Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Imperfect Night. ❯ Truth In Red. ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: Ch. 2! The weirdness continues.. n_n Enjoyin' so far?

Fic is: Impmon's POV.

Disclaimers: Don't own digimon. :(

Imperfect Night.
Truth In Red.

By: Cheshire Kitten.

I twitched in my sleep. The dark stirring in my mind. The dreams I had were of the wicked D-Reaper and the possessed Jeri. The dreams still haunted me. I could never forgive myself for what I'd done even though sweet Jeri forgave me.

~I haveta wake up!~ My mind cried out. ~It's too dark here.. Can't breathe..~

I felt myself being pulled out of the depths of dreaming and my neck felt warm. The coldness swept upon it and I felt something soft place upon the left side.

~Lips? I'm being kissed..~

I fought to awaken as something sharp seeped into my neck. I felt paralyzed with warmth, then I jerked awake.

Keaira was sitting on the couch next to me, looking down at me with worry. "Impy? Are you okay? You were dreaming."

"I.. I was..?"

"Yup. Come on.. Wake up. I wanna show you my playroom."

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I pulled up my sleeve and glanced at my watch in the candlelight.

"Sorry, kid. It's nine thirty-five. You haveta be in bed--"

"But Impy, please!! I wanted to show you it before but you needed a drink first!" She stuck out her bottom lip and let it tremble as if she were gonna cry.

"Okay.. Let's go. But you're gonna haveta go to be after that."


I grabbed a candle and we headed off toward the otherside of the livingroom toward the bathroom. "This way.." She whispered. We walked through corridors with me asking at every staircase if we were there yet. She'd always reply with "Almost..". Not much of an answer.

I was literally exhausted by the time we reached the end of the third, long corridor. She walked a cuple of steps, then stopped in front of a door. Here we are..."

I breathed and relaxed. "Finally!"

She grinned and opened the door. The inside was dark and lightning flashed through the windows. There was a table at the far end and some huge cages lined the back of them. She led me farther into her room. I looked around, noticing that there was small tubes of liquid in all kinds of colors upon the table. They were lined very neatly. I looked down to see wires all over the floor. They were connected to the table. On the other side of the room laid a small, dark coffin with some wires connected to it.

I glupped down a lump in my throat. "Very nice, Keaira.." I whispered, makin' it sound as if I face playrooms that look like Dr. Frankenstien's laboratory every day.

"Come in.. I want to show them to you.." She whispered as she began to walk to the back of the room.

I followed but jumped as a mosterous spider crawled across the floor. I turned my attention to the right, watching the colored tubes sparkle in the candle light.

"Over here." She called to me and I stepped over to her and the cage she stood by. It was even bigger than me! She unlocked the cage and something stirred inside it. She stepped inside and pulled me in with her. She reached up to a stick and grabbed something. "I love them They're my best friends. I'm their master."

"..Their master?" I shivered.

"Yes, give me your hand."

I breathed to calm myself and obeyed. She placed a very tiny creature in it which I recognized to be a little bat. "Interesting.. How'd ya get it?"

"I captured it. She was frightened of me and the darkness at first but she calmed down. Some are still trying to calm as I just got them this past summer. I find the girl I want and take her.."


She nodded. "They're all girls."

~She must mean the genders.. It's impossible to turn a girl into a bat. Is it?-- Itai! ..Damn.~

I mentaly, growled as I glanced down to see the blood running down my wrist. I realized that I'd dropped the bat in my wince.

"Oh, be careful! You'll hurt her!!" She picked the bat up.

"I'm sorry.." I whispered.

She scowled. "She bit you. I think they're hungry again.." Keaira said, returnning to her soft expression.

It began to sting. Sure enough, I was bitten. Keaira watched the blood flow for a second, then glanced up. "Want me to take care of that?"

My blood ran cold as I gave a straggled gasp. Her mouth couldn't hide them.

~Fangs... She has.. fangs?! She's a.. vampire!~

"No!" I squeaked out, more so out of terror than anything else.

She gave me a puzzled look. "You're starting to sweat, Impy." She said with a curious smile, her fangs glowing in the candle light.

