Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Double Wedding ❯ Chapter Two: The Date is Announced! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

ML: All righty… So… new before fic interlude for this chapter…
Tai: Uh… well… If I remember, you had TK and myself pop the question to Kari and Sora right?
ML: Right on the dot, pal. Anyway, it's the same goddamn disclaimer as last time, and all that legal shit. Anyway… Here's a message to the MM.org readers out there. Hope you like it!
Chapter 2 - Date announced
Meanwhile, I was at home, resting. While I was looking up at the roof, My digimon, Darkgabumon was hanging about.
He said, “So ML, what happened last night?”
I said, “My mon, I'm glad you asked.” I explained the whole thing.
He said, “I can't believe TK and Tai had it in them to pop the question.”
I replied, “Who knew? Besides, Tai would be the bravest since he did hold the crest of courage. As for TK, he did hope that Kari would say yes, since he does hold the crest of hope.”
Darkgabumon asked, “What about you? You do hold the crest of trust, right?”
I answered, “Yeah, I trust the guys and what they do.” I said as I went to the fridge to grab Darkgabumon some leftover chicken from my lunch a day ago. I gave him the chicken, and he took a nap.
I went into the office to check my e-mail. There was only one new message. That one had been from Danielle. The e-mail in question was the resume. I forwarded that to my Mom and Dad, who do own the restaurant after all. I wrote Danielle an e-mail saying this:
Hey Dani,
I got your resume. It's forwarded to my parents. If it's good enough, you can expect to be working at the restaurant in a few days.
After I played a few games on my computer, I heard the phone. I quit the program and went for the receiver. “Hello?”
I heard a familiar voice on the line. “Hey ML, it's Tai.”
I said, “Hey Tai, what up?”
He said, “Not much. I wrote you an e-mail about the wedding.”
I said, “Really huh? The only thing I had was Danielle's resume.”
Tai said, “It should be on your inbox right about now.” I said, “Thanks man.” We hung up, and I went back to the computer. I checked the inbox and sure enough, the e-mail was there. It said,
You are cordially invited to:
The double wedding of
Taichi Kamiya & Sora Takenouchi
Takeru Takaishi & Hikari Kamiya
Date: August 5, 2001
Best Men: Matt Ishida (Tai)
ML Lo (TK)
Groomsmen: Joe Kido
Izzy Izumi
Maids of honor: Mimi Tachikawa (Sora)
Yolei Inoue (Kari)
Bridesmaid: Danielle Matheson
RSVP: July 31st, 2001
I decided to go ahead and call TK. I punched in his number and after a few rings, he answered. I asked, “So, I thought you were going to have Matt as your best man.”
TK said, “I thought about it, and Matt decided to be Tai's best man, so why not have my best friend who happened to move here two years ago?”
I replied, “Thanks man.”
He said, “Don't mention it.” A few minutes passed, and I went down to Tai's apartment, which was two floors down from mine. I rung the doorbell, and Tai answered.
Tai greeted me upon my arrival. I said, “Tai, thanks for the invite. Who else did you send this to?”
He said, “I sent this to Cody, Davis, Ken, Jolene, Izzy, Joe, almost everybody.” I then heard from Tai that he also invited Michael, Rosa, Derek, Katherine and Willis.
I said, “Not bad for your and TK's invitees. I wonder who else is going to be there.”
Mrs. Kamiya replied with, “Just some family. Not to mention TK and Matt's, us, obviously, and Sora's.”
I then heard my cell going off. I asked, “Yeah?” It was Ken.
“So, you're coming tonight?” He asked.
I answeredd, “Yeah, I'm there. Don't worry `bout it.” I said, “See you guys.” I then turned to Tai and said, “Ken called. He wants me to meet him, Joe, Davis, Cody, Izzy, and Matt. I'll see you.” I put my shoes back on, and made a break for the door.
I saw the guys, and said, “So, what is it?”
Ken said, “Well, Davis and I are in charge of the bachelor party. I'm planning to have strippers there, but Davis won't bite.”
He replied, “Excuse me, Ken. We got a soccer game on that day. You're going be playing on the other team!” So, we decided to go to Davis and Ken's soccer game, and we decided to invite TK and Tai there too.
Well, I'm sure everyone who has read this on FF.net will know what happens next! R&R!