Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Season 2.6 ❯ A Big Day ( Chapter 4 )
Episode 4:A Big Day
Well the first ones woke up at about 8:00 and that was Ken and Yolei. And Ken felt obligated to apolegize to Yolei. Ken took a deep breath and walked over to Yolei.
Ken:Yolei I'm sorry about what happend yesterday I should-
Yolei:No Ken, I'm sorry I was really mean, and I did'nt give you a chance to explain yourself. So not another word about that, it's behind us now, ok?
Yolei: now we need to get to calling some people and gathering as much money as we can, how much money do you have?
Ken:About $3,000
Yolei:Whoa, no way your kidding me? How could you have that much money?
Ken:I've barely spent any of the allowance I've got, since I was about 5.
Yolei:Whoa. Thats alot of money
Ken: How much do you have
Yolei:Heh about $500
Ken: Thats good though
Kari was the next one to wake up, when she walked out into the living room she saw Yolei making phone calls of phone calls. Scheduling, arranging, dealing, even renting things.
Kari:Hey Ken, you two getting ready for the trip?
Ken:Yeah, I'm calculating expenses.
Kari:I'm going to fix some cereal
Kari walks into the kitchen grabs a bowl,spoon,milk jug, and the cereal box.
Ken:Uh Kari?
Ken:How much money do you have, or how much money are you able to get?
Kari:Well if I empty my saving account I'll have about $600
Ken:Excellent, I'll add that to our total
TK was the next one to wake up, and with his waking he joined Kari in the eating of cereal.
Ken:Oh TK
TK:What's up
Ken:How much money do you have in your possesion
TK:I have $450 at home
Ken sat there counting, and calculating, which was not very hard for him his IQ was enormous. Davis woke up last. The first thing he did was go to the bathroom, when he came out he got an apple.
Kari:Is that all your going to eat?
Davis:Yeah, still got the soup in my stomach
TK:Uh what soup
Davis:Oh I..uh had some soup last night, I hoped you didnt mind Kari?
Kari:No(great save Davis)
Davis walked around observing everyone, he stopped when he got to Ken.
Davis:You messed up
Ken:What, ridiculous
Davis:No you did, look here
He pointed to a figure on the paper, then to another.
Ken:Oh, sorry
Davis:We're all human Ken
He appeared to be half asleep, but Kari knew better. It seemed that he was acting more mature now, mabey their little talk had changed him, but she could'nt base that on one occurance, so she would keep watching him. Davis finished the apple and through the core away, then sat down at the end of the table. Yolei looked about finished with her conversation.
Yolei:Ok...and when....tommorow?!
Yolei looked a little discomforted.
Kari:Yolei what's wrong
Yolei:Well, we've got a big day ahead of us, everyone needs to get dressed. We have to go empty Kari's saving account, pick up TK's money and-
TK:Yolei take a break, give me the car keys. Kari and I will go do everything.
Kari:TK's right, is there anything you need from your house?
Yolei:Yeah there are four oufits in my closet
Yolei:Get them, then I'll need some socks,shirts, and all of my jeans,
Yolei: and get my other two pairs of shoes
Kari:Ken need anything from your house
Ken:My socks, my money, and all of my uniforms
TK:Are you gonna wear that uniform all summer?
Ken:Well I-
Yolei: I'll get him something
Kari:Oh yeah, Davis
Kari:What do you need
Davis:Oh I have these 2 suitcases, just grab those.
Yolei:Kari, I'll pack you some stuff
Kari:Ok thanks, Lets go TK
Kari and TK left the house and walked to Yolei's car, unlocked the doors and got in.When in the car TK started it up and drove out into the road.
TK:So Kari, I went to sleep early, what did you do last night
Kari:Oh nothing, took a shower talked to Yolei, nothing much
TK:Your lieing Kari, or do I have to call you "princess" too.
Kari:TK, were you listening or something?
TK:Yeah, I couldnt sleep because of you two talking.
Kari:Well did you hear me kiss him
Kari:Yeah right on the lips.
This baffled TK, now he was at a loss for words. Then he thought up something to say.
TK:I did'nt relize how much you got around.
Kari:Oh god TK, what about you and that girl in the parking lot during lunch?
TK:You were absent that day!
Kari: I was going to the dentist!
TK:She ment nothing to me, you know that.
Kari:Yeah right
TK:Is that why you broke up with me
Kari:yes it is.
TK:ok I guess were even then
Kari:No, we were going out when you kissed her, we wern't when I kissed Davis
TK:She came on to me, we were just talking
Kari:I dont want to talk about it, lets just go get the stuff.