~Yep! She's a real vampire! Why ME!!?~ I stepped away from her, covering up my wrist with my sleeve. "Umm.. I'll just go get a bandage for it.. and.. and.. I have to call Takato.. He told me to call him to let him know that everything was okay.."

She came out of the cage toward me, closing the cage door behind her. I began to step away faster and tripped over a wire. I fell agaist the table, causing all the tubes to shake, violently. I thought for sure that they were all goona come crashing down.

"Ssshhh.. You'll awake the sleeping ones! And don't touch those! I need them for my experiments!" She came closer.

"Sorry.. But I.. I really haveta go call Takato before he gets worried." The candle was now shaking in my hand. "And to fix this bite before I bleed-- Uuh.. everywhere." I forced myself to smile, then turned around and dash out the playroom door. Keaira just stayed where she was.

I ran down the corridors and stairs 'till I finally hit the bottom.. and my candle when out!

~Great! Just great! Damnit! I gotta call Takato! Maybe he can help with this situation.~

I fumbled around in the darkness to find my way to the kitchen. I tripped over a toy of hers and dropped the useless candle. I stood up and continued to find my way to the kitchen. It took a while but I made it. I looked around and the kitten was sleeping, curled up in a ball on the floor. I would've thought it to be very cute had I not been in such a terrifying position.

I remembered seeing the phone on the counter by the back door and raced over to it. I began to push buttons of Takato's phone number and placed the phone up to my ear.


I tried again.

Still silent...

~No! No, not this! Shit!~

I moved and the phone's wire tapped against the counter top.

~The frickin' phone wire's cut!~

I heard Keaira coming across the hall and I slid down against the wall. I clutched the phone tightly, in my hand, admitting defeat. ~Oh, Keaira, please don't do this to me..~

Her shadow fell across the floor and she stepped into the room. "Impy? There you are. If ya wanted to play hide n seek, then you should've said something."

I couldn't speak.

She was holding something that was draggin' on the ground beside her.

"Do you like this outfit, Impy?" She asked, her tone harsh and creepy.

She showed me the cloak and vampiric suit. "Well?!"

I tried to speak but only strange, little noises came out of me.

"I can't hear you, Impy!" Her fangs shimmered in the lightning as she came close to me.

I dropped the phone. "I.. Yes."

"Good." She said, her tone becoming plesant. "Put it on." She took another step closer to me.


"Because.. it's what you'll wear from now on. I wanted to play dress up. You will play with me. Won't you, Impy?" Yet another step was taken and I felt my back press hard against the back door.


"Don't you want to play with me, Impy!?"

"I.. Yes, I do." I felt tears leak from the corners of my eyes against my will.

"Good." She came closer to me and touched my pale face to wipe my tears. "Put this on, precious. You'll look adorable in it!" She leaned in closer and her lips touched my cheek in a soft and sharp kiss. It brought back the memory of the nightmare I had when I slept on the couch.

I reached up without thinkin' and my hand made contact with the door handle. I turned it and the door flung open, causing me to fall backwards. I fell down the doorsteps and landed upon the floor of the porch.

"Don't forget your suit, Impy dear!" She called and threw the costume on me.

I heard the door slam and lock. I stood up and pushed the gothic clothing off me. I searched the ground. ~I haveta get outta here!~ I scanned the ground and found a short wire. I shoved the wire into the lock of the door handle and began to twist and turn the wire, trying to unlock the door.

~They were girls! They were human girls.. She changed them into vampire bats! That's who the folders n' stuff belonged to. It explains the blood as well. ..and now she wants me..~

I felt dizziness overcome me and I fell to the floor. After a moment or two, I grabbed the handle and tried my luck again. The end of the wire got caught in my shirt and I felt the wet spot.

~The potion juice. It was potion! That's why I'm feelin' so sleepy!~

I fell to the floor, failing in my attempt to unlock the door. I laid there, knowing there was no way out. I listened to the animals move in their cages. I laid on my back as colors danced in front of my eyes. They would've been beautiful had I not felt so frightened. I glanced over at the screen and saw a tiny opening in the screen. It was barely big enough for a kitten to fit through.

