Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Tamers: Reconfigured ❯ The New Kid ( Chapter 3 )
DISCLAIMER: Here's the score. Ashley Makiya, Shadowdevimon and Satamon/Satanmon (Jp version) - me. All other characters - Toei and Saban. Who do you think's winning? I also own several cards, which will be mentioned as I go through.
WARNING! This fic is now officially rated "R". This means that Shadowdevimon's attacks may be described in more detail. This also leaves the door wide open for several plot twists. However, this chapter will NOT take advantage of them.
Narrator: Jeri took Bakemon home to meet her parents and they took it pretty well. Jeri explained everything that had happened with Leomon to her new partner but cringed when she got to the D-Reaper. And who can blame her? It turns out that it violated more than her mind. Meanwhile, Shadowdevimon claimed his first victim and showed that DNA could be loaded just as easily as data. Then Impmon ran into this weird girl named Ashley and, what a coincidence, she was his new tamer. Only problem is, she's got a major grudge against Rika. And they've just met in the park. You get all that? Niether did I!
"The New Kid"
(Impmon's new tamer? Ruki's nemesis!)
(Scene is still in the pak from last time. Ashley (seen from neck up) and Rika are shooting each other glares. Takato walks in to try to calm things down.)
Takato: So, Ashley, I haven't seen you around here.
Ashley: That is because you would not have noticed me. I know who you are, though, Takato Matsuki.
Takato: That's obvious.
Ashley: And I know Kazu Shiota, Kenta Kitagawa(?), Jeri Katou, Ryo Akiyama…
Takato: Who doesn't know Ryo? He's not a card legend for nothing!
Ashley: …But Henry and Suzie Wong are not here.
Takato: Man, she's good.
Rika: Almost too good. There's something not quite right about her. She knows way too much about us.
Kazu: Hello, we did save the world. A lot of people know who we are!
Rika: True, but still…
[Guilmon: Time for a snack, but we'll be right back]
[Takato: Heads TV, Tails homework. Looks like it's back to Digimon]
(The Tamers are still in the park, Henry comes running up with Suzie in tow)
Henry: Hey, sorry we couldn't get here earlier but…
(Henry sees Rika and Ryo glaring at him)
Henry: Uh, did I miss something?
Rika: Yes, you missed an e-mail Ryo forwarded to me with about twenty explicit attachments.
Henry: Hey, Ryo's use of his webcam isn't important to me…
Kazu: Think harder, Hentai Henry.
Henry: Oh shit. You sent Ryo…
Kazu: Yeah, the forwarding was an unexpected bonus.
Rika: Fortunately for you you're the least of my worries right now.
Henry: If I'm the least, what's the most?
Ashley: (stepping out of the shadows (for a descrption see the commercial in the last chapter)) I am.
(Henry finds himself unable to speak coherently for a few seconds)
Guilmon: Takato, is Henry crushing Ashley?
Takato: No. Right now he's too busy mentally undressing her. You'll see a crush develop soon though.
Ashley: Henry and Suzie Wong. I've been waiting for you two.
Henry: Waiting? What for?
Ashley: For my challenge to Rika. Rika, what do you say? Me against you, no help from the Peanut gallery, Mon-et-Mon?
Rika: You're on. I could use a little practice anyways.
Ashley: Very well. Impmon, go for it. Show no mercy!
Rika: Show no mercy? I thought this was a practice match for when we come up against a real threat.
Ashley: Evidently you thought wrong. Impmon?
Impmon: (to Rika) I don't like dis any more dan you do.
Ashley: Don't talk to her, destroy her!
Impmon: Sorry about dis… Baddaboom!
(the fireball flies straight towards Rika before it's intercepted by a quick appearance by Renamon)
Renamon: So, what's this I hear about a duel to the death?
Ashley: Ah, finally some sport.
(Renamon and Impmon stare at each other for a while)
Ashley: The rules are simple: until one Digimon has been deleted the Tamer is not targetted. Got that?
Rika: That's odd, I thought I was being targetted there.
Ashley: That was just to get your cowardly Kitsune out of hiding. Now let's begin.
Rika: Gladly. Digimodify! Speed activate!
(Ashley pulls out a card)
Ashley: Let's see how well this works.
(We see Ashley's modify stance now. She holds the D-Power in her right hand at neck-level with the card scanner pointing out. She then slashes the card through it)
Ashley: Digimodify!
(as Ashley pulls the card out the streak of light goes across her neck)
Ashley: Power activate!
Impmon: Dat's what I'm talkin' about! Infernal…
Renamon: Diamond Storm!
(Renamon fires her much faster attack and Impmon has to dodge it)
Ashley: No more child's play. Digimodify! Hyper-wing activate!
Impmon: (taking to the sky) Dere goes yer advantage, Foxy. Baddaboom!
(Renamon dodges the attack easily with her increased speed)
Renamon: Our turn, Rika.
Rika: Digimodify! Angemon's Angel Staff activate!
