to where they were, and addressed the crowd.


"Today we almost faced total destruction because we let hatred dictate how we live. But four people showed us that we could be stronger if we work together and learn not to judge others because of the actions of one. So my husband and I have decided that all are welcome in Oasis Village, and that Frank, Takeo, and Contramon are now members of our tribe." Dust Renamon said and the whole village cheered. "As a token of our appreciation, we have gifts for Frank and Takeo; please step forward and kneel." Elecmon said, and the two humans complied. "For helping me to find the truth and helping my son to digivolve, I present to you Takeo this pendent of Pure Water." All the villagers gasped in wonder at the gift and Takeo just stared at the Elecmon as he slipped it over his head. "For helping to defeat Zeedamon and saving me from the Dokugumon, I present you Frank Malick with this pendent of Pure Water." Dust Renamon said, as she slipped it over his head with her good arm and gave him a peck on the cheek. Frank blushed at the gesture. "Don't get jealous Elecmon." Contramon joked, and everyone got a laugh out of that. "Arise Digidestined; you are now members of Oasis Village!" Elecmon shouted, and the whole village let out a cheer.


It was getting pretty late, the sun had almost set in the Digital World and the two Digidestined needed to get home. "Hey Frank, how do Ah get back home to Japan?" Takeo asked, and Frank replied. "Just go back to the TV you came out of, point your digivice at it, and say Digi-Port Open!" Takeo didn't remember seeing a TV when he fell in the sand, so he asked Jagmon. "Hey Jagmon, did you see me come out of a TV?" Jagmon looked confused and shook his head no. "I did see you come out of a strange looking glass box though." Contramon, Frank, Takeo sweat dropped, "That is a TV, you idiot!" Snapped Contramon, both Takeo and Frank laughed at Jagmon's confusion. "Man, it's going to take me days to get back to my TV and I don't have many vacation days left." Frank thought out loud, but Jagmon came up with an idea.


"You know, as Mirrormon I can travel between dimensional planes and teleport you to your TV." Frank and Contramon brightened at thee notion, "Well then, let's get moving.' Frank said, but before they could leave though, Veemon and Cacti Palamon stopped them. "I'm gonna get as strong as you one day Jagmon, and then I'm gonna find me a human partner!" Exclaimed the Veemon as he gave Jagmon a thumbs up. Jagmon did the same. Cacti Palamon held out her hand to Takeo, "I was wrong about you humans, I thought you were monsters, but I was wrong and I'm sorry." The cactus girl said, and Takeo smiled, before shaking her hand. "Think nothing of it Cacti Palamon!" Takeo said, and Cacti Palamon motioned for him to lean forward; when he did, she whispered into his ear, "If anything bad happens to Jagmon, I swear to Baihumon that I will hunt you down and kill you." Takeo laughed and sweat dropped really bad. Cacti Palamon looked up at the tall cat and he at her.


"So, I guess I'll be seeing you around Cacti Palamon, I promise to come back and visit." Jagmon said, breaking the awkward silence between them. Cacti Palamon crossed her arms over her chest and looked away from him. "Don't do anything stupid and get yourself killed, you're not as strong as you think you are." Cacti Palamon said, before motioning for Jagmon to bend forward, so she could say something in private. When he was at her level, Cacti Palamon quickly turned around, closed her eyes, and pressed her lips to his. Jagmon froze in shock, before he closed his eyes too. To him it seemed like an eternity, before she broke the kiss and ran off, her green cheeks a deep red. Jagmon stood up and signed, then remembered where he was and blushed as well.


Everyone around him laughed and Takeo clapped him on the shoulder. "Well now, can't you all feel the love in the air?" Takeo asked, before he started to laugh again; this time putting his left fist on his hip and crossing two of his fingers over on his right hand. "THIS DIGIWORLD IS MADE OF... LOVE AND PEACE! LOVE AND PEACE! LOVE AND PEACE!" Jagmon tapped Takeo on the shoulder and stopped his chant. "Actually, the Digital World is made of Zeros and Ones Takeo." Jagmon corrected him, but Takeo ignored him saying, "Ah'm on a role here Jagmon, so get with the flow and join me!" Jagmon shrugged his shoulders and complied. First the In-training joined in the chant and soon the whole village was chanting the mantra as well, except for Contramon and Frank. Frank was busy keeping Contramon from shooting Takeo by putting his index finger behind Contramon's trigger and Contramon was arguing that he could get away with justifiable homicide.