I struggled to stand up, walked over to it and began to tear at the screen. It cut at my fingers and made the blood of my wound flow harder. I kept tearing and tearing at the animals began to make all kinds of noises. I tore faster for fear that Keaira would come back to see what all the noise was about. I finally, tore it big enough to fit my legs through, then upper body and my head. I fell to the wet ground and dashed away.

I ran through the foresty yard to the front of the yard. I rushed over to the cold gates and shoved, very thankful to find them opened! I slid out of them just in time to hear Keaira yell my nickname from somewhere behind me in the distance. I didn't stop. I ran down the road, knowing that Takato's town was three miles away from her house. I still ran, fighting the sleep urges. My chest began to burn but that didn't stop me. The rain fell into my eyes, stinging them.

I heard Keaira call my name within the storm. I saw an object up ahead at the roadside and realized that it was one of those pay phones that I used to always seen those teens talking on when I wandered the streets. I ran up to it, letting it protect me from the rain. I placed a few quarters in and dailed the number to Takato's house. I listened to it ring.


Takato's plesant voice answered.

"Takato! Please, you havta help!! You've gotta come over here now, damnit! I'm in serious trouble!!"

"Impmon?! Slow down! What's wrong?!"

"I.. I'll tell you when you get here.. Just come.. and help.. me. Takato.. Please.." A dizzy spell over toook me and I fell to the ground, the world around me going dark and the last thing I remember hearing was Keaira's distant calls for me. ~I'm sorry, Keaira...~

~ * ~

My eyes opened to see golden light pouring over me. I glanced around, dizziness washing away from me. I knew right were I was. In Takato's bedroom, in which I'd visited many times. "Keaira.."

"Well.. Goodmorning, sleeping beauty." Takato's father said as he sat down on the bed next to me. "How are you?"

"I'm fine.." I whispered to him.

"You've been asleep all weekend! You caught a small fever." He said as he placed his hand on my forehead. "I'm making you something to eat. Then, you're to fly over to Keaira's house and apologize for running out on that poor girl like that! Understand?"

I nooded. "Yes."


~ * ~

Once I'd gotten something into my stomache and felt a little more like myself, I digivolved to Beelzemon and set off to face Keaira again.

I gulped as I stood in front of their mansion in my gijinka Impmon form once more. ~Okay, here goes nothin'..~

I walked up and knock on the door.

It opened, slowly.

I stepped inside and looked around. Everything was completely cleared out! Almost like they'd moved.. in one weekend.

I searched the house but there was no sigh that anyone had been there. I went to the kitchen and found it totally empty except for one candle burning. I recognized the place to be where Keaira and I sat down and fed the kitten the milk. I found a piece of paper set under the candle. I walked over to it and picked up the paper.

I placed it by the candle and read it. I wasn't surprised to find it written in red ink and this is what I read:

Dear Impy,

Hello again.
I knew you'd return. You knew, didn't you? You knew my little secret. I didn't want to hurt you, Impy, but my parents insisted that I get a new creature. I'm happy you got away, though. n_n

You're the first person in ten years to escape me. Congratulations!

I didn't leave without anything, though. At this very moment I can still feel your blood flowing through my veins.. I left you a present as well.. Go to my room and look in my cage. There you'll find him.

Thank you for not tellin' anyone about me. I trust you'll keep my secret safe? I hope so. Maybe we'll see one another again. You were the best baby sitter I'd ever had!

I love you. <3

I really do. Muchly. Well, gotta go before my mother finds out I'm writting this and flipps out. TeeHee. Good luck, have a nice life and goodbye, Impy dear. :)

Keaira. n_n

I folded up the paper and placed it into my pocket. I dashed through the house and all the way to her playroom at a full run. I got to the playroom and walk inside. I went over to the cage and looked inside the opened door. There in the middle stood a stuffed animal. I picked it up and warm chill ran through me.

~Our cat..~

A/N: So, what'cha think. Not bad, huh? Impy got out just fine. Turned out better than expected. I went back and corrected the mispellings and added a few more words.. ahem. Thanx for your reviews, have a nice day and Ja ne! Sweet dreams! *n_n*

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