Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Dore Dake Nakeba ❯ The Eye of The Storm ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Dore Dake Nakeba Part 2

~A/N~ Sorry this part is so long coming. I actually finsihed it two
weeks ago
but ff.net was down and so it has been sitting here waiting. No it is
not complete
yet but part three is under way. This part sort of goes back to the
purpose of this story. My friend commented on how every guy in Digimon
seems to be paired with Mimi and requested that I write a soap operaish
about that. It was actually originally titled a digimon soap opera but
the first
part was mainly michi and Mimato, now I bring in two other couplings and
knows what will follow in further chapters. Please send me your

AS well since ff.net has been down, i've decided to repost the contest
so here it
is again, but with more time before the due date.

*~*Mimi's Contest*~*
Okay well as you might have noticed, The number of new romance stories
featuring Mimi and any other digidestined is sadly declining. Everything
days seem to be takari, Kenyako or Sorato. Of course I like Takari and
but I miss Mimi! Isn't she still important? So this is my contest rules
1. The contest is open to anybody who likes to write.
2. Any couple featuring Mimi and any other digidestined (01 or 02) are
accepted. Triangles are allowed as long as Mimi is in the final couple
3. Any rating is accepted.
4. The catch- The story must be more than 2000 words! I miss the longer

stories. Everything these days seem to be less than 1000.
5. The entries are due before my birthday. September 2nd 2001. Or the
second due date is October 2nd. Both dates will have separate winners.
should give plenty of time for the length restriction, right? If it
seems to
unreasonable, email me at Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. and tell me
6. Stories can be posted on fanfiction.net or my mailing list* but if
at all
possible, it would be greatly appreciated if you could email a copy of
the story
or the link at Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. The only reason I suggest
this is
in the event that I might miss an entry while I look through the
stories. I would
hate to have you not win just because I accidently skipped over your
story. I
willl be trying my best to find all entries though.
7. Multiple entries are allowed. One author may submit more than one
story as long as they meet the above criteria.
8. The winners will be announced on September 7th for the first due date
October 7th for the second. Prizes will be awarded to the top three
stories in each
due date If you enter a story for the sept. 2nd, you may enter another
story for
the Oct 2nd but it must be a different story. Makes sense right?. Due to
the fact
that I am an unemployed teenager who is still in high school, the prizes
that fact.
I will write a story featuring the couple of your choice at a rating of
choice for each of the top three stories authors, along with
illustrations (which
will be emailed to you) That's the best I can do. I hope to receive some
in this contest.

* My mailing is www.topica.com/lists/MImi_Tachikawa_loves/read

If there are any questions please feel free to email me at
Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

Dore Dake Nakeba Part 2

Mimi ran into her room, carrying two glasses of pop, unfortunately not
noticing her school bag. With a strangled cry, she flew over the bag,
her hip
colliding with her desk, causing her french binder to fall off and the
rings to
break sending the contents slying as the two glasses emptied into the
Sora sat on Mimi's bed, trying to hold back her laughter. Mimi remained

