Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Dore Dake Nakeba ❯ A Secret Betrayal ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dore Dake Nakeba Part 3

"Come on team let's work, WORK!"

Matt stared at Mimi leading the cheer on the field down below. He hadn't been lying when he told her she looked cute in the outfit, the way the skirt flew up when she jumped, the tight top, exposing her midriff. With a slight moan, he glanced up at the scoreboard. 45 seconds left. `45 seconds too long' Matt thought. `And I still have to get through the party.' He sighed dramatically causing Sora to look over in his direction curiously.

"Why so glum Matt? We won!" She paused for a second as she noticed who he was gazing at. `Hentai.' she thought to herself shaking her head.

The team ran off the field towards the cheerleaders, cheering loudly. Nobu stopped the team in front of Mimi and signaled two guys forward. They lifted Mimi up in the air.

"Three cheers for Mimi and her gorgeous cheerleaders. Without your support, we couldn't have won!"

Mimi blushed a pretty pink as the entire stadium started cheering. Finally the team left to the locker rooms.

Mimi held onto the shoulders of Yusuke and Masaharu tightly, fearful of falling. They wouldn't listen to her when she said she was afraid of heights.

"Um guys, you have to put me down now. I can't go into the guy's change room."

The two boys just looked at each other before opening the door and walking in. Mimi went to cover her eyes with her hands, only to find herself swaying severely. Cursing softly to herself for her stupid fear, she resorted to just squeezing her eyes shut tightly.

"Oh come one Mimi, it's nothing you haven't already seen."

Mimi felt her face flame at the familiar voice. Trust Masaharu to say something like that. Defiantly she opened her eyes. "I just didn't want to damage your ego by informing you how lacking you are in comparison to the other specimens I've examined."

Nobu walked towards her from his locker, towel wrapped around waist, laughing slightly. "I wouldn't be so quick to judge all guys." Reaching his arms up, he picked her up from the two guys' shoulders, noticing Mimi's barely audible sigh of relief as her feet touched solid ground.

"Well now that I have been so graciously saved from these two beasts, I'll take my leave. I'll meet you guys at the party."

`Wait Mimi," Nobu grabbed her arm. "Remember, as the captain of the winning team, you owe me a dance."

Mimi smiled. "Of course, can't mess with tradition." Turning around, she walked out of the locker room, in to Matt's arms.

"Matt!" She exclaimed startled.

"Having an identity crisis?" he asked with a smile.

Mimi stared at him confused before it dawned on her what he meant. Playfully punching his arm, she pouted. "No, those creeps wouldn't put me down. And where were you to help me?"


Mimi laughed at the horror stricken face of Matt. "Don't worry I'm just joking." She opened the door of her car and turned back towards Matt, "Are you coming in my car or your own."

"Yours, I walked."

Mimi nodded and sat down, starting the engine. "Oh Matt. I meant to tell you earlier, I have to dance with Nobu when we get to the party. It's tradition."

Matt stared out the window silently. Mimi turned to him concerned.

"Is that okay Matt?"

"Hmm? Uh yeah of course."

Mimi smiled and placed her hand on his leg. "You know I love you."

"I know, I love you too."

"Just making sure."

The car pulled in to the packed parking lot. "Guess this is the right place." Matt said, his voice raised to be heard above the music.

Mimi laughed and pulled him inside, her head already swaying to the beat. Scanning the room, she spotted Kimiko and made a beeline towards her.

Kimiko looked up and smiled at Mimi. "S'up?"

"You'll have to go on to the hotel without me. I'm spending the night... elsewhere."

Kimiko winked mischievously. "Gonna get lucky with Matt eh?"

Mimi turned bright red and looked astonished at Kimiko. "That's none of your business!"

Kimiko shook her head. "Okay. Whatever you say. Hey Nobu's coming this way. Holding you to tradition?"

"Yep. Well I better go get this over with. I promised Matt we wouldn't stay long."

Mimi walked towards the approaching Nobu, still a little stunned at Kimiko's bluntness.

"Ah, just the girl I was looking for." Nobu said with a smile. Mimi returned his smile. "So to have kept you waiting Nobu."