"DIGI-ARMOR ENERGIZE!" Takeo shouted, while pointing his glowing digivice at Jagmon. The digi-egg fused with Jagmon. "JAGMON ARMOR-DIGIVOLVE TO...MIRRORMON, THE SHEILD OF TRUTH!" The mirror man shouted, and floated next to Takeo, Frank, and Contramon. All the villagers waved goodbye as Mirrormon made another shield, which grew to the size of a person. The four warriors turned and waved before stepping into the mirror. The mirror closed in on itself and dissapered. 'So the legend was true, the chosen one did unite the village under the banner of Truth and would use the power of Strength to save the village. But I wonder who this new Digimon Emperor that sentZeedamon is, and will they go after Jagmon and the others?' Thought the Swanmon healer, as she continued to treat the wounded Digimon; "Where ever you go, please know that my prayers are with you all." Inside of the mirror, Mirrormon and the others where staring at blank mirrors.


"So what do I have to do Mirrormon?" Asked Frank, as he and the others continued to look around. "Simple, just think of the TV that you and Contramon came out of and I'll do the rest." Answered Mirrormon, Frank closed his eyes and concentrated on the TV. When he opened his eyes, Frank and the others were standing in a forest, and on the forest floor was the TV he and Contramon came out of. "Thanks Mirrormon, I owe you guys one. If you're ever in Chicago look me and Contramon up." Frank said, while taking out his digivice and pointing at the TV. "Wait a minute Frank, you said there were others like us, how do Ah get in contact with them?" Takeo asked, and Frank thought for a moment, before smacking one of his hands to his forehead. "I completely forgot to give you the website that we use." Frank said, as he took out a note pad and a pen. "WWW.Digi-Chat.ORG, Izzy acts as the webmaster and is a punk; he is also a Japanese Digidestined." Frank wrote and answered, before he tore off the paper and handed it to Takeo.


"Ah wonder why the others didn't come by if they have digimon as well?" Takeo asked, and Frank shrugged. "Probably because their a bunch of punk ass bitches." Contramon answered and Frank laughed at that remark. "Your right about that Contramon, but Takeo here ain't half bad for a Jap though." Frank said, and Takeo nervously scrated the back of his head, biting down the Cracker remark he was about to say to Frank. "Well you ain't half bad yourself Frank, you and Contramon can kick some serious ass!" Takeo comented and Frank thought for a moment and dug something out of his pocket, before stopping. 'Naw, I'd better wait a little more before I decide to give this to him.' Frank thought to himself, Mirrormon saw that Frank was thinking about something and asked what was wrong. "Not a thing, well it's been nice kicking ass and all, but we're hungry and in serious need of showers." Frank said, before putting Contramon back in his holster and turning back to the TV.


"Wait a minute Frank," Takeo said, stopping Frank and irritating him. "What is it Takeo?" Frank asked wearily, Takeo sensed Frank's annoyance and kept it short. "Ah doubt that this was some random act and we just met out of pure luck. Do you think the real Digimon Emperor had anything to do with this?" This made Mirrormon tense and Frank think. "What do you know about the Digimon Emperor Takeo?" Frank asked, but Mirrormon answered. "The Digimon Emperor was the reason the villagers didn't want outsiders. He enslaved us and killed many, but he went away. He was also the reason I could not digivolve." Frank thought hard about this, he had a run in with the Digimon Emperor about two years ago, but heard that he was defeated. Could he have returned?