in the middle of the mess, debating whether to bursdt into tears or
laughter. She
looked around at the pop staining the carpet then the papers scattered
everywhere then at Sora.
"Oops?" she stated finally, which sent Sora into peals of laughter,
her to roll off of the bed onto the wet carpet. A look of disgust on
Sora's face
made Mimi join in although their mirth was cut short by the ringing of
telephone. Still laughing, she reached over to pick it up.
"Hey Mimi, I'm so glad I got a hold of you."
Mimi's eyes narrowed as she replied coldly. "Oh, hello Tai."
Tai paused. "Listen, I have to talk to you about that rumour. I know
started it."
"I can imagine you should, Tai. How could you say something like that?"
"It wasn't me, it was..."
"Oh so now you're going to try and put the blame on someone else? Sora
told me you started the rumour."
"But Sora's..."
"I don't need to hear your excuses Tai. Are you really that jealous of
and Matt? You've abused my trust for the last time, Taichi Yagami. I
heard about
your 'Russian Friend' from Masaharu. How many other lies have you told
over the years?"
"Mimi, I..."
"Don't start Tai. You know what sickens me the most> The fact that I
actually feeling sorry for you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have better
things to
do than speak to a traitor like you."
Angrily she slammed the phone down.
Sora watched in great amusement as Mimi yelled at Tai. The whole thing
had worked out better than she had planned. It looked like Tai's chances
Mimi were permanently ruined.
Mimi turned to Sora in a huff. "Can you believe that jerk?"
Sora smiled. "That was really pathetic of him." she agreed
wholeheartedly before pausing. "Are you crying Mimi?"
Mimi lowered her head in shame. "I don't know why though. I should
hate him for what he's done to me. He lied to get me drunk enough to
sleep with
him, he started that hurtful rumour and how do I know that there aren't
things he's lied or not told me about? He's been my best friend for so
long, it's
hard to think of him that way."
Sora watched Mimi as a feeling of guilt set in. She could think of a
things that Tai had kept from Mimi. Like the time Sora had caught Tai
Mimi a kiss when she was sleeping ot how he would stay up all night
over Mimi incase something might happen to her. All those memories that
Sora whenever she remembere her tim ein the Digiworld. And now to see
like this almost hurt just as much.
'But Mimi had hurt her.... No,' Sora thought, 'Tai hurt her. Mimi was
her best
friend and Tai hurt them both. Than you hurt Mimi.' It was almost enough
to make
her reconsider continueing on with her plan. Almost but not quite.
"Sora?" Mimi's voice broke into the silence.
"Yes?" Sora stood up off the wet carpet.
"Would it be alright if we stopped studying now? You can borrow my
frnech notes if you want but I really can't concentrate right now." Mimi
with out looking up.
Sora nodded in agreement. "Sure, I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning
then." She grabbed her school bag and walked to the door before looking
worriedly at Mimi who still hadn't moved.
Mimi waited until Sora had left before getting up and leaving herself.

Matt towelled off his hair as he walked out of the bathroom, a towel
wrapped around his waist.
"Dad?" he called out before shaking his head. He could have sworn he
heard someone come into the apartment.
With a shrug he walked into his room and opened up his dresser to grab
some fresh clothes. Cool hands covered his eyes as a pair of lips
nibbled lightly
on his ear. "Guess who," a voice whispered.
Matt grinned. So Mimi had decided to come after all. "Um... Tai?" he
asked playfully. Mimi drew away from Matt suddenly, shocking Matt. "I
just joking Mims." He started as he turned around only to stop as he
Mimi's puffy tear filled eyes. "Mims, what's the matter?" he asked
Mimi gave him a weak smile. "It's nothing, Matt." She leaned over to
Matt only to be stopped.
"Mimi tell me waht's wrong."
Mimi sat down on Matt's bed in a huff. "Fine. I found out who started
Matt sat down beside her. "Who?"
Mimi grimaced. "Let's just say they have a 'Russian Friend'"
Matt furrowed his brow. "Sora?" he asked thinking of Yuri.
"No Tai."
Matt went silent for a minute. "That bastard." he whispered vehemently.

"Matt?" Mimi asked gently.
He turned arounf towards her. "I'm sorry for bringing it up." He began
kiss her but Mimi pulled away.
"What if your Dad comes home?"
Matt smiled. "Don't worry, he's not coming home until at least ten
tongiht. We have the house to ourselves."
With a smirk, Mimi pushed Matt down on the bed and resumed their
kissing with a passion.

Tai had been in his room cursing Sora for the past hour. How could she
tell Mimi that he was the one who started that story? How could Mimi
Sora over him? Why did Sora have to be so jealous that all she cared
about was
ruining everybody else's happiness?
"Ugh!" he yelled. All of these questions were hurting his brain. In
he sent his foot flying towards the dresser.
Tai screamed in pain as he fell to the floor.
Kari and T.K. ran into the room. "What happened Tai?" Kari asked as she

saw Tai clutching his foot and the splintered dresser.
"Get Mom now!" Tai said through gritted teeth.
Kari looked over at T.K. as she walked out of the room. "I think
going to have to go now."
T.K. smiled. "No problem. Besides, I'm supposed to be over at Matt's in

ten minutes anyways." He gave Kari a quick kiss then left.
Matt's apartment wasn't very far from Kari's so he made it there before
ten minutes were up. He knocked quietly on the door then walked in.
around he sighed.
"I guess Dad forgot to tell Matt that I was coming over." he murmurred
he headed for Matt's bedroom to tell Matt about it.