(Renamon holds the weapon)
Renamon: Not bad. I prefer a paintbrush, but beggars can't be choosers. Angel Staff!
(Impmon just barely dodges the attack)
Ashley: That does it. Digimodify! Hypersonic activate!
Impmon (landing) Now who's got da speed, Foxy? Infernal Funnel!
(the attack works much faster than usual and grazes Renamon)
Rika: No more fooling around. Digimodify! Digivolution activate!
Renamon: Renamon, digivolve to…
Kyubimon: Kyubimon!
Ashley: Two can play at that game. Digimodify! Digivolution activate
Impmon: Impmon, digivolve to…
(Impmon grows larger and his horns become more pronounced. A large "666" appears on his chest and pentagrams appear on the backs of his hands. Finally his tail turns into a pitchfork.)
???: Satamon!
[Ashley: Don't believe anything you hear, except that we'll be back]
COMMERCIAL[(Spinning logo)
C. Narrator: Next time on Digimon
(Image: Jeri trapped in an alley by a shadowy figure)
C. Narator: Jeri's in over her head.
Jeri: Help!
(Image: The figure is revealed as Leomon)
C. Narator: as she encounters an old friend…
Jeri: Leomon?
(Image: Leomon readying an attack)
C. Narator: reborn as an enemy
Leomon: Fist of the Beast King!
(the attack fires towards Jeri)
C. Narator: Don't miss the next all-new Digimon]
[Bakemon: Appearances can be decieving, but we are back.]
Rika: (checking her D-Power's readout) Satamon. Champion level, Virus type. Attacks are "Six shooter" and "Satanic Ritual".
Takato: Rika could be in serious trouble here. He looks like a pretty powerful Digimon.
Kazu: Maybe, but he's never been at this level before, which should level the playing field.
Kenta: But you can't ignore the importance of attributes…
Henry: Just shut up and watch.
(back in the battle)
Satamon: Six Shooters!
(the sixes on his chest open up and reveal three guns. Each one fires a shot at Kyubimon. The first and second she dodges easily, but the third hits her in one of her tails, which begins slowly deleting)
Rika: No you don't. Digimodify! Stamina activate!
(the deletion is slowed down)
Rika: Now, let them see what we're made of.
Kyubimon: Foxtail Inferno!
(the attack hits one of Satamon's guns)
Satamon: You're making me mad now!
Ashley: Digimodify! Targetting activate!
Satamon: Six Shooters!
(Once again each of the guns fires off a round. This time, however, all three hit Kyubimon dead on. Kyubimon is thrown back.)
Kyubimon: That was bad, but I'll live
Rika: Good. My turn. Digimodify! Power activate!
Kyubimon: That's better. Dragon Wheel!
(Kyubimon rolls at Satamon)
Satamon: Oh no you don't. Satanic Ritual!
(The pentagrams on Satamon's wrists glow a bright red and his pitchfork catches fire. He swings it at the still rolling Kyubimon and stops her in her tracks.
Ashley: And I didn't use my card yet. Digimodify!
(The card is black with a red flame on it)
Ashley: Hellfire activate!
(A/N: I made this up. It is the Viral equivalent to Radiant Glow.)
Rika: Okay, so he's that much stronger now. And Kyubimon's a Data type. Which already puts her at a disadvantage.
(Rika pulls out a card)
One which this should remove. Digimodify!
(As the card is seen, it's a pure-white front)
Rika: Vaccination activate!
(A/N: I own the Vaccination, Infection, and Reprogramming cards. They all have the power of attribute change.)
(Kyubimon glows with a bright light, then stops.)
Ashley: Well, that was a dud.
Rika: I doubt the now Vaccine-type Kyubimon would agree.
Kyubimon: We're even again. Foxtail Inferno!
(nothing happens)
Kyubimon: Why?
(pan out to show Kyubimon only has eight tails left)
Ashley: You slowed down the deletion, but you didn't stop it.
Kyubimon: Fine. Dragon Wheel!
Satamon: (mockingly) Do we have to do this again? Satanic Ritual!
(Kyubimon once again rolls into the pitchfork, which this time gives way.)
Satamon: How?
Rika: Kyubimon is a vaccine now. Viruses are weak against vaccine.
Ashley: I know attributes as well as you do. Digimodify!
(As the card is seen it has a black shield on it)
Ashley: Dark Armour activate!
(a black aura surrounds Satamon)
Rika: As you said, two can play at that game. Digimodify!
(The card is similar to the Dark Armour except that it has a white shield)
Rika: Light Armour activate!
(A/N: I also own the Dark Shield, Light Shield and Firewall cards)
(a white aura surrounds Kyubimon)
Kyubimon: Dragon Wheel!
Ashley: (quickly) Digimodify! Speed activate!
Satamon: So close, yet so far. Six Shooters!
(The bullets hit Kyubimon, who collapses.)
Rika: Kyubimon!
Kyubimon: Not… enough… left… to… attack.
Rika: This should help. Digimodify! Regeneration activate!