Nobu put his arms around Mimi and drew her closer. "For the chance to dance with you, I could wait all eternity."

Mimi hit him playfully on the arm. "Oh stop it. You are a horrible flatterer."

"Yeah I know but I thought I'd try at least."

Mimi rolled her eyes. "You are hopeless."

"I can but try." Nobu drew her further into the throng of people and further from Matt at the sidelines. "Now let's have some fun. I'm afraid your dance card has been filled up quite quickly for tonight. "

"But I thought...." Mimi started. "I just wanted to be in and out. I have things to do tonight."

"I can imagine." Nobu said dryly. "Come on Mimi, think of all the people you'd be disappointing. You know that your plans can be delayed an hour or so. It's not going to hinder them that much. Just cut out some of the foreplay."

"How can you say that!" Mimi shook her head, well aware that her cheeks were flaming.. "Don't presume to know what my plans are Nobu!" Nobu just laughed merrily. "Your reactions are priceless, Mimi. Come on. See" he gestured over to the couch. "Matt's talking to Sora. He won't mind if you stay a little longer."

Mimi looked over at Matt. "You're right." With a small smile, she turned back to Nobu. "I might as well have a little fun."

Matt cupped his punch in his hands as he sat dejectedly on the couch. From the scent of it, it was clearly spiked, much to be suspected from a victory part, so he was nursing the same cup, wanting to be fully aware for the night. He glanced up at Mimi and noticed her deep in conversation with Nobu. 'Wonder what that's about.' he thought as he took another sip.

"Hey Matt." A very bored, yet relieved voice greeted. Matt turned around quickly. "Sora! You surprised me!"

Sora smiled sardonically. "Just full of surprises tonight. Watching Mimi?" Matt nodded. "Don't worry, she's a big girl, she can take care of herself."

Matt smiled. "I know that but still, I just want to be out of here."

Sora shook her head. "Matt, my boy, it's times like this that I realize you are such a typical, teenage boy."

"I'm not a boy! I am a man, Sora. Don't you forget it." Matt argued defiantly, crossing his arms as she bit back a saucy reply. "Whatever you say, Matt. Come on, lets go walk around the yard. I'm restless and it will help make time pass for you too."

She held out her hand to help him off the couch as he gazed wistfully at Mimi, before sighing deeply and getting up. "Okay what ever you say." Sullenly he walked out of the room and out the patio door to the gardens in the back.

After walking away from the house in silence, Sora finally spoke up. "I know this is going to come out wrong, but you and Mimi are really getting along well together. I don't remember a time when you've gone so long with out a fight."

"We've been back together for a week, Sora." Matt commented dryly.

"Even still, a week without you guys fighting, it's almost eerie. You guys are usually so stubborn you are at each others throats for most of the time you spend together." Seeing Matt's glare, she made a silent eep. "I'm sorry Matt, I've gone too far, I know."

"Mimi and I have gotten past all that. We love each other, it just took us a while to figure that out. Now nothing will tear us apart. I'm sure of it."

Sora looked down at the ground, stopping besides the flowers. "Matt, I..."

Matt turned to look at her, walking back to where she had stopped. "What's wrong Sora?"

Sora looked up at him, then back down. "I...I can't..."

"Just tell me Sora. Come on, we're best friends, you can tell me anything." he encouraged as she turned her head a way for a second, while nervously biting her lip.

Sora paused just a moment more before reaching up and pulling Matt's lips against hers, kissing him deeply before letting him back away. With a slightly smug expression, she ran back to the house, leaving a totally bewildered Matt just standing there.

Mimi pulled her head off of Masaharu's shoulder. "What's the matter? Masa asked quietly.

"Matt's been gone for a while, Sora came in ages ago." She pulled away completely. "I'm sorry Masaharu. I really need to go check up on him though."

With a small smile, she walked towards the porch doors.

She found Matt standing beside the garden, staring into space.

"Matt?" Matt jumped as her hand touched his shoulder. "Are you alright?"

Matt shook his head slightly. "Yeah I'm fine."

Mimi looked at him with concern. "Well I was hoping to take off now. Any complaints?"

Matt shook his head and draped his arm around Mimi's shoulders. " Let's blow this Popsicle stand." He said with a grin.