Matt lay back down on the bed, breathing heavily as Mimi snuggled close

to his bare chest. With a contented smile, he traced the contours of her
body with
his fingers, marvelling at her perfection.
"You're so beautiful, why bother covering it up with clothes?" Matt
murmurred sleepily.
Mimi smiled with out opening her eyes. "It's not allowed in public."
"Who said you had to go outside? You can just stay here in my bed with
Mimi's smile broadened. "Would that really work?"
"We can try." Matt whispered seductively before rolling back on top of
Mimi, kissing her passionately as his hands wandered lower on her body.
The door flew open. "Matt..." T.K started before stopping in shock. "Oh

my god!" he exclaimed as Matt pulled himself up and grabbed his towel to

cover himself and Mimi up. He could feel himself turning bright red.
"I...um...Dad...uh, I thinkI'm going to leave you guys alone." With
burning cheeks, he turned and walked out the door.
"Crap!" Matt exclaimed before getting up and throwing on some clothes,
Frustrated, he stormed out of the room.

Jyou walked through the halls of the school cautiously. Looking both
ways, he slipped in to the computer room. A sole digure sat in the dark,
the only
light cast off of the computer screen.
"Izzy?" Jyou asked hesitantly.
"You're late, Jyou." He stated simply, never looking up from the
computer screen.
"Well you see..." Jyou began.
"I have the combination." izzy interrupted. "I just hope you don't do
anything stupid with it."
"No of course not. Well I guess I should leave you to your work. Thanks

Izzy, I owe you one." He said as he took the piece of paper.
With a triumphant grin, Jyou left and opened his knapsack in front of a

locker, revealing a stash of pink paper, balloons, confetti and other
novelties. "If
this doesn't attract her attention, I don't know what will."

The doctor walked back into the room, holding the x-rays in his hand,
"Well I'm afraid our original assessment was correct. you have a
in your metataursus. You'll have to get it set and put in a cast. In 6
weeks or so,
you;ll have to come back and I'll decide then whether it can come off or
if it
needs more time to heal."
Tai's face paled. "6 weeks? But the soccer semi-finals start next week.
the captain, I have to play."
"I'm sorry Mr. Yagami. You can't play. Some one else will just have to
take your place."
Tai glared at the doctort before shaking his head. Yet again Sora had
ruined his happiness.

T.K. stumbled out of Matt's room, astonished by what he saw. As he sat
down on the couch, he found himself wishing he hadn't given up his hat
those years ago.
Matt ran from his room, struggling to put on his shirt.
"Look, T.K. about what you just saw..." Matt began.
T.K's cheeks darkened as that image flashed in his mind, more
specifically, the image of after Matt pulled away to reveal Mimi. T.K>
always had a crush on Mimi but realized when he was 8 that the chances
of her
ever thinking of him as more than Matt's little brother were next to
none. Now to
see her like that... "Don't worry, Matt. I won't tell Dad."
Matt let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. "I hope
won't change your opinion of me, T.K."
"Of course it will." T.K> noticed Matt's face cloud over. "But for the
better" he added to reassure Matt. "I don't blame you for sleeping with
She's a goddess. I'm sure just about any guy would kill to be in your
Matt smiled. "And your opinion of Mimi hasn't changed for the worse
The image flashed in his mind. With a slight smile, T.K. shook his
"So I guess Dad didn't tell you I was supposed to be coming over did
he?" T.K
asked trying to change the subject.
Matt grinned sheepishly. "No or else I wouldn't have been doing
something like that."
T.K nodded. "It could have been worse. IO could have been a little
of later."
Matt turned crimson again. "Yeah. Are you hungry T.K.?"
"A little yeah."
"Great then I'll fix us up something." Matt got up and walked towards
kitchen as Mimi edged out of his room.
"Hey," she murmurred as he gave her a kiss.
"Hungry?" Matt asked. "I'm going to make dinner if you'd like to stay."
"Uh...sure." Mimi said hesitantly.
"Great." He gestured for Mimi to wait in the loving room while he made
Mimi paused before walking slowly into the room to sit on the couch
across from T.K. She couldn't help but blush under the intense stare
T.K. was
giving her.
"Takeru? You're not disappointed in me, are you?" Mimi questioned
'Yes I wanted to be the one.' T.K thought quickly. "Of course not Mimi.

