Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Koji has a crush ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi, it's me here we are at chapter 10. Wow can you believe it we're at chapter 10. Now I will tell you that something sweet happens between Kouji and Sakuya. Please don't tell me how corning this is because I tried really hard on this. Okay? Okay (deep breath) now here we go and once again thank you for all your reviews and support and this time for the disclaimer Izumi will do it.
Me: Thank you Izumi now here we go as always read, review, and enjoy.
Here we go. ^^
“Blah” talking
/blah/ thoughts
Kouji has a crush chapter 10
“Aw look that's so cute.”
“Aw how sweet.”
“Hey let's leave them alone and find some more pears.”
Takuya and the others woke up smiling at Sakuya and Kouji. They thought they leave them alone to spend more time with each other. Sakuya stirred, fluttering her eyes open. She heard the soft breathing of someone. She saw the jacket, and recognized it. It was Kouji's Wait a minute…the arms around her waist, the soft breathing heartbeat, the gentle breath on her head that was…Kouji. She blushed when she realized this. She looked at Kouji he was still asleep.
/He looks so calm. / She pushed some hair out of his face. She then looked at Kouji's face taking in all his features. Then her eyes landed on Kouji's lips. Her heart raced when she thought about how close she to kissing those lips. Those soft, inviting…she shook her head. /No, bad thoughts Sakuya, bad thoughts. /
She looked at the spot where Takuya and the others were sleeping. It was empty.
/Oh no they set me up again. I'm alone with Kouji again. Oh no. / She thought as she began blushing. She felt Kouji stir, and open his eyes. He felt something warm. He looked down, and saw Sakuya. He blushed when he remembered what happened last night.
“Morning Sakuya,” Kouji said blushing.
“Morning Kouji,” Sakuya said blushing too. She looked at Kouji's arms and turned away.
“I think I'm gonna find more pears.” She said, getting up, but something was holding her back. She looked down at Kouji's arms. They didn't move. She was being pulled closer to him. Her chest pressed against his as she looked up and Kouji had that look in his eyes the look he's had at the stream. Sakuya looked back at Kouji with uncertainty in her eyes.
She turned her head away or she tried to as Kouji turned it back. Kouji didn't know why why she wouldn't look at him. It was like she was scared. Scared of him and what he would do.
“What's wrong?” Kouji asked as he felt something wet on his hand. He looked and saw that Sakuya was crying. She was crying and Kouji felt hurt.
“No!” Kouji looked at her she was hugging him.
“I'm sorry I didn't mean to cry it's not you. It's just…I like you I really do. I'm just…afraid.”
“Afraid of what?” she looked at him and laid her head on his chest.
“I'm afraid of my heart being broken again.” She whispered softly as she hugged him. Kouji couldn't believe it someone broke her heart. Why someone would break her heart he would never know. Because if he did he would probably hit the guy in the mouth.
He would never break Sakuya's heart. She made Kouji feel something that he's never felt before. He didn't know what Sakuya had to done him, but he was glad that she did it. But how could he tell her?
He lifted her head gently with his chin so she could look at him. She looked back tears going down her face gently. Kouji took his index finger, and wiped the tears off her face. At this Sakuya blushed and looked at Kouji. Kouji started to caress her cheek with the same finger and she relaxed a bit.
Their eyes locked as they got closer and as their lips brushed each other as they came together for a soft kiss. Takuya and co. saw and silently cheer. They didn't cheer loudly for fear of being discovered, but they were all happy that Sakuya and Kouji kissed and discovered how they felt about each other.
Sakuya couldn't believe it. She was kissing Kouji, her love, her wolf. This was better than she expected.
/I can't believe it. My first kiss is my first kiss is KOUJI!!! His lips are so…soft. / Sakuya thought as she wrapped her arms around Kouji's neck.