"I doubt it very seriously Mirrormon, he was taken out awhile back, so I think some other big shot is doing this. There are plenty of crests and digi-eggs, so I think the guy will try again. When you guys get online tell the others about what happend and be on the look out." Frank said, before pointing his digivice at the TV and shouting. "See you guys later, Digi-Port Open!" The TV screen flashed and Frank and Contramon were gone. Takeo turned to Mirror and said, "Let's go home." Mirrormon nodded and both of them stepped through Mirrormon's portal. When they got to where Takeo had fallen, it was already dark and past time for Takeo to be home. Takeo and Jagmon stood in front of the TV sticking out of the sand. "Well buddy, here we go, Digi-Port Open!" Takeo shouted, while pointing his digivice at the TV. There was a flash and the two where falling through a tunnel of light; all too soon the ride ended and Takeo found himself on the floor of the computer room with Jagmon on top of him. Jagmon got off and picked Takeo up. "Thanks buddy, we need to get out of here. Ah know Jagmon lets use this window!" Takeo said, and opened the window. Jagmon jumped out first and silently landed on the ground, and then he caught Takeo in his arms. "Thanks again buddy, Ah need to get home, but first Ah need to make a stop." Jagmon picked Takeo up and ran in the direction that Takeo pointed.


Back in Chicago, Frank and Contramon were inside of Frank's room. Frank got out of his clothes and took a very long deserved shower, before going to bed. When he got there, Contramon was already sawing logs in his holster on Frank's bed. Frank thought about yesterday's events. He and Contramon tracked down the evil bear and his gang and kicked their asses. Frank saved the lives of many a digimon. Frank blushed and rubbed his cheek where Dust Renamon had kissed him, it felt kind of nice. The most shocking thing was that Frank met a kid who could digivolve his partner to Ultimate on his first day as a Digidestined and found his crest and digi-egg on the same day. The new guy also saved his life and called him his friend, as long as Frank could remember no one had ever really called him a friend. All the kids at school avoided him, because he drew pictures of people getting killed and he talked to a gun. The kids on the Digimon web site said all kinds of things about Frank, but Frank knew they were just messing with him and dismissed it.


But at least Frank was finally able to digivolve Contramon to Ultimate and he did get a chance to use his Style changed ability, so it was all good. Frank felt incredibly tired and looked at the clock on his dresser, good lord it was 3:54 in the morning American time. He could probably get about 3 hours of sleep, before school and a few more before work. As soon as Frank's head hit the pillow he was out like a light.


Takeo opened the door to his house and stepped inside. "Ah'm home!" He shouted and his mother, father, and sister came into the living room already dressed for bed. Takeo looked just like his father, but taller and with way more hair. The older man looked pissed; Takeo's mother on the other hand was worried sick and looked near to tears. Takeo's sister, who looked like a younger version of their mother and the same green eyes, hair color, and length of Takeo, looked bored. "Boy, you'd better have a damn good explanation to why your home so late." Takeo's father said, while Takeo looked back at them before stepping into the house and moving away from the door. "Jagmon, could you come here?" Asked Takeo and Takeo's family looked puzzled. Then a six foot tall humanoid jaguar entered the house with a grocery bag in his hand. "What is it Takeo? Oh, you all must be Takeo's family. My name is Jagmon and it's a pleasure to meet you all." Jagmon said, with a bow. Takeo took this opportunity to close the door. Jagmon looked at the stunned humans, before turning to Takeo. "Are they going to be okay Takeo?" Jagmon asked the grinning boy, "Just give them a moment buddy." Takeo replied. Takeo's mother fainted, his sister screamed, and his father went to get his gun.


Things settled down in Takeo's house, after he told everyone what happend. His family accepted Maomon, who had devolved back to his In-training form and Takeo's mother prepared them something to eat. Takeo's mother, father, and sister bombarded them with more questions while they ate and the two answered between bites. After dinner, Takeo and Maomon got ready for bed, having washed up and all; Maomon jumped up and down on Takeo's bed. "Wow, this is great Takeo! I never slept on anything this soft before!" Maomon said excitedly, and Takeo laughed. "Get used to it, there is so much Ah want to show you and this was only the first day." Maomon grinned and settled down as Takeo got under the covers. "I can't wait Takeo." With a smile, Takeo clapped his hands and the lights to his room clicked off.


