Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ hollow ❯ L.B.E. of things to come ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Nothing too complicated. Just a basic agreement that you decided to enter
this by choice, knowing the risks…crap like that." Ryo started off,
strangely business-like. He was talking about a pile of paper work that
was on the table. Basic he said.

"Okay." Ruki said, plopping down on a beanbag. "What else?"

"Some information about the guys you'll be fighting. This won't be like
the cat-fights you have at school-"

"If they were just cat-fights then why the hell did you drag me to this
dump?" Ruki said, noticing a funny smell coming from the beanbag.

"Hey, I like this dump…" Takato started.

"Nobody asked you." Ruki tossed back, crossing her arms.

"Anyway, there are only a couple of rules. One, you get a designated area,
anyone who leaves or get knocked out of it, loses. The only other ways the
fight ends is when a player either gives up or is K.O.'d"

"Who ripped off the DBZ crap?" Ruki asked, afraid that she might actually
recognize the smell from the chair.

"A really rich guy that likes fighting. He's sponsoring all this as a
hobby, kind of a sadist, he places a two hour minimum before you can give
up or leave the field, which kinda makes all the fights end in knockouts."

"A two hour time limit before you can leave the field?"

"Willingly, as in you purposely-" Ryo started explaining.

"I know what the fuck it means. A goddamn time limit won't stop me from
leaving a field." Ruki said.

"Ooh, you wouldn't want to do that…most guys fighting are thugs who can't
get good pay honestly and with each fight worth 25,000 dollars a win-"

"So they fight harder, big deal."

"Let me finish, if someone doesn't obey his rules he scratches the match.
The money, the experience, the whole fight is gone. And if the thugs are
pissed enough, so are you." Ryo finished off.

"Damn." Ruki said, thinking out loud.

"But you wouldn't have anything to worry about now would you, little miss
champion?" Ryo's grinned emerged and God, was it annoying.

"That is so stupid." Ruki said, countering the lame comment with an even
lamer one. "Experience? Like a stupid RPG? A sadist AND a freak."

"Mister Rich Freak. Yeah, the more fights you compete in, the more money
you get with each win. You beat an opponent with a high level of
experience, you get triple the prize money."

"Wait…the money, is that split up between team members?"

"Unfortuneately, yes. It goes to the head of the team. From there it's split up
according to how the "manager" decides." Ryo said, leaning back on the
chair, arms behind his head
"You're the manager." Ruki said.

"You don't miss anything do you? But hey, if you think you can do a better
job, there's a stack of forms waiting for you, so go right ahead. That pile on the
table's just the entry form for one person. You want to see the insurance
papers?" he said, his thumb stuck out in the direction of the papers, his
sly expression so cu-, fucking annoying. The bastard.


"Well, anything else you want to hear?"

"Insurance? Um...how exactly does that work?"

"You're 16 right?" Ryo said, calmly.

"Huh? Yeah," she said, a little freaked out, "How'd you know?"

"If you're over the age of 16, it doesn't matter." He said, ignoring her

"You mean 19."

"Legally, but the fact YOU brought up the entry forms-"

"Are you saying I still think of myself as a little kid?" Ruki said,
pissed off. "Seperation anxiety? Shit like that?"

"No of course not, I meant you-" Ryo said, trying to clearify his error.

"I don't need my mother, she can go to hell. I don't need my mother's
permission, I don't her house. I don't need her money or her name or
ANYTHING! I can do this on my own!"

"okay, okay!" Ryo said, arms raised in surrender. "All you need to do is
sign some papers and you're in."

"Fine. Where are the fucking papers?"

"Right here." He said, holding them out. There was bag by his feet she
didn't notice and wasn't there a few seconds ago. He must have kept them
there. Fucking plot device.

She signed them, still fuming about Ryo's accusation. She'd prove him
wrong. She'd prove her mom wrong too.

"There," she said, thrusting the papers in his stupid, grinning face.


"Thanks, if you need a ride home, I'm here."

So the bike was his.

"If you had a bike, then why the hell did you make me walk all the way

"I didn't want to get arrested. Saying you're 19 on a bunch of forms is
easy, but the police don't buy that coming from a girl still in her

"Bastard." She said.

also a repost, I added some stuff though.
Feedback really helps. I'm an idiot who doesn't think anyone's reading
her fics if no one reviews (so if you ever want to so another chapter to
this thing EVER...)