/Wow my first kiss. So this is how it feels. I'm glad Sakuya's my first kiss. She smells good and her lips are really…soft. / Kouji thought as he pulled her closer. After a few more seconds they broke apart. Their lungs demanding air they looked at each other with longing in their eyes. Sakuya rested her head on Kouji's chest again as Kouji's head rested on hers. All was quiet nothing could be heard except the occasional chirping of birds.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the prettiest of them all?” Ranamon said said looking in her mirror.
“Sorry, my queen, but I must detest there is someone prettier than the rest.” The mirror said.
“Why the beautiful queen of the deep Kasumimon and the beautiful queen of the air Kazemon.”
“WHAT! Listen here suga there is no one prettier than me.” Ranamon said outraged.
“I beg to differ m'lady.” She turned around to see who that voiced belonged to it was Mercurymon.
“Auggh! Who asked you Mercurymon.” She said and turned her attention back to the mirror.
“But thy mirror is correct. There is someone prettier than you. Thou just don't want to admit it.” Mercurymon said as Ranamon scoffed.
“There is no one prettier than me.” Ranamon said.
“You know there is someone prettier than you you just don't want to believe it.”
“Can it Duskmon. No one asked for your opinion.” Ranamon said as Duskmon went “Feh.”
“Yeah mirror be right there is someone who prettier.”
“Aw great the peanut gallery is here. Shut up Grumblemon. Got anything to say Arbordramon.”
“Yeah that mirror is right, right?” Arbordramon said Ranamon fumed.
“HOW DARE YOU! ALL OF YOU I'M MUSCH PRTTIER THAN HER! /I'll show them I'll show them that I'm much prettier than her. Let's see how pretty she is when she's gone. /” Ranamon thought evilly.
Sakuya and Kouji were still sitting in each other's arms loving what happened to them a few minutes ago. Izumi and the others decided to actually leave Kouji and Sakuya alone for a few minutes.
Sakuya still had her head on Kouji's chest. Listening to his heartbeat, taking in his fresh clean scent while Kouji still had his head on hers running her fingers through her silky long hair taking in her jasmine scent. Sakuya sighed contentedly. /This is great, but I think I should tell him how I feel and not start crying again. /
“Kouji…Ididn'tmeantocrylikethatearlierit'sjustthat 230;well you see…” she started, but Kouji put a finger softly to her mouth quieting her.
“Shh…That's okay I feel the same way.” Kouji said smiling and blushing.
“Really? Because it was really stupid the way I just cried like that and…” she was cut off by Kouji's lips. Sakuya's eyes widen before slowly closing as she wrapped her arms around his neck responding to the kiss. When they broke apart they smiled.
“I know I feel the same way about Sakuya and it's okay to cry. There's no problem with that.” Kouji said smiling. Sakuya smiled back and hugged Kouji. This was like a dream come true. Kouji like her like she liked him this was great. Kouji hugged her back smiling against her hair. He had never felt this way about anyone. This feeling of caring this feeling of happiness was so new to him and he liked these feelings he liked them a lot.
While they were hugging a plan was unraveling. Ranamon called three Divemon and a Sludgemon to attack the group and nab Sakuya. She had bribed the Digimon with a date and they were pudding in her hands.
“Hey is that her?” a Divemon said.
“Yep, it is, and who is that?” another one said.
“It's one of them he's in the group.” Divemon A said.
“I've found the rest of them. They're over there.” Divemon C said.
“Let the plan begin.” Sludgemon said smiling evilly.
Izumi and the gang were looking around the forest making sure not to go too far. Takuya and Izumi were going crazy. They wanted to know what was happening between Kouji and Sakuya, but they didn't want to be caught spying and be chased out of the forest. They were stuck between a rock and a hard place. Izumi started pacing, “Izumi calm down. I'm sure everything is okay.” Takuya said.
“I know, but I want to see WHAT'S HAPPENING!” Izumi screamed and continued to pacing.
“Come on Izumi, you know they're okay remember how they were this morning. They're fine.” Junpei said.
“I know, but I still want to see. I mean Sakuya had a crush one time, but let's just say it wasn't a happy ending. I'm just really happy that's all.” Izumi said looking up at the sky.