"Hey Takeo, thanks for helping me and the village out, I really thought we weren't going to make it." Maomon said quietly, Takeo stared into the darkness as Maomon snuggled next to him. Takeo scratched the top of his head and Maomon purred. "You can always count on me Maomon, but Ah bet you miss your folks don't you?" Asked Takeo, "Yeah." Maomon answered, "And Ah bet you really miss Cacti Palamon too?" He asked, already knowing the answer and Maomon sighed, as he remembered the kiss. "Oh yeah." Maomon answered dreamily, and Takeo chuckled. "Good night Maomon." Takeo said, with a yawn, "Night Takeo." Maomon replied and started to lightly snore. Takeo chuckled at that as he thought about today's events. 'Ah can travel to another world, go to other parts of the Real World though TVs, and meet new people. Life just got a whole lot more interesting and speaking of interesting, Ah'm gonna have to check out that website tomorrow; but its time to hit the hay.' As Takeo was drifting off into sleep, one more thought lingered in his mind. 'Ah hope Ah find me a girl like Maomon did.' And then he fell asleep.


In a place, far from the eyes of man, a lone figure shrouded in shadows watched the battle at Oasis Village unfold on a monitor. Zeedamon lost, despite the power that was given to him and even the boost he got from the magic water, but the good news was that the crest and digi-egg of Truth were real. That meant that a few more need to surface for certain plans to come together. The figure punched a button on his chair and a face appeared on the monitor, it was that of a young Japanese woman with short black hair. "Zeedamon has failed me, I want you to go to Primary Village and bring his digi-egg back." The figure said, in a voice smooth as silk. The woman on the monitor twisted her face in disgust. "I knew that idiot would screw up; if you mind me asking sir, why keep a fool like that around?" The figure chuckled at this. "Zeedamon may have been a fool, but he was strong and ambitious. That is always an asset, plus I can always use him for a guenenpig when I get tired of him." The woman on the screen grinned wickedly at the idea and laughed. "I'll get right on it sir!" She said, before signing off.


The figure pushed another button on his chair and the face of a digimon appeared on the screen, well the Digimon's face was covered in a faceless mask, but you get the idea. "How goes your search for the Hybrid village in the other dimension, Neo Devimon?" The figure asked the digimon. "I should have the location of the village in about one to two weeks time." The demon said, and the figure cracked a huge grin. "Excellent work Neo Devimon, keep me posted." Neo Devimon nodded his head, before continuing. "By the way, how are those Hybrids and digimon I sent you a few months ago faring?" The figure laughed at this. "Oh you did well on that last hunt; the data I'm gathering is invaluable for what I have planned, plus their fun to play with as well. Keep up the good work and you have a bright future ahead of you." The Neo Devimon saluted, before signing off.


The figure pushed a button on his chair and the screen split in two, and two faces appeared on the screen. One face was that of a young American boy, with hazel eyes and short silver hair. The other face was that of a black man in his mid-thirties, he was wearing sunglasses and had dreadlocks and a full beard. "James, Mako, Zeedamon has failed me. James, have you ever seen this boy before?" The figure asked the little boy and pushed a button his chair. The boy studied the picture on the monitor, before his face brightened in recognition. "That is none other than Frank Malick, I've never seen him, but all the other Digidestined say that he is the most dangerous of them all. Who's the kid dressed like Vash the Stampede?" James asked the figure, "I thought you knew James, but from what I've seen, I'd say he just became a Digidestined today, but he did manage to digivolve his partner all the way Ultimate in one day." The figure said, and the boy whistled. "He must be something!" The boy said, and the figure smiled. "He is the Digidestined of Truth!"