(Kyubimon's missing tail reappears)
(A/N: As far as I know I also own the Regeneration card)
Kyubimon: (weakly) Foxtail… Inferno.
(the attack catches Satamon off guard and nails him in the face. He dedigivolves and starts flickering in and out. Meanwhile, Kyubimon's attack has sapped her remaining energy and leaves Renamon in the same state as Impmon.)
Ashley/Rika: Oh no!
[Guilmon: Time for a snack, but we'll be right back.]
[Terriermon: Momentai. We're back!]
Rika: Renamon!
Ashley: Impmon!
Takato: In a battle between skilled Tamers, there is no winner. Only two losers.
Ashley: (stubournly) Impmon, she's severely weakened. One Baddaboom should do it.
Impmon: Do I look like I have the energy?
Renamon: If you won't take the win, I will. Diamon… argh!
Takato: That's a new one to me…
Henry: This is serious. They need healing.
Kazu: Why? So they can fight all over again?
Kenta: No, so that they can help us against Shadowdevimon.
Ashley: Against what?
Henry: You saw the news report, right?
Ashley: Shadowy Digimon kills local man?
Suzie: That's the one.
Takato: He's our biggest threat right now, since he's an Ultimate and our Digimon can only reach the Champion level.
Ashley: Then heal away.
Marine Angemon: pu pi po.
Kenta: That's true.
Kazu: What's true? You know we don't all speak… whatever he speaks.
Kenta: Sorry, it's that Impmon is a Virus type and Marine Angemon's healing wouldn't work on him.
Rika: Here, Ashley. You can borrow this.
(Tosses her a card)
Ashley: Thanks. Digimodify!
(When the card is seen it's grey.)
Ashley: Reprogramming activate!
(A grey aura briefly surrounds Impmon)
Kenta: That's better.
Marine Angemon: Pu piu.
(Marine Angemon shoots off two heart bubbles, one at each of the wounded Digimon.)
Takato: So, Ashley, will you join the team?
Terriermon: Henry would really appreciate it.
Henry: Terriermon!
Terriermon: What? Since you first arrived you haven't taken your eyes off her.
Henry: (blushing) You're an observant little Digimon.
Ashley: I don't know if I'm really needed. You seem to have things under control.
Kazu: Well, I could use some music after that battle.
(turns on his portable radio)
Voice: This just in, the Digimon which killed Dan Ishonda yesterday has taken another life. Miss Carrie Migaya was found decapitated in the same manner as Mr. Ishonda.
Ashley: Carrie?
Suzie: What's wrong?
Ashley: She was the woman I was living with since I ran away. Now I have nowhere to live.
Henry: Why don't you live with me?
Kazu: Oh, great strategy, Hentai Henry.
Henry: Shut up. It's been kind of empty since my older brother and sister moved out. I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind…
Kazu: Yeah, right. I'm sure they wouldn't mind you inviting a strange girl who you just met and have a major crush on to live with you.
Henry: Kazu, I can almost see the sarcasm dripping. In any case, what do you say?
Ashley: If it's okay with them, I have no problem.
Kazu: Congratulations, your fantasies are coming true.
(something clicks in Rika's head)
Rika: Speaking of fantasies…
Henry: Ashley, Suzie, we've gotta get going.
Narrator: Sounds like Henry's gonna be pretty happy. But what was with Ashley? Why'd she hate Rika so much? Maybe we'll find out on the next Digimon: Digital Monsters.
Closing Notes: Okay, so this chapter didn't quite earn the rating. I told you it wouldn't at the beginning. However, you can see situations developing which will. This one was basically to introduce Satamon. And develop on Ashley. And because I wanted a good long fight to introduce my new cards.
CARDS: This section is to give a detailed explanation of my new cards (including ones not seen or mentioned in this chapter).
Data Release: Card exclusively for use outside of battle. If a particular Digimon has been loaded by your Digimon and you want them back slash this card followed by the card for the Digimon to be released. (Jp: Release Plug In R)
Hellfire: Increases to powers of a Virus attribute in the same way as the Radiant Glow increases to powers of a Vaccine Attribute. (Warlock Device)
Upgrade: see "Hellfire", but for Data attribute. (Warrior Device)
Vaccination: Turns the Digimon it's used on to the Vaccine attribute. (Holy Device)
Infection: See "Vaccination", except for Virus attribute. (Evil Device)
Reprogramming: See "Vaccination", except for Data attribute. (Battle Device)
Light Armour: Increases the stamina of a Vaccine attribute. (Holy Shield)
Dark Armour: Increases the stamina of a Virus attribute. (Evil Shield)
Firewall: Increases the stamina of a Data attribute. (Warrior's Shield)
Regeneration: Restores a damaged part of a Digimon (as seen in this chapter) or reloads a Digimon's weapon (ie. Gargomon). Japanese name is the same.
There are other cards, but they are an important plot-point for later, so I'm saving them until then (around episode 8).
Next Episode: "Dark Beast" (Leomon's darkness. Fight, Bakemon!)