“I know you are Izumi, but you have to be patient. We'll know when they come through here looking for pears. Come sit Izumi.” Takuya said patting a spot next to him. Izumi smiled and stop making her little trench and sat next to Takuya.
“Yeah you're right I guess I should take it easy.” Izumi said.
“Yeah Izumi, take it easy relax here have a pear.” Tomoki said giving her a pear
“Thanks.” She said smiling.
/ How come she won't sit next to me. / Junpei thought. As she was about to bite into it when a horrible smell hit her nose.
“Ugh! What'sh that'sh smhell.” Izumi said holding her nose.
“I don't know what'sh ish that smhell. It smhells like old fhish.' Takuya said holding her nose. Then the ground began to rumble.
“What's that?” Tomoki said as Sludgemon appeared from underground. Sludgemon looked like an old fish covered in mud.
“Who are you?” Takuya said.
“I'm Sludgemon. Prepare to meet your DOOM!”
“Not if I can help it READY GUYS!” Takuya said taking his d-tector out.
“We'll show you! Pyro Tornado!”
While the fight with Sludgemon was happening the Divemon were starting their plan: Nab Sakuya. Sakuya and Kouji were sitting there still hugging when they sensed something.
“Kouji do you sense that.” Sakuya said hating that she had to get up.
“Yeah, I do.” Kouji said removing his arms form around her waist as she stood up and Kouji put on his jacket. Then the Divemon came out of nowhere.
“Who are you!” Kouji yelled.
“We're Divemon and this is the last stop.”
“Not if I can help it. Ready Sakuya!”
“Take this SPEAR BARRAGE!” (A/N: I don't know any attacks.)
“LOBO KENDO!” Lobomon said as he hit one of them. The one snuck behind him Kasumimon saw it, “AQUA BLAST!” she said as she hit him.
“Augh! You're a tricky wench take this! MARINE SPRAY!” Divemon B said as a spray of spears came towards her.
“KASUMIMON! HOWLING LASER!” Lobomon said as she got out of the way and the laser hit the spears making them fall on contact.
“Flowing Mist!” Kasumimon said as a shroud of mist covered them.
“Hey where they go!” Divemon C said.
“HURRICAN RAIN!” they said together hitting the Divemon.
“Kuso, where are they?” Divemon A said looking around. As the mist started to clear they saw the two figures.
“THERE!” Divemon A said as he hit Lobomon.
“NO! LOBOMON! TSUNAMI TYPHOON!” she yelled as she hit one of the Divemon, but then in one swift movement the other two Divemon grabbed her from behind.
“NOOO KASUMIMON! LOBO KENDO!” Lobomon said coming towards them, but then stopped when he saw Divemon A hold a spear towards her neck.
“Come closer if you dare.” Lobomon stopped. He couldn't do it. He couldn't have Kasumimon hurt.
“Any closer and the girl gets it.”
“No, Lobomon get them I'm okay really AHH!” Kasumimon screamed as they pulled her hair enraging Lobomon.
“Aquarian Mist!” Divemon A said as a cloud of mist surrounded them.
“NO! KASUMIMON!” Lobomon said looking around.
“LOBOMON! Let me go! Let me go! AH!” he heard Kasumimon scream as the Divemon took her away.
“KASUMIMON! KASUMIMON! NO!” Lobomon screamed as the fog cleared and he saw them take her away. He jump up and tried to get them, but Divemon A hit him back. They had covered her mouth, but she wiggled enough to scream “LOBOMON!”
“KASUMIMON! NO!” he screamed as he saw them take her away.
“NO! KASUMIMON!” Kazemon and the others screamed as they had come too late. She was gone. They did their mission they nab Sakuya.
Oh no Sakuya she's been kidnapped! Poor Kouji what will he do? His beloved Sakuya has been taken from him. You don't want to miss the next chapter. ^^ As always review and thank you for the support.