Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Double Wedding ❯ Chapter Three: Bachelor Party/Bachelorette Party ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

ML: Okay, here's chapter 3.
Joe: So what happened?
ML: What happened was this: The wedding date was announced, forwarded Danielle's resume, and you, me, Ken, Davis, Cody and Izzy decided to spend the bachelor party by taking Tai and TK over to Davis and Ken's soccer game.
Izzy: So I see.
ML: And speaking of which, here's the part from “Passions” which I used in the chapter. Anyway, I'm sure you know the disclaimer by now. I don't own Digimon or any brands I may have referenced. I DO own ALL original characters. There. Let's go!
Chapter 3 - Bachelor party/Bachelorette party
It was just a few months after TK and Tai popped the question to Sora and Kari and a few days before the wedding. There was a soccer game involving Davis' Odaiba team against Ken's team from Timanchi. The first half was uneventful, but there was one goal separating the two teams. Davis' team led 1-0 after the first half. During halftime, that's when things got interesting. I wanted to go and talk to Tai and TK, and gave a signal to Izzy and Joe to come with me. We played a good one, and before they knew it, Tai and TK were being blindfolded, and led to the center of the field. Davis and I took of the two guys blindfolds, and they were looking at two strippers. They were thinking the same thing, `Why did ML, Izzy and Joe do this?' They hated every minute of it, but at least they got a few minutes of touching a bit.
The second half came underway, and Ken scored two goals. The final score was 2-1. After the game, Izzy and Matt left while Tai, TK, Ken, Davis and myself went to eat. Tai then got a cell phone call. It was Sora.
He said, “Hold on, I got a call. Yeah?”
Sora was like, “Hey love, it's me. Did you guys have fun?”
Tai said, “Yeah. So what are you guys doing right now?”
Sora said, “The girls and I are having a bachelorette party, and we hired strippers for the event.”
As soon as Tai heard the word, he thought, `Oh no.' luckily, he gave the girls permission. He hung up, and said, “Hey TK, you mind if we go to Kari's? I've got a plan.”
As soon as both were outside the restaurant, TK said “Yeah?”
Tai whispered, “There's going to be some male strippers at Kari and Sora's bachelorette party.”
TK was shocked, but he said, “So, continue.”
Tai continued, “I know some myself, and I hope they would spare us two costumes.” TK said, “Are you nuts?” Tai said, “Sometimes crazy works.” So TK decided to go with Tai. They didn't know I was watching, and I went back in with a little grin on my face.
“What's with the crazy grin, M?” Ken said.
“Yeah, what's up? Davis asked. I immediately explained what they were going to do.
Matt said, “That's their plan? I thought Tai would come up with something smart, like not crash the girls' party.”
I said, “Yep.” I then gave a counter-plan. “Davis, you call up Kari, and I'll drop Sora a line via my cell. Then, you'll come with me over to Tai's apartment, since that's where the girls will be.” We decided to give it a go.
I gave Davis my cell, and after a few dial tones, Kari was on the line. “Hello?”
“Kari, it's Davis. Listen, Tai and TK have this crazy plan. They're going to be posing your male strippers.”
“What? Well then, I guess Sora and me will have to give Tai and TK a piece of our minds!” Kari replied.
“No. Play along, and don't tell anybody, except when they unmask.” Davis said.
Kari just said, “Yes.” She hung up, and Davis gave the phone to me. I immediately called Sora's cell.
“Sora, it's M.” I said as soon as she said hello. “Listen, Tai and TK are going to be posing as your male strippers for tonight. Kari will tell you more. Bye.”
Meanwhile, before the two strippers went to Kari's, Tai and TK showed up at the place they worked. Tai explained to TK, “My uncle Dave works here. He owns this place, and I hope he'll give us 2 costumes.” The two entered the bar, and Tai said, “Hey, Uncle Dave!”
The bouncer happened to say, “What are you doing here? No one under 21 is supposed to even be in here, so hit the road!”
But a voice said, “Easy, Eric, that's my nephew you're talking to.”
The bouncer replied, “Oh. Okay, I'll make an exception.”
Dave then said, “So, I've heard, and congratulations to you two!”
Tai said, “Thanks uncle Dave. I was wondering if you have two costumes, one large and one medium.”
Dave said, “No prob. I'll tell Mike and Tim to take the night off, and I'll give you the costumes.” He then said, “Mike, Tim, you guys can have the night off.”
They nodded and replied, “Sure, Dave.” They switched to street clothes, and went off. Dave gave the two their costumes, and they tried them on. They fit perfectly.
After that, both TK and Tai said “Goodbye, Dave.”
Dave replied with a “See you soon, boys!”
Meanwhile, Davis, Ken and me made a break for Kari's. I said, “Wait until Tai and TK find out.”
Davis said, “Sure.” We then saw Tai's car, and TK and Tai came up to the apartment, wearing two alike Zorro costumes. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit, but I kept my mouth shut. Davis and Ken were smiling too, but they wisely shut up. I saw Tai and TK at the door, and said, “Let me do the talking.” They nodded, oblivious to the fact that the younger kids, Matt, and Izzy knew about everything. I walked into Kari's apartment, and I said hi to the girls.
Danielle said, “ML, I've got the job!” I gave Danielle a smile that said, “Congrats.” Then I regained my composure, and said, “Ladies, meet your entertainment for the night.”
Tai and TK came in wearing their costumes and said, “Hello, ladies.” They began to dance, and the ladies whooped and hollered. We walked into the entrance hall and exchanged knuckle taps. Just like we planned
Meanwhile, the girls were whooping and hollering. The girls were all screaming for them to do this one thing: “TAKE IT OFF!” Kari and Sora were the loudest. I lead Davis and Ken to Tai's room, Tai didn't even notice. I said, “Once the girls know, we go back into the living room.”
While they were dancing, TK and Tai were thinking, `Oh man, this wasn't what we were expecting.' They had their backs to each other, and Tai said, “Were you expecting this?”
TK said, “Not at all, Tai. It's like the girls know or something.” Kari and Sora came up to them with very naughty looks on their faces. They came up to their respective fiancé, and managed to take off a few more buttons from the shirt that he was wearing. They were even touching both their chests!
Tai then whispered to TK, “You think they had too much to drink?”
TK answered, “Maybe. Just enjoy the moment!”
Tai replied, “Well, It's either they had too much to drink, or maybe someone tipped them off!”
“You think?” TK said, as Kari took off his top, and Tai had his ripped off. Kari and Sora went for the pants, and were kissing their respective guy's lips, but Tai and TK backed off, and they were saying, “THAT'S ENOUGH!”
Both guys ripped off their masks. The girls were shocked, but they started laughing, and said, “You ought to know something!”
The guys were like, “What?”
Sora then dropped the bomb. “ML and Davis called us up ahead of time and told us of your plan!”
I walked downstairs, “That's right!”
Tai had that look, and said, “So THAT'S who was around the corner while TK and me were plotting this.”
“Yep.” I said, with that little look on my face. “You know, you ought to know better.”
The days after, we went to go grab our tuxedos, and the girls came up to grab their dresses. Kari had picked a beautiful white, strapless Vera Wang type gown, while TK grabbed a nice Armani tux. As for Sora, she grabbed a Givenchy gown, while Tai picked up a tuxedo from Hugo Boss. Of course, the next day was the rehearsal dinner, and everything was pulled off great. The day before, we just played games and hung out, minus the girls, because we all knew the superstition about the groom seeing the bride the day before.
Well… I hated to do that, but what could I do? R&R!