Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Koji has a crush ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi it's me thanks for the reviews. I'm so glad that you're reading this now I hope you guys know that I'm telling this story okay. And my spirit will be revealed soon. So as always read and review. ^^
Chapter 3
“Here we are!” Nanamon said.
“Where are we?” Sakuya said.
“We're in Rosemon Village.” Nanamon said.
“Really? Wow!” Sakuya said. “This is very beautiful.”
The houses looked like big flowers of different varieties. There were Nanamon, Palamon, Lilymon, and Rosemon everywhere. There were flowers everywhere she had never seen a place like this it was beautiful.
“What's wrong with this place like this it's beautiful.” Sakuya said looking around.
“I know it's beautiful, but we have to water it each day now. See look what's happening to this place.” Nanamon said.
The flowers dried out all of a sudden then a bunch of Lilymon came with water from the lake to restore it to it's original state.
“Hey what happen just now? Why did it wither like that?”
“Hmm you see our village stayed liked this all the time we didn't need to water it. But then oh come see the elder. She'll tell you everything come on.” Nanamon said running.
“Wait up!” Sakuya said running after it.
“Hello elder!” Nanamon said to a Rosemon.
“Hello little one. Did you enjoy your drink?” Rosemon said.
“Yes and I met someone.” Nanamon said.
“Who did you meet?” Rosemon said.
“A human her name is Sakuya and she's nice.” Nanamon said.
“Hello my name's Sakuya how are you?” Sakuya said bowing.
“Hello, how are you I'm Rosemon the elder of Rosemon Village.” Rosemon said.
“Can you tell me what has happened to your village?” Sakuya asked. “Nanamon here told me that you didn't have to water your village before so what happen?”
“The little one is right we didn't have to do it. Our village stayed beautiful for a very long time we never had to water it not even once. That is until Cherubimon came in and started to destroy the digital world for data. Our village used to have a beautiful lake. Our village and the Biyomon village used to share the lake. But now we have to go to the lake that's faraway from our village to get a month's worth's of water. The Biyomon village was our neighbors and friends, but now they've changed. They became evil and they took our lake water and stopped the river so we would have no water.” Rosemon said sadly.
“What happened why are they so evil?” Sakuya said.
“Churibimon is controlling them. They were never evil until he came. You see tourists used to come and stay here all the time our village used to be combined, but now they've made a barrier to keep us out. They think that people liked us better.” Rosemon said. “But that's not true people liked us because of our flowers and they like the Biyomon because of the flying shows they gave.”
“Oh, I see you have to get water from the lake there. It was mean for them to do that. Have you tried talking to them?” Sakuya asked.
“Yes, but every time we did they would boot us out.” Nanamon said.
“Well it's time to make your village beautiful and make it stay beautiful.” Sakuya said getting up as Nanamon ran up to sit on her head.
“What do you mean?” Rosemon asked.
“I mean that we could find a way to get the water to come back here.” Sakuya said.
“You mean it.” Nanamon said.
“Yep, let's do it (stomach grumbling) Ooo! After lunch.” She said holding her stomach. Rosemon and Nanamon started laughing “Come we shall feed you.” They gave her pears.
“Here you go. Enjoy.” One of the Palamon said.
“Hmm! I love pears.” Sakuya said as she grabbed one “Thank you.”
“You're welcome.” The Palamon said. She bit into it and it tasted like chicken.
“Hmm! This is great. This tastes like chicken. Like a real chicken. And this one tastes like hmm a pizza. Molto Buono.” Sakuya said smiling as she ate pear after pear. A few pears later she burped signaling she was full.
“(Burp) Excuse me. That was delicious! Thank you.”
“Your welcome.” Palamon said.
“Now it's time to save your village.” Sakuya said getting up. Nanamon scurried to her head.
“Where's the barrier separating your villages?” Sakuya said going outside.
“It's in the middle of our village where the river used to be.” Nanamon said.
“Okay let's see how we can fix that.” Sakuya said.
Meanwhile Junpei and Tomoki went to the train station to find a Trailmon to get back home. When the Trailmon ate the chocolate it left so J.P. saw some other Digimon and asked them how to get out they said they didn't know so Junpei gave them some chocolate and then they started to chase them.
Hi so that's the end of chap 3. So did ya like it? Did ya hate it? Huh… (cell phone ringing) huh hello. Oh hi.
Me: Hi it's me the authoress. I'm going to be taking over for a little awhile since Sakuya's too busy talking on the phone. So review and I will see you next chap. Bye ^-^