We're friends forever remember?"
"Of course. I just wanted to make sure." She said with a laugh. "Well
then, we should go see if Matt needs some help in the kitchen. Come on."
With a
msile, she slung her arm around T.K's shoulder.

~Next Monday~

Mimi walked into the gymnasioum with a spring in her step that had been
missing since the whole ordeal began.
Talking stopped as the girls noticed Mimi enter. One girl finally
forward followed hesitantly by two others. Mimi mentally braced herself
for the
worst. These three girls, Kimiko, Naoki and Ayumi were close friends of
and had been behind all the mean pranks and later, been the ones who had

skipped practice entirely.
"It's nice to see you at practice." Mimi exclaimed with no trace of
The three girls looked down in shame. Kimiko spoke up first. "We are
very sorry about the last week, Mimi. It was completely uncalled for,
so close to the semifinals."
Mimi smiled. "I'm glad you finally came around" Turning around to the
rest of the squad, she continued. "Just remember, if you aren't going to
work for
me, do it for all those guys that will be eating out of your hands after
A loud chorus of cheers erupted throughout the group.
Ayumi timidly raised her hand. "Uh...have you given any thought to the
captain's cheer?
Mimi froze. "I don't see why that jerk deserves a cheer." she stated
Naoki frowned. "But it's tradition!" she protested.
"Then you guys can come up wit one yourselves. If you knew what Tai
has put me through, you'd understand."
"But Tai isn't going to be the captain for the semis." Kimiko
"What?" Mimi asked in shock.
"Well I live in the apartment next to his and last Thursday, I saw him
come home in a cast. Kari told me he kicked his dresser and broke his
foot. he
doesn't get the cast off for at least 6 weeks."
"So Nobu will be the captain then?" Mimi asked, not bothering to hid
obvious delight.
"Yeah, I guess so."
"Well then we better think up a new cheer."
The three girls eyed Mimi strangely as she started the warmups.
"I wonder why she's so upset with Tai." Kimiko whispered curiously to
the other two as they rejoined the main group.

Mimi walked to her locker quickly, wishing she hadn't taken that shower

after practise. Now she wasn't going to be able to see Matt before first
With a heavy sigh, she opened her locker only to scream as a sea of
confetti showered down on her.
"Are you okay, Mimi?" Jyou asked from behind her, causing her to jump.
Mimi shook her head as she looked at her completely decorated locker.
"What kind if sadistic person would break into my locker to decorate it?
mess will take forever to clean up!"
Jyou remained silent.
"Are you okay, Jyou?"
Jyou blinked twice. "Uh...yeah. Hey Mimi, why don't you let me clean
this up for you. You get to class."
Mimi smiled. "Thanks Jyou!" She quickly grabbed her books and
slammed her locker. "See you later."
Jyou watched as Mimi ran down the hall. He had been convinced that she
would have liked his surprize. 'What kind of sadistic person would break
into my
locker to decorate it?' Mimi's words echoed through Jyou's head. 'What
kind of
sadistic person...'
Jyou felt tears well in his eyes. How could he get Mimi to notice him?

Sora walked up behind Matt, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Hey,
you look bummed."
Matt smiled weakly. "Mimi just cancelled our plans for tonight. She
that she had to write a new cheer."
Sora smiled sympathetically. "That must be hard considering how close
the two of you have gotten. I think it's really selfish of Mimi to do
that to you!"
Matt looked at Sora strangely as she said that. "No it's good for her
have time to do what she wants without me. She's done so much to make me

Sora scowled mentally. "If you're so sure about that." They walked a
further in silence. "Hey! Why don't we go do something togeher since we
are at a loss with out Mimi."
Matt hesitated before speaking. "Like?"
"Rollerblading in the park."
"Sure, why not." Matt said after a little thought.
Sora grinned. "Great!" She exclaimed as she linked arms with Matt and
began to pull him towards his apartment.

