Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Koji has a crush ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi it's me Sakuya again now that I'm off the phone with Kouji (sighs dreamily) I can go back to telling the story. I decided to give the authoress a break. Sorry it's been awhile since I updated I've been really busy so I'm going to give you guys as many chapters as I can type. Now before we start disclaimer time.
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon or any of the characters I only own Sakuya. I REPEAT I ONLY OWN SAKUYA.
Oh yeah one more thing thanks to all the people who reviewed and read it. Now as always read, review, enjoy. Here we go! ^^
“blah” talking
/blah/ thoughts
Kouji has a crush Chapter 6
Guardramon looked at her and laughed. “Yeah right I want my water and my barrier back. Now my followers attack her.” Guardramon said beckoning his Biyomon forward.
“Flowing Tornado.” Kasumimon said blowing the Biyomon away. Guardramon looked shocked.
“If your heart is evil there is no way you can beat me. Your heart has to be purify form all the evil that has consumed it in order for that to happen.” Kasumimon said. Guardramon trembled in anger and attack her. She dodges the attack and did an attack of her own.
“Hurricane Rain!” she said as she hit Guardramon and his data ring appeared.
“You were once mean now you can become good once more Fractal Code Digitize.” Guardramon's evil data was sucked out leaving a confused Guardramon.
“Huh? What happened?”
Sakuya turned back and walked towards Guardramon. “You were evil, but now you're okay.” She said smiling then her d-tector started shining “Fractal Download.” A big field of data came out and started to change the area. The barrier remains disappeared and the two villages became one.
The Rosemon village flowers came back good a new and the Biyomon tree houses became new and the river came back along with the lake the villages return to normal to the beautiful way it was before. The villages cheered Sakuya smiled then fell to her knees breathing. Guardramon looked concerned as Rosemon came over with Nanamon in her arms.
“What's wrong?” Guardramon said.
“Are you okay?” Rosemon said.
“SAKUYA! Are you okay?” Nanamon said. Sakuya gave a tired smile and stood up.
“I'm okay it's just that being a Digimon takes a lot out of you.” Sakuya said smiling.
“We can't thank you enough for helping us restore our villages.” Rosemon said smiling.
“Yes and thank you for cleaning the evil out of me. I'm sorry about how I acted.” Guardramon said bowing to Rosemon and the village.
“That's okay.” Rosemon said smiling.
“You've saved our village thank you.” Nanamon said smiling.
“No prob.” Sakuya said smiling back then felt herself being lifted.
“Make way for the human that saved us.” Rosemon and Guardramon said as a group of Palamon and Biyomon tool her through the village.
“Please, please it's nothing. I had to save your village it's nothing big really.” Sakuya said not being used to such praise. Nanamon jumped into her arms “Don't be so modest please enjoy yourself. You deserve it.” Nanamon said smiling Sakuya smiled back.
“Okay if you say so/I wonder if Izumi and the gang are having this much fun. / Sakuya thought as she was being carried. Takuya and the gang wondered why Kouji took off and the gang went to the Candlemon village.
After saving Takuya and them from the stinking Digimon Kouji hung out in a field and sat with his back against a tree.
/I can't believe that I had to save Takuya man some leader he is. This thing told me to go to the Forest Terminal wherever that is. Man this world is strange I mean I can't believe I turned into a Digimon and everything else that's happen. I'm going to miss my parents' anniversary and giving Sakuya her tour. Huh? / he blushed as he thought about that.
/Why did I just think about her? Man this crush thing is driving me crazy, but still it's nice to have a crush on her. She is nice and pretty and…and… / Kouji fell asleep with Sakuya in his thoughts.
*Dream time*
Kouji was in a field a big filed with flowers and a lake. `Nice field' Kouji thought. Then out of nowhere a big Digimon came. He grabbed his d-tector and once he had it the Digimon knocked it out of his hand. `Oh no I'm done for.' Kouji thought as he tried to get his d-tector, but was attacked. He closed his eyes waiting for the end to come, but instead he heard:
“Hurricane Rain!”
He opened his eyes and saw a mermaid in front of him. A beautiful mermaid smiling with half closed eyes though her smile couldn't be seen. She got his d-tector for him and put it in is hands.
“Here you go.” She said smiling. Kouji looked at her blushing. “Thank you.” `Wow she's beautiful.' Kouji thought.
“Excuse me, but who are you?” she giggled “I'm...”
*End of dream*
“Huh?” Kouji woke up. He punched the ground /Darn before I can see who it was. Who was that mermaid she was beautiful. And she…/ he looked at his hands touched his pocket his d-tector was still there.
/Her hands were so soft and she smelled of ocean water. What I wouldn't do to see her again. Wait a minute Kouji that was just a dream and dreams…never come true. / he thought as he got up.
/But still it would be nice. / he thought as he walked to find the forest terminal.
Sakuya was taken to the villages and given a flower crown making her a citizen of the Rosemon/ Biyomon village. They had a feast and they taught Sakuya the dance they use in festivals. It took her awhile before she got the dance, but she's still not perfect.
“Aw man I'm still not perfect.” Sakuya said.
“Don't worry you'll get it.” Nanamon said smiling.
“You're right.” Sakuya said smiling back. They talked and feasted all night. Later Sakuya held a sleeping Nanamon in her arms and smiled thinking about what happened that day.
/Man what a day. I can't believe I turned into a Digimon man that was strange. This world is so strange and yet unique. I wonder where Takuya and the gang is at. I wonder where Kouji is? Aw man I won't get my tour or finish unpacking. Wait a minute did I just think about Kouji just now. / she blushed.
/Man who would've thought that he would take over my thoughts so much. I mean he's nice and not to mention cute what do I mean he's very cute and his eyes are so…are so…/ she shook her head to break from the daze.
/Wait a minute calm down girl you just met him, but still he's very cute./ she smiled and blushed as she thought this /I think I have a crush on Kouji. It's nice that my first crush is Kouji. I wonder where he's at I hope all of them are okay./ she thought smiling as she fell asleep with Nanamon in her arms.
That's the end of chapter 6 wow to think Kouji would have dreams about me. The authoress and I want to thank all the reviewers and the people reading it and who has been waiting so patiently for an update. She never thought it would go so far thanks. Until we meet again in chapter 7. Bye^^