The man on the other screen grunted. "So what, the kid's still a punk." Mako said, and the figure laughed, "Do you have anything new to report James?" The figure asked, and the little boy grinned. "A whole lot of Digidestined are going to be in Osaka for the Jetix Kid's World Cup, mostly the Japanese ones, but I found out that some from Mexico are going to be there as well." The figure smiled, "Good, I want you to be there in Osaka and let me know which kids have the crest's I'm looking for. That is all." The figure said, and the boy nodded his head, before sighing off. The figure focused on Mako, "I want you to find out everything you can about Frank Malick, study his habits and his fighting techniques. I could you someone like him in my army." The figure said, and Mako nodded. "What if he doesn't want to cooperate" Mako asked, and the man smiled, "Then kill him." Mako smiled wickedly and sighed off.


The lone figure sat and thought about what he was about to accomplish. Years of planning and soon he would have it all. "When she is awakened, I will rule over the very fabric of reality, I will become a god!" The figure said, while laughing, but his laughing turned into screams of pain, as he clutched his head in pain and fell to the floor. 'I WON'T LET YOU DO THIS! IF YOU FREE HER, SHE WILL KILL US ALL!' Said a voice inside the man's head, but he staggered to his feet and shouted back, "SHUT UP! YOU SCREWED UP AND NOW I'M IN CONTROL, WHEN SHE WAKES UP, I'LL KILL THE BITCH AND STEAL HER POWERS; NOTHING WILL STOP ME! NOT THE DIGIMON, NOT THE HUMANS, AND DEFINITLY NOT YOU!" The voice in his head quieted back down, and the figure grinned. "I'm always in control and don't you ever forget that." The man said, as he walked out of the dark room and turned on the light to another.


In the room, in cages, and other devices of restraint were digimon and some humans. The man would conduct more experiments later, but right now he wanted to have a little fun. All the eyes in the room looked on in fear, as the figure went over to an operating table with a Renamon held down by chrome digizoid shackles. As soon as the Renamon saw him her eyes became slits of rage, as she tried in vain to free herself. "When I get out of here I swear I'm going to slowly kill you for all the pain and suffering you've caused us!" The Renamon said, before she spat at him. The man chuckled, as he put on an apron, a surgical mask, and rubber gloves. "I see you still haven't been broken, that's good, but I think I can fix that. The man looked at all the instruments he used to have fun playing with and settled on a cattle prod. He waved it in front of The Renamon's face; she continued to glare at him. Everyone floating in tank with green liquid or locked in a cage, knew what was about to happen and turned away. Those that didn't stared straight ahead, not really seeing anything, they were broken. "Today I want to hear you scream like never before." He said, as he turned on the cattle prod and some opera music. As the music played the man teasingly lowered the cattle prod slowly down the Renamon's body. He never touched her, but stopped when he got to her lower regions. The Renamon's eyes widened in fear when she saw what was about to come. "I want to hear a scream," The man said, "Don't disappoint me." And she didn't.





Hyperman: That's it, its done and boy was it long!

Toy Agu: (Blushes) There should have been more talks of groaping!

Flor: (sweat drops) You need a life

Lady Devimon: Darien loves me!

Hyperman: Now on to the terms!


Frank's Style Change is that of Death, from the GunGrave games, as well as Contramon's Digivolution into Ceberos and Coffin. "Let's kick their Ass!" Is a typo in the game, or that's how the translators have it.


Maomon's name and attack Neko Ken are a play on Japanese and Chinese words, both meaning cat! Neko Ken means Cat Fist in Japanese and is used by Ranma Saotome from Ranma1/2 whenever his phobia of cats reaches its limit.


Zeedamon is based off of Zeda from Fist of the NorthStar and his attacks; Saturday Night Crusher is based off the song Meatloaf was singing in the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Monster's Ballad is based off of a music CD called Monster Ballads

Tanukimon: Well that's it, see you next time. Darien tries to tell Lady Devimon how he feels about her as well as avoid hurting his little sister's feelings, but that's a lot harder than it sounds when your pregent friend's father thinks you knocked up his daughter. Hybrids and Tamers galore in Welcome to Primary Village! Oh and some Chosen might show up as well.