Kimiko ran into cheerleading practise, gasping for breath, her eyes
"Mimi!" she gasped.
Mimi turned away from the group she was working with to look at
Kimiko. "Why are you so late?" she demanded, folding her arms in front
of her.
"The semi-final is this Friday, we have just 5 days left to learn an
entire new
"I had a spare this afternoon and worked until 3."
"Oh that's right. You told me about that. I'm sorry, Kimiko, I'm just
Kimiko smiled. "It's okay but could I talk to you alone for a minute?"
"Sure." Mimi said with a frown. "Keep working on that move sequence."
she called out to the group as she walked over to Kimiko.
"What's the matter?"
"Well I don't want to alarm you but on my way over here, I saw Matt and

"They had their arms linked together, wlking to Matt's apartment."
Mimi smiled. "Oh I wouldn't worry. Sora and Matt are old friends.
reading into things too much."
Kimiko eyed Mimi suspiciously. "You sure?"
"Of course." With a sincere grin, she turned away from Kimiko and let
mask fall. How could she sound so assured when she felt the exact
Shaking her head slightly, she tried reassuring herself. She loved Matt
and he
cloved her. He wouldn't cheat on her like that! Especially after all
they had been
Quickly reassembling the mask of confidence, she turned back to the
group she had been working with before. With her usual smile, she
clapped her
hands twice to get their attention. "Okay girls, lets go through that
sequence one
more from the top!"

Mimi stood in front of the mirror as she pulled her hair pack into a
ponytail with two strands framing her face. The week had gone by in a
flash but
the cheer had been completed by Wednesday and she was positive that
everything would go smoothly.
Grabbing her small overnight bag, she paused outside her bedroom door.
Now came the tricky part. After every semi-final or final game, there
was a huge
victory bash if they won, or a moral raiser if they lost. unfortunately
on game
nights, Mimi was supposed to be home right after the game, unless...
"Mom, Dad? Would it be alright if I stayed at Kimiko's house tonight
after the game?" Mimi asked crossing her fingers.
Muchi looked at her husband. "Kimiko Sakamoto?" She asked after a
moments thought.
"Yeah. So would it? IT's already been approved by her parents." Mimi
lied. The truth was that the girls were going to rent a hotel room to
crash for the
night, which Mimi had already booked.
Muchi looked at Mimi then back at her husband. "The Sakamoto's are a
nice family. It's alright with me if your father agrees." Mimi turned to
her father
He smiled. "I don't have a problem with it. Just make sure you're home
before 5. We have that business dinner to attend."
Mimi nodded eagerly. "Sure but I better get going if I want to make the

With a grin, she grabbed her car keys and ran out the door.
She pulled into the parking lot, smiling as she saw Matt standing
the school. Grabbing her pom poms, she wlaked over to him. "I'm glad you

decided to come." she said as she gave him a kiss.
"I just couldn't pass up the chance to see you in that adorable
cheerleading outfit." he laughed as he out an arm around Mimi. "Also I
some great news that I couldn't wait to share with you."
"And that would be?" Mimi inquired.
"My dad has gone on a business trip this weekend and I've called T.K.
and he's definately not coming over any time this weekend, which means
just missing one thing." Matt explained, looking purposefully at Mimi.
"And that one thing just told her parents she was spending the night at

Kimiko's." Matt's face fell until Mimi continued. "Although what she was
doing was renting a hotel room for the squad so everyone could stay late
at the
post game party."
Matt's face brightened. "So you'll stay the night at my house then?" He

asked as he pulled Mimi closer.
"Of course!" Mimi said with a smile as she gave Matt another kiss,
Matt gladly returned.
"Okay you two, break it up!"
Mimi and Matt pulled apart to see Sora trying to conceal a smile.
"Besides Mimi should be warming up with her squad."
Mimi lowered her head dejectedly, before looking over at Matt. "Sora's
right. I should go warm up. Everybody will be there already." She
started to
walk away but turned back after a couple of steps. "Sora, are you going
to come
to the party afterwards?"
"I don't think so. It's really only for the players and cheerleaders. I

wouldn't fit in."
Mimi pouted. "But you have to come. For me!"
Sora smiled. "Okay, for you."
"Now you have to get to the squad, Meems. We'll go find a seat." Matt
said as he put his arm around Sora's shoulder to direct her towards the
bleachers. As Mimi watched them walk away, she felt those uncertain
resurface, before she turned away and made her way to the team.